T The Mlichigan Daily A\\ ARIBORMIHIGA\NFRIDAI) \ I;Ct I II S t9K, o. Vol,. XVI. No. 59- MASS MEETING WILLI FAVORS PROPOSED GIVE TEAM OVATION --LM~I RFR __________________ ead of University Endorses Agitation werenotfl~n~ld wth ny urps o + F-or Improvement of American At University Hall Tonight- Ex- nefr iht hebusinessiof i lliil - Diplomatic System. Senator Murfin, James Keena and ---i er,, butlirather v, itttithe purtosetof .iW- Clem Holderman to Speak-Stan- iii tt11edica-tistudeiitstheiihet prcp t Intiis etr oet he clasin in- ley and "Spider" Coe Leaders. bl frt i gltl il l ic H fI a c I t raioa a wti el terday atfitrn on The li-lilt aiTietit iii le ft-atontatini-il lii lx-- ii 1111t1ttnetdtiftreform tinithe tti. lit hlidaysIii-ll1 hld -iil tit-ii-t-et. 11inii teneut m rk n tt iitc ithelit li c l legi Wal idiip Il ie Iati galic onsuii laelstrl i i ce 111 i uu i iln, ti t t ll lti fiii liiiliii the u h111 hits>1 ii t- iw o te mo e et-trtd b t at1111l7:30.111111 liiiiiie le t d ns ;)c n e o t er P e ide tilRoosevelti to indue ri l it etil ,}ttt I ttt ~ ulu F t t i t ill tot-1111 o:)i Illec. lt P e i n to ak c ol 11til patter n e w i itbe iish ttwn it tMich ia tudetsii g111111e ll ic isttu tutuillt tttiiItl iiitti- ti i hli are ith them iii ii tintt asiwell1as11ii.- Iabout iiillalllis tutu ilittlili tIlit litd , ilt iare ottit liii l1Initil t.ttiui it tlni ld g l 0 tgt< ,a nd F i Wi l S tutu ifor tir xcsivt ntrsttl o t il 11 i ii u i iii it itllii a le it lied Mien to11represent it e it-i Ilolderm n willtseak.itrfeslit- taii- wll latutu ontth playgrond.l"On NOVEL EXPERIfIENT FOR SCOTT'S NEWSPAPER CLASS fet nu i lt teti ciecl of iii naif-te int-rpe-tt-iwhoitooii oitue t akesuil ida t-litofi isii sit iintol furthleriies titirctii- tit1I lttthe Aii uate go tier- tue whe-ti ey tiei plliii t ii 111ideliltarrestl eNititita ishons t linItert er noestti-l oi amliveri-idhexhilitst ite eAmite Iutii-iiti ciui ti elan he tn imu wt a rsttfI ulles h-idetl iers 111 te dllartstltihe chattcesiiareuthat thieiitidl rsce il l be lierthtcomtingt. 11 It1111gpitn- it Fhree tssues of the Daily to Be Pub- lished Members of Class in Jour- nalism -Pierce, Managing Editor -- ,Indian" Schulte, Athletic Editor Sucht-iii-wil libet- heii plticy- of li i tr if 'I'le l iii;ani Datily l- u iite -et ile cditinti liblshed Fridy. S turday an it-eil -wttorni moutldr if pbi c t t i i 11 iet it tiletheii paper111 will beplit he class -itl newspaper ittili Ili. t p rueilcleeii iii lit [,asl t yeart twosecion a lirttl e x dtetiath seion iproducetd-Inissu111111tilhettl tilte noi 1111 i i attei o t th ti e Thilv ii tProfessor-aSiotti-onceiedtile iseso TheDalyI li tilthesut jlet Nabrahdtthmmesof the11 ii tl 1111stff t 1111Ithey received itt I - li-tt ii i tll lithat iit t ilt deitdtll regla Dii ailliledilitrsiPrfesor cot asuelniiinsliit. h I ae I-til li-hI t- itt-itt tittittittitti e Io titx it iii sh teai t ig ittlannolitceditt t till rak thucll aso Ill v1 it-t - tilt-re ivetio litilt-folloting: Cati V tnie h t lii t ti It Lx l ,lt end S: Ke l it lft lltakll Loel. et tack le. imsitnf, lefittgardt-i 1111 tgran iri ackeigh: it1falk- er, light. TterIackI Lae, lefNt-al U a.-et Pret i denti iii t ll' s a111nnual llt tilt-t Jlue t30 190,liii- illtilu tt ubte d 11111here a lit re t m 1nyttii ct i--l it i tilttsutud patrosoteuivrity. t 'Iiililtrepot h if Ii iut in eaisint t aiit ilt itancet, bengon lr t lit et han11 tittt11111 11111 i leaetotuthe I itttotf li(iidelte nI ofteginier-ingi adl ay ith lit ateeuatnti bl it cea for tie itpas t 1 t- I-sint he r-eprt e-- thle fltUni t itsno iwir11111esen td exctiul pro in esthavtu t uden ltsfithere. thIli a chtiideit ciain i tepoes eto thettbelief thati 1111aIfi titwatilt ours lhe la t lttit was l ot impossiliet itrter111t'heri ii'eitntteieta ntiitPlte hsI noucet h e iblet ii I itutuer Iliii tutu I utiu1h fur tt u peli e r X cluior t thi in utha iflv lii- Ftiiul Shthe Xm tuu Xtuieuu tilt ittti'itti i tl1- 11i 1 ec eu tutu plae- th ii ot l miutu t ees"tilfor thettutte ii tu i i uli hitil ci lihuiuuureceived.tiltTheibea'rttwas hutken'ceurkedu fortuuhree tuuutut Jiuttimthi (liiiI i I tithu htt iu Suu il iu i w stu h lt tiubu thyI ftihheast- 11-Rice istinthe enuting year.iTt h eyh ii111ii heathi 11 11 i u i te ntu h er ic ia a i t heiteifeutfit pollstulrhbtnI ii XXha Times1a111n utl' mcit i a tllu im htre ettser~io t tae asl lowsiuuuuu Ium tui I u uthi li 11 fleUt i eutu li i'ii 11h mhl ii titt ited cStatestt IiiNationallm iiit ii t ithti t i nti 'It1111 'pas t iimer ie itaslclity ureadter uctte- ttu it li htih if te ii h t hit'stit httit i itl i htt illlitarn X thei'langtuageiitKneiip. p a d g w --o l i h i r-llrt ing feaure of h s ciii i Tlhe repott ht lt F r t Danueuh atu d i it f hetiu l vesutuute hhspec t i aritter- telanih:.Kennedy,111111 liii est. Inv uittin-ti nit tu eItihelibut iittue f l nif Xfit crak ihilton I'ddu La, W sg p etihi b tIe re o ig i tde ed G tS ha'ittirm nthu iliuC.Cro.u c h'fl t h e uilt foo' u ttall -i-ardhfo ha d etrd tl), aie. 11Ci l eh werFuhuku lumittet I tu e lal wth h im n: L rsn d d sre h hg n.111th i ldii liii slit ltit cha d it . drECthtORth BAIRD he T a DOPTpieiiFnlSh THE DAIL'S GGETukytemlan:YngCar.ION Iita t tutu Iin til zl iftilteaitort andttuta it'llrcs h etfo o e ahr plyG eeso liai i l y uhouhat m it- is 11111atutunututB''ttuncliiiGohoititi ll te ii til 1111 hh ii iletut X ii ii hurutuha tiking trut e ii tu th e woit : f Mhu isslt diico lturag ied, h h -n)i t nt ionut tuu tuogf faie li litili fthe111 nii lisl aguau e t "" istive i - uIt tutu cir manuvul:uuuh tieC Tfi . A lsr m , Iee t ct~t' X tl cutemea ttteuheui vtcreup muai iiti ht ii teteti ti hu iilitihute fu cea Nuvytutweue teuemc he iii 1 it t I if lii i DIut TO hulBAIRDhce-ft11 t u ADOPihut i TS llTHEit h itc D ItieYu'S uth ifhtcSU 'STI N Iheilutrut lL1it e i ii(X.lpla uclEah ofheIspciatluetis In tt i ikiI etra' suTntDaflyIuedtitr- tutncu l ltpyt he utfif oty- t d Ibeievethll thiaraIi awl rhtp ii he i'llit'on ta ui tiaroo ctri bued b 11111l iiidvoca tip agenealucrevol iu tel fuutt-til iiss ii u h ciiisllo poiuu tteh fli uuhiin hm fw yasc) f aulutuimii ir rupsicuuu X eii nenutt it ittle"('f" t ch i amnt the presentuthtutu 1111 ofm-:tutu huthue rohut it g.t fog the a ssoc1m iaionficcattanytutt e . IuuutuuL ei tt hutade anhuh d it uut hut u- .T . C awoodt . f1t hiuhut tutu w hs hiltvatnced ihrl iimr ssgewuld heull rale uitohahubstitute foth e tld s itNow, ltow eerti bc leva t e if hut XX i ltaffi ofI thes cil iios ilt mee i li Itlttuiutinglortetuane e tuofexlt t ts ic thu1111 a mes sehu vii tcer l e irth wiplluuwo r mu tilsucessulluug eu se f lt l s it ii I f ttu t ii the iu tlt ilsutai flimidwtutufootbalitgtmesii tn oh t eeliii i titurkavesut lt ipilt l if uttitmg ii t. ' e ahtictu e di tah-It.I'Shle Ithat uits ia fphio lt be tith tuufiineuc 111itigiion wer fr eiant i reis admiFtut ed ll 1hrsliiif theitletici tiiI uiuugti ti-itt--e tur u ' ege-aJwood. iiftue to ti T e aiy' she e nt..ec u-asocaton wold bebeefteiuite ysemifrtit if XXg wa o (ti-l.tee uad . osntal tutuitdiofirotetrasill hrt-ict organtucedlit uu huthe prachtced illnliii tpeti allundtuer facuulty frownut poniu theuuu i dwtieek-gamues cheeri1111 atiFerfe uldtonii X niuiIih- coniituitotnsatusimirtou I regulain gatutufur tero t h tii lat. it coum esuu to aftenu ns noiuumijtl itiluihincloteitsac te:tutd euvtryoneutuucht if thu-i atudent'time.hu IThesuggtigon as11thdttubtiT h li i)liv hrtstntiwomud t eial atitvhu urooterufret X"YesI 'tutufully- itlf-tuturitf the ttew its a-si foullows:t 1111romiiti epeingtu inutfuceuof cuiustusytem'hu atnd.11ainpreparto utrhrangtue it if thue uuidweu ae udsuebettt'ittdtt is- hand1non-parmuti-inhit tcatrsi"treciutg scrimmihage whunt leween tlhe uuuuuhuutiulu-i next year1111 ottuwulduht he Iluan liitin ewyeterdayuhu afternuuuau u tly and si-ilubthtsi aa sped teuthur fa t h u l)loe. yare uniterestinug a it rectour t uita irdsl I"_beieve-suThetue ire if ttuh lln. AhdIf5111wiltgto itutals ancht d ithe vtorstu seldomututfur- Diy's plan ani itexccliileti.Tatauifutheir audvanuce tue iea a fit a nulhl}littler piracte tanitiiiscriuhs. Thei tincticlti1atutu suh ceraicn, btutu I possiblet 8)10(KPRFitR-kt'oiS ff NFfhfS, Yeshnte tuftenoonmu thu-i' mhititn euugineeshut-ittau ueu'tluuguandudeiedu huo havei' mokutuer text teidatyp nighlt at N~ticolsutalltutu Statestreet.'l'huey tilt etussedt the c(ti pestlittt.n mititut efiuite- action twasttaeut othitntutu)laicit went chotenuasthtie official class colotrs.