2 TI1It MICHIGAN DAILY . ..._.. v,, YOU CAN BE TlE JUDGE Boico 'ots Uno 5 iit'ii'si'niof00o01 lau 00(ndr ork instead of taking our D RES RT SOREword for it o, this simople procedure: Let D[[h[SARTSTO[ s know by alhogt dropping uts a postal, ..;., sending ns a nessenger, or phoning us, and hove thow framo'd that you want a saiiile lot wasnhed. starch--21 with tCho iouldigs s ed and ironedl and ret)))neil to your door. i/ ___ OnyteBa rnhOa3Kreturin tihi'fiinsheil wc ring apparel.r:-t- Only he Bet Frnch Gas3 i lien von shall decide whether or not you Used. fancy ouii stile of lauiidein. t ale, isn't 223 S. Main St. SVarsity La..i.~dry The distinction that comes from .-, 117 . 4t A~e. Bth huisn ~ being a correctly dressed man insyours -by asking for my mark. And that JVST RECEIVED does not mean being extravagant-my sci isii (,Cass if Id eliiio After Paying Your Tuition Fee creations are reasonably priced. The next most important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- WAISTCOATS TROUSERS 3 YI LAK1ES tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now "MACKINETTES" TOP COATS POPPED AIDE AND IIONEY ready, to be seen. TAILORS 1 Reasonably priced at my representatives Scan 1c Pckge HATTERS TO 11iEN H e n and e SnadlcaPcae FURNISHERS i n y 7ye 40c per Pound 709=711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. QUARRY'S The Ann Arbor Savings Bank M~r ' O Capinta1 stock. Sf5100. Srpins,'200,ilil Rienonrces, t2,2nn,00n H tL n h A Generael Banking Business Transacted Judge for yourself by asking _________ At Tuttle's, 338 S. State. Urnieriis: Chais. F. istoels. Pres ; W.il. LINDENSCIIMITT, APFEL & CO. i/ Ohio Centa LinesHS RNSHE' ersnaiecle DIRCTLIE AS" "_ ENSCHERS epesnttie aledupon You yet? - F. J. "SCHUH TOLEDO to COLUMIBUS You can procure from him a coupon entitling you to one dozen $4.50 Cabinet Photos and an extra picture for use in the Michigan- SANITARY PLUMBING ProCasoalTrisensian, all for $3.00. Vas and Electric Students' Supplies Parlr Crs n al TrinsA SPECIALTY __________________________ lNCIOSfN RA.TES 1F(1 'ci 1) NI'S AISS V .cF.' SCHUH', 207 E. Washington St' G SI UNIVERSITY NOTICES. _ Hokil VleyR.(i{lil llll ccisot holidayc aion, the Ann oa IM. Martin UNRA i Iiitoo t l -i-ons i nt of rtifcliato e sOfident 02. 4 h Ave. Phone 8 T D gM i %a os c. sge y.treayo nvriy nR sdne32S t v.P oe:14 iO INIi 18i lJl5 '' I Iiiiiil O iiIi t ii l lien 5 o 1 t nd 22 gool iire OMUL N CALL TRA IN SI (S lCIll Ir I th l il Y l otg cpes turnlii iii t iiiniiluiingog Jaoar 8. ______________at______________ L I PSUion eingioio uiithilo e ga 6:3, ~c andiil-tehir rtefirfnte riiiiii Youwiliind rip Tckesiilihe olitoalNponttWe cry thiii' unit t4in o r 't'l'itoe Hillbe ttahd oii ai tit 2t; Ato: up ls i oilli' on ll iiiiiii g 'c & FINE LUN)Cigres a 0 ill lii iii iii. it~gll, alo Ceiiral Oe eri 05 ''iIO e ti"iti~rtn E c lo ;o 'lln cl t itceit, I ls Siiiiic- i i ad SiiiDic omestic ijoirtilas. A ernipleW Snullt i iteit nd outeasern} aset line o aln i nnhi Wamls. RWe are agents Four Trains Daily .5.cb' P1Ifr PMan oit nxs .toAttF3t From Toledo ll l it lirehiti s itii , il1beifilled I 0i ll 111I)Ii ''cTS (R' ANGERi'S . R. E. JOLLY. Stte St. I) te co oflacaton. rdercmutti Crrying Paror Carson Day Trains !100nCandletPowerifortalc plaeoatiiheiD. Y.iA.lA.iJ.sRAILWA 1=3 Cent per Hour Th clit rmiini aniiiii iil he s ttl t he I iit'ii~~i ~l tls 10 t ts .'.A .J A L A Seeping Cars on Night Trains Sv yeih, oe to l sii t iiililsisttt .t tttC.1 i'stiitascantiilNwtY'cat'ssea. owisiT in Save Eyesght, Holl y Mits I ialacommttee,.allthe depart v or trot ist Iory tiot:1.in. nft5a 1 And Trouble [ etutu ris -ii ii" oiloth rvn tte. t ts a I" .. Isisn 1 t15P.Ini.1 :43 a inm totr'Y st- - ito It2- ouclock. 07u-68 is nanti only, 110ti.'rnie, si t-s::wit ta. 1 rots Union Deotts in Toledo and C.o- jit llilcmc g M ndyngtlcsn i ie t>Ii. Il. 1oasfo at cok i h li l hio -iututrooisi - - - :o ia it toii12:. I. thn 4':15am ANN.1 ~jARBOIR GAS S.CroeBrlett is iou stwill fairuatonttotuorka fi Soit timthas' i Campus Martius ~r n iesucit, T iCtGod J 'c Ctiss 32 SthiliFourt e r. Detroit, Mich. \Nol sCratitu- tuilttc o trip_________________posgraduateof_____Sealriout"-M-'ci" gott -tt-_l Brigtlonit ClapnGaoilsotwe re te L tiiiioitii ofiCicagtoo. 'cle htsts ii o t er liratty-.FEilay- tfts'rttitiitt PRE SILsebi-nio trce i e ttn, anI __________________I___co nst ht25nt siasair. NIonter garter -pet cn iale il ie it'li t ratv-el andtRI ewaO.t C.'. 'Iitltt l'l022 SiithltSttte as the litigi tonititlas. o rnit oPn r t Ma egai niiiisliiliti iiiii andtis prluineitni'u i ootsttet hn ,s l, 6l7 anuidong wa-insist upon 'he inest clear Havana 5 ct cigar in igshQmnttc hehs ile-n- Wth jwlyanFAlasrpir R G T OCAS the market. poi t S tmein and ii IEnglsc lt ug lip sillei wrknet. -AT.FATCLS MANN'S DRUG STOREI. II ii 1itunusllihtliettnct'JtttvSo, anS. GARTERS-- - - 213 . Main St,. 11 S)F ' V C'ASIll)N RAT.tES Ltrg'.cotmtftrtale tioom.thtsi.o __tele-phonefernists's'.htwatettot. 224 'Itiscls GIEORGE BISCUiOFF (IIsrrnero 1ritrSeti____th_____oelckfon ___ri. 646 A 5. S tluu'luu''uuuCestur-l uhill etllrestutcet tte _________________illerOs FLoITituid lpti us t niv 'lesity tattd te Mihigan pins. fos and spoons. Daes a ~ a~ By Mai ChoiceasCst Flowers and pl~nta louslus l'.stitecmbetO21 a'uutl22. hiluti HatER'S JWEttRY SOn, Maitt St. r'1 ,St O pnSt bienhrnnditlrA'. I SIC'eutral. ~'c''sernu. Stutl et'steoutand See Rettchelieie's ad o page 4. if opzndMeC. Map an Phnesa8_____ aisk.aPine RECENTLY ENLARGED Ssiuuth ci i I ',urscioutieesttcuiatioinute- -' - ________. P tiniin. 6sloied e. SITdro.c sklbuttttep Iontk seter ALLEN.'I TE CLO'11tIER, McA IN Save a Walk Down Town 25,000 Now Words and Phrases ;t i c uts ut st.lDetemtito1 uonlyct,.gittoldIfir'5S'l'tliE't'SC'I T C A sFS, S5.U CTIT New Bographical Dctionary ttoius i-tt'ttinda. f CA'SSUIT CI CASES. Gt your Watches a nd Jewelry ndiuti.0by S.'. tineris 1511,LtI., I ' - repaired at the Right Place 230 QuOnrira Pges 5000 tIututsirutos uulttee r agiti e i 'a ~nnJsstnc C~ at nAlegretti tiuy your U. of 1l. Pins Ahno websro Collegiate Dictionary euls01 cut e 4 tf The college jewelers. wherec they keep a full lilt P~rso. 110 ltit tion. ptsge ocoate line at the _4J L ow est DeRogoterEdiion toiloti w1er tnaita.-Esalsiee88 prices. No dI t1 poor stock 8Or Lne R, lin i hit.a.nito-toi L,01'fS T n Souithitli Cisesitv avenuie, ea 1 in ue store. :ns N o tIthf0 i REniigo-e5 si's iat psii~ tus fsitutiutpts tuttd tisilvet ail file fildet's geineu velvet kisses ati r t--S ofarged fot' - kngatFEE °~w ~yxnk' otti gotods or g ett i n g G. 6 C. MEPLRIAM CO. o Ittl ttleat ecas icdertu please reunitCsinttg's. trices on repairs, etc. Alartm clocks Publishers, Spinfield, Mas, it10lDt.roosiia ttBarbtuerututgymo.----- We have the exclusive $1t00 and uip Cal at the right place, GET THE BEST -- ___uispesd,2crusrrcaec nAni ro opposite Law Building.1 The Attn Aor Pess (formerly Par- Pller & O'Connor. t for the Original Alle- IS=.ttsEDE34 Sout er & Snlyder), printters of the Mihgn -________ e t .eSehtDaily, The Alunnus, Ilander, Yost's THlE H-ARMONIC ORCHESTRA. gretti Chocolates. [dison Machines and Records greattihook ott footballth e Tchnic, S. 60e per b. Enoch Dieterle C. A. hnsdook, ec., ri., are piters Address L. D. Baes, manager, 8o8 Victor Machines and Records to the sudeituoty 117 E. Washitg- South otht avenue. Phote: Bll, E.E CALKINS Embalmer and Funeral Director ODDSSTKNI XHNEtnsre.t 06J oe 8-e, t Ambolac--Clicattesded day or ight. LDDSC-AKN--XHAGEIn Dee.tI t66J;Iom,28rd.I 21 . t Ae: eidne ae SCH'AEBERLE & SON Try Phelps' Perfetotn hocolae puffs Expet Jewelry and Waeh Repairs. 3201 south Stats Steset Phone 404. Ann Arhor. It4 W. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, Mieh antI chips tt Cushing 's pharmacty. Arnold's Jewelry Store. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE, BEST OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORIN(#