llockillg Valley Ry.' Ill v.i N SER.VICE 'Youswill dIti Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in 'Toledo and Co- lumnbus S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. I Magnets that attract jwy IS -' , PATRONAGE ARE Quality and Price The quality of our Swits aid Overcoats RLCENTLWIY is, we think, well enough known to require no comment, 25,000 Now V\or but do you know, that our prices are based on the closest New B~ofrteher possible margin of profit? 23800Quo P~3 Also Web'e' oh REULE, CONLIN & FILGLReuOrRi in;x;o 200-20 Main St. POs, '.; ._' ^ Sell DIRECT To YOU at Wholesale Prices SUITS & OVERCOATS $14 to $30.09 __ __ __ __ q.i I PNDYOURVACATI®N ON THE -6REAT LAKES Alli t IR r td5oitp'Alt m I6I6A SUMMER RESORTS DETROI saaCLEVELAN D Leave DETROIT daily - 10.30 P. M. Arrive CLEVELAND - - 5.30 A. M. 1 so ot astsint-s ti Leave CLEVELAND. daily 10.15 P. M. Arrive DETROIT - - - 5.30 A. M. Cs sinrts toD. & C. STEAMERS for Mckiac, "So," Mruette, Dulth, Miner. apois, St Pos, Peovky, Miwauke, Chi cago0 t tiosgiar Bay atiostot it ol- Anf- ',ostis Mihgan sothtte west. DAY0TIiP(icludig Sndytberwern DETROIT AND CLEVELAND DILY evsept Monday. JL and AGUST MACKINAC DIVISION L.TLEDO, Mndas &Saurdays 9.30 AM. *losdays A Thrdys 4.00 P.M. L.IETIOIModyv &Satrdys 5OAR P.M. *Wdrodyv & Frdays .30 A.M. Four'rps Per Wek ComnreieglJune lth T ols cu t 1.KINststsI SsrsNo atststtss 1s-,tts-,2tdlrt t, ndr 5.& ass U- tsM i8T. IsOACt. iSnd2a t 5,.orlsttrtsu t ss vptltr. Ad At A.tssiNt,s" I 0&I',ri'ti 55 ict DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NA. C. LOW RATES SOUTH VIA BIG FOUR ROUTE On sale every day. The Big Four is the only line wih Union Dept connections in Cincinnati, with through trains to all winter resorts. No disagreeable transfer Safe connection Ask yur nearest agent or write L. W. LANDMAN, General Agent TOLEDO, OHIO COOK HOUSE Oposite Cors Houe Sqar FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRAN-IES $2.00 $2.50 $.00 Steam Heat and Elevator Alt nght service SoonDay tloNEs A .SPECIATY 50CSEchs Vardorlp ft5. Oa., The Ann Arbor Savings Baiik MlIr. 0110 dAlSo. GrCiller D11IlotI1CCthe oCrlS1i3ttiOoR ofa coItegc ir['sI Ctub Claoo ill alkcing, to 1ineet a1 thCe'eocuir o 5ttoa2 atteCI100lI, Capitalt stttc, Ot Ott 5 tit s-s. Ct0,f I -4 to 5:30 o'cloch. I5eS 5 Sto commen1ce1Cafotet boltobayi. Chil at tResores. V, 00,tti BCOO~l10?ol~ce ot ~t~eC llCt~l~tIfl.AtGenerat Banking BosinesTrainced R~a~eiiVOne fr illttel'inormtin. Cstis: Chaos. Lo Ohs, tot.Pres :IW. it. flass it ,Vtcet tres.:M 1 Fitzi Ca'.stier HS RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet? Too can procore trm him a coupon entitling you to one dozen $1.50 Cabinet Photos and an extra picture for use. in the Mihisgans- ensian, all toe $3.00. Ii SF1151.. tStlIIKSTICI 11.5.1.OFlt'AND- VA(I' 'sttT!()' t is 5 I'1L'5 ancal_______II Calo_-)_ it \l- Ittgceti MarNshall, ti. S'isl'oisi's l5t5re Isprstoil.I.i lt'lstt]tal itile troutl Salii t the 'A111 A st- icttlcfe t s' gsmitonii rtor tiscal sttt-il issi iiiiCci'io'>s sci's' tistt'sThisi slgistiisii. tuu' Is i'sssiislisihaositeios liii' tanditwio ga0 th e Iis tiMa l t t Ii,t itt t protes'td etht e tit t' tndits thaiit he ist s ecndi l t out. ls riot laedSo ft Ide isrit' man. ' 'Under uthe iprese itruitin etii a. Tl ines il e frtiss s ts h tts aniti rti it ot' i ii o th ltit tsiiii'f.' h ig i cit cbtl i our Stie ineet I rlug Fti pwll, i'' A is C, e 1ilgc ,-rd tt f tc~h anty tdiri ii t Isis' yieotsiiit'iii ut istt ii= tsIl to tit is' t 't sc iit rsss 1iii ICleeluSai i's g iiisi Phons't i-t21]'" t t i'Welcliills' '03 'its nlass. 1 Is st-p and enerd hela Sear mei f he co t t'tsN i te sco d ttds HIlide Atit s toenuits ve[sttiiisst « tilli\st i tthe followi 5' in g year',tis ti ng played SOL 5 Si i11faIr. iCu si t0 sin ssssc lsM t gs at -emberit sthe s''03tt il.'ils's. e rP I i I1118-120 E. LIBERTY: STREETI P0OTGRAPH ER BILLIARDS AND) B() W LI NG S. ROT I ENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. AAe. GeaoJ. Halter (ft co, RIf A5. AEAt T A T it itt si t to Usro "16r it -to tro DLURWES ART! STOR[ IOftly the Best French Glas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. .. t t f s gsos hsiiadttisoii fittit hislootsde- tis-iti1Sit'Mashasolilpoptsotsetdtoo-- turn ay takeasita's iwot:inthetits ees '1-V'dpartmetoond toothe msi ntimelb trF fo th Hailtn cubtott 5. 'The otisd Mit. lMarshatlllt 'stohe oold ot beoea cantidateoince uhs'wis now100 a tdetrsita. latsh-bothgote sp tilhis s-st .It e'ile 1)'.1tootereds''s'I S'scoiisiii s a'l and suicceedein beiicitointg tht iotst-i ii i gib'isg ls it t co inig tilt its 0was protesssed oiln told grotiuds tut dfor thi-ssto tUniivessityof SVOS- touitliaytnotOe its'sented thii' lisyer Is. 55'. \V. Iloser read oil iteresiticsnog paperl' o''ScillesC ncptioson150 od Lib- erty' tCoumparedo' Witho lThatsoofhsetDeclars astissoof ned enceil"i ttlst ielots thocPhil- ologiicaol sosscty5 Wediesdayo sit.ut rssil a. sotyof tii eloGrman.11puet s drama sos it osaos sisown thot his ides 0i tofsovern Oetis-ottetis-senitially-ltesatills 'ise5 oil the o'amer-is od thoc elarattiounsof Idpl ne iiii t--ithebrseak isg oof l tll DlyThe'OisAlumnsu tosIlande'r lsS'st-'= greatl hookons ot o Itt:iiil liithe ichic' S. C. A. ihandbookit1, etc., eic., are piti- to the ssstenootdis i 1107 IE.SWosiais- isv slreest.tf Glatiscscrepiired. Eye c asefuily filsediants otd GEt~lOGEIIAL.LEtR, NSbus Si Experts Jewe-lry 0051 5Watch Repirs.i osc Itilic tutudte re'Cognitioniof srnold's Jewselry Stsre the 'inaienale''ighits of tll izns 1IP1T1-A5set otfC F tlI.and .oawiing irsitrirris.Soitudta', - N7scoiei -o. Rewarsd i ifeurneui. Phii liobinsion.324 It' Jeffdt-solti. Tri'Phoelpos' Perfcionshsoslastseipuffs stoo cips sot Cusliivg's tltphomtsy Stilts psessedl, 25c, ttouses, -roc. Fuller & OCo011100. tfI La 1Mega 'lit iln-st sit-as Hasvaa 5set. cigos in the masrket. =AT= MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 5. Main St. Campus Barber Shop (0. A. MOE, 705 N. Unix ersity Ave The Differencc _________________________ between a limp collar and one iproper lv stiffened with starch is rot oilly ini After Pa igaying Your Tuition Fee appeaaance and comfort- the well starehed collar lasts the -longee-. May The next moat important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- hee ss money in it for us launodry-men, tusnity and let us ohow you our various linen of merchandise select- hut it's the truith. Depend up~on it that ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now we wilt do satisfactony work for you, ready to be seen. 8 ~even if we do got a little less profi. TAOR We want your lautodry oiiders. I1 HTILRS T N N H en ane FURNISHERSry ad Jye Varsity Laundry ( 709=711 N. UNIVER~SITY AVE. 117 S. Fourth Ave. Both Phones 9251 WE HAVE LEFT ANN ARBOR Sfend your orders for Law Books to CALLAGHAN (a CO. LAW PVBLISHI3RS, Chtcago ANN ARBOR. BRANCH, Stat St. Opp. Law Bldg. GAS STUDY LAMPS $2.50 EACH 100 Candle Power torl-3 Cents per Hour. Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS COO ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY- THlING IN TAILORING