T 41MMICHIGAN DAILY for Art amnd Skill in TailorinnO[Y[AND Vacation Oportunity 4Call On (t)n Mateles. Diii ns.eis r and altltHigh Class Ch att The young ladies and men of the U. of M wishing anto lt e reat eurity to better their financial condition can do so with very SAM DURC-HOFIELD & CO.. LVRI little trouble by catting at the Ann Arbor Garment C 0thodAve st o r l l s ACo No canvassing. Third floor. Mack & Co. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City oii ii l t 130: itoi tM CK ( O 10 A T H R N S R E uiesSrcl ofdnilM A CKSPA[DING'S ANN ARBOR RAILROAD OFFICIAL. "Allen's for Quality" ADSEMHPLNS AINUJIC Radsosd Rat.. to alt Poirt. far AL~1ANACTHANKSGIVING FOR 19061 - ~ 'AN N~VACATION.. Edtitrd to JAMES E. SULLIVAN a a AL L E N m: ~ la eaeAnLArb PRtCE 10 CENTS I i~1~T't~nLasr nn A-o. f A. 0. SPALDING (f& BROS. Exclusive styles and extra values in flen's Suits and Over- stir fort Chlicagoit ila piaiiiii itnvs Sr yracuse Mineaplist coats at the above Price is our specialty. Biostont casas i tia 'o coiistt oaltimorer i'ii-isburg sti iiittii sitw Orleass Stnt 'iii. Cans. tLondit. ititi. Spligsetialogue of oilathlticspotisi miaiedtfrerttay addriess. 1111 II I~IL P XLFV Ff11,. BILLIARDS~~Th w____ eieeksly piiaiii tirbott na ittl steriltlt he iic furt U.ShON g ,T, S liiI itinie k. liutitti fii534 Ihill tafylyl. Otiss Akitie Iiisor Successors to JA Vs. tREEDt, 312 S. Sta~r tiii 1 1 i t e11of ie o t h afternootn.ttil l Iiir ost." 'SI I c h s this redictineof \ic- 1i- Ping-Pong Photos ataK tthe:i par~t i los Thiewsare 3 PH T SFO4R li2ii5 ci isiri itgliii t liistlars t. la li aty - - - 1Postio srfcIlat i Ilit il e it ii tlr iitroif.i i OLD MORRIS STUDIO Ftritii~i~~ilit1ttidy:trnonotoi uni i teii iii So. Matn St. Ann Arorfeh a sp adilte vnig U. of M. B AR BER SHOP 01iiiit tiltonfidec:urmlo 't IIIS 01, ,1 101-1)1 IN' Trojonowski State St. t)ll lito ' tof the m iead ii Went____________fo________th______ t Marshall hl tli daiii Ii Thle clt iliit class swill h l l '_1ome hi aelo aqe tCttigau" al H A L F-T O0 N E S _ Iitul.I ntJe lrstr.Dcm rr The Cl otL hier- IGotingursNthiii:20 a. n. 13 ,r.a( :1 u 1.J iitittY iWS. 0 VtLLS, MAIN ST. i(eiti tPass. Agetti, Agent, ir gasii til i te ry ltarge vheftie tie ietix Over theI ft. 'Thle TIlE hIARMIONIC ORCHESTRA.j Address L. t). Bates, manager, 8o8 South Fourth avenue. Phones: Bell, to66-J ; Home, 289-red. tf SeeIfeitisehelies tid iin ptge 4. Big offer. tf Xlf'iCHI As'iNIfIN lIAN(iAI' P1(11 CiI S 'it adlvertise andi further the initerest of the ichliganisUttions, bauttset pie- tires tire onr-half regular price. Our hunditredi isore ready tFridaiy sooti. Also 50 Nilichiigant-Wiscontsint gamse pictures redtucedl to 3/x14 readcy Saturdlay ntooti, at ifty cets eaich, Lyndonti, liliot tgrttplier. II oLcs'.s JEWELRYo STOEti, Mai St. The college jewelers. Established t858. Watch, jewelry sod eye glass repair- lug hy skilled workmens. HeIAtLcs'S JEWELsY STORE, Main St. See Rettiseleler'sadoilOt page 4. Big offer. tf Satisfactory tailoritig at satisfactory prices. Fuller & O'Consnor. 619 E. Wil- tismstreet. tf leitselteler offers biargaiti. See hits ails. ott tuge 4. tf FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Aoo Arbor, fMisth. Et). tutun Pres. it ttisititSouei, V' S. W.Clarisoni, C.shstu. Capitatlii100000. 'atpluiand ofts,5400 Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326u N, Filth Ave. Nsewtio 45t,'titBeill Phtonte 45-L and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Blockj BILLIARDS AND BOWL ING S. ROTITENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. AAe. ShREDDED WYfE ALWAYS IN SEASON IThose iwto enjoy tottie fuI extent the sports asit recrca- titns of outttoor life realite lie itportaneoftpoper ottd. The appetite is keen, intl the seet for foodthatI i satisfy and stresgthetn is felt Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit preiseir is thesererquire mients, toe theresntaits madte ofthe eniestirehet herry whichicontintssmorrstresgtttn ittgaiid uphuildingtrapertes th~anany otierrfood. Q t tt tistirheichsmicaltelemensse qtuired tar strength,enry msuscle,ioeand tissues.It i alwasetimely because it canb propaediinsdredssofwys- wiih situ, creami.fruits, sege- tahles, eic. Q ~Asways take i wsiit ou, aindprepare it accord icc ia the mniy recipes is " The fitii Question Cok Book, sshichtisensiitfree.QInuplac atftiread ass Triscuitth whsle wheatcreacher, wrhichis tar hetter tian hread or toas It iscomspact andeaslyrecarried. Q,'ry " Toasted Tiscuitaid THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY Niagara Falls. N. Y. 11111 is t t vll lom ite Idtpses;itosell 'one' hittidiedi tckeis. 'Ilhese ttitt le seureilo iiI og, \1 agitti. I hut i. hiarks. litirtes n -SALMON BEST ALASKA RED SALMON Per Can, a a -= - 10 Cents Per Case of Four Dozen, = = $4.60 In 5 Case Lots, Per Cnse, - - = 4.40 2t4 SoothDA &C.Ann. Arbor Mat. D O.Michigan Geo. J. Haller- (8R!Co, at( fitt sue. RAN ID)A LL PHOTO GRAPH ERI ORIENTAL BOWLING ALLEYS NOW OPEN BILLIARD and lPOOL.. High Gra.de CIGAR.S TOB3ACCO CIOiARETTI S CANDIE S For the Holidays Nos. 220) k S OUTHS L « STATE Street COOK HOUSE a dham1Is CaCo. 121 and 123 Sox.jtK Main Street Clothilig, Furnishillgs, Hats u C ps All the Newest in Paddock and Sturtout Overcoats. Suits in Double and Single Breasted. Fancy Vests Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes Gauntlet Gloves A FULL LINE OF SUIT CASES. ASK TO SEE OUR $2.50 CASE WADHAMS ft CO., 121-123 Mainv St. Opposite iouart HtouseSquarie FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHEIS $2.00 $2.50 $3.0 Stern Httandlievatore At! nighttservice' Varsderlit .Ga,.0 Campus Barber Shop 0. A. MOE, 705 N. University Ave I' 'I F *ts*r*ti* *r *r i* * s*rr rir ti4 is rt t ts w t 'ti ti t rs ti'Sri':r3ra';r ' ti t ':r t+hs t+eta!rs!w . i 'riit tstts+.tOw t ttit > ra tsY tOww+rahts + a .rs +ri+ s .r ts t + r .+ t ' r + itt +is t ' i+f :t' *t PANORAMIC PHOTOGRAPH4.f -OF THE --- ICHIGANa WISCONSIN GAMEf 10 inches wide by 36 inches Long 4. {For $2.00 +. r ALEXANDER (CA Co's STUDIO,Hnning aBi., Co... Huron ft 4th. { Get Your Room Decorations PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET WASTEPAPER BASKETS, SOUVENIRS, ETC. at. DARLING & IIALLEAUX Both Phones. 224-226 S. Stat, St II ri* *' - ta*wa* +*t 4'' " +t +r i i'f tii'' r +i'4 ' ' ' ' F' *t i *if iif i. i''' H. ' i ' f '*r+ t+ i' is t 4t i ' + 4 EIARPE NWEVIR UNDERSO14D --- GOOD YkAR'S DRUG STOB1