The Mihgn Daily ANN ;\RF-)OR,1MICHITGAN,\ U II)\i 'OAV. 1)I 1 I }aI Ilk (i ii8U V'Ex.. XVI. Nox. 57. ILLINOIS SCHEDULED FOR THANKSGIVING According to Present Arrangements liini Will Play Turkey [Day- Baseball Dates Made. 'The Tihnksgiv xxingcly ga'eincext scix' wxi l be p layed uii iliArhor iin ll arc n tdiielyi se attled, Illioisis ,) andiiChiicago. iichi xiii'i'pclyithe 1ii - thei\ialiiiii play hereI i'''xx weleks' lateri Nxxi xxx mbxxiiiil7. hi iased oncering thii prox bi l- ii i iiiileser a e raga ewt 'xxiuneoii xt falliix i rex' c t xhairdx idxx Sti c nxrtcx was'iixxx'x''xnxxccxal- tun ii il ti\-liueapolisin xxxi 0xixaii Th xnul dull xxxmet ix C i- ieidc ll x ixixfasilei xx hex replie tht e a i nit of xl the lx op inonthxxtt the ing lxxxeiiig h Bder Iatsixng a~ ll x li l iiixli li'x:'x x APIxtil1-CicagxatChiago Aprl 28 -Illinoxiixat 'xM]i -Airb xr. xx x14, , or Xxix xiatChxig o \at > -lli ii atx . 1 xxx Ar xbor. lxxxi-C ica oatxi 'xxix t lirb c. 1111; 51115 VSFi'ls hxia x ctlixihe li 'ixiix ofxxiMrs. Fxrank 1. IIititi'forix' ii si'i'excei'ieci atxtlii'Cxxxity har lastx-i a ' t he x xl' tyti'xt f $ixx. hi i. Blirtiw'asi knixcxcdlxdowniiand ha er hp rctrd inionii'oxfithei rasesof healx -makersxixxx'. Thecasii a to Contxe, xxi t i 'lxxor'c' e lxx x'xxt'hxisi xe xi, hoti onx the announxxxcem ntThx hcxxi lxi lai m ha en eted te ii' was tri acke'nx frntthid ckt 'IWix'pxxm'enctxoxxx thi snt t xii' havex xxxe oi' x, tdamagxixawxard'xo'ii axranch lIi'rgex'x' x tun n d al xxi xi xthugh it xwill xmakxl x lxargx'lexin thexlix' fils xif lhe xiCxxxii F:Tiri, axporion tut fxxthxm x i llx still remin i to xifirther onei ofi xlhe wo'xthiest motxxxi- is ixixv~icix hasie xxxi'en seti xnxfoot ;x it \ icixi xia .. THATx ifi -Cxii xi- hixtter 'xin icond xicningJ e C risi i tsiii wriixixite- ixpx'"'he xauze'. Nowxin pxiingii xlix111-ii 'i ci ccix xxit says: "Jo u rti sxoiii xx hitxg xxxi tlix lxsi takein ithex westxi andx sholdx not xxibei di(lxxiitxil xiii a couxtixo the iiitiixixixxxi ;txinidentiix i in t e Cxicagi'' ame. His lxxxrd 'hisx''xixi hintt olii ainiiex xxep xtinly clail ater, i anxxx xxii icii ig ixro nxill nev xxxii ielivei thatxilic ii- xxiii' xxii'' xciu xihed xi ih I' xrl' Pcioi'esisor i xxiimis xA. iBogi', xxf iie late' dpti meni'xxcx t, ixh lxhias beii tiny cxxxim Xxiin.Arxioriioxiiiileavex'cof abisecex duing theil lx g'cxtercpxci f iihe es iii x'xligc yeic, lhasii tur'e'i orx'i eumxt is i du tiets iiilxh iscpar'tmient. Pr'ofesxsor xxx ixiii'xx'cihas xii x eathuinixg his i'tiixi ca' x t xiioni. xiillAiR'ii~ ~xiii8 ENTHUSIASTIC ALUMNI P'l .1 I ICKCx - 1 ) iS ICN Ai11lI. BANQUET AT CHICAGO IIAOI'S'IVl'xi I)R ili cxx xxii'sixx x ixxctccxx Prof. 1. Al. Bates rExpains the Club i . ' ' 1 snd ix' iionc of th "ltt hc n a rslto a ouse Project to the WX ix'xx iixx xxxii City Alumxni. I xx xii l rc() te vn pthfo lasth tiia t xi ittiyxi xi xxxx.x ",Ixxiustoisem d toheit iii xi ; h-Mm the i'i'ei'iii ofii ix'arsi'' anii itiedlby thetindvidual xxxiii'''of'th 5 lxix iiihigxix'' xxii x' txxxwhic adIii d_ C'11'111liix'Tsixiacher I . f eaxxii xxxii had'' lxxxi xxxias th t \-tx lxi cc t111 clIctIxeII h I~y«ti 'xxx ii lxiixix'ii'x. fxr lutcas xries, co'axchesx'nd 'xxxii sxx'c athxlctic .xxii lcosiii t~w i !n Ic ts lh Pr()if. IIcxiii' 'x. 1l"atxes. lc 1<\4' ilxix' xxxican'xxxi xieiiiilxibut << -''xxx il'xi' xi clfcct (m ith 'x'x' s ()f xiii )l(l I. f ilnix tin i 'xxxix l'x'x'aixcxx Cii's laxii IdIi .. _ .... . . . ... . . .xx . i l t xi' I KtOWC 'x'x'a'x NI'S 'I'll 'v c') a 11ix \ici xx 'lxii' iii lii i 'xiiixxxii x ixxixi xx' iiii' i 'xxiii thosei pre a liix; i xa xirsiN xxodina m stst iingi a - si iit r xi ixi:FrnkI '.x Aihi ICi cago} xxx lxxxI xar i 'i' lu I ckn i ldx as Baelxxxiaitherxlii Xliii xx nsetxinii Wxxxifiiigea o thei lxxxi xiii, lxxibut RIa l '' 'xii' 'i' f(H'itI l W n w reas h wasi re'urnedi to iiIxxiilh x'iire, a" 'he o iers xi" Beach lixCongerxuw'slt' lfamousi mxileric hgnn n oji h l when xx I iiin h nvriy t otix th ixi it relay xxxiie xim ii"i ated everythinga Piladelphi xiiiia h e e r g . a .S l I S ax spirtd vriy m lselhr an ias been iltr 'xloy l xe ine i t-II itixixxai'' Blakeslee whox rexice xived- the ii xxii cabl' ra'i romiongriha beeiver ii')'iii''rs acibi successful xix all ix~ itd P es m o a rtner" forx xi'ii'is 'iixithir ci-i'l xxxiv i tic lesxx'ic t m gac po i'uxxdail'isx eihflon . A i i h xxii i li 's nt l-r ids; Assxxi.- Graes ixxii x al) i. xxii , ofixxi A lxxinl c' I ixixxi xxx 'n'dex'toi'xall ilnii aSii iix 1 ixtii'xilmxi takeplac RXe.'x ir ahiiiii xxxsi xth ii t e ttlate d n 'I'll .ttendzic(=()f ('rn n fo thi iyea and latii ai i ncudng Su me Schaa stuentswas li (iim\- Ii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0- 0'3-'iii'4. i xl ii ii xii xi t~cp rttent f liteii .1Scenc and the Artti ..i. .. ..... 646 6(74 1 ) 17 iii xxiii f Alciuih and t i xiiiy 30 xi lxxiiaii'''i I~cpa ttu~ t of1 a -.... .... iri . S h lof I 8' lxi l .xi'.'.'.'xi IS' cxxxc 'sit' \ xliiic iq l xxreitai rcus ti hex i 'xe I Clara ctctx'itkv 'x iihtlfiii lxxxiii en....... ii. x'iu.x'o'n'd Laurelx xhayer. 'lxxx 'aiao ty lorenet Caey. (h) i x lxxxihe )arden love, alt ic xi)- cxi ii I a iii' \iii' lxxxi xxxix- xli' (tune, lixilixix ' stixix' xxii Mxxi \u a i rn i p.xxii xxxii xi xi itxic xxii Wi deiii Hat- - x.. i.. lxxxii.cxxxx Aniii' Schmidt.i' a xxxxi' VVhas cll ..... iii' xx xxxiii ' h xffxix Ixi' xxlx Xx 0"' ixcx'c l Il''x xx. i 010C,, WIh 1KI ),171.i liitiy evingi lDiicember cxxix t x'ciinexlyxio'rga ize li clu xili vexxi i c xinii ''xpiart inihi haeo MICHIGAN UNION PLANS MASS MEETING Michigan Men Will Show That They Are "Sportsmen, Not Sports." Cli dayci even inixg oxis iiiicek, in Univity halx'lxi, thei istiud'it iw'll1hldxi thexx monsix tercmassxiiiixctixi' iii years'. Thyiliit'her there toxsin" Mihliganx all, sh t ha tim islxxunmierity x is mxdei'xxi ofi sii xximxxxnxxi aploxxi. 'They will lxixhebeieeshe x'oobatea iimxitlxbe woth oiuc atym x lxlxxxxauixiuci cii every stxdn iaidthuat (xxaxiiiYost iifore- mosti in i slxicelii Theiicixgan x IUnin i orgxxniig tie meeting, a niiitni limt teuicix's e lfotsi hatim o abx liii'stea'kexccihav a - read xiiilniiexngaged'mlfxxr time ccasio. I , -Sea't'rJuameso. Xli xiixfiDetroit, Jame Ti-l lccismx alsoiof"De'r'itxndc fxxath liiioneofX mlixlichia xsouetesxxt ias, andiwhattheyxhvet o xx lxsy wiii beiiofucchertinet intrest. litt'ecauseto prlxxxiithirlylty io the fota liteai hur years ofitttuti'ixut te loxxv sc ln ww tuhe ie lxhas come.for mvery txxxiitii itoiprovexis i thoseixw. oxicixxxt i X xxi xinlxthmmxfixtiald 5wdd iii~ii'txxi itittitan xxiii xxxenixi'ne ixear' xiii ithe atuti ' l':71 it, butli it i is p theise xli i tudctitj t hau'tuthluy assis xxii sonitus Itis theiixduliyiofx xveiy Xi icigtx itlmmx hisi loudes t, xisi., lxxxis cate xxxiiid xxrx' close xchex xcomxmonxxxhlxxiiioxicllege xxn- xxxiiest lxwhichmakeslixcihigaxx loyl ixo 'xi i' ' Jiii1)xXNV PRICi;XWAS One 'thousan'd dollactixrs andxxa situxatin is the'mcc xxipr niciai l;wadS Jusatomxx btrayc'x' i h isxncolluege axxxiii ir xachi luyer xwesterxxinsxtituions. x Didxxt' homexisixxIittMccciiXVis. axdxislxxiomen paperthe tuc Mcciii AdvXtecisay edt "Onec of teictorisicioxxiColiersc' Wieek ly is Nxlr. Ricd miiIloydiiJonecsaxxox xihIicaugo's faxxmus diviiejenimmxuiLoydi 3o e, andi's anii oldxxiiarxsty xxx xxx Jordtan axm'idscxinitheiCarxinxiialmllxad ii woxi gxxicaIxialonx thxe linemmxc rifomxig athlticsiiwiax ixroughtx ltolx ih istention.x mhix' or'xt ixtminmhsxtocinvesttgatentte sieis ofrimclxiii I tisc xrtices four' articesawi mchisxraithrmmmxxvtiman for xaxsi ir'amountil xifiwork.x Ifxxgtc'e aliiex'makeood'gxxxxx if thejiugnedx i x hix'cxhrges, hxcxumxmxxxe mcciordccixhcc lxxxiiecxxiat mimemdalh t'hlxxxecwill be xxx 'ie has'leapediot cli lxiMin lxxxix ~~~~~~~it Iarlxxdi cspcil xxiwr itix mit r Sidnexy iK. l r 'oXi, ax real eixte Sbroker',viili heatdqiuarterisxxi Denver, Colohi., isispeninxg a iewv ayinyxAnti Aror clxv "Six"is' anomld miembxher xxithe Diliy staghi. therearei rot[lxxiii hbsltxsuiirt Alxxii v elilxx rx wilibe xxia ioxusly iijix lmured One of lhei ldm eniuxxixx ailIt' I t xxii'I' cx xxi a xxd 'Motto, climu ime xxoiii bi all iii hxtxiif differet ciii lliit Dt ro i t.xxii ei othxi r nm ber polexsxxxix used fixor iit m telephone i xxi i lxandxwil l iii xxxiii xxxix ata Suilt xi uandi thuc ihigxxxx"'xxm xl ixctg xiwiire 'x n uVaiatuiouxn in C it i o.b Ir xc- xxxmmo ion uhe xxattc wasx referrdcxcv hexxi lxx l andithe tiltmajor II xuxiuxxxx' by boarxd'l mmi pubilx iic s lxxxix I xxx