The M4ichigan Daily VOL. XVI. ALL BALL PLAYING ON CAMPUS TABOOED~ [wo Fellowships Granted and Other Important Matters Disposed of at Regents' Meeting. At the regents' tmeetitg held yster- (o yit wstdcecideditopltan itettdlto hal playing of every descriptioin otnte cmpusiit. Ttis saction wass casel y the act that the appearance of te campts s seerely marredl every sp ring aitd faltlee tie practicing of the class teams. After this semtesterte awest etdI of te otd itedicatbinling is to ie con- demine. 'The butiling ((ant considered mnsae at preset.lbt it is gracduaall Ibe- cminiig searatetd from tear cigin(atpatt oft the strutuire.stnd te regets ave uhougt it (eat tu spliense with its usie. lic ew eityallectnr rosa(ae no(t et tbtenidecidcitona Thteiittera liieasttaisatedwasnsas flloiw: It natcdecidto lit uptileti nuorteacst raoa in tetse tment f Tapptan hal ifor ocuption byhscasss in1 bookkee- ini. .lHtIarpiiim will gie cor ses ii tilsiiubject. 'Iwo degres were granted: Mr. Rbly *oliii Smithi Iachcilir af Scineii n s chemical cnginerng;JiihiiiFreiericke Irociasnuth -BadietooPIai. I r.EI J NI-aidnn aninsruuiueuut matster. is isa heengagcedali(xt tar (i rissr the instrumenuts t te osrrva- tory. Tie elects rii as assoruerdl is ens alff ll (((((ecssatrasplights. The biiildiiig'euuusiitteewusiauntihoiiris'dl (a inesigaittetieimateraof mving'the heaing pant5 (((citus the river. fr te puurposec of sasig (leIsaslisg of cal. Dr. W Woirtt IhIle wsairptpinitel assstanst inipharmuacoelogy . t uce Laicius aA. amumssa. A peitionistessitsAssistanst Lirurn Raics sas tiesetedsr assisg persmissioni tea (ausethtle gosernenet ptitlretiiiis in (le whlisperingialla (ery iinrer Isa providlemsiser space ia the stckroomiiits. '(lil as arstesed lasote a'itiing (sasses withs ((swer tt st. Proftessore Drakl ewas apoinite isa ailer (iso (sur aditio(al swr ia tir (stireartmenliiit isa assist Professore I ogl e. SCIEINTISTS WILL MEET 1-1IEREDECEM R 27-2(1 'liarSacitycat AmearicansaNauaraiss assailAffiliated ci eintific Scitis till aset isa Anni Arbor, Drceriter 27 tas 29. Amonassg te (asisterouasalstutionsspal tas (le aitrlns till le asrecpitosgglenu Thusdscay eeninig atlBarbusr gyms- uasiuums ly Pesidenat Agl saild (le bosardfrastaeens t Ot NWedesdiayeen- igas generalsm saoer till blie ldats whlirsch e ricipaladdsress ill tar giveun ly PaofatH.If.IIDonaalcsns,res- inait sathewral lrarissi th(le Ametr- castsSocieaty of Natralits assai Affiiatedi Socities Dr. Carl Hubiersecretary osath(leae- partmersat fmedce, sc a iirmanasof st'iithe cuauacal cc iieon arransgmenrsts. All sfathe(l 're Uuuversiis will le reretrsenatrdamasog t(l i sitiugdeleigaes. NAUGHTY NINE 'AGAIN DEFIES TRADITION TIhelass of '9 has agais defid uni versity traditiona. At their iitalmetr- stg ysterruay afternsoon, i wat troes toa asolI a smtokelrelarscondslFriday sfter Christmssassvacartion. The moto ness psassedl withtoutear sath(le wrath o (le tupperlassmne at liar inoation. Jsir Wate,(le istigator, sidl wills as surasnce, "We carst at least siowae ae gamea. A constittionswatt aopediana tea class slaes fixed at fiftly ceinsfair ths yeae. The committee whsich draftedithe conastitutlionswas comsposedl ofte fol- toig mmbr: BnherBiyeretont,antalMsses Lee andclFayessi ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, CR ll)A V, 1( 1 I I ilI Bi,, '9o0a SfUDENTS WILL, PRESENT PORTRAIT OF PRESIDENT, No. 65. The Painting Will Be Made by John S. Sargent and Hung in the Proposed Union Club House. '('le lonsg-felt needa of a first-class poirtrsat of PresidlesntAnagelltans lIdtar MichaigantUniosisto takttelir(tst stepa tasacasra procu~(riasgtic' services of Johnti S. Sargentstoasisake such as paiting. whticlevenitusally saill he tar(sg ias liar sin blintg.ANcosmsistler compo~sedl of Proat. iH.N. hBars. G. D. Stayssaaker. 'oh englieransislWNVD. Sham, secretary sa th (A lu.1m a stscamionasntalreadla coit cteal iaills Sarent asnd wall appintaaarraersentativs orasall (lie classes ass all adepasrtmseuntsisooledtassnds. The (staisey fair taraortaias nillihe etired ass smassuamitfrost te asdcrgr'auataes, alumni autdIfsculls' of(lie (((ifs easily. 'Thep(iniangnilltar a gsftiofPaMsishigasn asessis ticth assiesisty catMiNhiant. Atlhoughtheliarisssial stepi sasstakesn lby tlas Uniosis (leaporteait trill lie presensted -issi esnesralgft trostsall (liase whoc wissto s lserata alias S. Sargenis sproblsthelirgreal- esta lievass astiatsdari paint(iglay stat stall tae a 'kofasr' t.The posrteaitaswitl casts (asweascivaesaldlessthuitsad dial- lairs as isall ciiiresposndlto thela ninig sat \Maos H. L.Ba gaisotswhirlssoar hsasaan s(ie IHarvnadUsnsossblinsg. Thecombasinedact memsorial cossmsitte of silthelassnios ciasates htas tressrosa- siricg theard'isabislity of presenrtling as portr a aitofPsressidess nt gel ta tie unvssaysu bustlas gsve'r theliar a'usts ass tsheclasssswilt sate osly abot on se tosadi doll ass at tsessrsdispasal asnd thauas soushinot tar ssffiietlto procssre as trsts-class lantsing. 'Severnl plasfair tereatnsg a (sasstrail sa thelrIersidenat save aeasenaosidcereda ly differestamest rsasa assilasiass sistof (lie uirersity, sash (t presentilais thslironslyosse wrhichs hai i s it paediiosi a practical wrkisng lass. list portr at mllse hsug ia iarheUssioss T ii v t i 1 I 1 1 x l CT T! it tl ii i .\ t 1 1 r l c I; r 1 i t _' r I . l ;4 1 I i ' r l i t 1 i PRESIDENT JAMES B. ANGELL. hsuilding "swheasitis scaomplcetd a (ntea anasske a (teralsuin sters et ina lia sanstimeis tt witl tat plae n o e o snai ont af sthisap((tat sto(a Iisaln liar blingitsilsas the campsu.shertact satera fort th ha ietfadifficuslty ass asistig liare ITare (resesat cummittee asill appinti effort s cut l iii hia' mas s o w its'saash iana membustes ilass afits heray sail eatsn stgsuch a la asalhs ben t d- aubscriptauon blankastaill tic cir'culated' cies wharere t wousldabe ltaed eas samosngs'thur atudetsn s a t susa's'estya.. EUnions idsa l mnasitstes sitl thetartmtasaaia l iaise isttereiuasted tul e al toass c r presutdice ald ieea alstudntash dsialust-ist latnksha it that atuassa roomsassist YIVI TEAM WILL BE ORGANIZED AT ONCE his Branch of Athletics To Be Given Greater Attention at Mich- igan in the Future. ''lie, gaussteamsi tillle sass hansd to fill a at thur indoorseasetsthisin iter. 'T'he 'tarts wasarws'el recived llast aisuer, assai is ye'ar5'Captain55Cacusrasseast i lssasess mislariatlauses' numsi er scar hen hsave s indthiselahduuald areprctcngdslsy Putt N aa suit csa'that'fistctestlsafuss )'tcs, illii eI held.iii xIrcicss on thits ass risis slaild parltlbason th attet'.ands1osassthu'emagatihe sut f hes pr''amsitu Coasiatctsh dgsdwaitst assdcad is tsecoda d usaliar ricas stll bhawsadedtfuss tuth assnt o'iit t st asiin ot hit e iime i'l 'tt hy sass branch'tof5atlet'5 ics'aserre (((a itsmucsittesatiots itshigasivesnu is, hosi wever, sis a us ssa stats1 asntasollusiatsGymnstauicaalscif lat ahchhodsanma scnestusat hi ao~t spsrusuasint attiletehsfathCe 'sfeece ea' .har ss' s ine Iis icisa tu it stastChcganOioS ttasis Michiuan as e laseas catred thi',ttus(stt mseNty' puis hastyar1 ndfo thisfactithisat antioto sstttheat'gni'' tiont asitsa ulatchs i''rt.gym'55 5 tami it is l((tat hi'ta't rs'(at- ,cat a suit ass ha s t utsInterclai t ea'i wtll -sist foalow Ilsis lteicriegla'ape assceat than indor mets th teor a tiesaitsmadeu assistcmeitsfursstip o ass I' iC(aeek, in ohrts D(hritutis aultsr css idriaeaias- (Captt~uI a tlasoch itnsatnteds tos dlril a itahati i teaut iiaddition toath alas' artuappru s ork.(iT'hles are~u alad sy staul apsat yol h tsiplerwok.Afer atusntay swilt hulct' e auasthas ia lic ew onsash in '((('ag-u j- Itnchigs'lhtian asiard(wi aeaouthfang p a las'' Ihe sa m.uua tl Folloi ngs'(0 its tir list tat status this stasisnoP.Captass Co((hraeotken-ls soI InraiG.a F.I'Grcia, 09 rengner; IR. G. Seethes.'o8 engineter;N. G. Ge- masend. 09engineer;NW. F. IHaan, N/ lit: F. N ll6enine'; 11.ABaker sa0s engine;'A N.Ii Lasa'07 liht; NY i.Hat, aSengainer; . Meyer,'o7 enier I. 1)Nt-arter oh4law; NN t-N attic 'oo medsic, ash Ratsaga ohs medss Tlat itis kepttinssthat rhretor titisteashdsitsyasseasishingtustoetruate la contstsWedN'ntaesday'maui 'thisso y sgas N NRSI'I'N' h0OTNI1,NL TI'.NNICELI IRATES 'liarauO tamrsyat ic s bleing erater tindasdiseneritasnitsmiefinmara-u attic. YNte(cmiausafternoonstheay sernt ash than isses rnaiLstusn recastohasdinia st thetiaIUas.ilonihii(ousemads ard as the in kin atiss areoig (as chans' the itamless tuottonailsatKecastztpat rich. 'I sttsII amuasuuat ndsash Shorty ii gtat ate ass ushahctreftmutWhat mutaec Iakie tstlieNWhaie at Wht sass iermueumlyf al traning, (laerewas .uaiuoticeblerasinersacisatha numbsaer cut tinS sail mutuale(si. 'liarvnnsg aidthur Psi CUpsilontalions(, struall ut thin fellowas jamal ight. A ' hearty gaitodi dinaner ass whiic pehainces 'were' smashperaitiiewait folowedal hy singinagaitha 'Pity'' ashtheanont. There idas' tauly sumac drawback-hls nace cut Coachs Yost. IHumae, shourly after alisser Norcrosrasas rcal hasothan ihone ass ailirdsYost'shuaryyhalu. 'The -greatucocuach wasatold osatheinspendidl - siriisart shon ee, ansi afiere cusgraiclaln- -hg Juan Curtis on his elecions to tn scasptainmcy=,saaaann uced hSatian woulsd lie as itt AnnsArbor (Isis nmorninag itstimtan os sit with the teasm for the official picture. As a spaecial smsokser commnitee. Ware, TWO COMEDIES GIVEN ster greetiditaplauethey Sar'did aunt IKinug, Enige, Ceaaasiackereamid .Bnrktli AT.SCHOOLass'MUS smacysencorser. 'listwisaarsere wre ntamedni. A SHOLOF lL -is(latierCampbelltandlassyail hiss sa-p Presidetnaul nadshaa appoisnechet folloin ras'eng'smitecommittalees :Eret . A Proposal Under Difficulties"' and lime-PataickichRaitsdson, Armastrontg, The Worsted Man" Well !MisttHamterMiss Beidgesautisocial- Received by Audience. Nlss RoamssMs5issindrsoansMiss Bak- sr, Anemaca C allotsnWashitgon'asris- Thse tarncmdeus, "AsNPmrspatsali'a- daey-Beneiatt, Moralnn Iggnana uMiss dee ifaficutieasash 'Ilist Woseda itsoadawlell isaStrasuis;yell-GislseyPlait, as ee'usvems ut thatUives'ritr B asasatsuma hiatt Reline color-Mats School satNiaMuscluass ihtaunertu' MctiayusWNNsteI asatie ibanquet- directionmosat iast P. pinass dautlaeciii- NVaskiss Iamuaay hJtck, SnondgeassalaueNutItsslacsr IhtsrPauntamoutnas tDa eotutemtah.ts o Ir baa re(ttak's (if Iaugtr fthn audence : Codyx(hue presuientappited Lcosnerdapprteciat.l ReetandMiiiNss Lusgtohas asuistinicl- elimershtaacomedy was mesuiselya scase- techin mum'salumna-(aimssmse fuss alaspamimumalisse,'TIhus A-NE NNVCOLLEGENWorstsediNan." Do.he seofsuP splayap CUSTOM INAUGURATlED itsathlatdina potpiuaassitsortulshene iris see snumesrsand mithstsis arsie. That Attan Arbsor hbanks are usedtoho arsus rousngladier secomehmtiidsat thisueoat-i studenrat fiananes insvrashoriginual ad comapansysald proceedns hasrigugpaa 'a l- readicalmasi ad'. of hbakingag ndssit(,arisesvetausIn hutisuespiaumis ypo(ur laurei mwreathaasay well ise aweardtmo springemawater arhichileIs i ais'traiiag' as freasmanatimityear. This younmsa analssitieas uon ((a 'cassisted alns" aims teach made a samall-ldeposit, anad over-nuctriohstheir tiltrhaite hitcosttottlife. dreamwn it ia iartherourse of time. Than Like ail muscatc ednthaathus samuecir- ask ipromaptly sen imtsassatire. Than rstaen, lian pmopiates to tacit yosung anuswere,rhichcamse in. layrentuarnma ail,lashy srpasratealy as acaceedmbhy eich nat a check fuss liaramountssthde saute of tharss. Lte te sfact sat hasulicity l:ia.kcontaesutansaltime hesro as tlitmus sres lay liar Ieart-brela ismsasstheir her- Peat. Waler Dennsisoas hans just ren- rihle menus. turnsetdrousta weeks lecturing lone 'Than Worstied'klnisa a sliotstcois throsugh Kasas, Wisconsian and Mis- opera,tliar st issnug taknafroom thsor.P feorDninwasntut praPtec."Teols eesu, assaier liar auspices of liar Arehsanitgireal lay Mr. Mhyiew ash Masses Thuayer ass Inastitute satAntennca. Camspbenll, andad.lthionghithir effort (hews, bt hausstors havlitsreceiveadi Par- mins' traeiin i nssthatIlis itSchoottl'aComs- cut-' eliZs , ?'TID SOPt1S IN (5 t-SRITP 'iJ, This'bIsiahiisitatson openedi'tvestesr- sadshophou umorses sisal assin iaisasretasa to Isa matnssasPr o0thesopahooesr. A NiAtthateendiosat(hueflastshialanthestors' ta toiso0smhat taliked us thoutgha ths aunir t wuld utsua core.s Bit inathan csecondit isalf hgt su ahthshaitiasistlariatd is ](M linrugsisalmkesisalo sklc.'Aas- t(sass has sipfits thatira opponentsr sarm's. sashue saths'''aniaclu iavto asiec- list limeit I :itta Jusass' s -caskeRtal NNrtauaa Sta a tn 'guardns, Jaut, I Isates, Iasn g Soaitusosasaes-Bi its BiucksJsats Bihaassacenater sms h nes usI maam yheisttasagasTilt CarmrNNWshier that Chrsthmasnsumberahucosattimelar le 011 hasa stir alappea.rancnstall iitilt leusual nmberusanew acasduual uesc P tutuires. ie.utosattheaning ar toassai a ccaa tuartesatLoadsh Stagg andsipas it-alarotons