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December 07, 1905 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1905-12-07

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G H. Wild
The largest stock in
the City of exclusive
styles in Woolens for
Gentlemen wear. Of
high-cas fabrics and
special style for stu-
G. H. Wild Co.
311 Sa. ytate Stt.
is being constantly added to
and nowhere else in town
will you find an assortment
an complete and thoroughly
up to=date as
Sheehan & Co.
Students' Bookstore
Money Loaned
On Watche, IDiamonds or other
personal propery.
Watches and Jewelry repaired.
Bargains in Watches & iano:ido
Office at residence :31 . Liberty St
Ate Arbor.
Hfors 8to11:3 a. Di.,lto3:3 ad to
9s. i.


laierd.as secon nlss itsat theAnne
Published diii' lilonidays excped)d sliiiss
te coller yearst i117l Wsingst~on
stret. ell 1515cm 892. liaie pione 76p.
Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW
Business Manager WALTER R. HANS
Aibhleics. ...... lsnce E.Itdridge
Ns. ..... .... Loisi. Sikbiey
J.x t.... .. ..C als E'c . W 5istesa
1 Isusic .........A. Hf. Ortmeyeyr
Woenn...........MefJ . Amstrn
llcih blMini Franli C. Pas
Gere . OsbornaIfarpisd C. Smitb
J. ]art Oge, Jr. IGorge A. Bars
Ferris N. Smt Frab J. Clak
Robeti I. Clany lieiry A. Mngeury
D. F. Sevenon Wltr Mezenbami
Gusnc 1) Braliy Jein F. Waic
icy t'. Lllaii Fiiyd II. Jons
RATE~S l.oeper year. ar $.oe if paid i
Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business
Manager, 26 S. 12th St., Phone 849 L.
'Ni Il' RilAV. IIEI;I ER 7.190.
s~ilo dyJOiiN F. Wt'N/.
I1)c 7. IsFcilictyiocri at Schol cof
ii tisii sssii.grti.
Dec,8-Meing ofiithoeiicJffc'csoia and
Websci Socitics- in l,iiis siil-
is'.o -I. o rs' aid rsas o i ,
Dec. 9. -iOios CluSmioes in HallI
1), . \lccei iiioi AlphaisNi, ad
iliphicSoities ii Sain Ilsijld-
sfiaml ioi C i sccii. Mlciillain
Dcc. I lonet :+yHgo I eccoan.
siliiiisiChoral Uniion Sris.
l isissi is Ihall.
[)ci ;-Feha Sireacin icarg
iii's --Nsinth acsssasI1-.:\. 1C. A. ian
ii \lcOt AI cilcis hal. 7:30 i. Il.
Oec' ii5-b7 li isoker atihalsl over
Pc( 17-W-5 i111iildlcueb
I II d oard Giggs ssifsNcss
is e \. I i issi ch, s7:3 alP dii1
cilltsitoiaiiiachli ites ci sic lie-
fore sheisnivlsslislcilll emes of1tieiccss-
fesncei Ths igssiosemISs tosi
utryimpra ctsicialiand lue illss. I ii
cha1g i desrabl it ssf an ciitirly
differnt nan icis tw dlsrcrsic fss

t big ;, icallie s i io hai s ipii. iaiidltiei It Is Unkiiniiifl issssiss Iii' tois teisos
scwsntichaisl wousiildsc u secgamlisabisstithl est5ige soifcsomsanic in-
if thei adision weresiccilaessouiildibecx- ticc at siliihang5s is, ihicsorddc k]
Icciusciahacrd Itoihacdle. Theneacoil todnrsois Jordcalnscolosssail fake "expse.'
bi muichci oreidifichulty ' iiin rs'sventig Tic shiould remieicisrthtihsiislia pasesd
thtsopccations of ticiesca ilpecs. .\occ- Tim Lawois,c.Jr..,inecds ihecmosley.
over. ihe lflu dcdrivcsd lfsomi ticese -
amsiarein'sairy iso slfrssy thiiheavy "KIDS- N kNEI) Il)Nl\l
et'lenaca iiflthe siiosiiatshlticl soa- MlARI El) iEN'S CLIUBI
cisilios. Thiceilcospmeiit of Ferry_
isisi icrgely dceicids ocM sichiganas iltins the 'T'hasiing rcecss, ithe
-s-shaeioitheseprceecds. mssicictussoflsuniesiiysorgaiaionsi
But Ialthissught tsoise higradgesliiietnown a sc iiheii cMiarr iede's cliii, hl
;iodliar cadmnisso n t siagame it'h its firsl aocial1meeicnisu The'liiicus'ss
Wia'scninl or Chicasgss.a fifty-cein t am 1511en0a(1 their flsieis turnedioutIaboui
withi Aibionli sr NI. A. C. has neve r tirtitinis sississidc a eeryis en-
taxdsi ass iisccssssclsiiosof Ferry fid. isisbllt aciano ss'sspcitipltisiissicasrs i
sac's'dweek liames hsavesevric na ndlii tiicosthetr ims.T he younSsisgser, iss--
sil tene anidi'l.'ic thesre iihs-cutnsid-ltunging isatiicossehcls reiprie'scntedi
csreadsenimintamoiinsgiie stiidentt were cosp icuos byi'theiir absaenlce.lOst
body(7 luhtsli t'letiic assciatiosn has ig itotis arra'nigemessntI thereswere'no
beeciiextortiiosnaemiiind urasoahleitnt interruptlsias 511conuoss,,low1,,of
cluar;isg'a iftiiy-cntsiiiaissi 151totesenmrcriment.i
game. Butiti seeiimsaevidcitsthat ls ithe ilssb aciiseilys' iain its
assciationiii coutldssnos isss sifirto 5pu'visle aimsa nditiiis intesisesi is,'iles'iiiiis'
ths aesatiia lowera't' e i. \Ve 'riteve to makessi uitprma'iis.iss I tio
thati ifi'yciiits mustalhe'lith iiiiiiitThe women iofsl te cissia'sim'isic 115-
rate, iisndlthiatcnscresasonsilelcobjecitinr iiietisitst1o5hold aferoomet''isi isinghs
(ill Ie al155tilissiging twissolsssi Bur in iis;te in'ies.
evor rei,,usii fosr the mousreimpiorta1.1151
evens. It is Iss lhelisoup'dlthatispro-ii) FO(O111BALII, .M\'l EN SEE EN
iiisi'iiruleiiisill nitise aipirssveis1bisihre E bIII' i A GN N,(NS
stirs of liie conferece.

th ilsear. I he'y iare tiliitri'n giii as5
nish better ispracticeta h ctr'ubs.Thie
sisic~sssic 'issiand lih'rc'is illio pit in ithemii
for, thei ss'oasciatiosii at ally' iii'ic. It
woud tb'dsiriable toi slsait' efosr
thea.'se si-wcit game; s' vral'opencas r
masscc meutiniga soii Ft'sr','isisd. A hort,
be ale ihriisictads crsiiwis ousldc
lis-riic sufificiet en'tisrtainmeniis. If thei
admi issioniwei'sfss andsinil eilatdcmit'
buatiholdesso its,, i ti on iii ti et'l s t'e
ans' rsct's ss il liofroting.li lliTwo
obiion togiiiilthae~i i me ssiigs iUiversits
hall isolilheiovcomeilt. The rsootinsg
not5 illiallencilsest' allc 'sissd e ier ssiie
frsiimlithu ert's siinfluence1,5s'os t'iriosss
and sni-pa isst'ic a tori'\'sic
1ic sal u hia griat'iiis'ill'W stercia i it
etialiitioncsii 55 hiligaiin istdests. l1n
ssiiisiiiJoesC'tic oflthit'iuijuitairigte
irefst e agisciainsi. . Bu.Il p bi'
creist,'hisonsiim sc'tagil ni-lemanu' ands'
gu ssman. ~lrccsli ricC
svir is ilnear id'swihiloeDilyli
Dlyi. iilliscceecdlMr. OBrien as a
m stme isof itieeditorial staff.

entertined st-cc rangslit sidtianingissiad-s
besr ofstudetsisi iipiieii ll thecy fs-
tivitises ofi5"fiooctball inight"itsNeat lsto1-
scnir icirdisihtinsripition. "ii- Cssss
piili'5 lmet io h ihigan''sfootsbiai tsal
Rriiusciiltr-offeCsrca isrgain. Sic his
ada'. on pageli4. ii
Satisasciory tailsoriiig at satisfactcsry
pricci. Fuillcr & O'Connors. 6hqIp,. ciil-
liami street. tf
Fth l teilst isdcas iihoographyil
conic iso Alesandler & Co., lennicig
block. eod-il
Sic Rns,clcir's sisiciiipasge'4. Big
offe'r. ii
Mhichigan pins, lobs atid spoocns.
HALLER'S Jeascitay Sc1oac, MaiSi.
Sic Rnccsccicc-Ic'sadssioni pagt:'.4. it
If y-ou are ini seed of a fiue lair of
shoes or rabbers call at Aprills shoe
store, XWahiniigton street. esic-tf
Recitscheler siffers bargaini. Sicleiis

U. of M.
Art Calendar
of Events
Stiictll anl art calendar, each
motihtilateing represented on cp
orate deck e edgeseets hy some
scasaonable evcnt taken from col
Ie~ clife llustrtons are in
tri-scolor nigriav ued from dress
inga s adetisecialls fat the cal
endlar.anid preent an elect most
plc sing, ad artistic Second
edition, ievised Ins 10, now
ready. Filet only
Soo the calenda on disply at
eitheiiof ouir booktors, "Stt
otreet iii' Sain stret.
The Bookstore tha's never Un-
-ALL? (fRY
THE bst collar fr all
racisd scevice, fit ad finish
QL\11113~ SI/ES
'.) IThe et fo hot.
I IC Ph esesle1 'rV&On
15ceah;2 aor25
When a Man
uses poor soap, his face
rebels-becomes sore and
irritated. Soothe it with
W.. Beeh Jn. V. Stieeha
Wti. Arnld li. V. C. Vaughan
Iss. t. ade 1,. t'. Sills
N.1.cy ' JonIlaresrhse
Frak P. GCales Christian Matie:
$.0 to $1.0
Or Dellas Cicts arc the best made
J. . Chapman, 206 S. Main St.
Cpta, $0,000, Surplus ad Prof it, $65,000

3Isis cent interest on Thee and Savings
De sits. Safety Deposit Boaes to rant
at 01.00sndaupswards
R. Kaiser, Fres. W. C. STEESo, Vices-Peas.
E. H. BELSER. Casts. H. A. WILLIAms Asot.
"'Te Niagara Facls Rout "
Chicago Buffalo Boston New York
Through Trains East-8.18a. ai., 2.4dip.im.,
4.55 p. mc., 9.30p. in. 1tieS p. is.
Locals East-itO5 a. ms., a110 a m,,*4.05 pam.,
aC.36 p.In
Through Trainos West-l.07a is~,7.58 am.,
9.t8ba. m. 2.33p. ma. 10.20 p. as.
Locals West-12lo a-is., *a.ls a. nm., *et40p.
m.,e6 t0p, m.
* (Excpt Suays.l
Connec'tions at Chicaoafee St Louis,
Imaosnn City and the Want.
W. Wl. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor

sI av. onp'be4.


Thur Ana Arboer Fress (formerly Par-
her & Snyder), printers of the Michigais
Oaily, Thhe Alocuns, Itlanatder, Tnst's
great booonootbnsalel, the Technuic, S.
C. A. htandbook, sic., sic., are printer-
he the student handy 117 E. WasuiIsg-
ion street tf
See c sculcr's ash oncpagi 4. 1lig
ouffer. if

Announcement of the
Students' Lecture Association
1905 Fifty-second Season 1906
4 Jerome K. Jerome
Chas. Battell Loomis lDec. 1
Jacob A. Riles - = Jans. 16
F. Hiopkinson Smith __---
Lorado Taft . . . Jan. 31
Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12
Pros. Alderman - _ liar. -_
SOUSA'S BAND - - Mar. 30
Leland T. Powers May 2
Oratorical Contest
Open Number - - -----
Tickets for the Enutre Couirse - $2.00
May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or from Student Sellers
Seats reserved-'50 Cents Extra-at 5. L A. Box
Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30
SINGL~E ADMISSIONS $.00 S. L. A. Phoise 552
Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday excepten

One hundred shirt patterns is not the complete number of de-
signs, by far. But we would be foolish to attempt to carry all pat-
terns because we would then have many bad, incorrect and old
fashioned ones. The ordinary old established store has many of
these in stock which it tries to work off on you before showing the
latest styles. We have nothing but 100 carefully selected Varsity
styles, at very low prices. Then too, we have fine Flannel Night
Shirts, and the latest effects in "Faultless Pajamas," from $1.00 to
$3.50. Heavy Underwear, 50 to $2.50; Heavy Sweaters, $5.00;
Fleece Lined Hose, 15 cents; Cashmere Hose 25 to 50 cents.
At the Co-Op.


Douglas Shoes W AHD...T1e hoe-a 218 So. Main St.
Gym Shoes i'~1~ i~f1f

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