Tu E mICjli6AN DAILY _ ,G. H. Wild Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The 1largest stock in the City of eclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of highclass fabrics anti special style for Stu- dents. G. H. Wild Co. o 0 311 S. ytate t. g Fraternity and Sorority Stationery We carry in stock a large variety of eimbossed writ- iig papers-in the latest popular sies and finishes for all the leding frater nitis and sororities'Come in and see them the prices re lowes than you would expect from the duaElity and style Sbeehan & Co., Students' Bookstore Money Loaned On Watches Diamonds or other personal property, Watches and Jewelry repaired. largains in Watches & Diamonds (fface at residence 3105E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. iouras: 8t 11:30a. i., I t30and ;ts 5 P. m ALiLUINESSsCONF5IDENTIAi JOSEPH C. WATTS THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. tetudeasseod clss mtter at the An Akinr Pstofe. Pushebd diyI(Mondys excptd teing the sollege eer, a 117(Fast tWasng toe steet. Bell phn 892. lamie phess76. Managing Edior, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. ANS EDITOR~S. Abletis ........ClarenceIE. Eldridge Nes_.... .....us1D. Stickey l ca gc........ hrles 1;. IWisead .lui . . .. . . .. . . .A. II. Ortmeye WOsere....l... fitte J. Arstrog EDITORIAL STAFF. Hug tAlhlies Franklin C. Park _\cfss-IC. od ASSOCIATES. Gesorge A. Oborn tard C. Sith I. Earl Oge, I. lGeorge A. Barei t'erisN. Soit lrah J. Cark Robert H. Clasy Htery A. Moeetgomerey 1. FStevenson (Puter lMezenbasse Glenno DI Brdley obe F. Wre Rev V. Lll 1F1oyditII. Joes RATE:c$Isle per year, or $lase i paid is adsanse. Address: WALTER R. BANS Businessl Manager, 236 S. 12iiiS. Phone 849 L SATI( lIIY RIAV )L1C'tIBlEE 9. 10. itolccr 'Icclscc 'Iecnry' N. Alosgstscsy. CALENDAR. )ce. o IIMr. I'Ftc''s cl" lrs oi l 111111, a7 o''lck atelNeelere 1101. lee s9.-OiolecC ltlb Soe ill Hll~ l over MIls IoretoncMainecSts. Adelllpisciestis icel Minil- 730 p.I ImIl hl l 6 ,3o11 . 111 sm'. leIill C. I Itt n ChoalIUion eritesc. lie('s 14- 1111he I cccstd ost'' icd "'''lb Scho l :uic.c 1 ic'.ti-j - Me tifte EBcacd ofie get s. I RgctIs 1s' ster, 1 arc Dcicitsc's is's. c,-IFesshman etSrediocccharegc ofl Sophomorse Gils tirboure De. i;-- ccths Issuerlci.A hiC A. sect 11cc' at Isc. il n h l,7 3 .Il l~ce. s, ohA olts cItret.~ le5 c Edar H~a riggs/f _tt I'I Ii) exi lnc tls il cccl ef A ici ()st1 ;a' isciIclsi ret siit I e escct'li'tice ceticcsicc iti' ncs'ofc'sMich-ctc 011111sp ci iplayed c'ic.tc'cst ice'(escass pIom an bece~tting 111cs'eten tstChccicecoi Illts'hesifecciwsse cbest tiicg focr AlMiciga'nctheatessColdtpossily'haleseecot pend. Surf'eitecd citiclisce as ofscc victorsy', tie reioIes cad geoss carseless crocindcifferent 'creelsethsig was ed- eel tee awakenthtmctote a cstscisless that somte'effort osthtieir pcreelwose- essary In suppl~oemsent tie swork of tie teases. 'lie ceeig 'anssroting whiht st timces treasttted to rise te roof of Lttie erily chciisowedcwhas ic hligat 111515coltw11hen1 5tey really try. It mo11r wa1ys thastseerhs tettsdefetr- garded as ott assfuticalamity' at tite timer proena ibesin~g i isgis. It has heiele o esseeatcrmestal otd fe- 1ioallitrs sesuiete thetlwhosltesstdet test in iorcie great ewhoi. It leesenaled its teesh11115tieswthsoiesord tatalAllel- igliante sdefet giceellie' IDirectorseChariles ifairdt is tdesering ofi greati credit useriis srompotoationtiens ageng t 5'arrty' cret tie istttme ice- iosed 'biy' 'rie'Dily' rf sceistittitg as merstirclgs lilIFerry fiid forsmidewei gam105eseduring tics footalsesnt next frll. T'scad'santgegs'sorf sesuh atln rae eet oiteetedcret. It sill ie tp toc tie sudeiet broynext IfallIcc sosws Msl. P iscthat h iis misgiigsIas lo tics I ciailt f tie cs s e rc cun c- foinded. Y(W' itNILAlDIES ASSERTI'TIiiEMSIII.ES T cii's' cpei wsas ,metter'notiting as comred tost heIsii'is-s'uremfr'ct'ig lis uon t'e'ecung seetsf tiecsp lir v ls. T 'sy lit's'tic st ii h irtfeintinellss'is lesi h'sueefter, see ts seitrldie us cil1put1a.quietutcs toc all soecicevils ice tie lss. Usitg ac slams phrsleCtie c-ees lesse ted tie studenttts eteso heticn icast. lice existn teealtref sffais is dIsestoc ties Iacctieht tie sphi isom res sha'selben plii"cee iteldl a 1e'epttionce sftet Citerist- cas 'crestur lso'panios sfee thiis setsiconststieswret Itoler tietnatmes ccl tich e I l tsies i toIhtilandisis lec t ite But re slet isanyform'cisnstiltpotsslar citihtihels'esnditholdisg ottittdigat- tion emeIier' tiry es'iedsito efuse titri ats'ndaceiss.Thes tesneormaion ws on-05 seveld ice tie clssst It smeetig yestee- rise' aft e''soonscancditesopomorses'ei' eeakiinge retir pasisfrs setheir cdansce. Thslittle-mtres esig~tig bie dedleds frrmte s'situatcion:eCon'I'ssult secret lies besforee fillinig outiitic'eogea,ot,'rr the warnecing, ."~Thes'esesises seerolngtera il i t n ltlly. DFPll I'll\'E TE AlS SlECTED1. 'liscetingtesethtowsilliedesvor Ice rc's'tcc'AliMicigsas's honosst rities' Usi- csifClhisagoe leas besn sletedi iy Prfise essreilosssItis isleft tee it to disv ie tie sixslmen whohaies seers nesss seaer ' peelaesl ft's lie it'e it'-dsit- c mentebtites cinto liststemst ']hoes'whoislitse bree sletedi frs'tics Chiiss'si'iicl ae'. whlihs tskes pracer''Jas- uss l r' c.'ee orige .A. Aslciseits.ass hoo man.ee esctJsttes A. Ris and osi 1. Kf. Legg. Milhigans sill hlist c ftirmilet- 01501' rf te qestiont."Resolved, Th'iat ascommiccssons'h totcl e'gvess pwesrto fix reaileoadciretes." 'lichose steleci foe tie Wssconsint te- baste asee Haslliay assel icseeotste botc honorsdearstsassde TI- A. Siss. HOtN. sA. Al. '111)1)OrFFERS PRIZES FOERESAYS (Constinutedi froestpags cres.) reputab1115e cllege oci' rst'y.candi iy unsoeierrute stuetes of ary'deiart- meto whslosesreod itdicts 111111they' ssl probabliyisi gaduaessicfromselislece pa~rtmettin 55 1911'sr o 10. z.A prieowill besawardedsto o essa eywshitleis nstel dcegesiby tireocre-- eItteeso ar otti rct1ccthy nof scsrecc- 3 Nocstuensst is sallcsweltIcmees for mor tlithticnione515ositietri/cs. 4 liees 5ssithould stit lee iliduly' exandssed. tEc r-i iter shsocrld sigs iis essay ithosi nscsuced eelmeetosr mttlo ondssh iouslss irs sithcit, icc a selei envelicoehis realinaseeesnsd Iis htose addrless. plaingitht'ieasssuised ttiscs e mcetocon rest u tsidieiof atie envlope. IHs stoulddesituhIis essay' willstie liesidet rf tsuniesityono cefosrie MasoI. 907. '.lTe foloin'sg tpersoso stitultei the' c'ommistte ccf osard: ' Prfessore Adaomes Pofessore A. C. M'cTaglin, Proessrs ha'reis 1. Cooly Pclessr tirieiansdsiPrsofessore ates. Jostsso . AglPeeiset. Pressidiet Antgslin stesds tsrhIces'ac numbsclierf pamph~clt-s prined eimbodying' the tters f lt'hertest, asd these tesy' ie obitined' cat iis oie. ituss. A. . hiT'sddc, whio sttkess this sffer, is a welsl-knowssn fgr ittMi- ignpoiial cdin sdstriali affsiris Hle hlsusties'distinctiosnt sf bineg tie lar esries''ofpipprm'cint ice ties'wiorss- A few e ry' .'ares'~l tepu'iecaiiss gisl- lues''passsedranscsi-cifusisneect'ion'isslwr withclt' aow e urpotrieiis'of def'atig AMs. 'Toddi lcercngress s h1st'5 a5 canidateouteis's emtc ci 'sratsri.ipiopulist an ro'sibitionict ets, andthceeltis'ass prvdsucesssfusl. AlMr.T'lud is at pres- et trsavsllisng'sbrad ,\TI)'R R I-'END)IN FACE (110 EEE hI Ansae''nst fiestile dieri''ocf CEncrl Ystss.i; sfooetalernes, resediris J ecisy' Garreiliss t'rittn-thesins' winnsisg sntr fcoe ties' eiisatiosesnf goodssnicAli'ric Wsiths CurtisI W sees arnelNseededss slet. 'tercs dsinet little sows Fee they' sees tie testsfro tics I'eelA. svthictics'ge, gee ge. Vortig Garsce'icis a slarcebout As genteelas yuswis'tfind Wh' iLongmainttlt. iHamsmsodtc elite' snds Clarnest I Filintitg AYos ! 13 Filing YAsct Yo' seeds'noI tltfeel see mumsec aussrs'Cii- They ned ticshonrs '.yo'esesas' ieol'tets 'Tis julst ia little' lssone tissell a Yosthiseshaiiitics'ocorst Errs'tie lstssifetr es' ss'ris'lie'. lies sten hice'all binest sities. 'The greastest ment'laivs'. lie lists te caioarnishsipithiss yer '1 jus1t5o15 sd msistake;s Ao.' ned nsot cci sec to ishsiedsa terre NAext yearie'llshtake te ssake. U. of N~. Art Calendar of Events Stritltiyas ait calendaci, sach 111011thitng' prepresented onsfe.. ,erate deekie edge sheets by somse setasnable event taken from col- lege life. tllustratioso are in tricor','engraved 'freon draw-. legs taendsespcially for tbe cal- endar', and piresent antslfest mast itleasiel' and artistic. Seconld edititon, revised for 19111, ness seedy. Pt'ice only 25c See lbs calendar on display' at either ofiorebookstore's, Stints' stteet ens' Aain sreet. W""A HR'S The Bookstore that's never Un- dersold Announcement of the Stud!. a t L.;-tcure Association 19 Fitcy-scoal Season 1906] NUMBERS REMAINING Jerome K. Jerome Chat. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Iis . - Jan. 16 F. Hiopkinson Smith _ Lorado Taft - - - Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12 Pros. Alderman =-_. -rliar. - SOUSA'S BAND =- Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers - May 2 Oratorical Contest - -_--- Open Number - - ----- Tickets for the Enitire Cou~rse - $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or fromt Student Sellers Seats reserved-50 Cen~ts Extra-at S. L. A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phoe a52 Office Hours: '4.6 Daily (Saturday exceptec The Set of a Collar Depends on the shirt. A soft summer shirt will not take a winter collar, such as a wing collar, nor a medium high turn-over collar. Our Flexible Bosom Shirts are not "tin armor", they allow comfort with snug fit. Under the winter shirt should be winter underwear. It is here, as you may see in the window, in all wei'ghts sizes and prices, 50 to $3.50. Remarkable values, goods Guaranteed. A eCTHE STORE OF THE STUDENTS A Merciful Man is merciful to his face. He keeps is smooth and free from irritation by using WILLIAMS' STA'C"K STATE SAVINGS BANK sein. Arnold Dl.sV. C. Vaughran less.P1. SWadse IE F. ill, N. J.Rysr Johnsllarer Jnce. Koch Prof. H S. Carhaert Frank P. Glazier Christian Mlartin ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to. $1.50 F~aiiy CG%&aerante d Oar Dollar Clocksan re the best inade fortice mney. Fine watch repairint" a secialty. J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St. THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital, $50,000, Surplui and Prof i, $65,00 Doss a General tBanking Bsilness and Pay 3 ieer sent interest on Tins and Savings Deposits. Safety Deposit BoxsstI rent at $2.00 and upwards R. Ranier, Prens. W. C. STEVENS, Tice-Pes. F'. a. nELoSR. Cask. H. A. WILLIAMS ABet. %LRJ6AN CENTLU iihe77p ara Falls Roof" Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Ti'iins East-8.18ta. in., 2.40 p. in., 4.55 p. im., 9.30 p. in. 11.e5 p. in. Locais East-IlS5 a. in., *11.1e a. mn., *4.05 p.nm., *8.36llp. in. Through Trains West-let7 a. m~, 7.58 a. in., 9.18 a. in., 2.33p. ms. 10.10 p. m. Locais West-224 a. mn., *8.28 a. m., *1.4e p. ms., *6l5 p.,in. *1(Exceipt Sundbap.) Connisosn at Chilcago for St. Louts, Kansas City and tie Wont. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor I Douglas Shoes WA H R= h S oe a 218 So. Main St. Gym Shoes 'I ii