TCHE MICHIGAN DAILY SPALDING'S, O FFICIAL. FOOT BALL GUIDE p VoRx1905 Edi~ by WALTER CAMP t'in i tt ev ly- reiscedI OFFICIAL 1L: YlNil ill LES ndc, uses-aofileadinga teatas. mbrc in of -r.> i iclaye, Price Ic I- stl ticiy all Necscci c-itt -. Athletic Goos- Decalers acid Icecap tttrs A. C. SPALDING fu . ROS. \N' Yitus C11Cci-ct ) DENriE Fcc FiAT11 As'Ct Spllin's cail.iitc iof all ahei.sot maiild fee.itay address-a. GEORGE BISCHiOWF FLORIST Ch-oices.Cust IFlataasrnd P1l.aamts Chapin St., betawen Huron ad Hille- Aves. STATE SAVINGS BANK: 1V. 1. ca~il .icci. V. shcci-Iasl ill. A mocld IDr.Vi C. VauIclcan Jas . 1, all" E 1". Mills N. J. Kyer iJohn as 'Jilt. N Ir) Pro. 11. S. Caelccrt Irn '. IGlazier (hiristianc Martlin - f . 0 ' N !f )p , ~ , ( A '"IIN t t, L 7. r4 y Y° 0 / prr 4 (gq +p f1' Ie I R y y y y e In D "; o. r -hti 4 " Students' Headquarters FOR TOPCOATS AND RAINCOATS Fall Suits $7.50 to $30.00. Bath Robes $3.50 to $15.00. Gymnasium and Lab. Suits $1.00. Waiters Coats and Aprons 25c upc. Fall Shirts in a Great Variety 50c to $1.511. in ZMon- arch, Cluett and Eagle brands. Spaulding's Athletic Jerseys and Sweaters. We have a complete line of Fall Hats which wie would like to have you inspect. FRESHMAN CAPS 50c. Staebler & Wuerth 2 11 SOUTH !'CAIN STREET i BILLIARDS H USTON BROTHERS Successors ts JAS. W. Cl-I/t.) 312 S. Stat Lab Supplies Botany Path Biology and Dissecting I nstrunments at Q UARRY'S Ping-Pong Photos 3 6 PHOOS FOR 25 .4 Psiions,% 25c OPPsasi.sLDt5IRRSTVDIO it5 S. MainSt5. An Arur U. of MI BARBER SHOP rojonowski Stte St. SHIREDDED N[ ALWAY IN SEASON p'tseesch eytil hefit 1 tios o t dorcc icfcsc realizc .cc c The pptiteg isccan d -,ticnedfr odsta caslcan tengthis fell Bscus itscg prcie l sc cc.Ethec~se ccks cc ccc 'c cte eason t hctytis Vmad lao nirewhead baa! wh-icctais ccclltc.engtuplt cclit clanda aismag ft tic it t ccthe ccaleensccc e-c qu ired for stcden tanegy WihNii , a r uitls, vN. e CITY HAPPENINGS. Thecreturncciccuivierscity stutsclri-hat ccticased tic s' iiiness oi theltclt Mcichiigantetiilptiteecaatge tht an-t otherc- opeator c cistoibccacdiedipresenattly wc itccatprobabciiyofccatsconidicadditioic, cctic-o ccc i ic t t ic-narlit- urecis. Sinethceilusl lticsthemitticthlere haveibeen 436segistraiiit, foisbookinc c th ig chl cililtbcra, ccwichit2718 "em maccbyiaduts, indciccatincgthics-t licc ntrstte cidicltpulcoth ci chasttlkenctintthits1lcc-aire A deicat ian utusuaii opetrationc, wch wasiici tic saccittie-cit performuedl here, was perftormed iy- Drc. Nacrcdes- s ing I Darintg catdiLoreet. at thic Micicicic uponiciuc e cigic-..\iibreak inl the owe titcausetdcil1c) catseterecttacik tien t sive theic eation cin a tic cc-I that lgivecs igoodigicoctdc tic icDocie for c~ i s lt imaicicte c oveiiry. A c-c--reuccaiiu ofl acDetrcii ditecs tieae c tt iiW ihe city escterdacy cc-ti dwncluein i coctccioitt cithi til tio wor c-c-ticofjewe lsticict icy Frankui llico iat tulcrcicyc Circculcars tave een put ccclitills-c-ittg $too re-wcacdlfor th turni cciofitics-piroicerty, whicit is ice- Ove ccci havecbeen i cot c t cctics- Ccici Clus, i thec ampusiccccorit-ilt ticsSaliitt Al1.liii-thec-lothier.-itiloris tdihunts- NOTICE. All footiball scitd ibaseballciisc-cies scill ice pstccipromtl~y- cciihie Dacily buillec it boarcrd ac tiutontibrcos.' 31-2 S, Stcci street. t-6 FOR i-i 11(5. I il~ fot parlorite- utal o tNco or th itpeso s: cbath. iaitt.fur- itc cci- etat. Blull ichciccic41. Inqircc 31 Packard. t TUTTLE' SERVES HOT LUNCH AT 5! f 5 338 S. STATEd SI. y TilE IARME(RS AND MEICH1ANICS BANK MlAIN ANt) HUIRON STRIEETS Capital, $ues0,00Surptus and Profils, $61,000 alpc-icc--SiaftiDpitig Blicccitciii t It. KFlit-cu rt- it-. W. IJ. Vecc li-c- . V. ti tiscit, Cash. t1. A. \iFtttAms Asst. COOK HOUSE Opposte Curt orseStar FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BSRANCHElS $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 Si-i tt-aBeatiatdFlev-aitor- Allti ight si-tiice Varsderllp e& OGkle. Psasasa. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Citcal citock, .100. " Sccc-luic -2cilicl A Genst-al IBanking Biniess Trcasacted OFFCE S: IM . -is ckI. Pc-iS.: W .. itic-risittiViiic -ces. It1 I. trite Casliii. FINE LN~CHES tiie tittry tlii- icteistilicic aof ci"i- IIit ri)t FTilti- it )ttiEl) (ilari-it ccand DometicttltR Imptieid Cigars. A complete-ii linio- :111 ii iciccig ctli ic-. Wtic- agint tic ticci S tt i. ci ilo fr T Cv S . cc. cciii I R. E. JOLLY. 5tate St. SCH LEEiD'AS Tempery Loose Leaf Bin- der for 1Note Taking. Pci 5/li ccfor sm. lii lit-sipertpmuictwo Ii cc CALL ON 115 F. J. SCHLEEL)E 240 S. State 'St Money Loaned On VWcat ce, lWamondsiciiceothet Wsactches antiJeletr~y repaitred. iat-gcinc in SWat-ces. I iiamitnil titit tttli liutat -res idere I .Ltiber-ty cSt AtticArboric. flu s lirto il/:i30 c. mc., I to3:: ic ccii toc tIlt, . ALtt. itti-ct cit c CONIDtTeIci JOSEPH C. WATTS titi t- R i cats. ilcicicI lice iciicg jewelers-ic I icclc c I c ci streeti. 2-4-,; i Stre. i/l "Nac e dciiiic 18t. i; tf :\tcyitiig ccciusecant iiitt lsuliesiic- atl Ctsilitgc'. Whiite cdick ects. cWag-nee&-KLii. 45 U.l. 1 . tics caiincd souveircs. Hile Jewelry Slice. Maciii cci tf Blanncersancity le .hSiss 1 irc-ic332 5. Sitt- srti---. 2nd I'cilc-c ccinicig. clitilthe -Gcr- nclt ci~h tGaler- cdnl clhe imtpotan ceof cci ccsiccI ii 5/tie lci nt hveticiccatedi-i. ()fficc- cud cciii room, ground floiteoriiollcc-aynard Islieti. onei icici-ic ies-t 4clSicat-e i ste t t . -c (Cciigc-cc c hiicts is c cc \ a c-c Suilcitspesedcsi. 2c tiousesit. ic-.1Warranied alarmcciciicks. h -$u titi. r-. llier & O'Cocciiior. ii ciciHold's c-icySlice-..SAliiic ccc. if Eyes ecainediicc, iasses-fittdle nccs, ciiiiciccated. i)ticccI lciccrtn tic-ct. rc- ilt'uicjewcelry Stocie. tf Swctiluc s& Ccc. scii Stetsonicitc. _} Scave half c-iteurumoney ac uy 11 ooks ct lice ,Studi ts'ci ktc orccicce. Secoind- hand ooksfc l cidcetpcrtmeii-n tscclfthe ultversity. Shceehanrl& Cci.,itrocp- 1-3 lIt9 ic usiaguaiteedtil founiitinc peic-i atcl (uuSicutg4c. Itscicrccccect. Wacgnce & (Cc. -- ccristt- i th vi n co cciie . a Ailarmiiclocsii iile's t tin lt c yr 8-ics "its i cc1cl wt l ay ing and ,.ol i nstrulcltionii. .12 LA M P S No combination in Lamps-=No advance in. price. ThecBer-itttn cti-slet ictip.Nick l ae d wi tlt ihit. clShade. -i $1.50. lTce Perftc- oiStu d slt i i - - - - --.2.50. t'he Nit.i0 Royal Lamipi - - - - - .75. ' - - - - - - 1.25. Thce Noi - -- -- -- 1s.0 ttcccccaicd Lampis C lettt-e fc-citt -1.001(o A.4.50 echtl. glass taits frornt lt- is0 i5cechi. We sell the best Lamps made and for less money than aisy other house in this market. 214 SsathEN COAnAroa Main SDEN &MC.hAssanbs .I F I!i '', After Paying Your Tuition Fee The next tmoat important thing, in to avail yorsrelf of an oppor- tunity and let tun show you our various linen of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. ME N. Everything is now ready to b : seen. TAILORS tiZp1lN and K e FURNISHERS e 709-711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. GASSTUY LEGSYPTIAN $ 80100 Candle Power fsr 1-3 Cents per Hour. Save Eyesight, Maney and Troble AfnW ote Turkish Cigarette can be made ANN ARBOR GAS CO. CORK TIPS Looak fasr-cS11jsattv OR PLAIN .sf S. ANARG4YROS ALEXANDER & COMPANY PORTR 4ITURP Do you have trouble with your Cuts? Try the ",New Process" Plates oI Ohs CHICAGO ENGRAVING CO. Sesd trial sordee throaghtas A. M. SMITH 0,-er Wahr's Downttwsootaoe HENNINU BLOCK Highest Quality Amateur Finishing COR. F. HURON & FOURTH AVE - - ----- -------------- WE ARE NEVER UNJ)ERSOL1P---GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STOP-