m j. 16 for Art aod Skill in Iailoring Call 01% SAM BURCHEIELD & 11CO. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HURON STREET MONIY OANI AStudent Room Decorations On Wtchs, Iiumods .Ieelrr AFine Collection of and all itihu (a-.- (hattel Steuns, Smnoklng Set.', V. of M. Souvenoirs In Pyro- andd Col ateroal security. gra~phIc Work, Pketaa-es, Posters, Photo W. J. LOU'RIM Nets, Jeapa nese Umrbrellas, Clocks, Cha fing 104 4ths Ave IOpposit~e Courtit Hous-e Dlskx Two doors sothof newy''.M. C.A. OFr H iOURS; ?10 to 11:30; I to 5 Now on display in or Basement Bazaar 7 to s-1I. Business Strictly Confidential M A C K 6CI Co. CDAB nMir9c i r rALDiNWS , ANN ARBOR RAILROAD SOFFICIAL f d;"Aln' frQuliy AND STEAMSHIP LINES. ATHilE1IC / Redsne~d Rates to a ll Points feo- ALMANAC THANKSGIVING FOR 1906 fl/ VACATIONI E Eded by JAMES E. SULLIVAN .6l //"-" I.,ยข T VACATION PRICE 10 CENTSt n-la Len- AaAn-en i ht Cother oing Nortis 9:005 a. o. and 4:3 p. . A. G. SPALDING Q, BROS. Exclusive styles and extra values in 'lien's Suits and Over- ThGltirovingoSot :a. m,~ 113A a.m. and 7:511. n. r s, +r yracse Msinneaolis coats at the above Price is our specialty. MAIN STn (est Pas. Agent, Aent, itooc toll Cninal10edo, Otos Ann Arbor 001b. 1ut Itsts titsy Nan5 P sossi~ic Sl ioeiSti o eoon Balitimao t iltticegr Waosingtonslpoe1ir H m hn 9 too lrietiti Ntaoiesoi. Coo. LonsdsoEng. _________________ ipoldiso's ctaltoionsoa all atiectic spot FIRST0 -AIOA BA- N 10AV 1110K lYITfIE REV. tDR. mtadc paper anid is speillyuitb~le as Al th fotball ttren in~cluintg t 115ir FRTNTINLBN B I 1i RJ1SlTTON. agift for thc approacinitg sao. adas~alswl eie onl fAnAbr f }'or salc at Foster r et Storcs anrd the 11,1 iltil Iii roartg l it oftuciat l Grasnt F.. D. 1linne. Pres. tiarrisoon Soule, V. P~ i u '+ G "h oetry-of Conuotlllt ife" is tihe 13oala Storct. y6 ge' .t N I; id Aet l cdosday ight. \1 r. "USTON BROTHEFRS title of ai neir itoikit of tihe Rcl. Dr, -- ant \i; Gr.aniger are anxouols that cv- Captoal,$100.000. SorOtas and Profits.! 6000 Susccessoers to JA .w. REED. 312 S. State lattio just iiobliicd by Jamesc roaster. Mr n- r.R s rne ilgv r n fteta - eevsadSb Ping-Pong Pnotos . at 36 POOM 5 *lr. t ittlilil. ent Potltl o f thit, 326 N, Fifth Ave. 4 Positions111Abrbsns me haebgn L S 'I te A v } tw n I' - ;ou ofi th ,=00( andrr-t beutfu ini tmect Ne Photo 457 Betl Phonse 467-L 116 So. Moin St. Ann Arbor a111 ilife, is insp~iriig iptittlilsit. i llt ni foii the annttial footiatli iantiittI o egvnth 'iisi attis 101o iiirr. INSURANCEnom u. of 111 Bn BER n HO aln lr if. )ii.ti iilitittiiarsiitie cr. fltatcoilf anliii iglroi ianiiioa tre fi Chicago, tihe tromoters th Iiifaitr Wil lid sGo J. Hailer ' Cor _____oV k StateSt.________._,____andfurniture lTre .trc fori ptir ,:ais ratie thiani ticr tefiire, to show the REBAL E 5 T A T B HI A~ L. F~-T 0 N E S 2 slti Pecoplt hite ror e i the firt and iast. 1litt jattic- S Inugh-; gra ti ttI f Iatlile ______________________________ Z1NCETCHI1N G S5 iluc hoiiii Ittaude ott Strthitte iand oiltteftr. if __ -- i A N A L Better in Quality h^'l"^'M^'^'M^ ^'it.^'c 'r"'oir;;'v lit lay buv"v^lt Stilt'v Ask A. M. SMITH SALMON ______ _i-i_ fPCDORYWO LAn ror Singic Situ Bltik u 1cu. S liiieb itl1 o ON THE G4REAT LAKES AnAbnSangHakSokBEST ALASKA RED SALMON Y nte T Per Can, _ _ _ = 10 Cenits \ut siiimra \1 il. b/cult. (edr iti tutti1 AA 0 r iiiri n to yos S Siate stireet 56i j> -, L 'ipII L~I I . I A R D Per Case of Four Dozen, _ = $4.60) - 1 - i i if:dAI ANDI .. L~ In 5 Case Lots, Per Case, - _ = 4.40) See_ ,,i!ttlc- it1S B ( 0 XV , LI N M inSt DAN & CO. Ann Arbor ,101-iital tvi l1 tttt 'lt tk..ecitiI -^ S. ROTlENSTEiN, 707 N. Univ. AAe. BEWE py t e " W adh ams .Co. *MICIGA__UMERRESRTS 12 ad123 Soxth Manty Street TIM E TABLE DETROIMOsCLEVELAN D Leaste TOTdol .103P.M .301 ArrienCLEVELANDi. .15.30 A. M. SHRDDE WE yc [ a d L \ //tY CN mokioectiosswith aliroa hir jv H1 n \r pint Dsd ySut. ALWAY IN 5A.SONIi1I~~ 11J~n-h ~ I.I.b Leave CLEVELAND al 0. 15 P. M. ALWAS INSEAON llg'1uj~j~n \ j~J, ats J rrisn DETROIT N.daily 5.30 A. M. ITto s o enoy to ite sll A t5 Cnsetig wituhtsD. A C. STEMES for exen te shpo is recrea- All the Newest in Paddock ands Sturtout O..vercoats. Suits Maknc,"o,"MruetDluthMttn: tins o tdorifenrelizein Double and Single Breasted. Fancy Vests rag.andlsGeurpiByaustssssMI nosd te Wst. I ituulThe appeiteis ken, Smoking Jackets, B t Robes DAY TRIPS (icluidig Sndylewe attdthe eed or fods hatDETROIT AND CLEVELAND stisfty ansd strengitsess is flt-l. \G aunlet G3loves DALY e xcpt Monday, JULY and AUGST Shredded A FULL LINE OF SUIT CASES. ASK TO SEE OUR $2.50 CASE MACKINAC DIVISION W hole LvT Todys & Thursdays 4.00 P.M. . W heat L.IETROT,Mondys &*Saurdys 5.00P2.M. Biscuit Wdnsdys A Fridays 9.30 AM. BiAscAMS1it F4 ourrps Pr We Comntcin Jne IIth ticisely tills the so requre- Cwi~w ~ & ~~th lScteasoPoin tNohanWead tsnianyotherefood. I ta-un- DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NAY. C. suired oe strength, ester. I ,.4 ...eft+m ,vW nlstimelhone adtr. itt-i be ' + PANORAMIC PHOTOGRAPH +4GeKou oom1 pepard islsundrd f nays wmhst ilk,creamo, fruits,veg- 4t 4 -tri OF THE - + tbeec.*~wy aei Decorations wih o, n pear t cor- M IC: IG A N -W I S C 0 N S I N G A M E ~PLOS ANRFS~l itt brad ose TrIseulO. ihtisr 4In es L gWA T P ER AS T, shoe nweat caker, sshic t 10 ichsWide by95036 inchs ong; ATPPRBSES fi ttestrtsantbreotoast It iis onpattndraslycarred 4.ror $2 00+"' SOUVENIRS, ETC. THE NATUAL OODALEXANDER (A. CO'S STUDIO, Henning Ilk., Cor. Htnroo f, 4th. DARLING & rIALLEAUX CO PNY y+9+ oA943d oth Phones. 22-22 S. Sten St Naara Fals. N Y. W E ARE NE VER UNDJ$RSO1JJ---GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STORL