THE MIGHtOAN DAILCY 1 . SPALDING'S OFICIAI_ ALMANAC - FOR 1906 Edited by JAM1ES E. SULLIVAN PRICE 10 CENTS A. 0. SPALDINYG !el. SROS. New York. Ciciie I'lcxxeph Wi, Lois Bulalo'ntati Btimre Pittsbr \VIsint New Orleansx Mloirei Ca.ii t. ~" H USTON BROTHERS Sueccesseor' tee JA .W. RiEl), 312 S. Steate STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booith Jeic. V, Sheeh'lan Wmee. Ar'noeld Dri. V. C. Vaiigiiain Jas. It. Wade 1;: F. Mills N. J. Kye'r JohicI lacier Jiio. Kochi Prof. i1I S. iIxc 'ee'it Franki I. G lazier Cristian Martien GIEORGJE BISCH'OFF FLORIST Cheapin St between Huern aned Plter Avc. t Phnee a QUARRY'S Rose aild Almonld Creamt xwill curt all thi.e, C ps iin r-it sins 2.5 fo large jar QUARRY'S Ping-Pong Photos 3 6 PHOTOS FOR 245 c ,el 4 Posateons 3 OL.D MORRIS STUDIO 116 See. Malin St. Anen Arbar U. of M. BARBER SIIOP Trojonowski State St. z -® 7- 7 ii 'I yccng feiicws whol wear (ClegeBrened Clothes woullldieeetexear thesamiie s'uts we. kecp foci their clderi ITheclderi mian cnseiders College Brand Clothes fa to e'treeeoirihis more ieatce appea.rane. W\'e e ee ech cc his Ocii iittie piaeefcincdiveidua'lity. A ieeedays agco we re'ceived u eluicts and cverceats ewhich the maeeres prcdced at thee last mc- eenexin ocere'teeget this fali'scllege ideecslee themi. IThey aee y is ehy end extreeme. Anion,(g themcneigareent in pdrtiicular' is x'ee'y noitieabejle---a 'e' geaxeeoat tiawerill only be esheecn be ees ccdlthe' eii' teedate elestom tailors thie ye.It is tile'"Flraterinity''-weaccuiete pitee oe'ciwhich is sheewn in theeseel vreli' emeent.Thi's is a mineuete descxription cf the gae'rment: Double';lbreasted end loexceill fecent. title x'e'y ewide lealdend ct'arcfiscee'materiel awte conat. Ct fli aendlameplex'and eworked liy hand ucntilI they aesoCflexibele'thaet they'll sixyen posieeenewhen hlel cledl cxr fellytained eup. 'The'beece cf the oeewiele yet deines tiefigeere elighetly at theeweist ail ic finishiedithei'e with sieeamsee', eit theleep eel clii-h aesilk triangles 'islagives tie ceat soewehat the' tftecI ofi a suertetit. TIhere ic oeelong invrted ileat in liecenre the shouleris awe big and lusty. It ijmae in all the cmart materials feer winter-fancy eletbe in vaericuc pleaided'effeteslpredominate in the asscortment.~ r; . t, THE f rd[CtRt Ey ,-H _1_.f 11""I "' .,. r T v'-I F i t-1 GEI ANN ARBOR RAILROAD Redxeased Ratiesteo all Peetntfor- CHRISTMAS VACATION Tr0o.nns CE..eeeexe AeeArebore Gxxiias-Neerthx l0:x05 u. xxIad4331.ll iioxie a leouh ':0ax.l.ex. i m x. 'xlii k.e . J . , IiliY. i IX L.I 'x. Bl l p1 xxiic le 13:)-_. Holm xxx 'xxix9 FIRST NATIONAL, BANK tOf Ana Arbor, Stace. Ex. 1). itexe, Pres. lixriresx i exle .X. S. IW. Cfexelexexe, Cashier Caia lj00.000ece. irx eec ande oi ts.ifii' , 0Ol~ T UTT LE SERVES HOT LUNCH Al' cew 338 s TATE ST.sw FINE LUNCHES W5e''ca'ry e Ix' are-1x':l I>ie ' f xxi Ii lI Do osic I potex i i ' .5 e eexl leer D:iiexxIIee Cx. eexe..exxxx fi in e. c lhoco ltyxx('\-iXCY'1 x 1> 1i R. E. JOLL6Y. Stte S S. Ohio C e Airip a Lines:VI I TOLEDO to COLUMTBUS Parlor Care en all Taiens I teblerQW ( iirt -, ;; .1.I[()l' til\iMi l 1111IxSxixx IDicke NIorgan, I'si Upsilone: Six- ARI., A Piiii I 'i' D Clxxxirlelta ThielaD li The i -] xe'txx e 'xx xx ct xforlthe 'annuaexl cirmaneex;e iiixxxi xxi. Deilta U'pilone. Junior hop iwh Cic cri lee.'h eeld of I nxxitioleeel I eiil . i'e'xe'dent. elir- iXxthe('lxi1 'PS]x h xius e eix ece' afernooxn. Chaipxeoes-cJ. I lle . A pa. a ''lxixD to cle te etxxing a ix x 'Ile' a. xxit xiiiile xxx ' 'exxxineefae'ex(Ifxth e xeunioreehan,-ix'ellast n 'med xcomm i eexw'sxre- lxxcll (froion.iT hexilshmad e ustUpslo, bcom sead e ofieehop.lIel P l I ct t1eat e n ra hir m anlxix S cx e lx . eear t e h ly ge o we in C o.'s, r- ericL. 10\ llK appia. x i gnlae. criietae.r . Miy:lrl,$.c wed $.l. B l~ce .Cllx.,Ixx'.('xPs ccxxiixrauer cn iecle hs c ly. Ifcure a re xxnix''leixixloto xwths cheapxlfoxxithe TIHI HIARMielONIC CeRCHIESiRA. Addreess IL. 1).tBates, emanacgerx$88 Southl Foerthc avenuee. Phes: .Bell, xchb- ; Home, 289-red. tf See Ilexixcixcies ad ilxxixaxe-l.1ix' eifer. II IIINQLI(I' iiI\xlUNIxN Tol aderteeiseeellCe'an frt ete inxterest leeth NIAicleigaix Uneionx banquxetCIpic- tues xale e -hxx'lferegularee'ice. Oiee hunedelred mxore reeadl' irc'iyx nooxo.iANix xixo NMieligxee-Wise'inxgaeexeplictures' cexiueced ItIn?5 ''.14 ccxxxiy'Sxatirdaxyx xixex atxif~t cetea xchx. Lynedonxe 'lxiii xgx' iixer' ;t e c s , Ixici'xJ>eteveec Sexi exblaxinl Si S iii.e cxllege jexeelerx. BEST ALASKA RED) SALMON Wtchie lry eaend eye glass repair- j} Per Can, - - - 10 Cents ineg Iby sklled xworken. Pe4as fForDzel $.0I.Iee t s JexerR STOEe .MinelSt. Ilel as fForDre,$.6 5 Case Lots, Per Case, - - 4.40. Se~xc IIc er a 1 gg .1; 214 SoiuthnnAro Malen St. D A .. rarxl''xiec. l e x r MJ~ath. ver zboez $3.e50=$4.*00 A CAMDEDWotA1 FINE LINE DRESS SHOES Wtrahencigfishiampcng For Women-Patent Pumps, Snade Slippers and several sat o te iekinh a fipi, ~te iraeofhoar foodwr fine styles button z nd lace patent shoes. ceiv 'caefulFor Men-Patent Pumps, Patent Oxfords, and Patent cosierration- Button Shoes and Oxfords with fine Military Heels j' llotherweise yai be esrrytland on the new Potay Last. thee appetite t Wheat ' sre;.<'WALK-OVER SHOE ICOMPANY Iredded WoeWetFactory--Store Biscuit R. F. HOFFSTETTER, MSgr. Sole Agent Everstick Rubbers IlI S. MAIN ST. i~ei~d o aeng xy ae ereec. e es eceeKe Eixoch Dieter-le Embalmer and Funeral Director Ambulance Calls .ettendeli dayra hlie'04 . m, CA: ' Belrih tia (1sCc PURE SILKnS b-wt,,I hace C il~ aneloegea'c-ins' FLAT LAS GART S SAll a FakDwi o aersl ier ursxendrC chN are Steet, >1 xxx iit'a Piel nph a ir Ax q' , ok fiuhO aWcu alia $he rg x Monaiey oaned Uour U.tee, h1aeeexxeeix u i ns Wahreteheeyad°Jite c ei a fuel' Bpiearganshneatces.oiiex std Pries No ooi soc char d er in Qiechiay our godI r( )g SI- aned easily prepared, and is splendidt in cem- bination with milk, cream, fruits, vegrtaibles ach hoes of other things You caii prrepare ii in a different way fee rverey mral-a uNv- came relief from monotony. It still douc ee hts of good, too. 4L It is nae leley ci tihe whole wheat berry. aned contains lemore streengthe and vigor and vitality tuhao any other food, as whole wheat is comeposeit cf all the elements which enter into Itee ccii- struction of the homan hcohy - muexxis, teeth, honee, tissues as well as heat andce eoergy. 41L Write for "eThe Vitlf 41o ic CookBooak, free. 41 Trlscuil is a whoei wheat cracker. Better for toast than breach end fiene with hotter and cheese. Compiact end easily carried. THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY Niagara Falls, N. Y. We have a few of those Vine Panorams of the rf'Iichigan=Wisconsin Game left a.At $2.00 Each, or Framed,, $3.50 r HENNING YNfID"~ E.HURON AND je BLOCK -LEAN ER CO FOURTH STS. J I Ask A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor Savings Dante Block WE ART' NE VER UNDERSOI4D---GOOD YIAR'S DRUG STO~nh