TtIiMtC IIAN DAILY G. H. Wild Co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolons for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special stylc for stu- dents. G. H. Wild Co: 311 S. ytate St. 5 e r r e r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r t r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r, r r r r THE MICHIGAN DAILY. oil ntp0.111011 1of slco'i151vditov o50 Ith ho Osn)lrihlii, hicrceitltlyiben Etered c assecod clasiolater at the Annotil1("a icc exhiiiiillof 011a11asec- Arbor Postoffice 01l1(1-classeThan caloo(10ieniipult itsa Pshhslhed daily (Monday s excepted) duinjg positio11thitdad s istoits -clasiplan 111. the college yea, at1 17 lists Washinton I Ifli "Clilcao iTel ili ile aycocted slices.. BelllphoneS892. Hoeephoee76. sllyforitheil eefit ofi iiheicstudents Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Pi lmlo h nvriyo hcg Business Manager, WALTER R. HANSt1(1noneN-1dbaenycueo 0 ii faultNi l thelic liclliced lnd 11101- EItEORS. ell 1u1fair1way thie swelled-htcaded .athletics.......Clareisce E.tEldridge cliiiMri-Sheiridnet ed ic the lchaltrges .hooasi).tStihirec V.11 clic, Aichigoo's Exichaiige... ....Charles E. Witnstead letllhard11aiiilAll-\Vc.tern linesmano. .uic. .......... ...A. t. Ortmeerss ()iii a.1 iliilli 1c111 51.1 ic located iiis .ti~e 5. Aceitt own ofOno 1inhbitanti ls, it1 cccit iscost lIllITOIAt.STAFFI. selci thticorc th iilgfiir lhc editor lugh Allit Frasklint C. Packs lto allow is ii iomitlirejilicesltocolor It. Clare OBren. :ill net.', platterwetireidictthitdAlri. ASSOCIATES. Slicritti iiilili e 'a great succes. litt George A. Oshorn Ilorold C. Swish lii.1li i iiiciiileolothe- JEalOgle, Jr. George A. Barnes lie' iil ie i thiiiit eo- eiN.Smoiths transhJ. Clock lcriein, a fling' 1 of11 uisgust. .\lr. Roihet II. Clasepy IHenryA. MostgoerySeian etnghmefeipnth lc I. 1, Stevesson Walter Metzeesee 1 iic'iici i 111 cl t i tep1 GlnlBiridley Johnis F. Woce lof tlii 1 celF in i ht I cullcylote cliferct- Royi V.lull - Ftloyd 11I. Jonies ('nce 1boar11 cahlmly iioic ccclhat - -- Sculte'iiwiss Mliluand iiloudily calleid RATES: $2to lper yeaor $a~oi paid in i n\li 111111s ailic iauOthoriities to is- do iii11ihi Ic 111' gieat card.10S1asuthoturity' Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager, 236 S. 12th St.. Phone 849 L. a11pictu11re of luuuu cc Sil the Wahit ngtoiin uivesr sity tea. Niii'ffoil wsemadit e t gtastat'ementi oiil litigoitsidleof _.1 IIt Yost. u'ioich. 0'iTheyccreqegwlyc'proisi of F~ilit IYosut, ge'ntle'maniuaind tre spmiltsiiii. Withia s'cc'iis'il ineutycears wtttit a udefeot beindiliim, tu tei'las 0 11111nt tho caredt for ting utliiii'i tore', it milghlt hiou cslieeniexeceduthat1 ustpoisiteilwith is uio1105teaitil 1 t illa all. Yo(st iwas the irst mns h fiilafter thle cliosing twhistle 'a11d1coluglh eachitmais lie'ht hendtattithankedlhtho for il his sok iio' Nicigoan, aniiii d every man feicl thiattie wse rou'diilof huii'iii inor lice. uluuuyeen. iiwieiiitii iiiuiiita true spoirtsmaniu. Il~e smade lno extlcuss and11 111 (1111lliiis, cshowed citnoi iiees ri'-iotiti ecc. eithier011ou1 she restilt iir te tio tite of thie'Chilcao rootlers. Aniteam ciicanois thaut tile the 1'ciliisiii' strength coil skill. It takesicsomeitinug imoireythaictha11t11is ie lite amiton.(Coch Yiosttias sit a x anditen tctalgiestuncte.icl t11111 g11111 hasliuite 1proper tly'ecidedtha foalistooerouhtua gaiimi. It i suuggelstiv'e thot it Northwseicrii. weesmlrcoilditiiontpreallter is sometale k oflsimtilarcti' . h outuce' colleges haic e n ra'iu'thuereiiughl onholumia1and1 Owthweesitilern. lsi aliteideplire the\\'olv'erineys' dcfeoi 11 Maorshaoll ielidThaniitgivi itgiday Is ci- dlencedh}-lie' ol1111iiigii little ofeingu fhism thy ciiiof'1cc. 0AtileR. iteleti See t11 he nqishdhre ole Scet sadic' sotqtep andl icilcsfled ct tefetedolu\lictiiou! Butiht w 111 o ridefet.thelrecoe A1 sympai0tie'. sulycc e eccitn It tiiiik iiiii'iieii and11w) nurses toc ii ieparte Fluullbak oeyll fromiiiitt itah comintgIf'om1undieiithe infuec if chloliroifoirmsatter an ioptutionion is noise a1n11 it tisleiciiiirim tl11'hliltrse tactledlicr. I litrc'iiIer a)tohe11'door1 and11 it waontsly e' autt.'1's'1 gg tha t she iias resced. ahd hlIl isos it'iiten. Iniit'e ichi igan tgam llslii11nc o lesagn mah The tpluicklaye1'tr rieused tosweart' c~ ualrid or head lgears, aniiilayedol t a Tierd'cueln setacuOilarctile liothi at Minneapo0111leilsoilditunnArtbori. U. of Me Art Calendar of Evets S"trittlyIll attcaletntatseac ar1t1dei eedshetcbho sotoi seoscoahle event totken from clt Icace lily. Ilustroations arc in tri-colce. co-roised fromtttdraw- opt nmade esplecially- flitthy eal- entiar, atid lpresent anllfcfect moist iey sink 'acd artistic. Secontd eitiito, revsedl o r ut- 116, olt 25c Secs the calcendar cn displaoy at either of oitr botresrc, State The Bookstore that's never Un- dersold C. E. BARTHELL'S List of Late Publications Holt's Diseases of Children Osler Practice of Medicine. Butler's iDiagnosis. Williams' Obstetrices. Bryant's Operative Surgery. Sahli's Diagnosis. Nancrede's Principles of Sur- gery. Oppenheim's Nervous Diseases. Lippincott's Medical Diction- ary, 1905. Cunningham's Anatomy, 1905. Giray's Anatomy, 1905. Rockwell's Dissectors Gjuide. Evans' Crown & Bridge,7th ed. Johnson's Principles and Prac= tice of Filling Teeth. Black's Denial Anatomy. IBurchard's D~ental Pathology and Therapeutics. C. E. Barthell 326 5. STATE ST. Telephone 761 PEdittr Tosdy-J. EARL OGLE, hR. ui11 Iihuchh pacd iselusi sshw CAI..IINDA"R. Scultel Il 1l s t sit'eSWashinsgtouu oi- S to ck 0.u --11. . ilig tt i iillh. 11111 c ca prvethat ie wh s lute eu a studenttI ii i l lulm 1, I'ivers't'i' l aI ill u:30 thue uinstithutionu eltuthe l acytdloiu l til heu O f p.l. team.c 1111 i s noti tull's s cornl forusut Dec.7.- tau t ncioueht at Schooicl ofh uuithu r.Ohs s iaiuth 11 o1ftsy 111 tl P o Music. 581p. iii. mlwllseholt erlosci u ch e aic t rifsslingu Io ula oc. S\euu Fsuetclib ar-inLa-fc.AA..ozoSg'spesgnt N 1111ec 1' u, r11 ,-;11151 es11 in lill 111111) ju~t c ir ti ltu .lyuuuu huiu 7:3Il.01 h-cipi.l i'Jl. o . to11 theiu lul i'Ihuuihia hesl posiutio takiientlu N o v ei o'li' Clice ll rin alul by t i val, h th.1Rehii ci. i od-ieraldchichus is being constantly added t ie ur store on ,ua1o1S1.use ittenewse tl'r enterpurise ont lie I q.-Meetiii ee 'l pha111 nd eued clst u'teuIeut s ro ProessoertPat- and nowhere else in town \elheluleSsoccisinii ~ il-t i ll and _uhileyctuir Bairdl, gisitug Such- will you find an assortment 'c1.islucelIc u. so complete and thoroughly IDecIo. \eue YorkiChiuhprtyI a Bar up-to-date as Ohicuitul eiiit'iic le' tshsug slch elof ia l ( eels it lii O lt.Sill o ic'defea it'll. It cer'tuinisi' shaurdtosue li i lal, :3 A.Ill.beaennoiee sIcthu chuge lesenucul hycthe Dec . 12-- luC cetby le ogo 111 1 crmaioui e'' cai ii hat itI wsc Chuicugso twhou ci eel 1.1in 11hor 1111111n Seies d it i. ltto hu e 1Ic pihi Wet. haves- huui\e eecul I hull. 11 a jull1goulles eso eeand is sensed us Sheehan G o. 11-Metn.fte or f e c1} elrgh"I sunobel grills. e l iIent hom itaw 1,11411111t ru e te 111 10 havesu taku loyt thu s tes as u Students'Boosore Il . , - hullai pea i cag natell Ifhuller ed , that we yhavyuenoo l- Ill "'leileluetllhatt eachi'iuli goilic' wssst risggle- ' '13 \ecuhleul ul ' .luu 11111 ts hl' uuu wherinOachstueetlbeheilayheo t~ut t cllilai h ll 730 p.ii' us 1 1n 1o u'ii eroons ciiytetiment.(Suit Get Your Room !)CC-It)1-07 Iit sifella1,cc oer"IsI111'the eeaul s~ihulcrime a ieler spirit I Ic tell h "lie cit'cwaeeltle gruiue.thue teoami. nout e u nih-l De o in uDc.17 55 ele (cukt11 l ctue e i-st lie owItIis thu himeso ihia 1I wad I-. hue 1-1, of m 1ogle t o h olie, ifh ereey s y tl'such PILLO'WS, BANNERS, FISHNET SJee;A. / chr.7311 11111Illhinig asreal cullege spirit. ,Tlu-stmuss WASTEPAPER BASKETS, 1mee1t11ingiedau iiht slchutdhe aoucr11- SOUVENIRS, ETC. A0p1111(yma'wtha lar Iely selld '1uvia l t i le r ichtian-tiut site usp111n lulile . ictli esiive leao uc h o fort e u ut 111111 mactthelu me e i ng hessy estt DAR ING& M LLAUX sno irsele eld il hCi'l'tinle reusonuu emonusutrIti l tehtistoryttg y othtyct Both Phones. 224-226 S. Stae ISt is llsuedc toIiholdede wnuhee relystl - e . If y'otu tre its need oi a flute pale of shoes or rubhbers call at Aprill's shoe shore, Washuinttu treet. eod-tf The Annt Arluor Press (formeorly Pcr- her & Snyuder), lprissters of list Michtigano Daily, 'The Alumsosss, Inlanuder, Yost's great huoocuftbaleeluutheliT Iechnsic, S. C. A. htandhook, etc.. etc., ace printer to thur studettbodye 117 11S Washintiu- loo streett Announcement of the stucdents' Lecture .Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 NUMBERS REMAINING Jerome K. Jerome Chas. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Riis - - _ Jan. 16 F. Hiopkinson Smith , Lorado Taft - = - Jan. 3i Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12 Pres. Alderman- - f liar. -_ SOUSA'S BAND = Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers - May 2 Oratorical Contest Open Number Tickets for the Ex~tire Couirse - $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or froam Student Sellers Seats reserved-50 Cen~ts Extra-at S. L. A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University ball, beginning October 30 SINGLE ADMI1SSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phome. 552 Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saurday exceptec WOOL!O When you ask for wool at the Co-op you get wool: if what thou want is slot wool, the clerk will tell you. Sweaters, Jer- seys ansd Golf Vests are here-made of pure wvool, in all weights -anud at very moderate prices. We have one brand of Sweoat- ens lhst are not all wool which we sell at $1i.00. All our other Swecaters are all wool a11( sell at prices from $2.75 to $4. 50. Heavy Fleece Linsed Underwear at 5oc per garmlent: Glastlenulry Un~derwvear, Unison Stilts, Heavy Cashmere Hsse, At the Co-Op. Kind Wards will nout soothe an irritated face, but it is quickly soothed by the latheT of WILLIAMS9 SIitK 'I ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to , $1.50 lOue Dollar Cloth-u arc thus- heltcuade fo 1crhle monety. inettchsrepaitrinug J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St. THlt FARMERI~S AND MECHBANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STRtEETS Capital, $ss,000, Surplus ad Profit., $60,000 Does a dGencral Bing Businsess aod Boy 3 per cntlot-erest 0on'risc and Savings Deposit,,. Safety IDeposit Boxes to rest at $2.00 andsup iwards R. Poser, BePes. W. tU. STEVENS, Vice-Bees. F. H. BaLSso sht 11. A. OILLIAomss Asst. 'AICHIGAN CENRA Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Traisasot--8.18 a mi., :40 p. st., '.05 p. mn., 1.300p. it. 11.0051p. 01. Local: Eose t65 s.s., *111.10 a. sut., *4.05 p. *8001 p. 11 Thrugh Trains vest--207 acm~7.58la ., 9.18 a. mi., 'li3p. e. 10.20p. Locals West--2-!4astm., *0005 ass., *".40p. m., *htl10p, . t h (Ecepat Suuu.h Connections at Chitcago for St Louis, Kasos ('ity and thte West W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor fILLIARDS STIMPSON & STIMPSON BEILLI1ARDS