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December 12, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-12-12

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The Michigan Dil
ANN ARBOR, MICHIGA\NI l X ) 1 II 12, 1005.


No. 62.

- -------- ---


Gireatest Tackle in West Will1
Lead Michigan Football Team
in 1906-Election Unanimous.
'Tse vindicatiiont of Joe Curtis front
ants untgens~tlmaliyrontdtuict iteChti-
caotgamesswssscompttedtla stteventing.
Whn is ttmstatus twithsont at dissent-
ing voic chose tiltscataitnssof thi l
fosotbatll tcam.Thlel (onltw o otitcr log--
ii cllnidttie(s,1 01m Jr-ststtont an
iratnk Lonsgmtani thdsreiw fromttthit
rrc, lustingtug trtts acltr filsi. Cott-
t rarr to sexpecttiotss te election wst
tot deuferredcltsttntituhe ctttrnstf Cosichs
Yost andtiCatptaists No rross las stnighst
summnethu estuifteuts"Al"muntt ogethser
at D~irecti osardl's office.
Cttrtis is a-5olenusgttnuee srindiclonsgs
wto e siuh-iuDeltaI Thesta frateri-ty.it I i
mtadeicthu teamtsitshissfteshmantttttears sit
isl teinst tw-osiyears list' made sis t
msiiorils sit.'il1-Wstuttsteamt.is elit s
tweusty-trueesyears if agu antsisfrssts
Puebsloi.C(si.lts ieipli-sted ottiss hishih
stscshool tlitea uits blisorthliseesyeuars
andthe itlatster hits isapitintatis
Jsss-Ctutisis situosithillgretstot
ballplasyes sstsus evset represetedi'siXi sil
i si nthe-utridirsiss, -std iis bingisssit
sustlyruledisi (stof tse.Ciscago gameti
undustedtulyscsassted Alicigasss defeatcs
fosr tefirstlts-e in iisirerss Cu rtis
tesonslty s sthts le'Iislecin will
sstisictcniuersly ppsi r.s llsth
Al icsito-iss till sot i-ste-r istem ints hei
intecrcollegrtssiibai-skctbcsll lcagu ticlgs
fisocte utsis ibe t sren sCisgo, tscsiiss
M11innessotasnd ossletscof thresllothesmr
imporsitan tsesterni tilileti us' NoXii -
terestas sesr usluss sansifestudinitshsits
brasschs of aslisr itigssss cxccpt
siustg- its' girls, -isndiiit 1 is t tho titi
sits cithutisissti sias soldl itsaroseds ibii
te foirsins g ofiasi su'storiprisen sst te
11155's-sis) lDisetr B irdills wa
interv'ussst iedontesubssttjsidc
"Al dugaIll isit nocnitssionssssto enter
asosasuetbl-l ieagues- I itugy floori i
ocisisdtstiooi sissishstof thrtimtsiswit

CHAIRMEN FAVOR THE ieiiscs"ssUitedsuslit SAWililair svery
JOINT MEMORIAL IDEA rcspscta s Ise sfiniit csldsheirairs.tA
Meeting of Chairmen of Class Mem- thesrsiiisiittes wereiso apoinstedi
orial Commitees-Endorses Sugges- is inveustigate thillspossiblits isite var
tion of University Memorial. issil isicutsssugstedl 's memosi risais.
it -slo -issss-s- iiTheitrs mesi etisigtthenladjouisted iuitilgiet
the sivar it s iat mtis gaveiai re ark. eleciitsthe-s'schsit-iro
siltsexibss tt'st-iition of svar -ity i spirit 1ilast sThe iva sitous c imimitie is weressappilii
s it memriaisul. ItUtundlawi ansuit -sit ristimtionediiir ofsieaciis somtittesirs inig
iincr r mert lss iiho sistie ie ess is ais sihetthairmans it
andageedtouse sisiiceir esona inf -t . I .i lakiegner. A choicm
en e i th -s--i r-si lsas iss ii isie o" n t pu --- s. B I --Xs, i T. sits us
wouldtit ei woi t htiitii i le.us Itis ac55 t tiision or fie lace - s.ILsi Psiistt sisis iiesic; C
showisth trulyiwiiirfilireater s i ists'tre - sli. dckay,
p s ptiotiss ii-is si 's-sihss c-ow ils dent; i uph el its:iGiA. isl-oinsy
tru h te n i clb ueai ta i enineit IeirXiliisi
liii. The variou slip ts ssssnts isaive 1CH1ORAi UNIOAN I'l\'iTWI 'i'

msitted to itake Isis daceirs tswositshisdiss
quaitiiiistioiis stintesesons tts setei sis
a a lsto a p5lay1er', Ifuther piticsipation j
its sint colegts "iat tga -s duinti at sa-
'i'e'-Iforsser. tisunn cessst- rssughnssss
soldin ludt he setisof "iraitit nn it
an sisbow n -itens, piltu t ip" situ
sithisrs asts iof similarit hasi teitsli
SscondToi ringut' moretoitetipi-ast
fislom n csge ri-iriecommended: i
(a)i ioriwit d -stsi ing iper istsis ii baik
ofth ieofscrmmge
(b I ti lii lsitiss titrs shill list tsr
more sistha sisi le s o itse lists of
srm ae ofthue stpl -Ia iirsha i f tse
line of i i'rtssts it s itimm ge.shreeof stsmsmst

rish sas liiisthsir aro ,s ectiionaliiatti-
tude ini commoniiiitloyalstsyitoXiMits'higa.
I'ghe owtt''t its'wslts iprsenlt, e~
sentings this ii ltn iss is ittiiiiiis slits ,
med ics, senginers, 'its-n lts
setdits" ws'clle ti-s er byisr
XXAC sis gineer.susus ii i i sIlits irov
eedc haisi irsuits ndiAsitu i huls ssc-
sitsy(ihsuitsait X sitiiitsciallidiisnsits
expreiss it15'i 5iion o he j i risemoia liI ai
PTs- "i'its-ail isi isWay fisis liito au
jont I' ra helae wr sm-
wha-is ls-iri\' --utii-s- t i si orIsi nce i ltha
tim from whilicluh s utsin lof man srll-
scti s ottu t ihs' iiostsaryits sits ior55 laiwi
sasec-eenccis isssgi pa11intnsofthi
profs sr osnsi'siissts-it- ii is is stlls. loss-

]liiois lists itus siss istsi who Isi
beeni one ofi stse itsucscessfsiulsatists
1whw i:isthe pli n ecn 'yer, ill-
pers isnIUnisiise isiy isl nthe C'horalt
Unionser'ssie- stsliht is'sai-i-i tai iss-
gi -sit
It is for tunatethal tiheisiwsisuredlto
play her, si issta is hi country'is
veir bref. tnd sAisser its beenoos
hear le Iis iarlisti c iwork hitas 5won1 lt-'
issot sstic-res' di raiss tion. ci isss hs
iois notable ssf these:timphis wss sit
isison whee, lays' i tlls e Bisto
Systillnyiorcestra, i 5hei creitedi alistiii's
byi Ihs s i ils I titi iter15155tioin of lt'e
I-i hiscnero
14 nsigist ss rcitali i sisi scn titlis-
list onisthe Chorsasl Uionsersiss. wiscsh
has eem,! fo ths seson neif the
best o-ares i itshivw. th pro
ra , is as follows



be t eas t iesarsoulsk if tue ]lits' ussrIsis year Prosfessort'Bres-ssi-teruss
the- s-csiisiig tplayers bsoul fiitue iinuie i'ciri tex s-fi-siis0 i eintdc
sit Sc'ritimmge. if siitinivsefyc- dsotherelo-s- piestisuihimseot he i li'hiss- c01iisisii si
of, mtits tsr- inisiid' ifthrepositiositsof st iithe ho intg hti thells's sis ldssi all0ininuc sitis

hal1st li
sir fiorfiti
ofu-ii s
sig-l its

rs ints' ens oli if ts'lits lne i-thejosit t tiitiotai dea i . 'i'he- citist iitti's' IL'siucustis. VF utitsit' -its- 4.. iCiissisfit
is ihopue'fuil thoati us's-lassa is wo-ile ill o-\iigu-s loslo XAppissionsuto;
offese s'tue siide hassints e favri theplan.iAndite-i iiXsiisic II''ri IA~lul VIs i -u-i.
the- itic l s sieto tuesother sis silt is olo '. n rh rcted on thelii (li)iDoubl--fo voln loe
sc anid is i'su ti iil reeee.ch sn i ad,- t ii iiiisiu iitho us. i' ssbsciptitn ( a)I istitittis- -fli
thei- respsective titus by isme a liportraiii ht son i iicampus faiuvor i iisiite. c) ot lii(in I, malior)......-Efust
isutedlisuthoit.isiA Ifirmal I mtiot hat ii allthue itit comm isslii t~ it u Intoductonian sRond LCasicciosoi
msembeiirs of tse omiis ssttsi- tes r ei iise t w resi sin a o f a i ~t . .. ... ..... .. .. (it t'uets
it'rutality umsusst bei elii-i asutedtu memriaits as p sisediiwthl no't 5 liss-i A ago hm jor) .I ii'i.. tstfar

,nnual Indoor Meet Between Lead-
Universities of West to be Held
at Badger Capital in March.
iThesanne fal -iindormtbtweXeisssstsi
rack51 tits of-iucia'niiagdisiscsins
silt bei eld sn W terman gymi-
ia i i li-Xii ltyar ssringtioustevcoius'
Xsoi issstsh IL Oiss 5itt-tnagemen't isi-
nali tha5i5 - t tAisu hIigramcom se
islisi(uMiaidtison ii qel ll XXis'utahiu
its abiout thes ttmilehh'ori'lt' iat sf
lrh This exsc's' atch foil-its' ntsre 'st
Mis suit besindecidesineon.
Thindosiorsitschesduleti sis st itisit--
lts situ acco'srdinig toiX-Mansagr Bauird,
ust indosorsmetisisislw ssits - i usisso itu-.
"-Ne'gostattinsssri-'beguntlst s-cot
sor'sch'aronts Iit friouistuetai
ist it iis liuldint imteiaulisz lait slirin
tiller slitareu liti's' st work'ii's-isi
Xnitsiu us (huts-isossilettr ennti
wils ap ea sct-herein l i ii s iiiiir s-il
iWuhile itnsuitscago Saturdav, -Directioi
Ba sdsc sdliute'hseld datei s ithuii
'i aLle stllis Oil liimisniclashiiths
th aril s ou, i Xisitus 1 11111
silhi s is--ls'fr il aslal a
si ats shv
A-iis , 2 ennc Ul- -stya
Nisy sj Illinsus't -clm ~ i-i .
Aloay I}--Viisssssin t 'XniAho
Misy 21)--iissis t:iXdison
Al usc- 3o-h111115 ii I ,'an~i-i
Juneu2-C(isis 5 iiat A1its
Maysso-u) Lhir s-is ilt Cicagol-o--tdicoor.
Janeit'--Confereiiiiie imset st iShepar
Meli-'h. - stitu II I.
'liii-nei-hio clubIpisflited-hsits os-
saiztit sisud ighistiby i his uclcs-
tjsitofificti-s iat5 st siker whsretchi-
mti sethusiaustis' good Ife-ligs" i-sdis
plasyed. -Tliihen rues Iintiss sowedui
ther nturl hiiyussmsestndsheth
sltsiilst y saingthisris ughiy hisood'socil
iabuies sits-sui, eleillsg tii outw-
lnll-fills:u Prelsin, Adson; 'list 5ai-
prsi det,~ uh i I lins silsii -'sts hiss I htt h-
mitte, instadilen iiion Rothsi-
leus liwii hun
Imeituestsussilltrse tshihitsloot
ussisst'a', bXX ushi and I ai (:Ic ilsi] osssuis li
ucss ands diraw thesii ii' hussolokenr
Thss girssof thi senuiir'class itill gs's
this I s Iasris usfuclass1parti-s this
suti-ilfuhhternn istsrbursus'gytnastiiuun. Tihe
isis' t~will his a 'cofes," 'itudsdancing
wiliilisieinus-lg i.ThitsocialtI commssit-
tecres-ii w is conisssts ofi Xiiss Jasuts-IClcit
rsars, chirmanos M i ssssDIobss Paye,'
Alcrle- isadissh hs issnXafsaug, hays-
massdec slluthe sitangsesuitils 'sitd at'e'plat-
tnig s-scii ruispasrtissfts-i-tituhoio--

clay-s. Sionr girls osf ill depassrtmsents
slrs tordhially uivitdIitouscomestnshget
acuaiteduuiths eachsothser belay.

gtuttuu1sittttts cassis bus affordil suit u - sil'ssf
hititu.Ponofh plystf. ss or sketssiubiallicouirt." I Xt us L ~iisi f iu
and n---ussl ssusssgissg etor huh-fithus'nlasderushir
SiX 11)0 ICAIs CI ['1h1,iwss urestedstois seves're sbocks i-is-i
i~h IlS NI'X' Pf-15 11 MrN.'Peii cyIIv'ehss thus rlsut l'ust, tusrned
l seill hitsstiudenthosu wroitesithat
I a meinssg if thi S ociolohicalsclusts Ihuhasush-u itticls. usin thes co su ssu os f tht
lastssevenings giusNi-hertilts's- eri-i si hDcrhitshNewis.
na Itioinisf i his it Iem liocl 155555 "I dslt k151155 ti iiho abslits m-il i e-
ac15usceptsed such Iarl Xi Parshr slecdtil.lamntsu .vshi-ills: Xiivebuss suit rticlelutist
i'sr'y'gcsod papopilosJuvissle-'CIursuts."usthahesan s"sord Ijh
'litendahnceliuusatitshtsirssnis of - ItvswheItnsstesrvieweidsibtusisis gard-sstoI
this s-isar sitssituryiencouraging. heutter.subs I retete thusatthinwsiter~n
s MI a ss andshoIss-t ksnowussnustht 4a
CIsIhANCh:hS IN hILOTP>h I sh aboust arsi ta kluh piure.''usi-
lIsh s shI XRi CI i'1t'i'IN' biT tte ar ni ti hchbott ort hulssluch
I-sollsey ftrculthests irasic istist wis it it
'bhtsomeissds--s thangeos s inthie foot-cussditrial sll the itsrri-st suberr cf thes
sail rules us iesvibles tias uinduicted by Ilandesrch Thesstritrconcedes thisi
ibie sentimuents iexpressdclatte mseetisng utsversitsysubrsstdssisis s notsIbus
of te rolbs ommittsuee it Philaelho hih,-Ibuts tsubs ssuchs theiii arecthisy rchb
Sturda iss sght. No defsunieIaction as atthecihass' sttjisiriasb st's1wtich ives uts
taksente sommusitee sadjoinutg- usi second-rate 55artists a chancesi-ito i-sll-si
Isis sieels:IFrushaus botsvstu;r ri-flechionsfunssfrui thburssnorcltsisi-sfusoust - - '
if thse feeling of te commtteeucis showts- rails idones itloil if poularsitprofes-
us thue sub of resolsutiossoffetredbhy joistnjsors.LbTbhs sritserfusstblisscnlls attentsitn
ILL BeulrepresentinsgthueULivsuits- of ti thisisosefuul collin of portraits out
Pensnsylvia.T hs are s follcus: s thunwaus bosu teunivessrsity ibirary.Ihses
First-bthe rules shosuldsisstnusssishuspicti-sitsunss1he deitare s hv napi i ,~sMrrit oIPofsuc ssorOelyi sst ,usis liisc ~usu
beteens-unnettucessartyroughneus s h d urickohftitser truth orteaiy, yetthIey
sbruality. sow tolysshsamunfullhy ulass funusdslhii- is bus atrguts for hiss pusrchseusuf aijsiut stir us u ealousic's snsskes'sicomubinatuiosnuof
Tbhue asicsrisord, bhrutality,"shuldbeurns"esiltedbsyihsmsediumssgrade art memisorialb iy ther sculist iss~ssu if thus fundss ispossibiletutuiutulsi littse cipis-
nitudce -"slugginig"sisnd skneisg. I Tse Iiss htsrrcstly cosipletedb horrait of vaios Isp urtuetusbs tt ciofis1 do atlcistricy tllidj tusthe imasttteurrssla hss- lit-
penalsty for these offenssshsouldbe his- s riofes sorWXXleisi stakents a uglarinsg colctiints.s Xssumussitclcssirsted uwouldh ci iisshl uts its"iiiwsill contusinsustnb
qjualifications of bte gusily phayr 5ustubthueueisatpicof s "bshdaizediari."lie sussttubs tisfel niso mescilubhlouse lii-esiar betnisssjutirismis ndttuihe atu
rush of the i hf, sustithutisehbesigper- liii- underinrssg upurpose of blue-ciatice "ererhsuss sr.sbursratsiosi eis yet, --dpasrt- still "us sui

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