'' tI mICHIGAN bAILV . .................... _ _ ... ... .. rr-_----_, I D::IT SLS ART STORE O)nly tibFirrench (ilas3 is Used 223 S. Alain St, Q? U ARRY'S Tile Differencc , tbetwreen a limp collar and one proper ly stiffened with starch is not only inj aftpeaaanci' and comfort- the well starched collar lasso Ithe -longer. May Y g ut it's the t rath. Depend upon it that r 6, wetwill. do satisfatorty work for youi. ricO if ire do get at little less prufit. We' want ear landry orders. Varsity Laundry 117 S. Foreth. Ave. .Both Phonea 928 l ; :1 The distinction that comes fr3m - being a correctly dressed man is yours --by asking for my mark. And that does not mean being extravagant-my creations are reasonably priced. WAISTCOATS TROUSERS "MACKINETTES"~ TOP COATS Reasonably priced at my representatives 11 12 F :='t ^- Almon Cream I After Paying Your Tuition Fee The next most important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select- edf with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready to be seen. TAILORS ~OfE ~ jad W~ MATTERS(TnE H n VadK r *laeeji 709.711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE I1lr Y 9 T t1 T ., The Ann Arbor Savngs Bank TItTT LE Caitatoc ttk, 50,00. OSrpls, 0.0,00f Itsoncs.$2,ff,0f0 Judge for yourself by asking SERVES HOT LUNCH AT A (ererl Banking Busies Trasactd - rsip$ D Lns V 38 S. STATE S. 9PW t1 Frrit~s:ciar.FE lsi'iil t len; XV. . LINDENSCIIMITT APEEL. & CO. e~1r Lins ________________rriman,__ Vi'"aPes: M0.JlFit.. ahlrr 'FO teDO to COLUMBUS, HAS... RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet? F. J. SCHUH F~ro asor all Trains You can prscure from him a coupon enitling you tosne dozen $4.50 Cabinet Photos sd an extra picture for use in the Michigan- SANITARY PLUMBING --ensian, all for $3.00. Gas and Electric Students' Supplies APEIAT oc "lg 'alley Ry.l 'ou Irains ]Daily -itiToledo arinPror Cors an Day Trains rs at ottNight Trains i i'1_iTledit and to- t4tYitE OLt"tSWT NeU'BsgortTOlDitoAry 25,000Wester's c nle hraeDetsey New Gzette riiofteiiorld New Bpiog obrp"hical Dictioniary.0o G.itr i CheV.THasP.D.,ME RIA LC. UrnbteSaesCopmisineross.,ucaitn.A IT G APCEDTHE AUETFRMTO Also btrCollDiateciry Emb_ almer. and IFunera irecto DeLue d tine5404.8 Acejn.Arite ro \V(1S'l'FF \ANit J EFFR- For the latest idleas ini pihotography ()tI.1 1' N I'i 'INPS rotmr to Alexanider & Co., Ilerotirot black.coil-tf a liitothefact that lt' Webs~ter -___ - 'anmptus Martius _ trr Itih J~2 Aleg sciertyioc tintem dli igitsi' ltbrooas acidputig' illtortsfutrnitutin,,they srill hol thiritmoetig tiht is'Room- Fil be, held on thelir ttFriday after theo thisitmias vacationi. Shoortly after, dedi- caoy en xrc'ise's will hehrldi.'Tonghtl's N elirter pcoarat folltiws PaliamntaryCrill. Ortion-Clrk I to-lato' :' icsolvel, 'That ite irohtibi- tin 0pn 10wf's beoctoing a ptnetr witiheihshaninto ibuosinecssfir re- tod-il.'' ffi'm'ti' vefu, Blacka, Fraser, B. Iooit, t ; neoattie.T. I_ Stmithi, Priest, Ct ii rtitit c. o Cutsrecctt toics--Seibritig. adrs-riffithi. Prisaeitarcotiy drill. fBtigraphly-Bastiani. Geerl ieatea: ''Rcsoilvedr,That strit is ~ odinifarily ondtuttctedaltre jisti- htllt :Alfftrmative, Schtroedelr, Warreno ; Cri' ntpotcBllanchar.it Sce Renttschecler's ad ott page 4. 81 Michtigan pins, fobs and spoons. TII .stt' JEWELRY STORo., MainoSSC See Fctitschlclr's ad ott page 4. tf If oot are ini teed of a fiune pair of shoes or rubbiers call at Aprill's shoe stire, Washtington street. cod-ti Sce' Ri'itscltcler's ad arn page 4. tf If youi are nto particular, go to anv phootographter; but if yout want the, beart comrie to Alexandler & Co., Henning blaock. rod-tf Mtiss Jessice Mitlgley. graduiate of BRattle iCl:Stitariitti. Pltltoti22t1t1, 56-6it. 'l'irlea'inneir, Cutitinig taft', Ssuday.' fom h t.>.Co6ior. 1.0C'ST-), souithi Unius' rito avenueir - aoearsrr ror twoitItountaitn petto andla silvoet' ail ilt ' Or roe troit, hurl rttotmi6:1tSa. si. until stir5 p.ott.; then or1t15a-.om., r.1:45 a. it. Far Ypsi- in ai lcathcr cast'. hindertleadsc retutintlatttitily,10:r5op. nt. anti1r:ts a. i. For Britikoat iarloti ' ptt. Jactsonti, m itited at 5:1 ~la. LocItals fro toi I), rokIac. rit--in : 5ai ti1..1 5 at. so. tt-ti 12:15a. om. I lifdrcllo's getnine velvet kisses at J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St' FUNERAL 0,, Mf. Martini DIRECTOR Ofofict01 S. 4th Are. Phone :48. Residence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone :114 AMBULANCE 011 CALL FINE LUNcHEnS We carry te largeat ttne of TUlRISH. DMoes-do a. lMr'rUt'r'R Cigarettes aria Dotmestic & Inmpotrtedl Cigars. A comtplrsle lineitof al sotkinrgartic-tles e rse entrrs far I~resoos'It t& t,,trNKMANs& o, aad3It PIEalso tar S51' S SCI'rArF EE' tnt' cocottlate lttiN-BONSi. ,R. E. JOLLY. stte St. D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY { Cushilig's. MA _S rUG STORE 211 8Man St. tof~it IsSC HOFF 0 an oasot ro'seaand Plarcta ________________ it b. etwieenr H'uros andtllter Are., Phouner 809 BAILEY & EDMUNDS ~ac alk Down Ton porfingGoobo -,i atches anid Jewelry 1tFs iet tet 1rt ad at liC Right Place ire theycceli itfall . ,poorstc Edison Machines and Records r, ', ii ltoaikng at Victor Machines and Records tiAot s I, ritoo clockse OLD DISCS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE 1 1r a2ttClatthe light place. SH EE L O 1-ttlbt Io BuIiilding. O J.r.SCIIED,340 South 114 W. Liberty St, Ann Arbsr, Mieh WE HAVE LEFT ANN ARBOR Send your orders for Law Books. to ICALLAGH AN ft CO. LLWPUBLISHERS, Chicsago .ANN AR.BOR. BRANCH, Stahte St. Opp, Law Bldg. Tlhe Auto Arbor Press (fornmerly Par- aerc & Snryder), printers oh the Michoiganr D~aily, The Alumnurts, Inlaroder, Yost's great bank oro faooball, the 'leclouic, S!. P. A. htandbook, etc., etc., are printler- to the studetot body 017 E. Wasltir t- Ion street. ti Glasses repaired. -Eyes carefully filled arnd tested. GEORGE HALTOER, Mairo St. Stuodents' lamps at Dean & Co.'s, 21I1 S. Mairn street, $r.5o arod $2.5o. Best lanmps in city. t Rentoscheler oiffers bargains. See his ode. ott bugr 4. Expert jewelry anad Watch Repairs. Artoold's Jewelry Store. Try Phelps' Perfection chocolate pulffs and chips at Cosling's phrarnoacy. Soils pressed, a25c; trousers, boc. Poller & O'Connor. t ai 5core, 3=1 BrightonrFaatstlaspotaterssoutwerevery otherrIk idthtreeIaoarte.They areroade or POIRE SILK we-otomere rtzedcotton, and hatherightonfalsp. to rnomfort and lastwear-ianistupon BRIGHTON FLAT CLASP GARTERS au or Dealers Wg~~ By MWll Pioneer SspendereC. Malkerso q 718Mrkt Street, Pioneer PhilaelphiaOSupender's. Allegretti Chocolate Creams We have the exclusive agency in Ann Arbor for the Original Alle- gretti Chocolates. 60e per lb. E. E. CALKINS 320 Sotutl,. State Street GAS STUDY LAMPS $2.50 EACH t00 Candle power for' 1-3 Cents per Hour. Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. El". I ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY-. THING IN TAILORING~