THE MICHIGAN DAILY BRIsNGsYOUR0 1.5RAM 1 h'S iIsT ITtE r DEFRIEIS ART STOR[ and have them framed with Choice Moldings Only the Best French (ilas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. QUARRY'S Rose and i i+.. 0 6 d ' Y 0 corYw cMS. $TheDI~ffe rencc betweien a limtp collar end one proper ly stiffened twith :tareh is not only in appeaaoce and comfort-the welt starched collar lasts the longer. May be less nitoney it it for its lautndrymen, butt it's the truth. Depend upon it that we trill do satisectt'y work for Nets, even if we dii gel, a little lespivoit. We want your laiundry orders. Varsity Laundry 117 S. Fourth Ave. Both Phones 928 I Almondi Cream After Paying Your Tuition Fee The next most important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready to be seen. TAILORS T HAT TERS TOfIEN H nyad yr FURNISHERS e r anKye 709-711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. _. As well try to smoke a pipe' without tobacco as to try ii) spend a comfortable everllno, at home without an "R W', y Smokingjacket or Lounging R,)be Until you have enjoyc one of my House Coats or Lounging Rohes you don't know what comfort really means .1/i' .1itS My representative can show you a cost just sailed to your taste; colorings stir fabrics as quiet as you like ot in others as btight and war m as a July morning, lost ask LINDENSCHMITT, APFEL & CO. still cuetieall the chaps and neigh skins. 5te for a Ilarge jar QUARRY'S Ohio Central [ines DIRECT LINE "TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cats on all 'Trains Hockifig Valley Ry. I(0NTINIJES ITS EXCl t.ENT TRAIN SERVICE You will fittil Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cart on Night Trains Unitin Depots in Toledo and Cu- lumbuo S. E.. CLARK, 32 ICamspus Martius Detroit, Michs. La Meg a j The finest clear Havana 5 et. cigar in the isarket. -AT- MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 S. Main St. UIEORUE BISCHjOFF FLORIST The Ann Arbor Savings Bank T I.JT T L E Capitai tc,$000 upu,$0,0 SERVES H-OT LUNCH AT A Gieneral Banking nustness Transacoted se 9P sr 338 S. STATE ST. esr w w OFrsCnase Chat. E. Hiseock. Pres ; W. 0. _________________________ -Harriman. Vice Pres.; i1. S~elt,.tCashier HAS. RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet? You can procure from him a coupon entitling you to one dozen $4.50 Cabinet Photon and an extra picture for use in the M~ichigan- ensian, all for $3.00. NU toe P T O t D ATEos~ 2000 ew Wihstos atnd PratsesLnt Alt ogbtr'phceae Dittonary lis ut Pa es. 5000tIlstrtis. Recolor Edton tttnttlln'hs. thiodins. De LooeEditionstysoxi8%dxt'in. Pintiro t ITIlE IIARXI\INIC CORCH-ESTRA. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Address L. ti. Bates, manaiager, 8o8 $ South Fouiriti avensue. Phones: Bell, a li liic o c-itist 1i~io66-I lotte, a2ig-red. ii unitilafe theii'hoiliays.Bstrslete'SoiMai t r im ipolrtaitimetinhg iof 19081 liis Tlhe college jeiwelers. will lie held ii iiiin Rom ',tUnisversity lull, 'Esiablishird 1858. \V'ulsesdas afteriiuioit 7 o'cliocks. ,\Il __ BomiouitBilscliti. The Anit Arbsir Press (formierly Par- At a mtectinig Saisir daiymornitng, the ker & Sinyder), priniers olfitie Michsigan n s-wlegatiedciW\iscosinii clubtsie'd Daily, 'Tie Altiutinis, Islanider, Yosi' iii liars' a smokitesontioie tight of Iliccit- great took ots foitbaill, the Te chiiecS. her iii. All Wiscoinsitsnen i tseiii- C. A. hsanidboos, etc.. etc., are prissier- versutl'iil i sii itedtoattendi. to te stiidesst sode 117 E.Vasiise lieh commtiittieliii arran gemssss fsor lonsstsreet. tf thc Y. .C. A. banuet lias deccidedlto "-- postplie stic affair usi the evecinisg of Glasses repaired. Fiebrusarysr6. Oii this slaic tsc saute Eyes carefully fitted aind tested. sprsgramss usill lbe carriesd out as hithserto GEORGE lIALLER, Maits St. Thec1907yliit clasSsmoiskier stiltltic itt-d Satisfactory tilo riing at satisfactsory ini she haiiioieee Ltz's clisthiisg store prices. Fisher & OConnor. f6ig E. Wil- oni Mtaini street, Satrduay tight, lDccet ishans street. tf tier is. Iisaditiiosn tolst thususal sticialt- - atiractios, there still tic specital nitic Expert Jewelry ad Watch Repairs. anitn orchestra still iprobsalyi le pret- Aessold's Jewelry Store. ciii A*rti sisig good t ittle is proiesd.- Ticksets, iwhichs are itsenty-five censts, cats For tse iat est idieass it ioograls lie pilrord fromsLuciis. I loyt. I tilii.coissecto fAlexcander & Co..,IHeniiss IDanhofil (Viisuetiasisndothers,. lblocks. roldif s ;. (7 F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas end Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Wsshington Si' 0. M~. Martsl DRECTOR Office 21111S. 4th Ar-e. Ilhone itS. Residlentce:3112'-.5tht Ase. Phone 31- AMBULANCE ON CALL FINE LUNICHES ite ecs"rr sit th e ar's ~linefts' t 'tttllt. iuss.NIS'rii'&5 .55'5.lTl'ttliCigarettus ands Iinsissti' , tuIpiirteigi lat's. A isomptlete lnofasit siitigartists's.Ste s'agentts tar DEMTHttl&t iCOi., LINKMAN & its. ianduli11 lsIPES. also str slAt_''s i& SCilAlirtig'8 ine ichiiciite BOuN-BOtNS, R. E. JOLLY. State St. D., Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY pt. II.: tutn 11:15 it. Its, 1:.:45a. Itl. ForYest' la tiony,1015 ).Il* n sit:1 .n Fo 6:1 5 I. t .i-titfttsie s.1:45 a.ll.a oo rAITINGI teWW1.aea to st eg 1's tsrNII Brgt lth ClasGartt e outereSer and long wear-insist aulots BRIGHTON j FLAT CLASP GARTERS All --Or Dealers ~ 4i By Mal ± t'3rrP e,5 ritoneerSspend.e o. Maks q rhiladelphia. Suspcoders. Al legretti Chocolate Creams We have the exclusive agency in Ann Arbor for the Original Alle- gretti Chocolates. 60e per lb. E. E. CALKINS --u~ 320 Sosotlo State Street 'Embalm Amblace och Dieterle or and Funeral Director calls attenadel day or sight. 210 S. 4th Ave.:t tesidencer same LO0ST-Sssiiay. Zeta s151pius. salipis- \,tnicet oii iisltceeceapfoithi l' ire settig, on Slate street. Rietutrsso iholidtays. J. C. W(ails. 331 1'I~ih Zeta Psi totuse. Rewsardl. 62-63 street. 6j-012 Chaice Cunt Ple.t. i Phns e 0. sAnAbr Chiapin St between Huaroansadltler Ave. ___________________ Phone 500 f r Save a Walk Bown Town BAILEY & EDMUNDS Buy you U. ofportiPnn G3ods Get your Watches and Jewelry- - repaired at the Right Place ' 2 Es Liberty Street. where they keep a full -________________ line p at the s Lowest prices. NoE~po tc dison Machines and Records in ourostore. s No th i ng charged for e~.' loooking at Victor Machines and Records our goods or - g ett in g prices on repairs, etc. Alarm clocks OLD DISCS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE $t.00 and up Call at the right place, SCHAEBERLE & SON opposite Law Building. J. F. SGIL[[O[E 340 Saentle 1 14 W. Liberty St. Ass Arbor, Mieb LO(ST -M1onsdaviDecembsler ii, abosut 1p. Isl.. un orsine suds'ew egineerinig biuildlinugthreetraucinigs its brossnspaper. wsra.~per. Pintder islease letuse uatuofice if 'sut'ism-echans.ialenginee'rinig professitr. stso fountaini pests andia siviee nasil file itt a leather case. Findeer please relsursn toi Dr. Btrooks as Barbotur grist. FOR RENT-Sinigle rlomi; furnsace teats, electric light; iboardinishlouse. 1224 (Vasitessass. fStdents' lamsps at Deans & Co's, auI S. Malts streed, $i.5o asid $2.5o. Best lnmps us city. tf 'Isoob tsciedSatsurdiy-tilt' ''.isle- Billrcit's geuiine selvect kisses sit See Rensieleler's ad otn pace 4. if Michtigans pisss, fobs and spoots. I lERo's JrWMtRY STOtE. Malts St. - -1- - I WE HAVE LEFT ANN ARBOR .Send your orders for Law Books to CALLAGHAN to Co. LAW PUBLISHERS. Cthtago ANN ARBOR BRANCH, StB.te St. Opp. Law 81d$. GAS STUDY LAMPS $2.50 EACH' tO0 Candle Power foel-3 Cta per Houa. Save Eyeaight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR~ GAS co. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, -THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORINGi