T.he Michigan Dil ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, _k \ I)-AY, 1)1 CEII FR o, 1o05 Vor'. XVI. co. (to . MICHIGAN MEETS VAN- DERBILT ON DIAMOND Spring Baseball Trip Changed From That of Previous Years-Vander= bilt and Kentucky Included. The irote of the wnual basebalti taken hring the sping ivactitonti to he greatly chtanigiidte coninig eaontac- cording to the sceduile higarrangd norlbt Maitage 13 it tii( ideste game ti1Chicagoi April T4ite lii ftr %ttottioitbin ,g thile tam ill It toi Na'hville, I T it. itwhre tei itli sielndehirltlth Uniteriti of Ken- tcky andilKentuciky Mitte re ot l- editomeittheichaioniti baisebait ll tint itt i-ideinitely-r rneel hbut wiliii team otiiiitill outthelweeit gameinwithtltChiiicaott ith ti XX-u sitn, tatdtthe other for-gatesiutil Michiga satcllge. Tee Cgamest will probaibttbeiflityed, but at somei othe iltiiitttltittle tOingtthettiearliesito teffeatsifiit it lwaystimptoiblettttot Ce te lyiisnottsito -conidtitionan litet imesiptheingitoldh-I tuagmp Ieatetr inciet t tttiotthern cliategi atithtifean toifi til t erithe -eil eta-- velp"rleythorises-ihiItchisarayfata- sto hionshriptltpirtonu s tte. heltrip sothletwilecutilglieaitily Iitoten. life Iri otheltleicaIseitinfiiwil --cutitattraf-i tie i---i-irigswtirecfhl tednnicn it l I itoexcillenatticonitiutne tohl inthecaponhpsriswt -liosCia o n WicinIl I -Owiig itoitheii 111 ri-tiretoot-il h Dower. ofC tigtteo XII ia tit ritente at tleiitoIfercti hicanot ls ek heleft Ilatitfottr nthe indyti Ci ityl whereI latettwot maiaigtrsi willi itltil confeettetti-todayrir- attang teir o bitset- taee it tis falli l l intu hits-wttl cor andtit iikeyfit e ifilltoath otlthhe- THREE THOUSAND STUDENTS CHEER VANQUISI-ED TEAM i A Fine Exhibition of Michigan Spirit at Last Night's fleeting -Telegram of Thanks Sent to Eckersall. Fo ive- heartgit habent howIi vitrc bast nighttat a itt s: metinitg of- ;o stdns it Lniveri It lli was itlhtbittdrin idefetat I i its itt e- emplfictio of he est qaityliiof1the ~-satrJamstiti r liiliio Droit, iiat iheredI to isa in iltctoiwhlnt heisaid, -M ilthiganha lit-wtettti e s lt tnicrn- clus-ivri-thai ti-ecani tak at likitg at grautcefutli-asise ct--itt , if-i we it-were alway to ilit tli get taw full IEtery \licht-iti i i l a t i te m in- ing ini the suie siliit Nitelevenitthat fie minuittes-altr the ltkeessiiof Cuachl iYtstwas t ho u p ontttte canvasu, there waadmnttionsuht asniltt-ifeveriit tbutoreiteit icalledtftt t i n niti vfelrs hal. r iltrIli erit inuItiesthd til ftu chere Cand tttitmuttdtitfetlly wutte had1iedaway1ath -eratortmleofitteert broke ut fo D Inn tClnutaniftilypitet lint intiihet clitaxiwhetiilerttttti tof-t -Coe awhotwatslii ffXciti nlasmter iftt yels.t i hel-It-itan fso g ichidga fn y liii ,ititatmos t Jitig tnt-itle if ittcihge sp iritl bato ie, utt"rAle" wae tht the ilga tutde nt boytentgad Capta i-leciiWaltor Leki-rialltof Ci-t cileoia ttlitram ofIgtitue or- i Ixo lirt hhifn ofJoe u t ui itftch yr tif oI uir play iiandirougtcticgsaithieC utpiriieeetint-pelie t t ter ittitoil ipiel tl w shetg air last illht I tetd .: "Thtitudt of tte ive rstiilto fish ito thnk you ft-e matntleeooway -1itis iiltiliWthtile friho to i es o-- iill it trisedai uesiit i the m la ientds of ths whodtdnotknohiitW casIftheiitedLsp1aIc ad(hTSlarge. i feel that u othave-i-timi i t -ghtibefoureti heatithat is stitll ilthi e riglutplaice thepinct. BIth il t ieu hav ltte eli- coutldidohitoinsIliltthin suivorts oft fhie ittearedil couirst-If to ius and11wit-cistltto tattleifIMartsthlltMelid itherethey itotts Ill thu vigor- if teyllintt th le tilt figanteamtihi-itwontuiniia ltn(itiitutu.XWes and tumttiif iiti thesecest iin thseti- hatita-lon;t intg of1itrtires-antoheru nin tihet sontgithere Iteredl-la ganie ionttiuuldIthaveuttued btlittlef gentlete r-iuiuttiottotf udeeplovhe forto wimihat It-td Cgotei before.Bitt"outr - hhti~tti ii I eryutuit- -ang, everyboody frtetndsithe tenemty' itrit-iellitug iii it-n iheered evi ruerybiutuy exited int mstelf itt aicoutlid ilno t taltiokintike tausman. W lutyo CL'.tofI1 Raht!CRthu't Thorflit tirietshowttin them lt-atweian.ti 1 Boo o iucthienaudtitoi utuwasiaut oidmhtt LIife itt'I ill mumaufootbaullIgaic , buti philan itof tinine of teruet- t- timoeswhen t I seems toscoueroti suthatot u tcaefoutm ithu to lalt terit.XX-e ettalll t-wittall; I h meetortig1wam tirllopeunedltiththelt ime, noroinitldlwtewtit .tin It a.utdtitutMis higaun-ells.I lie sig- takea itthrihunttir-srmttiianywitay, to ing if 1"The- Yellowtiattuttheur te,"Prouftithettis tppreitte unshmlinu e. Meas Sutnlerytactotmlatt-itg ittnite pipe or- tilt bilt-indatu'httiff' in the teai thou ttn, fuilowted.TIhitopptlunitytpfor the huears tyotrecolours.1Thunt-ireit-n heIsr seat- firs gre-utiuitbluit mirnte ito the dislay tuoumsi tomandire'l11sintg 1now antdlkeep ur Upot " itih thatipehue l toia r wm t-ut t ltsof, iagtoigoldtichlol tion the uleIfitcotrneriof thet mouthtt, andirglut' bsenea-th wueetheurdttis, fiTe silthat i X utur sas of tot-u-.f(tin X-ictuiguut dirt tilt chte Ioff. 4Neil X. Snuow.. This demuson sintatinhoevecoru, t-is buto "Therhutst teamthauuttuerdn edtt mo-le111 a forrmuiinet if the stormmof applusett sints rt h-Iicliguuit d-clarterd Fxsetimtor thart c-tite uwhuenuCle-mi II uldlittauuureadulJimut hitun torthut heuoutedhuhtheult the fotllointg telegramttifrtot the "prncei ufuuatidaittunderultI tf appilauseultund of coachest : tntwiwhut I amiitalkigulabout, for I Nuashvtille, Tennu.. DcI8I av ecuthrefourthis ofithet fIImiO -Regrt Icant beut hre. hi-(Ituths- fit thle Illastfitntar.. tlot i Mtihiogantistiltit unduer theucir- Thu hu pae r atin ittedtt ichuiganuutStit. i-ttu tuuces us wtrithutuore utuano tuctoryt- huretiagut IofIredrpepeucruat"Tuoim iii just lotutu We -atrenttduefeatied. COurnIwstn-mutiJr.,Jortait induiuuenedwillsa vintui-tnitill lie ruththsweitt-rin uthue ituggest11ionitt it-outdhithu hbeterflit future. uGilt-troinlg client-for if-XhMic-ut-u atletien uf, inlstetadIf "Yost's igan ftur mtutuaino-e.otu tho ee nuo uldbhe knuotwn Ih ol oyalhty ifi- t theumnit was en-as thue"rity"-"ndit hits rerquestI hutretssud into i suges ft-lit nelhkruinutantreletn g the sentimnot of yhuru lFiom onuugressmaunuEIdin t.FDenbt Janoes 1 Pueno f Derouiwastto XXs utoti tlI).C.uttcnuis utthi ndNourett-Carneugiuof De- "Comtpltuttiiinetututo tea.Aumniare tin it,"t tia ndyt ike the gre-ut steel khut upir uf utoeumtanthatinwithltthoemo hut is itX.t- eentaii phique. Ihe tiasa antul nit ic torytur tufet."ItvliitaleLeydu-thujautoftilt. IFriomi ._laponCoddtt tf Detroit: "I ntut Intice, uhs id"tohit thuey ttoot- t"Retnttiney mucuhi mty iability toi unehttes cal tuitinuuJim NIurfn othue withyoustoioghut. Kindltyextento nthe'cot-btulluofl ntheMichigtailnurootrs.'If1 team hoe-uthy greetngs autnulassnuranesm hr it the.orwmutl'Itinust tonther latined thu-miweiapttreciteu toeir gotodttork fist-ci-uf,'uut1btutI lullothiein t cry tt-erspil its andutarn wt themotvten-nt-u nute."n miotu" Fro motoKing..Cotlt. fuormter vi utt Tispuit thintouse ini a tumoult. X util sat. NasthvileuMrtKeXlti-nta cnusetnupro~u arius aIughuter "Greather ndutur udeuurtnn Xl ctthitt trneertuhnthu.slnluhdelaretinTthurymcall situth thu ito stntandts todahy.ittllsMicoh itoe iiionotrab tutub tutu lus nt ithy. igant utmuen e i il utitt uuu."uTIt o l tuuaim atoo ttthor ttue usthat f()lnieiofthortmesages of giutdrtchouernI tuithIonfather oh auboy vit hits - sfull- thiat tilt ihuerieduthelouduest cati o Intituhatck ontutu Ictiugutheamts atdtounittuufour N-il Snouuw,-fotrmterMihiigauon cutinitosf M's.' fluTe stuetuker turaiseud JuueCur- DetritIt.hireadul: tis astilte if thet-irtuest sportismoen ito "-I wuld ikr te I t comeutiniit toighut atodtthe cutry.flue situgitugrof flue Tel- rho till that au willitug pairt-of ttogs adwant u ttud thn-Blute"closedutrhunmeetiutg. . M. TODD OFFERS PRIZES FOR ESSAYS ormer Congressman Will (ive $500 in Prizes For Essays Written by Michigan Students Five h utndrletdIdollars iuu uies (tutues-- aits -llo i ulto oitc s andulscilisic suri- ets orttttbIy- stuuuecits f the Uitr- ity of X Michigani husi1beent itfitridt hu he Hll.i k.XlITudd, fKlamazo,t uuorer uigut tutu ill (tut histu t e.ti 'lit frw s ae yAr.T d off i tout ut I Ii hul isou ?wll accordtitout souilctant ituo f tuy lul, andutulth rmstoill t he o nut esulutI have we-u lilt en1til mutnte 1hands ositret- tnit Antill. het 1latr hs- ecided not1to1mthin thin1111 tr utuil netmlYtutu an osqetytheesasl illno b lut unttl : XI Ilt0t ssatus mautubut irittuniand-tutu $uucu iiit hu Mki s ul Ii lhat it'ill .tus luuutr subjmct lve~r t stuet wultIlulls aloed ti cllpIrtui frcmitt-ctuon detnt ofthuiritywh wilul gru uat tbe humll1gu orl u niveritu- +i m te whets theutwllutraduttn test by lull/ude t .Anull uuuu 1111 hul i fuuc r~ A. L uudd-o Kulama- th thin- meiinsllour usts iuttout tuolulum mour ttitttutntlnl pliticlisyutemtih c leisltionmu fit ring uut- li ltlh i lcets 0 thii andt ittvanti t hei1111a on1cti zestrims tutui hcis ur--tmudiuuucivic 1p1uriu 2. One m it ze ofnon eiu ndr11111dI idhllit ftir thinbestteisayo~tiilumsubjeut:l 'Ctou test meaitiltfur shluuu Iothoseuithut usefulli lhoil iadetut n use it-tillfiurtheirmtil, thoriauuingt iamn tohm airiut f iluur struuuh frternsity f iu m mtua hepuns n ht- dsireulforIit- lit-itelprie ofiIne undredldluulrs forth etstut esstl oni t himu suuu jec tuu i Thi fust means f deceasii gintemelull appt- t muum t h im jit ti tuse ofit l t hl lit ii ii li iistob a d n fti ll firt e hlieus -tu+ t ti uhjeclut: Ah u hettmeanstr 1ys1tm for suinumum prou pef utaiutenancel mrtoithoseuiwhol tbInreaun aorthe0tht essayi totnitlhisubjectit:tlAnit igence 1.Ths ptrttiitumauy lue competedrtufs by~ studetns enroulledlt il ay deptmnimt aucadelmic dIn gmitt-Ireioriat atu terutm (Continued on page 2.) fINIX.COLLtEGE GItRLS I-C ItIC.Xl 0 FOOTBALL STAR L.OSCS NhCIVC Xihigan muhoas buendrefreted utmandthe- tssite ther facttha t-whunm ever thne Clot- catogamtutoe is sponkent if thurtiotariablte respoumne it a gt-otnl anth lom uok me- mui~e rtitsIatsatduone, yet, initme interim thti itatsi followted thin great disaster, aim orcutiotl ihmuumorums incint is broughut ht ight. 0mne1sf thur besti futnntystories rof the game thut isguming urunduistmmthoat tolt tf tJtommyt-MXliatm if Cassapoluis, Minhm Xica N whaititthestar ottlSStagg's fuuotball aggregationt the hirst yeain that Yout htpithe Chicaugo.NuSne thenevery pear hie tutubmenbtngeog nt- m ommy that Stg ol etYsadrglryhe s ibeenmostting fromn fifty to one hundmuredt dollrs ttuilte Chticagoh-Mich- igan ogitmoes. As nstal, 1thstine Mr. iMtiNatu fundumta tatker for $too, thne amotititoubhe pltmedtheitneiight tbefore Thanktsgiing,antI intohi- mmetimne a firfeit of $mo wats pith tut ThenM Nab was senti hy Stagg along twith Speik.to see ti game ott Ferry field thit year antI report their findinugs. That was Jim's undoing.I-te was io im- The Chhmed ty cuhatts choosetu"Time the imvitatliums four thme fretshmoan u tsnider" us thneptuytu-tubhe presenttedh spredu erte mu enitnuoutulyerda hly hbythinthis pear. IThut-lute trim mupet toothbeeni smohomouresi.Thoe bhgt-ntutu luttthrtyimt ueinity udeidedup ion, butt it utill pino- thk peoutn hltFrit-tm elveningIDeceumbuer intuitakeml ce oneither D~ecemboer u8 15. Xrangemntsu ire nmu ltumostt com-or ct- 11 theme, andotheblut isu tuu uoubt thIto thin Those twho utitt preentuthe--llay are party- utill hue iagreatm sumccestt Cranger's hBeker, SintlamuTYuhel, Smoot, h-tall, orhestrha itill furisuh thin imuicaoud ntStreylet-h alnt-tor toe Misuesi Brownt, thins urues moumeuhommg good. CuurnusShearer, 'fTny, Cuttler and Scott. At a imeetntg uf time sophotnme girls fT-esnrn askedrthojpratS ahCs a few daytst tght, i tit s decidhedlthu-t onoly welb n-elhial!tto'melo at Shi Car- colltege girls itouthit he admitteud tumthe1 tug ulressed ithlit os1th'sshy-he tIts t-eartht hu t mutIis net-ri- ndumuduecideld hobet thle $1o fuorfe itigoanudlatithme time time huts ointly chaun mui tlt-eas httitt tutnClot In it hiatntlinets-hullthin more sunbe- maute e intthruoughlloimmgtolinyyvet. He isstill settting utt thu rearuts foinhus tht if uadmirer s. N-iVt ON AL FOOTBALL COM- Xl TTCC MCET S SAfUR3DAYt Thin menmbers if thi namthiounalthfoontbll comttehe havte bemontsummtoned thumeuet next Saturda nhtp 'iNewt-YTrk buy Waltter Catom,ltme chairmoano, for thue puttpose ouf considherinug proposed chanoges im thne rules for uigof. floe early datte if thme omeetinug is thohughmt to hue oui ccount uof toe tpresetiagitationoruenallegeud rouughi- ess to the greatt Amoerieanu gamue. floe moemoobers of thoe cuiomittee are: Walter Camup, Tale t Faith J. hsoiell, Lehtighu anodlAnonapolism;JohnmC.tDell, Fenonsyvania; Prof. C.NM.Denonis, Cor- nell ; R. 1).Wreni, IHarv-ard; P riuf.J. B. Fine, Prioeeton, anodtA. A.Stagg, Chicago.