4 The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, D 11Cl ilI II 1,79105 VOL. XVI. No. 67. AMII ERS' T WAND GAME' Massachusetts College Plans a Western Trip and Is Anxious to Play at Ann Arbo licigan witll play the1 Amhet base-1 bal1teamat Ate Arbor ot la 122.1pr iting the negotton1s1now pendng ar satiisfactot ill 1011cldd. N11,1tlh ford1. Jr. of Ntmhrt, as i Am Aort yesteray1to 11fe1 ith Chaie 111ird11 tc(director 110s111 Chicgo andiiMr. lilatchfildleftt 1fo1r tat it)las t it 11, hope-. 10110osetetiealithtte01)) Duton tta hr t m1111r1 idV clleefct awneasoynitw(IfAmh0e1.t1s1o1ldgnite 101h0e100l1d gametith ChicgoI an Tist iahefisttie anyiollege eist111 ~ftieHsnhta011I undergl itaken ttttoifc dei the wties t t isl0111ievdtheogameif 11 pl11110,tiltl oe 1 ite itraig c1a1rd.I bohot. theciamolndhe 1111d 0111theigrid- iron andlth1101n0ests1were0successes hte M111 schuetts clollege fiii- but igteentttiigsti Patincift1101efeatedlielit 11to1o. torilll, Il 110 1 ClBrowni. 111111 11 ia and 1110r 11mouthwraltlotgverco1meli amwiY ale, or s11e1igh tP hve won had thiso 111111o1n.-Amherstolitm 1111 l anxiou1sto layllre1nd sttle. tstltof stnig liptt etiona11110liathlett- stltt 11111cIre o fro il tcteamtlseemsi111o 'ltiesn cegoWll -11c11nce111r te iltt -11 vaotislsuccesfuItoothlen ltheytcitg claim)11-tlhatofte 1col lgiiwold. 11.1G.tDrapt, hma11111ritf teAc-i e11r11 tohifall atdtneot11itatittic isveabcln continfurd tttrsincetl tiho1g0hant ttcc Ito telotgt 1 ttid Ithephoefnt orfur Teallfothialltroles11011outliesonblt W1al amptse11111tttytottettittrol cogiteles co-mm1111ttle, iflaccptdiwill- livetllthree PalwnickedsirStampI'dil itartvltis tehanllel'wIiltl ifflIt1111ffiit U ofit nanayw-th tht e 1 m11 ssttte de-t m~I TS BALL WITH MICHIGAN 08t1 IT (IIS DONT \WANT ESCORT'IS ASSICNI,"D tredtinited Itt te0.lit 'smoker 11e11 F1ridayi init It Ni1111111 It-ll. IlThe sua the f1111ature s ittelt leoit It h uge t deocided to i ve ail tclass party so tin ge11 atfit-rChistmas11aationt A fell tiltks ago lpetitins were cir- cltdthsitsolhcharedt iakl a fllt ht ll as1111 l gl ed tIti-I tIs l l. lit-liltmee ing ad pt ll 11111 11111 Veo olth ln it I paty Istob I ed il ls \o-dsl ll N om1 n at- Sampls "f0he1 l-ciittclitttfal1111v111 -- als 111111itted bt ilts lt a sll t te verity 11111 t ltlill l to mtitn11 o1f11 in favr- of tte-p11110and sip111111 f(1it1as fllCows II II N \l': for s t-gradiuattite m isnte111111 here: at.Ilo ~lt S Tlt s sea thee 0r e01 Pirlleio n the graloo t e11 schoolt tt-llto- SENIOR COUNCIL HOLDS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA IMPORTANT MEETING GIVES CONCERT TUESDAY Temporary Organization Perfected Alfred Barthel and Miss Schade Will and Officers Elected --Coon Assist University Organization Is President. in Its Opening Concert. ROOSEVELT KICKED BALL WITH MICHIGAN TEAM Olen of '98 Championship Eleven Tell How President Taught Them Football at Ann Arbor. l oll Irt-tidetit Roosetvelt 111100deliv- eredi ll addlre'ss lto a Chtampiontshtip it info tb ll t ltiitnd vll gth rilt it hothitt l s tstilIto ply itt Iisidty, teas "Olil Si,' tile custoian 1 of11 Natertmatt gymnatlisill. It t\ots itiit 11111w1enlMichigan ont 111-0 til- y defeIt11111 111higo 12 to 11. :1 t 1 time11111 osevitlt 11111 gtoernor ()f XciiNx- tiolt< ttndlIttttt htre to stteakt tente tthe spicteStdtitts'Le- at tilt- cliti fii sIt heIt made1111 it lkI sil. ( s Ip att- thai tlRoosevt t ootiit of ilot, shotstwed tItthWolveri1110 soe ld111111v 1 it formaitins,.ttndl ev11 itools - t w ic i t lte loll himsetlf. 'Si" er, itsthi illanexaggter- tionliit lt, tietsliditsee Roosevelt: ofteligowtepit ttauhtthei fotll ti. "Si's" eionliotthe a111'f-ifit loiwst Iteare ti t olt ol t oIllsit arit gill tilWhen he otoul to11 the101' teotfst-li It it lie medc ren.M erIvtiug thotttfor s-el t on ttli lti fotii all ii foti' its splten- Iidit' it'lg an it ev lioet of vttti n 11011Itt Cillee'-'t- tlt toiliyOI tget liut in t he wol te i('ll isintt were youi attgreaitt hlsc, atar o t 11110iht 1indottitt lan.t tis poin £ i tit 17t the ll t - tti cotlly set I UTIR 110111 da(itv'I 00- ittitClass titspir t ittcei t s ighesit' c oint ttte' i i mo e tip 11 1111 Ii lO ot I Wosihnth-- s'v'ett enttmtnI eeCctiti to the Councl tisall CirstitscamCtogther Rot' tetf"cte.utl toe Imemuers Fshotld beom be I tter ait' ua~intiltI Jittseach Ititwa tcide oeetpr aetofc is; Astti a1resut, thefolloing itmIt lit' iitt t-i tttt I,,. Coon.i~iii tt it li'-reittt-C lsI S.it Andrutil tRti ortiggt lii' Itt1 G11t g1e1Gtill til cotlm.ilit Ci~t it iit Cortelspttonnset' retalit-iitamestlit lit e rl tt dirtI iont ll tt111' i I .tilt 11111e sthe lt c cet tis Yeasut NumTs eodCl tilt ocheta illi bestheolotisNttoftheeeigtn orches tt ill b frter as itedliity I ois aie ttiSitl titfith i vetit ity i 'I'lti(li'rogrtmi isto1111s1 ecialIt ntertilt concertttOtl il i-t nn ttt'rinrecent1 lerit cont i tstil tily osit worksillt of Itarn is ll ardentt supporiNtir.helt to" shsio-cr iontha tithasbe c lldthellstlt remleitati-et nt o thi e tt' bot twtrkgs of i disttintion. t- o iiili'l itt I orcuuhtra tutisotie 'n espeiatt y fCrs 1F1k IINIC1.N I NCI NIIlgNRS1one111r111this Ilw. tnioti11111 th 1111 It iittoim fftte.stetindil 11k1.a1t11 il ttttiI tiserdy a trnoon t wichII the till i s Ito heu odt hat il li 1tis tls Itwill 11111.tuutitult futheitoo8 clas, 101igtly r01 111111111ciat 11111e Ithe im orane tfthe llt i-isv-ti was ated.tlll T httttt tf 1110c11111on1and turn1111111mtlcttt e till tics1 wasI set1 tfonet WedCn11111ay ty men11111 1111Cotuciltuttsiht l 4130. hill filhot11 1" 1111 1 w r lontitntt poitittes Shouildel nl tttttt1 tro1111h11 a~t-ti illesidettKehsey, Corrots, Licrection.ttut hi vyi'lt s exptttctedtlht 1 ner; ice-pesidN et '"tirnerLeiy;sc-th srpseen 1111 tt ie11111111f111111111 Nre tt- 111 ItarS gl 'e ; tsure, eeey wleIt elettt ed.-It t llwiltfb t ltm itm1e111 tttl Cd Wet.1 1110 alontgtconstrt11ivtlits.It rlize - thuattt1111a11111 1n1whittit 11 talts I t 1t f'inttttothly sleetinttt"fit heToetmper- nitIs 1111k wIill measure10 0in aIIl1r0.10de- Ittce Research ltu111 twihll bItteltitonilM 011gr'e thetoure10stuccess utf te it "I NIilt itIhall ody1at3 11111n 1 Toe ubttion1111 Constquntlytt I it hasitproceeded lioe fts1111etter1tanrolietbit it"tThe stiutio.Amiteottfh fisve1i 11- a111' p1 itedtt Bowman111111dtttlR.K '001111 U andonto ItaveII itlmpleted.NWith tts utork thttiteg"tiveR.R.I-Ionwartd and J.C. 1111ttof till iaIyth "organit iof 110xt ill etdtsusseotheltnuahoato ns 01101)ltudt qu11111ittntttatdivto11010thekm mutsh tbe In by J'antuary z5. the conidellration tiley' nay demtatd. Nai C 1 1 S Ii t is thttl 1"'tll i'tltt silt-ti I t'l e lt' 't11111' 1111tie ll ios- fa ll 111111111 icannatt filii otoeIof ducMt hl',Is to nceri~ti f sccsfis toi 1w11 11111 N tlitill" IGl I"C n I (tile folo edby lie ther, t(1111 1111 th IIye Ir11111111f1"11) NN 1111 1 C f i Thet 0)ast h ra iatiolis l' att mptto i t at11111of ~1te11Nob1 it," "'Duke"1 Nevtllt 11111 ti permanentt irchetra in:inn f 1The11freh1e1111osistd ofcide attrationsu but a40 tocrat alhnti-f 55iu 1by Wate C1111l11'9 it gstill-the Iworktuotit heI 'tilt-c11115 h11 o tI whoseeplaing-saddeod- ito thuheveCi0011 wc' aruc e t t he basituus>1of1a ftuical e111y1e1. IITheflommit tee111 wp11e:hlC mu.ch ne lctediiftfavortof 111111cate 11ose yot $1111 1)1V41 ,11 o Ci'ci lOh 11011 1i' 111111S) lll 'N Ilieu'otmp1)11e1 lilt 1111 use itt 1111 11w1: tN IsA IlOX itCAR Nympho syNo. ott c it 111...1 11- lltt111111Ctt5 t Ct .Iti AI levorit nt' lty hlto hndant s;tminu t (lc h h itym ifs uhee 1011111 itatd gretto) fnatet(alteri a tna te tpestedItehsttdiy.i Rone d Sit Cratt