GRAND OPENING OF THE Roller. Skatilig Rillk lMayard Street Xmas Afternioonl 2 o'clock Equipped with the famous Richardson Ball Bearillg Skates Coliseum Band in attendance Afternoon and Evening Beautiful Decorations and Elegant Refreshments ADMYISSION Afternoon 100; Skates 15c Evening 10c; Skates lac -Wardrobe Checked Free Evening Session at 7:3 _4n THE MICHIGAN DAILY A Triumph of Art i a indrv work is wht everyone calls 1~t i-c tpiit of ihis estabslishmrent--shirts, (son~ar'. cuffs and all eise washed without tearing. fraying, ripping ofi of buttons; stitching not too little or too much; froot- ing without scorching, or otherwise ruin- ig oli everything io a ioan'siwardrobe t hat ought to go into the tub. If your friends rant tell you about our work, phn s. We'll rail for and deliver the -oodisl5aiidlliur ivay lof Icing lip things will Flii for itself. Vek.rsify Lak.indry 117 S. 4th A-ve,.Both P1%oraee 925 After Paying Your Tuition Fee The next most important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready to be seen. TlAR eTTERS TO liEN and FURNISHEFRS 5e 709-711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. As well try to smoke a pipe without tobacco as to try to i spend a comfortable eve-ning at hom e w ithout an "R & W ' mk n a k to o n i g R b Until you have enjoyed one of my House Coats or Loungsng Robes you don't know what comfort really means My representative can show you a coat just ssited to your tasie; colorings and fabrics as4 quiet as you like or in others as bright and warm ,as a July morning, lost ask LINDENSCHMITT, APFEL & CO. Hot Lunch At T-sttta's, 338 s. state FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Aan Arbor, Mich. E. ). oe, Prle-. iHarris~onSousie, V. it W. Clrk-s, Cashier Caiipinnital $00.00 i u'ic.nd oi uts.140,00 .RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet? Yes can procure from him a coupon ertitiling yus In one dozen $4l.50 Cabinet Photos and an extra picture for mse in the Michigan- ; ensian, all for $3.00. GAS STUDY LAL1PS $2.50 Each 10t0 Candle Power tor 1-3 Cent per dour Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. ilockiug Valley Ry. l:ONTI.INUI+s IS ll, ls i isilishi T1RA1IN S1+RPVIl(, von will full Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Steeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toledo and to- lumbusr S. E. CLARK, 32 ICampus Martins Detroit, Mich. tRoiINGiiOURUNFAEDoriiiP (TtJi-rien -i DEiIIS ART STORE anidliave thiemfrasme with Choice Moildinss Only 'the Best ,French (ilas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. Ginas-es repaireid. Eves. carefully fitted aiid testei. GORGR HIALtER, MaiSt. Stuidents'iaiips at Deaii & Co.'s, 214 S. Mauisireet, $i.5ocanull$2.5o. Best lampsin ciyct s~lfc lrof ers harU F I UI i. S \ lls 1,1 lS. .1.111 ifS. S liRi iscllel-Irs ad nilcipage 4, ti Saiisfactonixtailoiriiig atisatisfactory pir ie. Fller & O'Coiiiior. 6i9glE. Wil- iamnstree. if If you ire no particiilar, go to arnv 'ii 'liu -rp1 ci; liutif youiiwaultimhe re iom cto lexnmere & Co., Henning lo~ck. cod-ti FNZCt'RSlI)N RA 1'11(SFOR SICUDiNT' NMNS VACATmIlOi .Accioiiti ilmililnyVacaitii, itie Aciii :rboicr ranliiroadiwill sell exciursioin lick- its lto situdents reseinlg certiificnte signe by .scretary of iiiiversity. cil I ecesIi 1ev 20, 2i and 22, gocid forre- turiieuuil aniiinicliidiig Jauiii8ia. i oiiiindioie-thirid fare for ithecriund tri. 'lickets niill lie sold tin nil piiits in ii iciiigaiii.also Citral, IWesternu. Simithiweleru iiiindSoutiheastriii~st \\1 ' FlO) I -,aiii oricgeiiileiiin iof fir/ eiuciinuItneok for -short ime at $2.oo)per- dayfoir reliabilefiiiiii ] rs J. S. Cass, 342 Souihl Fouri-ili tie See Reisceier's dnil pa ~ge 4. Hig cffer. tf Michigan pins, fobs arid spons. HALtEn'S Jewetax' ScOnE, MaiSi. Renisciucler offers brinrii. See his ads-. on i)ge 4. if See Ri-uuscimleuri d nilpii geC4. tf Il lrn cupI siit m, -i I Mil i ii--cc. II ilrentiasa ,cro .' Ciiirally limcaeid. 6o- i\i i iriu -ireet. (i8-3 Chocolate Creams Rubel & Alligritti Chrisnmas paca frt .o suinProm eeie re al-tointhunsanee~nltn AT QUARRY'S Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, FiftihAve. NiewlPiho n 4,tBlliPhoneti451 Campus Barber Shop 0. A. MOE, 705 N. Uni% ersity Ave ~r~3=1a l nrightuonrFlat Cla s i aresotweJueermy slier ne. heyreinrodeof PURE SILKoweb-rntmrcrriedaioton, and coii ur 2g .reit-.a pair. iso rihercate hai t rigt c lrl asp. r F5recnmfoet -ndlongiwear-risistiipn BRIGHTON FLAT CLASP GARTERS All - Or Dealers Bl y Maill PioeeSuspendeC. Mokers ot 718 Mia.rtreetsr, Pioneer Phriladelphia. Suspenders. Allegretti Chocolate Creams We have the exclusive agency in Ann Arbor for the Original Alle- gretti Chocolates, 60e per lb. El, E" CALKINS 320" So..tb. 11State Str-eet lit>A. 'THE CLOTHIER, MAIN HLRStiu JLsuttex'Sx'On, SII~' S tUI 'F C A S E; S, S tI,7'i'Ithme college jewelers. t 1>S. S Ill' CASES. Estabilishied 1858. ,iMiai St 'll U IIA'RlhiONT(' ORCHESTRA. Hililveth's genuine vens-el hisses at Cirsliiii's. .Addi-is I;. I. Hates, manager, 8o8 ---- --- - Sioith Fouirti avenuie. Phones~ Bell, Siis pressed. 2,5c; trousers, inc. ii6-. 0; 11Ionic, a89-red. tf Poller & O'Connor. ti Esiperti Jewery&nailWateci Repairs. l~trge comrfiirtabile rocii. HalO. ltele- vrni i's J eely Store. Iplone. fuirnce, iho twaler. 1224 IWash-I t eulaw. ie loc iiik ifricampuils. (4-66 TheI Aim Arbnor Press (formerly Pur- . v & Sinyder), printers cifItie Michigan 'Try Phelps' Perfecticn chocolate pinfs Danily, 'ilie Aluiiiiiis, Inilarider, Yost's arnd drips at Cushing's pharmacy. -reiltlioioin in footblnl, ithe Technic, S. C. A. hianiiboiik, etc.., eli., are printers'+ Watch, jewelry and eye glass repair- to thie studenit olly ri7C. Wash ing-;i by skilled workmen. ion street. tf HAILER'S JEWERYsvSTOsE~ Main St OEOROE BISCHIOFF FLORIST Choice Cant Flo-were anad Plnate Chapin St between Huron end Cilier Ace. Phone ttO La Mega The finest clear Havana 5 ct. cigar in the market. -AT- MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 S. Main St. Save a Walk Down Town Get your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Buy your U. of 11. Pins where they keep a full line at tine Lo w es t prices. No . poor stock inuourastore. -s' No th in g charged for a loooking at our goodsoor 0 - ge tt i ng prices on repairs, etc. 'Alarm clocks $1.00 and up Call at the right place, opposite Law Building. J ..CHEED, stl oStreet it _ AWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OFEVEFRY- THING IN TAILORING