7'; THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of excluoive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special style for stn- dents. 0G. H. Wild Co. 311 S. State St. Gifts A Michigan Calendar--.501 THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Exntrd a eoned clas mtterat theAnn- Arbonr Pnxtofice Published daily (Mondays septed) during the olegeyear, at 11y East Washington street. Bell phone 092. Hle sphnex76. \laxxagntg Fdi tor. 5...(1. 0Piecec Managing Editer, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS EDITORS. Athlis .........larences E. Eldidsge New............Louis D. Stic-kney Exlag ......C ales Et- . i- Vinstead Mlstc ............A. 11. Ortmteyes Woen ...........Efift J. Arstngs EDI'TORIAL STAFF. lut-I Allent Franklin C. Fat-ks brthur C. Pond. ASSOCIATES. Gertge A. Osbosn Il at-ld C. Smsith J. Karl Ogle, Jr. Gest-ge A. Barns Ferr-tis N. Stmith Frtattk J. ClarkI Isbn-ItIH. Classy IHenrty A. Molntgomerty ). 5F. Stesnss allet-Metzeenbaumt Glinna II Iladiry John It. 'turz- Ray V. Lunil Floyd II. Jottet RATES: $2.5s per year, er 5.se it pais is advnce. Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager. 2365S. 12th Si.. Phoene 849 L. 'tUI '11 bY. I)IScI1:_ li~id io,. 19(1. Edittor today GlEjN N TI). IBRADIEY. CALENDAR. Dec it -Uivttrt-ity- .St-tttixitxatoyces tra int Univers ity hall. bal taml a l titr Catttxtaieti to folowxx atd-inte-tadi (f ptting W\aliter Et-bryll at fullback tilcd itmt at qatert. Hsat nybody ttc no ticedltato-s ttmeilln draperies-t \the windowsoteeadn GE ' t"T-i-tER xx-citgofthe t m- xtlttxxxb tt-totmilt- tes iftthexvartioitt-cprtmenttt-wtas c m it-tt ittyatpoicttt t- t aJx prcetiious- meeting wer Itt-I- itt a pir ic t all it- tcttmtitt dea mntietate antedltttt Pidtentt-Ippan.Thetl.wNit-ti.tteey temc bitommint-sI11Iteef -oingt-I-matinae- netrai~tlt-itiheit ia. Nlit-ititetion1111 astakll-bc-nusetoftthedivestt opin A myotn as ntcariditoarmgotoTus-t pateogawiach;dhte int atxctits henso cointas oitAemoa-is llhCo., enin hISNt-k.sod-If cq CI; iNIIlNC TIiCK ETS. t i tit-e il iy it- it-f titthtengieer-titg clasli-thelctiotn tinitg tace t'\-dsc- dat-. )csxxtr : Ftat-president- Fred P. Pt-t-i.. C. Ft--co-. Fornice -cesidcnt--- H. Laxtrettc \Vixtttct. I t-it-ist Pot- ntct-atv- J. 11. Sag. J. 1. O'DeaI. \VatrectIt(. Scly(. R'. 1.Ntontt. Jula x MeadSitt t1 T.A. Peatrstotn. KlmetrtcG. Fittlcr, C. O. Johxnsonx. Fcraxk C. \Vcst. IG. R. iichatrdt- it iCt-C,E-lT-ough mstaketaci- cycl (i Etgtc iwast. acttycnstcday ater-c hcixscjtttnotitx enix. mOxx-fxxce Axxia- beixxttte-onewas lto.n ertt canttishtaiv- I7 . \\asingtunitreeitn. xxFORn x (R1 xclix-T-oclargeiarlcxxitxh nint r snxgt-letoom. Ccxintrallytlocatd, Ft-It-tit- latest idcasxmxxphoogaphy coxetoinAexandert & Co., Hnniing St-cRetxxst-elr's-xad ott pags 4. ii STATE SAVINGS BANK W. T. Bsot Jno. V. OShea Wm. Anld lD. V. C. Vaugan Ja. ii. Wadse FIF. Mills N. J.Ke Jsn Haarr n. Koc Prt. H. S. Calmrts Dan P. tZimernxerxtChritilan Martin ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.0 !'aliy Oasaacateed Or Dllas Ccks are te bst smads for tsenmoney. Fins wtchx repairtg a specialty. J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St. Ping-Pong Photos 3 6 PHOTOS FOR 25c04Pstos. OLD MORRIS STVDiO 116 So. Min S. Ass Arbor D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY FeerlDtroit, houtrly frosm 6t16sa. utinli9t:ll p ssthIttn1115 p. nm., 1::46 a-tin-For Ysi- anti only,16:15 p. n. and It:l6 a. a.Fo Jackssn LImitsd at 551 a. I. Ixocas ft-tom 6:1 a mn 101:1a.nxmllxhen 145 as ms F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gass and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH. 207 E. WashingoneS' 11 ~ itrn FUNERAL 0.iM. Martii DIRECTOR Offie 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 9, Residence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 AMBULANCE ON CALL A Christy Calendar--,---$2.50 T e i deitatl tI , tinewpae" iythetit 1111 APopular Novel----------- 1.08 cat-n tofIt-if.t-i edcd .N Snettihait asst d Gibsnor Christy Drawins... -4.00 itttty txtnd ilone 1more1 I l itlyxappeatrs' Poems, Lisp Leather bound-- tit-jus it a " liin, I w ttlesomeitti tninti -------- - $1.00 to 3.50 nt-tx- r.- Frm h iztzy ttind Bleautifully Illuestrated Special o journism it-it in et Iupxtbytx mttn bertc of Elditions of Classic aid Pep-. theilt- stit nn ewlit ape-ri 1111 iy illi t. te t-t-t- ular Wrks -.-. $1.50 to 5.00 filarnstaffiin1returniniitoithettasit-ini rise Stationery .is geautiful ithinh ecllny i en ed1 from 111 Boses--------35c to $3.50 ktttt sit-t hartixt cticl iltin -i tad ti g iri i itornitil ii saiiy- tttt-t htie giftsthatwe itt-itadltua ui lfTht-t ali forsii t iti iii siw ,yu.+ tre da"s 1, e ti lt-iI asi-i hesp t t hey'11 knee-hocxTheyi wert-li ncerl it tei Students' Bookstore horoforwelyitenesar 0T~~flflPclass. The 1 in istlatht--ixiiat t-itt-I of thehateffotsti . it-ithti il tclxiiit- Fidalst baardlltde'rtfeamit We sin havea NiceLine Neve fies m xth- itlt-t at bset atll udilttii t DA L N Of t1A L A iiti-i-- i-i itheit wrer. Thin t--itt-itmade Boib honea- 22.226 . Slae S unsuspeci ting iti itc t-n f-fakesitt-nt-. Book Bargains $1.50 Copywrght Ediions 50 Cents 'I'l" l-exrrfo, l, o r h li-1ltit. A ( 'eawPri~eex- io it tilt alriii laii-Glbtit Adte. MieSran O-hrkTises Equni u Good Oniy"tt-Im40-1,llatt 50 Centstrm IlimEac lmh. May dterTilsl ualya SITIABL CHRISTMAS GIS [OR LAWYEiR AND STUDEIN It u-tx-ti 51 mvittii (it-i1c l. ,o itt I St-Ibbotttill ittntctvit Iuitut- in ti ntiin, n ii 1.0 13o- st ititi i lt-andt 1 I 1 ui-i 111 Bench and i Pl-iit- I 1ii \ii lttit lit ~ o tille', lit-b : in Jti~to ita J tiii. tcilt o . ... . . - i Cy lpitt 1. -1111nr, N] O, lxiiti-r, , ti rn~lT il I iti.i . ..t ...i . ... ... .... .. utu3 .n C~rcn ka Suhcripioti one)ea titio 2 t itt-B foreandattutu II, lii. Holad it- nceofit-. S rndi ncx , tilt-ti Silt- ... .. .Si IHom tu ~tutComonll i i ico l . . .-ti.. . .. . .. . l3 0 Ket, oil titiit STta s, iol. . 1 5-0o1 1 ii,' i Il c ii S _f olIcSithto-. i-lio Knlsacad PWprs h r illent s olsoth.nirriatedface but it isan quickly th P soohdb thlenlather ofslahr.... so Vonisll 00.00Coain andPoits60l00 Dei..a onraif hanL.iS.t8Nesnsss astdPa 3WprenT tellTosn -sand a~ o lsi. Sast .rpe .tRese .s2sn at00arrnd Iapw''hard aba 3. Kuasr, Feet.. . I. Tn..... Vice-Fees. n.a.ti~on. olt. 2.;.0ts~su At 'ACRIGAN CENI AI "hNigrFalRot"Chicago Buffalo Boston New York -Through Trains East-I.18 a. in., 2.40. p.m. 4.55 p. m., 930 p. et.1it05 p.m. Locals Ease-s.05-a. inIt Ii 0a. . 40 . Through TrainsoWesto2.07a ttt,,7.58 a. a., 9.18a. mnit-.33 p. en 10.20 p. na. Locals West-224 am., 0828 a. m., *1.40p. * (xepat Sunaeyls.) Cosnerctisns a1 Chicago tsr 51. Louis, Kanasas City and theo Wost. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann, Arbor Announcement of the Students' Lecture .Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 :NUMBERS:REMAINING JeromeK. Jerome Chas. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Riffs t- . Jan. 16 F. Hlopkinson Smith ............ Lorado Taft - Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12 Pros. Alderman - . liar. _- SOUSA'S BAND -. Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers - May 2 Oratorical Contest Open Number - - Tickets for the 1M ntire Co,.6 rse - $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or .frome Student Sellers Seats reserved-50 Censts Extra-at S. L A. Box Office, Main Corridor,. Univsersity:tHall, beginning October 30 SINOLKM ADMISSIONS $1.00 'S. L. A. Plosn. 552 Office Hosurs: 4-6 Daily (Saturday excepiec SENSIBLE GIVES Are thilngs permnent anidtuseful. Waterman's "Ideal" Foutain Pens are stanldard gifts, and always appreciated. As to our slot-k of Moore's "Non-Leakable Pens-our stock is nearly exhausted; just btcause its good points have been appre- diated at once on inspection. CtFor your brother-a Gillette Razor or a faultless Cravat. Here are Keiser Cravats from 5o cents to $t.5o. Thley are the best. Here are Pocketbooks, Watch Fobs, Swagger Sweater Vests and Sweaters. (1jf you want Banners and Souvenirs, such-l as Sotuvenir Spoons aind Pins, we hsave them also. At the CO-Op. THE STORE OF THE STUDENTS i"' _ _,_. BILLIUARDS 5TIMPSON 6& 5TIMPSON BILLIARDCS