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December 15, 1905 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1905-12-15

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The largest stock in
the City of exclusive
styles in Woolens for
Gentlemen wear. Of
high-class fahrics and
special style for stu-
S dents.
G. H. Wild Co.
311 S. State St.
this year on point of beauty
of bindings and illustrations
exceed all previous efforts.
Christy and (Gibson each have
a new book of drawings that
it will pay you to consider.
But why tell you of them-
come in and see for yourself.
Glad to show you.

Entere~d as enmdclmattneraittle An.
Publishe-d daiy (Mondaexceptedlduring
th ellgeyeer,atr ast Wahington
street. Bell phone is2. Hle phone 76.
Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW
Bosiness Manager, WALTER R. HANS
Athletics ..........Clarence E. Eldridge
News............Lenin D. Stickney
.xlaic ...... harles E. Win.sread
sice.........A. IS. Orteer
Won ........Effie J. Arnstrong
InnS hlen Franklin C. Parks
Arthur C. leund.
George A. Osbonn aolnd C. Smith
J. Earl Ogle, Jr. George A. Barnes-
Ferrn N. Smith Frank J. Clark
lRobert D. Clancy Henry A. Monntgonery
Dl. F. Sternsoen Walter Metzenbaumn
Glenns 0 Bradley John lF. Ware
lRes V. hall Flayd 0. Jnnes
RATES: $a.50pee year, or $2ane it paid in
advan ce.
Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business
Manager, 236 S. 12th St., Phone 849 L.
I RI lAY.,lD1C IICR 1. 1 too.
Editor Today-GEORGE A. BARNES.
Dec. 1;Scilior its ltslsc.
Dcc '.t , II iner.elaibsmsuoker' athall
Il's' e L ClO'llclotig stone.
l ) c. 5;.-Frshmltan Spreadire clearge
of S oooe Girls. Barbosur
I)is. 1;-0g1litsmoskleersit Nichols hell.
IrsC s6-'07 litsmokeacs aell over
I_Ic a iionilin street.
Dec'. 16-Rocky ls 01 sitllsscleubIs.anquetr
at Coosl,.Mlse.a
irs I \7- sales us Guild lectsre by
1 lss iii IHosardslGriggs, of Ness
esy:71 .curds, 7:30 IP.ten.

'ASarenspostraisof PrerrisntAnug-
ell r I'scsIs Is)leer h rd o cn eie.
bu i teuce shiherssallt'esdssnt
p lisshe siiso sacon inuss'thuepaisising
sholdcomes wi'thsthessclssssous. T'ha
bohproesiearesc'osrss'ylno Micign
man ont. 'rle hngin of helsr-sl
isait int heiss iossssss lsin g isosgh 10
ssvit ssss'ss srmen al feelingasdise o-
cuethi -prt io ofiss ass)u e1ve5ssIsre stsisei.
'Ihnteiea si ofsslsaisg thli ir leruni-
vessaity aassoleisributoristadof coifesi-s
sisi'he ift tosenioiris swill d ulsssla
pr ssstsny ussescinsisf usd5-
oria com itte s. ( i s e salsl, Tlhe
IDasily ieliess'es lssrlet 555ou d nsst bss
isxpesssistosesiit . ssc alias oil
No'sssatasrcslle-skatsisg illn ssnn.ss'bor
has passesdasnderssselan s f tce ilye
thsek sstuetc.~st e rsdn
sirs l perfori hii i s 5555e' onor ' sedisidutyi
isfiringi isg lisa'ch sie iscof tsarlia sils
uiispesntsduysees'itsshsasss ofchlls
isiaisl sssuponurus'ortlshimpreidenais
siisssee nowns'msfchi'more schanlito
loa as iessi he reuttif fIot
prietandyuivrsity haas(ifn09easei,
susi. cAg ll ie's nifueissl ,sisenciii sil
outateknowedgefstessssissIausieira ich-
7iga. stusdesn5t 3 of todfasis' kis
f i a'. sii uentssalsIsusus s isisoo, swas
funtsisssacesl oe ofthIosssfwo o is iaisot
isseuiful icharfnif sound heardissisl af
'is aeMlan i530p.ucis ofeierysdayg
Oi leasrliegthfcs frow a edcorimmist
fello Ihisadea (as s f'6 ,h e isid
to "a'silssise ilao Isish e lfpp rtuitylisoff-
himi . f ss sise r is e a roe ist c th a s'-
tl y hourssai f 7:10ii sisa i asit fnrs 1hisi
waradro ae ill ile imse'l iso he li-
lsat 09orning isandithe scator is iun-
saisalict isn wasilimi i t e risu gCic thien
is open to iisios.
'hKlP DUiRING TlE fitiOL~IiiX'
'T'leaGeec.i,'ssisssliiian saioisib
f teunsisavesiy,. csisiAiig f fsrty
msdn,sail less ir iis Decemblie 21ia
seilcae forseticroi. siheerues' li-
assin thir ealssss1.vac a uu caces Te'
date aruidfsoD li ithisea re:i5 ' Isi-us
Be.aiss c.Baa); Chicago, 1ecc 30'1Grads
Rais , Jsa n. is I;Sa ia, J .2. Th
clb swilli erlst sasi y iciansii
ali ateach5of'theste dscsvisiedsstill
ailisassassispsiden te lhusand
K.lis.lileak is managerf. ia aiss is

hR_ . 1Al.. GISTdIN
'h itianyissi'frisds f li. L. I. Gel
ao siwer ecgreatly ashoced Vi eiirsay
toi hsars'of sn h siis ahfrontiscariets'fera.
Sie Iis graduioniisiilat Jusills',hli
sarisoncul)tsesd iwitfieie m l'sisile.usa
iniiii siing 'a hita~sst iii sisse,
lila'heunca s is poessio asquicky
fatssal a 'sssiontr aud in hiis paiuscis'tihee.
li)r. d'.isinsathsile" iuidilosaers
sresd' ithiss'fills) the isoinKal-
amazoosilo 1 shsarigthe li s'riou5s isstusre
o is sillnessa, hisut idid no 'ts''urriv usi
sills's'hiss ueatsh. 'heisa'i'i'ssusar ben
taken'iitoi Iis lississte I I k II
lisa funelsceillaIske ulc ay.iss he
sill hs'ea'sr i s's irill ssem sm s'rs of this'Nu
Sigmais N'sfraern si',sof ashis li.
'iThe sdeceasd gisrsdsaesd fromsissli-i
err eamentsof the lisa' s'eiy ii
1501 sisiuiessis i ss'thederee''sf iP.ll
ini ot;5,5,a'sdss l.1. in is oois. Duinisg isi
y ueers a sisss ssistantin ahy is'sei sl edicsa'
Ding h11 sis rssadc is iii ii is
all ssienifics'wossrkn."le sais tss'so''gss-
ie an fisalplesiieitl 1f Ills'Juhhise
Resessrchs risis sasnd sis m iimbsr isfS ths
M~ichiigsssn S Acaem osf Science. Ic us
als llso ' iof le sih ise' i l~hs1 5oaif ills
localsichaptesre of Sigmiiai 'i.
Dr'..als'iis'work'i i Ills' uisesiss 'il
in issesficiae' in Ihis eest5pisitio
'asiedsifosehimisi a ipasisslarly scarss-
fisl fullur's. I ss isath ai s i01llsyssi' ia sa
shock. iss isis fa'sisirasisifriens'ss ut i
'GIVES h:1.1 'I' El
silesKlisa' ass v asb lde i s isr
its che soialiieldI las iti'. i
issl(isisia'Ii s aninsfssr ml f1aissassig s's
feasur lisle e s p'ogram-i's' Thsi clbsisini
ai flouising codition and h5 iiliasisenl
alae av is ' sl istalofsmsssmlers'
GIRIS \551,1, Li I Ni'RI SINhII
less Jord s an ssold ilie oIavesia''ll
csle'ge'girlsawho'insstendisl soss'remasini
Ann11Arbioisle isnug te Ch'isiassvacsa-
tiss Ioadsdsisi ir a e sus toa'tahss lis liii slir
dskast la'1 111115~iusimn ali l iis ihers
usualsiciiso ,Ass.irs. Jssda'sisssal hlat rans
thsas'issung aswsilei aslir homsss rinsigis
this hsolidias weel.
li. F. 55r.SMeclsf,.a'romehntss'De-l'
esitI suren wis'l lie 'sa cuie r'se'
slur SietalaofSi slisahusandSurg aus"era'
a:30iiinlish uswest amphitheastriea of slu
new mdic ialI buiding. Afterithelur
anillnfssor ssmalsece sills willb i veus' imsis
in the Ifauts omh f h ia
b i ll"g. 'ili s h frt 5o 5 sre
uf lues Is) hr "ie's)beforesa'tlia' ud-
iscl assciation

Book Bargains
$1.50 Copywright Editions
50 Cents
Av No'r,) I? rs aees _110108'lls1e
Fusllesai, ii ssss nisAil.
l s'll lass i7, Iiuioilsl rts ils.
Irll m o "a il li aua-in .551 ti
alIt.,fe', hilll's hum ilsusss a.
Many Other Titles Equaly as
Good Ony
50 Cents Each.
The Bookstore that's never Un-
Well Lathere
is halrforSinha' ed. $No adflCl
beWell Latheredihute
rich, thick lather of
it. J. lissshs Jim. . Snehan
itaj. 5muold lDr. V. C. vaglan
Jas. I.Saldn E F. RMi
v. J.Kyi'r Joinsllamie
Its. ucEnh Prof. fl S. Cehset
S Frank. Glaieer Christian lntis
$1.00 to $1.50
Or Dlar Clerks ra clu eslitnad
lo esurosney. Fine watalh repairing
J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St.
Capital, $50000, Srplus ant Profil, $65,000
Dosa a Geeral Bankingtusiines and Pay
S percrent inerest aim Tie and Savings
Dapaosit. Safety Desit BaxsetoIsrent
at $2.0 and apwards
E1. It>xete, PFer. 55.C. Svsens, Vie-Pres.
F0'. B. tn. Cash. H. A. WiLLIAms Ast.

'ThevNKaara Falls Pe..ie"
Chicago Buffalo Boston New York
Through Trains East-8.18a i., 2.40pn.,
4.55p. mn., 9.30 p. in. 11.00 p. en.
Locale East-6.05 a. en., *11.10 a. in,, *4.05 p.m..
*8.36p. en
Through TrainsWest-2.e7 a in,, 7.5s a. en.,
9.l8ts, en., 2.33 p. en. 10.20 p. en.
Locale Weat-S21s a. en., 08.28 a.in., *1.40 p.
en., ee oS p. en.
Idl(Exceat Sunday.)
Connectionat Chicago fec StEnLoui,
Kentan City and clan Want.
W. W. CASE, Agenst, Ann Arbor

P isiso'suitsg 'T'he Dailyp earas in su-
de asuu 1aa'sshi' ll5 giiud5i. Wer inne a
elf ipropue rgar'd Ioi' lia' resposiiliiesi
lisa phailtsin enashsanisth i llti ve t o s
resacistile lly ideis oautlitnedl by sui
prdies silorun s, ussus iSneso e
Shee Ch an & Co. tina otaar>; istp ik haeper
p Bookstore isistou h 5jln )uike hnte cousnl 'little
5551 sml, is slush sall ice ceeam ta hn ts'on
bhin, letlusa hllyrut. iHuoever, byi'cliii
isrtreo slut ter eglasaff (iihinn
M.~loney' L.oaned -'it) e hpe o intteavrie
On Watches, Diamond' or other tlisa ad is'iw'eswantile sulscribere tho
personal hproprty', hthits iislhaeere isheight ouselev-
Watches andJewenlry repsairad.- er.why, w didliii, but for wh latevr irs
Bargains in Wtcl-les & D~iamonds flist suecommoplace piiiddileaseacensurecthue
Office at residentea33u E. Liberty Sta regaristae f. i'hutdiis irit 5o1 geseron-
AtttmAr'Snr.us a''atstl hi y'utue ci sun f
Reos: 8toai1:34 a. n.tnto :0anmd 7toe esbi oyutena suso
S P. n. '.Siicliuimiass aesdt tue apes r. ItisI
AL nainen s mIDETeIAL. oiily fuseshreer slys. S«r colect ho stand
JOSEPH C. WATTS is, andm wh op use nysutcsanu

Announcement of the
students' Lecture Association
1905 Fifty-second Season 1906
Jerome, K. Jerome
Chas. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1
Jacob A. Riis - . -Jan, 16
F. Hiopkinson Smith.......
Lorado Taft - . Jan. 31
Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12
Pres. Alderman rlar. --
SOUSA'S BAND . Mar. 30
Leland T. Powers - May 2
Oratorical Contest
Open Number
Tickets for the Entire Couzrse- $2.00
May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or frons Student Sellers
Seats r-eserved- 50 Cen~ts Extra-at S. L. A. Box
Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30
SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phone, 552
Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec

This is the Shop of Utility and what you
buy here is useful. No gift is more appreciated
than a useful gift at .Christmas. In a maze of
flimsy finery a gift of a Fountain Pen would be
the most acceptable. What better gift could
you make than a Waterman's "Ideal"? The
cost runs from $2.'5O to $12.00, but the quality
is in each one. Another pen, new to Ann.Arbor,
but which we guarantee, is the Moore's None-
Leakable. It is abs0lttely the cleanest pen to
handle rnd does not.; soil 'the fingers. It is pre-
emminently the pen for ladies use. $2.50 to
At the Co-Op.


,.. .

Douglas Shoes ;w AHRD TI..Soema 218 So. Main St.
Gym Shoes ~- ~~II; ~~ea

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