Tlll M(~~t(A~DATLY SPALDINWiS ."° a OFFICIAL ' - A~tILIJIC ALMANAC 'FOR 1906 [difted by JAMlES E. SULLIVAN PRICE 10 CENTS A. G. SPALDINYG en. BROS. Wi.Lo s i a innat i anal llII l i ar~i 'isysFli lo Btaltior PlI i t', 1k , -a. C as s (llo .pallfllls c ltI a llll f all zI tcso s H-JUSTON BROTHERS .Successors to JA -W. RE-lt), 312 S. State STATE SAVINGS BANK WV. J. Booth Ita. V. Sheea-na WmII. Arno~ld lDr. V. C. Vattghan t. . ade EF I. Stills N. J.tlKart Jottttlaatss- It FyIh troftt. -.Catrhlet Franki1'.Ilazier Chi sta Mt n GEORGzE BISCHOIF F]LORIST Choice. Cua latt e-s and PIa.anta, Chapin St between IHuron anad 'tiller Ave. Phoe 8 100 QUARRY'S Rose aild Almonld Cream ",il1 c rat ll Ithe cIIaps- titl I gl-fki, 'c f111a large jara QUARRY'S IIIyi5Itnlfellos lwhollweat- Call-FleBrand Clothe- walaIot w1arth Ia Sal 1 :iftts e keeptfottthleir folde1rIs. The aldler- IIIIIcon~siderst College Branmd Clothes ftar tItrem forhis are at ture111Ifapearance IA It p aeat tIChis o\\:C littll lof i1111 divdaiy e l sj~ c anenttin at-derto llget thilal l' tallege idea ill the11. 'fhet Ites Svastharl1111 IC'eltarllt thlat awill olyit beshawnab h and laltheal-Ld ntmtIIIIII 511lla ilosttis veat. It ilathe raterni tI" an accuate ictmO~l of- aliiehis shown111-Iillthis i 111 111 1 11111111Tiis lalinutefy des111ription otheil amIll-si ta111 l- reasted all ful.andll mpltand1woked1byhallnd11l l u111 t ilteIllare1-o111111ible 1111 11131. lst11111 atylt,inIIIs the igate aligil ly I the11 Iwat 111111is finlishledf thIereti-th sde ll' 1111 athae ttllsoIll It.f areIsal-akhtri-atglt's, 11Taill1 1 te o stel 111 alll.the 1 I 111111 it land lu1sh11-.Iis Calle in all till-slnrtinater Iia11Ils 1111- ltler-fancycI 1lts in ip 1 _ I r OLLEC; rk7 -1till (' 'f3T ifs . ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Red-saned Rateam to all Poitnts for E THANKSGIVING VACATION . I Tr.-aals Le.v'. A~sam Arbor liingSot .1a-i a n I., I11 lti . Iatttt7:5lt p.- Il I1:. ,I t(IRIY, IF. P. WILLS, 111111 Pass. AgenIt, Agent, Toleo, hio Antn Arbtar.Aicha. SERVES HOT LUNCH AT Sr sr Wf 338 S. STATE ST. 9F !P sr FINKE LUNYCHES Ie. 'arry thll lart-line oat PtlttlIS, Do1'n &lltf~t Ii IV0lII;)ttC(igarettesana~d lint-IAf ll tsl51111in-- artiles.l Weat-a agenlts for at Dv(ra & GOllLtaa-aaa &tto.anlt3lB R. IE. JOLLY. Statet St. Stebe Q----I - 1 I 1 c 1 f f g UNIVERSITY NOTICES. fo I ((111 - %7Ii 1 ;r'll i r ii ri-I fIIh Ill III tf I au1I ~Iltetllaticl l 11111 scl.Il~fC 1ti-poesII1that1 deparllientlIofI 1) Of! th i lv zst Ifl ar-nI-CII SI 1r goto 1 VOhio Central Lines, 111111 -raphc ;11 but: If 15 iI I IllhesbeI c ~in ? l011 111 1 & : II ,HninIg_ lI ~DIRECT LINE black. IcadItf TOLEDO to COLUMBUS ReIslIt that 11 ir~ulelcnt. 1na he com letd.i Studets latlps at DCeIIn Ca.'a, 214I Isdv. 1> II F 'f'fi 11 Chirma.I(S. Mkain streat, $I.foanadll$2.5o. Best lalm111111 ill city. tf IOST. I-rC Ny I- RI CX'lIl I t I3I I I\NiMichtigan pills, foall d1111spoolls is-I i k - 01,-1, 1 ):11 \t F N ID l ('t I I S ER;JtII-FtIX SITOaP, FFai11St. clas dIlo 11ork lht l i edilla-o r"~l ffes. tf IISin 1 d vn l I DeclnbeS I F Sse -1nIll F1I \e~ 11111 I ae mr ll- in1 N1 I . -Severa-l bi ghtll- I lIlls l flt er. -1 -11--- 1 I I t Is ' --11(good11 hI sllsllI ssl tApplIllat5Daly. is Is I 1,11 1 ta ccll} eeve eg c f r(k St--ill a 00011IeI 'M ) tofCi- I WatchI, jewelry an~d CyC glass Pepllir M l- Sh s lld 111 I r. V111 dehIl IIs1 f ,.11'S Jx wvLRtY STORl;, Main SI. r c 1br-ai s sc Ili; >c " t i NN oV --[ Iisisls-en I 1151 -ll -rl c--it 1 [ l1 "(1,0 111-e lrI t_ 5. F 11 a is 1 lll ti I --r \iIl -- i im11 ofBattl Sl-i ti . sl i I Iy Ills ?6(t.- jit 1 1 I. A .' 1 Ping-Pong Photos 36 $PHOTOS FORE 2 5C 314 Posttians 3 OLD MORRIS STUDIO 116 So.Statn St. Ann Arbnr U. of M BAR BER SHOP Trojonowski State St. S BEDDEDWAi9A A CAMP COMPAN1IOtN Whten youginto1c1p,1or start on11a hutling, n ihing te imoteaf yurt food Shredded Whoulde-Wea sctttivgeaanghy allefn It sql it -fetl prepare sidatti sso lll it- nt itt a oifee t eway iarevey malo a -l ta erliffa nillbetan y I il10y fatu ofgadto 41 ts afesflyo tlt w taf he aerrait atae snr st yntl uad iarean ta liyttaen soher goalnasbwhallwmeanst isqickslya anf tesldpeesanwhichsen inom a- saclto of othetg omananp-emarcest teethdiffhontissyoevsellyasmeatandel cenie. If rimte onyT. FI will dotYO lotsof gond, feeoo. (TIsculdeisoa lalo whreagthcracker.Betrarvtoasitythan bray anllte ewiethheiach eesnoe con-c atucnd easly arred.mnbd -msls teth, esAtiua FOODCOMPatanY enry NLa Wrteforlls, N.aquetY o 711 BEST AL.ASKA RED SALMON Per Can, 10 Cents Per Case otf Four Dozen, $4.60 In 5 Case Lots, Per Case, = = 4.40 214 South DEAN C& .AnnAtrbor li DEAN CO ca~tta,~l I illsat ;tl. ()S tI1 t(cII 1 c ' t( m p:; e Ills I ~ I 'ff 1/ Tredffeetj tl WALE R. J.~~~G IFFT T, Mr $3.50 $a0 For MEN and WOMEN See our Windows for the latest Styles and Patterns in Waterproof Shoes. Heavy Taz- Tans or Black Leathers, double soles thoroti'hly viscolized, balace tongues, military heels and large eyelets for rawhide laces. ,s of highcut shoes at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00. L~wOV]ER SHOE CO. I111I5. Maitn St Parlor Cars on all "Trains FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Mtich. F. I). ff1111 ettres. ttarrison SouleV. S . W1. llo, Cashiet CapitItall aaa00. ulo aantd Proahts. $40,00 Emroch Dieterile Embalmer and Funeral Director Ambnlance--Call, attended day or niche. 210 S. 4lth A Vte.:lRsidecese 515 Ph1ne1'4111. AnnIIArbor. c~ree. 3z,1 PURSsILK ebnt ereieotalt ndI BRIGHTON FLAT CLASP GARTERS All Or healers y'5 By Mail ti-nter.'spendeC. maters,4a Phitladelphia.Suspenders. Save a Walk Down Town (Gat your Watches and Jewelry repaired at tile Right Place Buay yourU.of PI. Pills where they keap a ftall lie at the - L o w e s t prices. Nao 15 poor stock in our store. 4 iti ol th in g chargad far eI h lallaking at aourgooldsatr ge tt in g Il-ices aln repairs, ett. Alarm elacks -$t0 f0ad up Calf at tha right plaae, - opposite Law Building. Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at resfdence 331 E. Liberty St Ann Arhar. Hoaurs :t8 to 11:30 a.m., 1ta 3:30land7toa Iip.Ma JOSEPH C. WATTS tH A LF-T 0NE S andS ZICETCHINGS Lower in Price Belier in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH 11AnArbor Savings Hank Hlock a a i { { i i 1 { i i i i { i i i i i d raPANORAMIC PHOTOGRAPH +r *_...OF THE __..A MICHIGAN..WI SCONS IN GAME t s 10 inches Wide by 36 inches Long r ~For $2.00r tALEXANDER ft Co's STVDIO, HennngB1lk.0 Cor. Hszroa 4th. +rs4+' a}aa A4.+r#a#+ 'sf+aa, tr+a i a-s~ttt}4tt tri iI>+r+ i .as ..t,.trias t.rrr~r sa+:r#:rsAA..t.t±r~rrt~sr~++fa.attt a,,.ate, .tr.,a,,.. .... a.+ra sa. - f f # f -f #~f f,.f f- #rr-# 4rn'}o}a }a s f 'ew 4 f , i f f ft' 1 t f F fl T r r ,- r r r T * r..T .*.. .*- -* - f 'tom * '4 ' t °f"* r+*rr*r sir*r *r++ti+sr*tr rs*r ra.+r frs tr4t +