7 THE MICHIGAN DAILY GRAND OPENING OF THE Coliseumf Roller ISkatifig M~ayard Street Xmfas Afterilooll 2 o'Clock Equipped with the famous Richardsoll Ball Bearillg Skates Coliseum Band in attendance Afternoon and Evening Beautiful Decorations' and Elegant Refreshments ADMISSION Afternoon 10c; Skates 10c Evening 10c; Skates 20c Wardrobe Checked Free Evening Session at 7:30 I I lid ------------- ._ i ... .®,_ I Magnets that attract PATRONAGE ARE A/Quality and Price The quality of our Suiits arnd Overcoats is, we think, well enough known to require no comment, but do you know, that our prices are based on the closest possible margin of profit? REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL 200-202 Main St. i GAS STUDY LA1P5 $2.50 Each 100 Candle Power for 1=3 Cenitper Hour Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS coo , . i jt f i I 1 !' I mwmmx We Sell DIRECT To YOU BAILEY & EDMUNDS rD1W' 'c c ; lof.naryes x coolwill beopen for 121 ast Liberty Street. I , R N ERS1oos ocoI . islemelsiveyStst ho tl -n eetolo1kaiu n 1 tean Campus JBarber So 0. A. MOE, 705 N. Uni, ersity Ave at Wholesale Prices SUITS & OVERCOATS $14 to $30.00 118-120 E. LIBERTY STREET RANDALL I- -I: HAS."°" RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet? P H 0 T 0 G R A P H E R You can prtcuenteem kim a coupon ettling you to tne dtzen $1.50 Cabinet Photos and an extra picture for use in the Michigan-D );;, I I _I \('SIOiN LTII\'llSFOR W\atclh, jewelry andI eye glass repair- S,' I )l'''S' \ :\l1 A VA\CAbTl'l(Ila by skilled workmen. I IALiiUR'S JP WtLt5Y STOnr, Mains St. scmitll la y issl i , the An siged 1 seretry o uivri 5 t.iion Il ) S(11) - ' , 2 11( 2 ;)) o e STurnunil and inclu i J aay , t ciass cofortalel roomt. Balt., tele- bn1 f i ic, hot trait r. 1224 aIt oile lsohsick froo casapais. 64-66 Illichigan in its, fobs atnd spootts. I sliER's JrWLtIR ScORtE, Maitt St. iRsns.clelrr offers bargain. See lila sid\'. inipsine .4,tf ALLEIN.'THlECI.O~tJ1ltR, MiA IN S'l'HEEI' - S L' 1 T C A S I',5. S L. 7 CASES, SLI'IT CASES. IlE IHARMJONIC ORCHESTRA. Address L. 1). Bates, manager, 8o8 Soth Fourth aventue. Photies: Bell, toO6-J ;Hotme, 289-red. t Expert Jewelry ad Watch Repairs. Arttold's Jeteltry Store. 'The Attt Arbor Press (formerly Par- ker & Sttyder), printers of the Michitgan IDaNy, 'The Alumnits, Inlander, Y ost's great took ont footbsill, thte 'Iechttic, S. C. A. hantdbaook, etc., etc., are printter; 1o thte studettbtidy 117 H. Waslilis- ton street. tf Try tPhelps' Perfectiotn ctocolate pttffs tttd chtips at Cushittg's pharmacy. i ANti BOWLiNG S. ROTIENSTE[N, 707 N. Univ. AAe. tN~t tfANC t Geo. J. Haller- ML Co. Wettiins r t our51555 its iii. its '11 155iiir andfunistu DtLUILS ART SIORE Used. 223 S. Mlain St. ii I 5 555~~5155. I I,csi's w>1RJeicuySott , Mait iSt. Thc college jewelers. W\\ T Fil.-I- ,asilly. sic gcsslists ci()fEstalishedi t188 f ir e s "sts is t() ns kfol sholt (Imi l ti $2.00111 1 sits. foal- c Iile 111-1rut I-S. 1-Ililetlis geninlte velvet Ikisses at .. S iss. .42 SMtslsF itc iii Ii ctlt. Eisliltia's. Scc Is stscltlrr sid ciiipige 4 13ig wtls pressed, 25c, troutsers, toe. ofer t Fuller & OConttor. If I 1 BEFORE CHRISTMAS BARGAINS Going Out of Business Sale CUTTING, REYER &CO. are~ cluitag sut th-'it'ei iett Ic fIs'tOo thin ,. Glents' tFarnishaings, Bats, Cat)s, Bags, Suit Cases, Etc., atad at's inaking iprises mwhl~ will.iti sc the goaods a. utica. Theair stock o1farnishtins is the most cotmplete and hit- in (ha sihy. Theseasiisasrs' t ia t foe this fall and winter's trade and are of the latest styles and patterns. See the Prices All $10.00 to 12.00 Suislt, $7.50 All $1.25 Shirts, 84c All $12.50 to $15.00 Suilts, $9.50 All 50 to 75c Vner-wee -, 42 All $16.00 to $25.00 Sult,$l4 to $16.50 100 dozes% Llrxer Hesndker-chiefs, 4e All 50c anald 75c Neglgee Shirta 42e All Linoen Collmrs-4 ply-10c ALL OTHER GOODS AT EQUALLY GREAT REDUCTION CU'TTING, RE.0YE.. ( COMPAN'TY 109-l11 E. Wekshistori St. I I La 21ega The kinescleart[Itvis isist. ciocig itin the tioiilrkt. A'MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 S. SMain St. Edison Mlachines and Records Victor Mlachines and Records OLD DISCS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE SCHAEBI3RLE & SON 11t4 W. Liberty St. Ano Arttor, iltict E~moch1 Dietetrle Embalmer and Funeral Director Ambutance-Calls at endent ay or night. 210 S. 4thAve.: ltcssits me 'stoilt,4515. AnnitArbtil. U BORGE lBISCHOFF FLORIST Choice Cuot Flowers anud Plessuta Chapn St between Humon and Piller Ave. Phone 800 1 fi tJ -1 I J r c op, YOU CAN BE THE JUDGE1 of onr laundry wot'k instead of taking one wored for it by this simple procedure: Lnt ns know, by ealling, dropping us a postal, sending us a matssenger, or phoning us that yoouleant a sainsle lot washed, starch- ed aod ironed and returned to yottr doer. We will collect the goods, do the work and returtn the finished wearing apparel. 'T~tan you shalt decide whether or not you fancy outt style of ltandiering. lair, isn't it?~ Vew rsity Lih .sndry 117 S. 4th Ave,. ]oth Phoases 926 U ~ rr II'I After Paying Your Tuition Fee The next most important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready to be seen. TAILORS HATTERS TOfIEN Henry and RIHR Kyer 709=711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. I U ~ a i ALWAYS AHEAD IN 1MIL WARD, TH 'AILOR THE BEST OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING