THE MICHIGAN DAIL Y- co s SPALDING'S -FOR 1906 Edited by JAMES E. SULLIVAN PRICE 10 CENTS A.(.SPALDINiG ea nBROS. \i tiatork Chicago ihile phi e lner eSyratuse Minneapoii si, Donis BIlnlao (innlait Boston Kaensas City SaiFancsc 1,iiiore iPittsburg W1ashiingtioni Noe trleans Montreal, Can. Lonidont, Eng. spalditi~'s catalogue nof all athleti c sot; mailed free toany address. H USTON BROTHERS Su ccesasers In JA .W. REED, 312 S. Stt A Fitne Aitorirentof Sizes in theimprorc td dx'"S ro itaiani Chocolate Creams Alad b Rtubel & Alligritti -- + i~ 1 ~esae. .. nn..: '0++4t+++1A~n I ANN ARBOR RAILROAD e~t CICAL MAS GFTS ND STEAMSHIP LINES. 111 1. IWs4~.r Rodsoed Rat.. to all Poltato ffo- f Fo An an Eve Ma an BoCHRISTMAS ~ Fo An andEvey Ma an Bo VACATION.. . Here is a Santa Claus Store-a sensible Santa Claus Store-a sttre _ a 4brim full of things that will delight the heart of man and boy of whatever , *",;. Traps. Lease. Aes Arbor- j* age, and not only for the passing hour, but for weeks and months to -come. +I Going North 9:05 a. m. and 4:35 p. an. We invitb you to come and see its countless treasures in all their glory._ Going South 7ei >las. m., t ~.a.adelpo OUR FAMOUS HAND-TAILORED $100to+ST TIRYAnnWArh.eWMLnS, .SUITS, OVERCOATS, RAINCOATS Ge+'lPaist. Agent, Algent, ' Fur Men and Young Men, at allprcsfomOle .;r We av eu~st omletd urciaes roin hem arktelldwephoneaiT eay:wts ai r Hel penel3honeom pone08 I ooein.. itiat soiaed iiva iledl-deaijpresents toeyiiurseliectioee a gatleerteeg if high-lass i Gs tl aen rcc it ail potihe-mienute,"ientfulletcvorieey eel styles. ilotheesanee c ~ts. ®o ° a - priced i c\ecy istancto iassorteiiniequallediluier. Tocm~ A+ MOB'is Hollde_' Futr-t lshlimso Yucr hts I t riiyeliiiio'{ ~4for E, lso& Cci., LxKaN & &tCo.and3B + w u LrN. Ai PIPES, alto for ST ACY'S & SIAF.' ~ftoe chocolate BON-BONS. + R. E. JOLLY. Stat. St. Vit Ai C I AIOIN iLS. Glasses repaired. 3=4i 7 .T., T nl[ - 1 T.,.,r ,lies- re.tI,, Ilte. c(l ~ret-qP3 i suingeprie e lue neC". Al QUARRY'S H A LF-TO0NE S and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor Savings ank Blok The Ann Arbor2 Savings Bank C aptal scktt5e,000. trlus, dil0tietd Reurce,$,250,000~td A General Baking Bsins Tansancted Urrecens: Cla . tiscoc, Pert;W. i. IlarrimaneeVice trsnl I. .tFritz, Caniee U. of M BARBER SHOP Trojonowski State St. to t 1d SHREDDED WET ALWAY IN 5EASON extent the spot and ei e' lee eeeporanceaofproper ni tneed rei efooeds tiate saify aeniistregtheen isflt Shredded precisely fills these rqir- eent, toeeerresoetit is mdoftheientirecbwheetberry, hchaaenaienenrcneccegtiiee- en nd upuilding teoereso ieaneayoheriood. QlItci n he chemical elmnes c- curd tr sreg,eegyc. mucle, bne andetisue. Ilis alastiemely ecase ie can bc prepred in hndrd oway-- wte milk, cream, futveec- tae, ec. Q1,Attact take i wit0yo, and prepre i accord eigotemaeyrecipein "The Vita Qeostio Coo Bok," whclie send re. Q In plec tf read oe Triseut, the wole wcheae cracker, mwhice i frbetetnebead or eat I, e ompac and easly carried. Qry"Toateed ricit and THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY Niagara Falls, N. Y. UJNIVUI(srIY INOICES. Oni ciurriedt erlofiproeticeclicae ti \ltcti iCnt raile w illselli redueced erite ii) tuentiulr las eie;, ( teethdl. relnti tic ets t i i tya d d ',["! paylicil ,)faidolar 11th 1aeIi liii t Genet, tDectiiii 20 2tan e2, e TheY,\ k ~u pcjialcar wll Ccliii I ' k),ictit iieitthe.,te iteit th 1 l o 1il tt i r c°.a. I 'it, fIc 112l lI t-i 1 11 1 1Icc l I linl cItei i fcis ar ch, dsecei ia l iv the ietcr fc ice isiiii r- '1i Iro hci otic I I t eelcgy p rie ' i i l t e platce atth it . it ti t picesi . 1lcgc t. 8: S 4,; lee 12 tteectI7-6(i GEORGE IJ ALLER, Maino Si. Stuidenets' lampstalDeait & Co.'s, 2t4 S. Matt sireet, $i.poanatd $25o. Best lamipsin eecity. tf Rtchel~tetr ffors, bargtein. See is iadv. ienelige 4. tf SI, I ,,'\. ''I I C EtH?'1111 ER, MA I N Sd l? II'-N EIt C KS\VE1A R. 1I L' C i,*ERS. filf)VES. Sec Cctiitchlre eeadieeepage 4. Big offer. tf If ieee are ini teeti of a tite pair of shoti.etoretruebers caiii at Ajeritto since st,SWashintgloistreet. not-tf Stiisfactory taiiloritng at satisfactor) prices. Fuller & O'Conntor. 61g E. Wii- liamete ret. tf I ' ? ' ti 1C c till ieeti'",1\ ' it 212 il. [,()tiT e>s; rIVC(I in ic>r>>>ati<>11 see stt ne clttl l c>ttse. Reward for return. q?? S< tith state st1-eet. Seeii ticiicle , itt cite liepge 4. if I Sec Rcentltchlcer' adi citpaege 4. if i I I .O~ALMON BEST ALASKA RED SALMON S Per Can, == 10 Cents Per Case of Four Dozen, ..=$4.60 te In 5 Case Lots, Per Case, = - 4.40 214 sautth DEAN XCO.Acn Arbnr ?Mn lcSt. Micigan Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other personal property. r Watches and Jewelry repaired.'- Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 231 E. Liherty St Ann Arhor. Hourene,t1to 3:30and 7to S p . ALL BUNESSo eONFIDENTIAL, JOSEPH C. WATTS , f '+'+; .;. r r +*t +*r s*t f*e f* *t f*1 i 4t F i i +r i thzk ver shoes $3.o50= $4.00 FINE LINE DRESS SHOES Brighton Pit Casp Gnrters utweareery otheer krind treeto onu. Teyaremadef PUERE IL( ebi-nt rceried cottn,and east but2,5cets apair. N otergrtrr lea the Brigtn fltoc lasp. Frenomtert BRIGHTON FLAT CLASP GARTERS AllN O or Deales a. ,,4 y Mll rli..nrtapnedele... Mnernne niKeenre., Pioer Save a Walk Down Town Get your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Bay your U. of Pl'. P1DB where they keep a full line at the L ow es t prices. No a poor stock in our store. 9 No th in g charged for ® blooking at our goods or ge bttin g prices on repairs, etc. Alarm clocks $1.00 and up Call at the right place. opposite Law Building. ilockinig Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE Ton will fnd Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carson Day Traina Seeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depoto in Toledo and Cs- lumbue 9S. E. CLARK, 32 ICampus Martus Detroit, Mic. Allegretti Chocolate Creams We have the exclusive agency in Ann Arbor for the Original Alle- gretti Chocolates, 6e per lb. E. E. CALKINS 5201 Soth Stat. Stre-st -For Women-Patent Pumps, Snade Slippers and several' 43I fine styles button o nd lace patent shoes. For Men-Patent Pumps, Patent Oxfords, and Patent Button Shoes and Oxfords with fine Military Heels and on the new Potay Last. \WALK-OVIER SHOE COMPANY Factory--Store u.R .HFFSTETTER, M~gr. Sole Agent Everstick Rubbers 111 S. MAIN ST. I '+ r r r r i*a We have a few of those Fine Panorams of the Ilichigan=Wisconsin Game left . At $2.00 Each, or Framed, $3.50f BK ALEXANDER & CO E. HURON AND B O.CFOIURTH STS. WEs ARE NEVERR UNDERSOLD---GOODY1$AR'S DRUG STQR14