TUE MICHIGAN 1DAILY for Art anld Skill in Iailoring Call on. SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HVRONY STREET MONEY [OAN[I) andalliiih ass Chat' e W. J. LOVRIM 1041 1tt Ave psit t ott ous Ttwo doors ouotht o e . 1.A. OFF I (OURS: x:30to1:3: 1t BursiessStrictly Confidentia Vacation Opportuinity Students of the U. of M.- ladies or gentlemen--who desire pleasant employmeot at their homes for part or att of their time doriog tihe holiday vacation, by which they can easily improve their finsancies, will find it to their interest to call at Attsn Arbor Garment Co. Third floor. MACK ( CO. c soi SPALDING'S ATHLETJIC ALM1ANAC,~ f - FOR 1906 ~ fjt Editted by JAMES E. SULLIVANJ PRICE 0 CEN, PRC CNSA. 0. SPALDING (&t BROS. Exclusive styles and extra values in Clen's Suits and Over- Dete s S yrac use Mineaoit coats at the above Price is our specialty. st, Ltts B fftottats 'itoititi Itostott Kansas City SanFrnic ttatltitttte tittsborg Wtstitost Non OiranssMontreat. Otas. ,onidstts. Otto Spattiti. 's ttogue of ai t lt i orts omaidfreertoaoy titress.________________ T TIthtattttos fst . to t h rcit ave B1LL iARllS FR OM THR FOLEES. tbeentls. Thetotalciptii: 1a toosre $ t I .8. 4 W itse ottheepesesi oay e 8380.8 nito t ecei Sucesorsr to IA X. REEOD, 3t2 5. State tNI. its-illt, stfl i, (S Ping-Pong Photos ""rd a(dC1lifztriatttit't'sitiet, ttIll rt tMsi$t.rn~c)o PHOTOS05FOR ( o0 ssstwe lthe oW-O sl)(]!. o's t~r orititti t ots ttelttlt o 3A s 4 Positions . 5C1ue ~nc ~o Aosgu- a rnnc ectywiesai" OLD MORRIS STVDIO "11;11(1 ameakeof te insttttsottf t ocl ie erta iy \r l 106 So. Matn St. A Ar bo ho ttto tOp1, w s tcetly elec'tedl sap- y\a rsdlto h'I~ ls n U. of 1M1 BARBER SHOu(P :11,. 111 ..h; toots i1t halfbac ed. t, Trojonowski State St t111 ttttul ttttttt otttit\- ibt tt itlit Th' txIen oin which thegnrlbi It C iaoeat el, th lr o tlrpc and i:1te ettrtttort of ithe'grosiste o nssNi W . tttitst C. F.NIc ZINC ETC H IN GS 0ss(ftisya aebengetrO he0y col Lower in Price Better in Quality ~A I~~ Ask A. M. SMITH - ETAAARDSALMON Sin.Abrsig ekok Per Call, _ _= -= = 10 Cents Per Case of Four Dozen, - $4.60 BILLIA RDS ~ In5sCase Lots, Per Case, - - 4.40 AD214 Souths DEAN l& CO. AnnArbor BO W L I N G~ Main 5t. Miichigan S. ROTTJENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. AAe.- "Allen's for Quality" kLLLENF The Clothier- .MAIN ST. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINEN. Rsdseod Rats, to. all Peesots for CHRISTMAS VACATION . Trr .ixvee Lsa.ovs Aeses Arbor. GtongNorntt 0 a. in. oandt4:35p. so. Gtos :outh ;'::0a.ttn,tt1:t5ta. m. andi':51tp.nm. Gen't Pass. Agetti, Agenet, Toleo, hio Attn Arttor. Mich. Bellphon I3:-lt om tit o ttio69t8 If tou 000 tot parioslar-, gotto otto FIRST NATIONAL BANK itltots'titler;, jttt if ytotu oattt tire btot omeisotoAexnesir & Co., Ientin01 ofonArbor, Nich. btlock. cool tf It irmtttttt is.o I tiost out le NV See ifosts'Ioler's o patt too tiiapitattt$toootto sanD 0 itt Iroits. o40to If yott are itt oeeod of ofiteoptirOott Rox e's Laund ry sitoes or rubtbero tolt at Nisrill's.soe ottt'o.t.Voltisg sit tod. o t Thomen Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Fifth Ave. Sastiofatc'tsory itilss'it. at satisfacittory Newott t 7tBelto, ttott tts It0t -I. prile. .Fuller & IOIConnotsr. ft p E.NVil- litttt streetl tifI NSURt10A N 5 Soo ioiso'Ios'oot ttpto o Geo. J. Hailer- tm.CO. ofe.tf s fr~ ttt sstto ts t15 tttt Efl lasss repatiret. -Eye's catrefttlly fittest aitt testesd. GEORGE IIALLER. M~ains St. RANDALL Soe's isltchleo's dott not t oa i . f P H 0 T O GiR A P H E R >tttttait _..tal .tit « tt It- t., t. 0., - Ot S. Malts street, $s.p o ottd$2.5o. Bost latnsintscity, tf Rlfts'lstlet ioof sotogrtitt. So'o'h11 it. t tOtl c 4. [ NI~i,l')K. '1 Ii". (I'C1111 171-MI N' Sec iftssoo'ttr'o adiostpage'_t. I1I0 ORIEN lAL BOWLING ALLEYS NOW tW .'N 1.11l. IARDS attdt f1001, fltight a cii Cli APP ; 'ITBA C CO CliA 1Ff [I_-S CAN iltS Ftc thse Holdo's i li . .. A AMP COMPANIONj When yost go into camp, or start on a huntintg,fihinig or any othsr kintd of a'trsip, the importancr of youtr footd // consideratiso- Sothercwisr yo00 L. the apprtiter Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit should go along hy all mrans. It is quickly atntieasily prepared, anti is splenditd in cosm- bination with milk, cream, fruits, vegetables andt lots of other things Yost cats prepaor it in a different way for evrry mral--a wel- come rrlief from monotony. It sitlltdoyou lots of good, too. 4, It is matte solely otf the whole wheat berry, ansI contains mtsse strength and vigor ant vitality thtan oloy other food, es whole wheat is consposeti sf all the elements which enter into thse 'ontt stntuction of the human body - mutsles; teeth, hones, tissues as welt as seat o:ttd energy. 4L, Write for "The Vita/ltt~nes.onj Cook Bok," free. 411,Trlscult is a wi sln wheet cracker. Better for toast thansbit n.d ansI fine with butter antI cheese. Corissa tI endl easily carried. THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY Niagara Falls. N. Y. a .... 121 aw-xd 123 Soxocis Ma;tr% Street Clothing, Furnishings, BlatsadCp All the Newest in Paddock and Sturtout Overcoats. Suits in Double and Single Breasted. Fancy Vests Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes Gauntlet Gloves A FULL LINE OF SUIT CASES. ASK TO SEE OUR $2.50 CASE WADHAMS ft CO., 1214123 Main St. Co Upysos FIliST-CL $2.00 Steam i tt n t SiUNDAY IiNo Vamadse Campi. U1. A. MOO 3 220 222 S OUT"I STATE Street )OKHOUSE sitour ianRoust Sqaret LAS. IN ALL BRANCHElS $2.50 $3.00 ,rtt ElettoinAol nigttearior rEs A SIALsTisY 500sEachi ' lip enI G..J., .s Barber Shop 705 N.lUniversity Ave SUGGESTIONS "ILLOW TOP of the ball Team va Nice Line of Novelties vCG & I1AI.LEAUX 224-226 5. Staie St We have a few of those Fine Panorams of the :XMA S Flichigan=Wisconsin Game left y A P At $2.00 Each, or Framed, $3.50 4 Fu i g HENNING AEI'AJ~I' . HURON AND weashv +. BLOCK A EX ND R C. 'FOURTH .T..~ ARJ S *ar +.K. D4ARL+ +I~-~ toh hNs WE ARE NEVER UND4RSOI4D---GOODVEAR' S DRUG STORL4