The 1MicIigaItiDaily No. 6. ALL-FRESH ON RAMPAGE. First-Year Team Opens Season at Ypsilanti With 30 to 0 Vicsory Over State Normal. Bt'IR. PH. Ctauiy.Staff' Correspodentf. Ypsilnti, Mich., Sept. 30-09 has madegod.Iow otldl they help it after C ontire ssman 1401(10 non nipa sisicil appeal andl"Spide" Coes ot- iimrt lbeedicrtion ot 1Friay enig: The Miuchga Uton's oproitesiinaedei he.hitotri.townl ot Ypteayesterilay iani tree ithe pedIagsoues lefore -a ot si-ist auietce.T he tiugoltintofn thecapu dar~ings to'-is stil nctosset In thirty-fi leinsutss f play. il o +. da adupn ats "I h eistwith slly iriest' itersiooisis of pritie. "Ltttc kiss r itarsity iiuidertstiei.s sorel30 po. Thlire tocksoutplis was variid issnt ietie. Thleliiipe fitts Ihiumpeth te islnd iiIskirteditetens'.witt great seve, itwttilituteliak uns were as Thepedagiogits itsd estly trei. wstosf ipracuice attitwere ujotel as ben :St adsiinitapy- ItBut te aes wterr aster-- litos too fst at tittes for rrsst tesistrite inw nthtet "Dth Krupp li t ~tat qurterefotttilthe hall it ituans wis tilt toblosy to take it.I nutn sun5 o.asits le iwoutldl (i- gis- a quarstrbuck rniarondth le endifor sifteeiot twesnty syrdls. (Tue Skliatiitrer a lhoiwisitoiicarry the all. hurr tintihe ildls insi es bi. Krup1p1tissed iell toimsinvere serlhsadtindle csontitei otn is it Itsr tisfntwari pass Referee "Mlly" \Vendttila ist~rd itn aupeatsl ofite yats s. Thuie fty teirhers e- pete tsihe. blos otuids itusdttli ire in the s lit1dh lfttiutte was stkettout onli once fortheIts-FilIresl, irhile the iedguesdeadetinlo eal tt i atrd ts s to el ipartislly nwit, ic.Kupatquiateire was aiwholus hot; Cu(ithia ts n ileft Isaf madeise 'rce Ienatn l ddigirtunts tsthrogi brosketn ll itiand ion uon uuoccasintgo great gristitinsters andtfineatogriel lig orkeat. cl stronig on ditese;i.Car- elliwh hs a Vi frismtitheC Uversti of Wyoint.its tof realivastmtueal iadllsr "Oty rIt"i atfaoridpiouth sit deeps aindi broadtprupotisuus sit Stolilestll onithe itt. hueniiote tiay Ie lene htillesvily otti peiagoges atid tr itvS w its his stels sensittsr P"Lyser at guardl ws genia adt dd'mid lbeit"jotslei lossi.s sit onesrtssiocceasiosSmiti atnd WaS lkit madet inehitariaof iendst and puut a tatiss tn all shirtitg slpera ims "as" Lane distigusethismo siltl itby a iset aIiikle itdi "l eat.snt" Cade wautscissitniinteral at of ietery play. IBtmllr, iie layi bltlet.i re list 1e xi itsr utp andiranitheti.m ininemt Soue of lthe big flloiwshoweda iietsarhsitte asetce of figtig spirit ad mst dsisereois a jawelike i"Ntikysssto get ini Prof. Yusis setiniary. CochTu"(rier is well pleased with his msaterial as sitwhole. Thte tig fellw mattsitisowhip itemtinitosae. "They aill ate to get that 'hurry' thait sd- tsatedt ly te staitof ilhe departent, sr I'll eat the whlie greets ot"se- lares "t,itttcle s. Ypsilanti. Al-Fresh. Wester L. . Soith, Ferris (Coniitsiedtott page 4) MICHIGAN ROLLS UP BIG SCORE ON OHIO WESLEYAN Iltiso iioftO. %%. C' ua ll in First Game of Season Is Elasy itu Iinss replah csidhis Smith. Suarsst For Varsity-Score 65 to )- hkiclcd olilto Rikho whis (isownistedh on Dunlap in Stellar Role. hlist issln.Srmpwstrw the licigiantufootball season sopetosh fo- ls o l, ysterdnay- withu (hit seisiyantas this' lusst ts Nrcro nssi-Io trtined lthin tuisouens, nd ts h uighathur lhIckeye,!l!_ote4-ad in. A >-Yr rm acre ntrlashy usheasy as Michoigani thur -rk a va h fai, fti sr'ity-hattticstroublae in uroling ups5ia hd wr, w ic as m de b ''r its's. Nutsissuer dis h ue visitors threat- ,;,o en tssouse, nsu ite sltthuey sake first Psuitkucked off hto it- hitsr- suits ouucs'itsthu tr iie gamue. tnli sit u t thie So --sudinlst- o lutstios- D~untlap, thur husky shot luter andthuuusuu Ir i spritsd thi stisiof t sceiway iiu rackuhs ulete, dem' nsratus esid rssuich sivey i cussml ie lstbsuti'ssedlthis-gist-ili- - is sability ins fill the usacant halfbasck hitsosulhimitussift hie'amuTs- lshe-:.t osusiisusuand doi credittsSW illie IHesht's 15 t si t us usof thisfirst hul sh madcisst s '---''wa clld osrepeatsdlyy -1hut Skt ts andushthin soesusi ' ; speits-th inushe i t h alt, to assy usee Startsi sched osuito open thi se'scsuud inaulT su ch cttisse hr- respunueuhcu t hils ast lmi tuhd m tuuain k\W. I. tfunditi e!i sati utnus ive tstwenty ypd ntis usla'ss's(tius us sutonisllan s fui--oit may cssc arryimns-g ts. al sci cial s i Is Wor k'sm sutrei dtual O~ 1; ,rd wtit itth sti tre ruisoutcliii''it Ttu-yard i1, tuulinesitsricmiantack o it Ors's arts of hut stildy. Ot ildeensiv pay xc be cedsblo s tsh I5hi0r i-sui tnt heh "wiha utsm stcit5t itg 1fitus lhreecshluts heilss it errings thrugu"i h Tibersak o ~i ll ops utulai II ususssion il tarush's , latg itsreence stins trowing"this al t4orii 55 titusiii nisit esri sisisthu sll fuss shutss.Suur t I ssittk sd Iftut u in h tniri Capssit Norcrouss "stuga 'i swd i utii o yard ts (.W U b li M1-1 lences'ousitsdangseros pencruhatutu fo us sut-''~ita d s i nt ed su Isu ittu'k. h a alsu suitsloose listg"- sit-ti -nacis ru is iOns siuuuuuisois uus''uuu i this tosuchdsown, .thus het hir tut. auy is ut te s nitial k i ssofIsuuuuuulings sto1 s cls iismst si :eto tutu sssball isndtopute tius an the -i ' iu ((iireel this iiorkman itd titu ou h ow . In thus naiti' t iter o usbling.ii'' i ittii tushhiadii Ctoii tiithis ihall st is' it: tta, - 'is it sowed rea tititit 10 I rd li St 'uir t ed 5555 i 5 t over hi:t hu ot' ),tit a s 5n5ot use wi le a_5h uni I 'mii.i.hU.lists tt gai :,e ws t qat er war 5 i it 5fuitsle made.itil situ rdi toii 5 tiiiisthis lutstA5 ti ards the dis~payed all of his oldt-tue 'sed ri by 5N''cr lutpsted thin tiay foe tiexcllet i mprths siln t is nilys on. thesifs str Ie liu (tnpi r.S o- tuartsit o d.(sui ts wo umss es'1Bar-t (ict oss ut on theucousachi; i lstho uhsk u /tiil cho m-l t(ad"il T lhi frs5555l otaln stiy=w ll Sies replacedi ush of hissic rk.I le ithuiiis lisht sut Pl's utoitislhi I~v.S\% itze t s-l tiltdifor hi, ui ti se 'st ripve tinth. Baltsiuwias sight],' itt-n-uthis outomei. ") o rI ifau ied t h 3 ad lie n tintu-- ieroust ~ir mst suit uits ttubsirreu lhted itoschime isis oei- hea si-mitd. "f siturev, i bs i ns eit uiut is i'istrerne Ir o -- 'rom uthis.'s theri. (5se hits wot: as u o hut-elowssushudi eetui i gthsu suu ins till's crois,- s ted 7iS-i yars- isf-usa s ni 5 susu hum highe-si torder, iss hiesconutibt ed ,cT we-slithi s t s's emis-isthatsiI miii'isil i h ii'si sisisliiho-un -isass iuc'eIby titist thismantituhussitthis Isall onsit vcirim ssusus 5' S an ceain it.s1 gret 'l i ck-lap,5oftta5futublt. (hissdlran u-''uos y re t sie ference. lheiteamuss dsI t h isksse, - ilagiiie ire elcd ahi ld lD na it u-si apa s t se tutli led a sa~ iots'os te or.'I ev ,,eims iiheclseof thiso tet ast. Johnnys Carrlsus p ut u thi s t as 5 (s itatbchoples, h o'll sI mlmsts iisim \icsi arr. O hss 5hio elyii ;ante hutsh s cer dt i ntstg this hiad( i S i ea i t5555 to g SM ( ii 'si -' Suits ts goods effett an-dis hre-sinittupiiitie- This-al)'st arted-i-hbht Iis skickig (susoilhiiuiit i furtr 1.uci..mitsichiusonug Sithi' at righu itid i p sayed itstun gmns tiit smith lists. IDunlap advaish edisi2h W' k-l, menCC.I i t'iuulu littes thanitsamss sfhhiss last vsums or:, mat , sdtun orio' ormitw ( s miH maing a gftysi-yardh suits itspsits of athe i ne sums- yardi- orseth's rt soish- s 1Patr ickIssuu.u1hKn sey Cpt) his s uitbe ucommended, u-tutusidi-utg thisan(55 smgi al;s cor 6o- i ssiihai - hy, Iicks sut thuati -s-t rut-u -S s f(5irsiattempti inu u ite.iNoricross , Ha ltw y. i fus sussu. Cam-i it playing sitis-e suter Ind inispiutei ittthus (Tim 'sussitr iail Sts st kickeds siorust C'oachl Yo'tush 'fuc ss s wssreathedirst i onttuthis s 5 miiiilist Onitheisu eits threei Wokmlutsni f uuuuuur.s11.IS 'itroup, Main isiesaftter te g'site hst ight 55-hes'playus Sichutganms u'. csi' hash y ma h'ss II ititit smith sysut askedtwmutht h lought abut ihiss faso c hk Chmn-(ussWilLngsied Iad, ChIsndtller5StWeaer -rau ly lenghene an h eurgmarkeds-iu_>suitni.i''hsitutusy cied a fake sitt i ovrs --o rss itn nd q e rthieless tittw s p1a555ktchk tushthis hilliweitit er onii'S fumble 5 5555( ifte hr sccntrofusisi' subisequenost remarski s ulapitgaied in 5 udsw. k k ni, 3, mu tarrS . sesI futuuti y, ive- utua huc s 5exttsreely uplease i~u sthisthus...atus eni t (m ii i us tckefoiors'' I 5 rm ocho n-H mm n sho ing.crssrecverd -m n 5 ad entHami! C usis'fr. Is fm-t-si- u' ushs, tiWash- Pu. hutgis 5 ti'Sashinsgons -itutJs'ffs'u umod Ifits K lie' then-gotsthe hill ore suit tush Jifsr uis shson iec-H i-tiis- sonma, hooficate a >efre ys-a fmhe nd wa hldfoihvs-wn te, riuhrsso tistositasuit R 5, -si 'so~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n tiu1ituis5itn ts mecss us5ttuTl usnsmt i ( tmms ti i FALL CAMPAIGN ON. "Deacon" Parka and Harry Cough. lin Out for Presdecy of Senior Lis-Parks Ticket Out. 'hetsrumbullitgs of plitical ativity whiichhalses- disturbedutthis'amsti tm hos- phsersesinoe' teseintuusg-of scollege luavse begunu ts hrermtssuto u ts ino teiopen.Ther stsst outbt~reaks -sucs fromuithur stior it clasus, wihsres-it lihis beco.'me evis'set thast Frankltsint CPsrks andtHaIsrep- I1. Cotughlint us. ts litthitsnitvalcandiats' tsor this'hosn r itt seiosr prsidet.u ittmen.reopularin itte slass 'iDemscous" IPrks tis uone osf te hust isis-suts sienusit colege His'wis-suiesit theis- oisrs sitftshe fspticanhru, athfuse he tshttuoye-rstututhureditria tasff f this'Michiigaus TDaip. Itary ('tuigllit husss bee-uactireitsclass ativities tush 5555 played otutuhis class fotbuhal tets, .Iis scotne'stest tithsthe iGoodthCfwent- stunt cishb. sBot timentlusts-sronaug sp~- suit tush at,'oodutight uis iprospet.o 'itc-Parkssticket s thus-fist istuppear Is rust'ms' s sr'folos:5Prersiett, Fankiin 'sarks;viss-pire'sidenut,PMaie 'i'Winsr; ecroiss, Louiuse'ss Ptit ireasures. Chi- '-)d Steson;suus foosthsall manasge,liat- us, J, IDownssen; trsaek umanatigr, Cemetti ?. Smoosust;5 basktballusi manassgeAlics'1". Ifop-iiiolihisioint, Fffics-J's'Armstntg; poit s, -ssAutism irhnsuthll ; potseuss', Iohs-s J. Cmiiierie; muembiler Orato sril board uHiry G.Hosiugtnu;uorator, K S. lutis toausust str itrsetu1K .ssegg F,'ittlSi S SCORNfIS Michiganits;h Oioesl seyan,o. Shisk 511-'tests 3' Suts- Normal, o. Wsositu 43;Napesriile, o. Illinss 6;sKux, so Iowat 40;t St uuts o Purldues36;u, t o. tikittetthtirg, s; Oberlin, . Non treuDat, 4S; North IDisisionu, o !Mtinntesota, 3t3; Sttiuck 'Scademuy us- Cornsel, 1; C'ssgate.1. Pesnns, 34;I Lhigh, o. Itrvsit , itu ill its ii, Prineto, \2; si.sitdIJef., o ,Vest luint 18;Tufts o I Isrunutslt it';Mss ushusuts, o. hrowi-n, 1itsHItphirutS. -SNNUALitOPh1N I NG 'sitDDRE-S tt 3 , m.itsdIt PresietutAntgel ill Is-is.r uhis salopnuigsaddsusui touivsest studentusthis programitfo- oing si ngghuus.'istive uderethe anspies sif tie Studets' ''Cturistion sassoiatiion: Oregan Phretle--'.. rust A AStatnley Iyn ..y-t"OnwarduhChristiti Stdier" ituleseading-...JmtgeN'.IIi. Lane F'emyer- --....Rvs CrliS. Ptton kMisic- - - - -eeted Atidrless---......PresidentiAgel Ihymnu, "]helsst lifs'thur 'is''hatindiuus" Beiton.... ...Rec, A W. tiaSilker FtIfST F'ACUT''Y CONCERT.h ''thitsit.y nght s thindstairset for te firsh faculty counsert whichl will tians. thinsformausl ohenintg sit thin tusi seasonu in 'SuitsArtist eshis snumbuthers y thur respecitive headus sit ther cicai, 1pino andi iiilin udepatumnutsMissShade, pin- sir, tusenew asssitatoiMSer. ockwoodsh tsill mkehuue tutuiia apercteibetufore sit AnnutiAStbisueaudiencen The pngrm includsson.sssuatas for visoli oustdpitnto by Ps-hssrsIErut tusdILockwooduu, vca sshiliy Ps-rIolustnItuutandhpsaonumbeutrs by MtissSitais. Profsor Pam 1tit eson isuitS of the cip' -stnd will nmtrerturtn util Mondusay night. tug 'Sichigant ;.prospects. I thin'ItSluh-sitnts-5 aitdushlhes mulsh retutued tus 0. iganis proistiects are-vi-ri-fistte'ruts" h-- lush us mmm IWMusfor sM. kmush- sum sad Its ent-ytmuchs siurprised l- iii N ms s ;,Ii uttttistil tushIIamssmmmi theshdisosee Mihhigant tuk.' ther' shointtig urepetdTurtuheitsirusI u>uulto suchow.IIs' they thud consiudneringthisfat SthaI (hisskicd goam.Scos i2-.O was (hairtsteuguise.Ye~sI thusk 'Sluh 'Nomutts.iiituned ike' piust So hemSt iganiiswit Yost as a factorscull go 's0-yameshlintse. i's --ri rustsby -C u's throughi itanthertlsesonsuswithomut Saits-tunh shorStisIinbPti ckNutscuoss, feat-HItonuuor tutuH'seston."Tuunlpa( rlsts cariedmshtheblll CasptinsuKeneduuy, sithethinoPlsmWSes-tOPlo's lusts tush SV sum itsetts ussr, leyants eamst aso'meuuswhuat disscouragedm fotutu elm hissdmtucuhdownsit Ihm fir stsmectsfus in fthelm-Choissue-s i onuis ()'sisti s lmiup toatssu i7 P. Ill, whletnhiali teos mit berths e nsexpecstedT t he i a t shn misc-s. Es'smit ioSt n stf mulians'.fussadmssionsutoustiss- Chosral Unonsuhisisehldits heist Stanlhey sit kMismithm fists r iso's tnsh4 ts ::30 p. m.,usits hi s cintshSurSshosmih si kl sus sh andat htsasmestsSitseesery Isis throsusghousttthis tsss. Order, Ihe DaiiyTo-Daiy. $2.00 Cash with Order DE~LIVERY STARTS IMMEDIATELY No BL~ak Nxxnrrbrsae i be P'urntlahed