THE MICHIGAN DAILY BRINGhYORI UNmRAtEDPICCri OS TO REFRI[S ART SOR antdlsave hesframed with(hiet'Mouldings Only the Best French Glas3 is 23Used. 22. Main St. STUDENTS REGISTER Whenre the Posman, the xpressman td you rfrends aways look for your name and address The mot complete mnd easy of acceso. Can le used more hours of the week than any other (or State & NIUniverity A QUARRY'S DRUG STORE Ohio Centra1lLines DIRECT LINE TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars on all Trains Hocking Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TLAIN SER.VICES Yosin sill fsd Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains *Union Depots in Toledo and C- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST Choice Cut Flowersr' .ad Piennt Chpin S., between luon and Fller Ae. Phone 0. TU'TTLE SERVES HOT LUNCH AT r 9r or 338 S. STATE ST. r Wor o IhfePEN wiMl 3 POINTS SPEARHEAD INK RETAINER PREVENTS LEAKINGO OROPPINO 2--LUKCUV SAVES INKY NGR 3--ANTI-BREAK CAP .-- WA4RRANTED O AAINKCRACKI1NG hV I personally request young gentlemen who appreciate smartly designed Peg Top) rues-oakmyrpeettv o trousers hearing my mark From the way my Trousera fit you will say that they are horn not made Fq -Y 1s ff/ M Mark ° "- Imperial", Model and Peg Top Trousers ra bear my mark-you will fined them labeled on inside of waistband, just ask Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co. , Photographer RENTS CHLER 319 FE. Huron i FROM OTHER COLLEGES. Runer comsfrmsthe Usisver'sity of lsssesssahtssIii"hsose'' Straiterns, lt faouls cesster, still snstlretusrss 50 tss univserstylrtIsplay sssshelseamssthis yeasr. 11 alppears thsas sit yeasrs plasyisng is sill thas sl Ilse wantss of college fossstssll. Thse western cslleges all sysspsashize swithsMinseseta illthse liosssof ser All- Amiericansslayer. Thse Dalsly l-risscelossiuss has jitpint-s edaiissit sf lis'hess'wlpreceptocrs of litat uisiersity. Thsey sire Ifsrsy-sev essill ssssssber sassi wills tse exceptions of tswelse whss were fcsrsse r issrusstors at Princetsss, all csssse frosmsosutsisde col- leges. lMiclsigssssssrepsresesstecdlbyIto fsorsser instsrusctors, Edwsasrdl S. Cssrstiss sss tse sdepasrtmiesstof istory ssssdlecosso inics.,sasndIlsusase Reesd Stuasrt isstse dlepartmssesnt esfclassics. '(le BrossnsUssiversity H erasld, spieaki- i1ng ill ssreesit issuie ssfIthe sliakle-up lof vasriou5s estsere amsess, saits of Hasrsvarlds thsassDr. iDudiley Sargesnt, tselheaisi of tse Harsvcaiiigyssmllllsi ism, ssas lae the asssnsunscemsentl thassIthe cciudates Ifor tsis pellets1Harvardl elevess are the 1lls'u- esl list. phlyscaslly,sthsa itshae lseesssoss for ai Crisnsssteamissnssyealrs. ThIe ass- sounicemoentl is tse result osfIhis pshysicasl eamsinatsiossss.wlsichsallIHlarvasrsd sill ietes havse 1to sundergo. NVANTEI). 't'enssr tnd lasts soloist for chuirchs swork.. APPLY 312 S. Divisionsstsredt.I-12_ Forexpert repasir-siss wtschses sssc jewelrsygss1to.ArnosssssJeswelry Stosre, Maiis stiret. If ROOMUS. 1 Ssslte asssd tso lssrge sinsglt'erossss ; 'Isurnassce assdlsasth. 530 S. D~ivisiss. 3-I1 '(Tosaslsrge sitiesIto restl; usoderatc prices. 70y Chssrchstsreed. 3-5 lIlst salessss aslustissg, Reper & Css.'s. 105ocissssslsrIs;l. Washsisgtossstsrs-st. 2-5 NT ICE. So isesirs. Michisgan Jewelry;lsrge lisse of I loller's jeweclry ~Siore. pills, fos andis sissvesir spboouns. Sisecissl ilnlsasts Isowels. Wassssecc& All footblssll anssllsssebssll st-sres swill C'i4.5 lie posted prismlily 011 tse 1Daily'isslle- ___________tills sisardl at IHustons Brit., 312S, Sisste .5rssslc's Jest-ec vStore hssithe largest lisse sf jessedry snoelties ansslexclussise sdesigssin -Mis'lsgassspiss. 220 Masiss sireet. If Yot isa'ts'hIeatiour $tshslirts. Cslltissg Reper & Co.. sues ssnsli i i . Wshsiingtosn street. 2-j Isiredt. r-6 F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St' FUNERAL 0, M.L Martin DIRCTOR Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 198. Residence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 ANTIULAIWCE OR CALL FINKE LUNCHiES ste carry also lotge;t 1lee of ''lltltloH. DDNP.STlut & IMPO3RT'ED Cigarettes aod Dosrtic & Imorted Cigars. A comsplete linessf all assu ine articles. We are agens fo~r DoMIno & COs.,.IINMAs & to. asnd It P.PPS. also fsr S1iA ;'-4 & sClAFPFEE'S finse choeolatn BON-BONS. R. E. JOLLY. State St. D. Y. An A. J. RAILWAY Far Detroit. saltflhorly freest:155a. 01 uns- tlll iii p.nm.: then 7:15,8:s1.5,847),9:45,10:s45 p. ss. FossYp-lanstst onlyI6:45. 7:45, 10s15 ansd 12:45 p. m sr Jaonthouorly froms615s.t.oou- til m.; ithe e5rdll:1p. COOK HOUSE Oppstite C~ort Hosrse Scissr FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES $2.00 $2.50 $5 00 Stesm teat and El. rater All' nightsterice SUDYNESi A r Litwnos A .Tesu 50c' S saeh 'V'arerlip !0. Oa.Proaps. STATE SAVINGS BANK St. J.Ttsih Jiss. V. seeltat Wiat. Arnuolsd li. V. C. 'aultan Jas. 11. Static EF. Stillk N. J. Kye JohnttIister J.tKocstslt r11f. If. t'ar'hart Fronts I. GlazierChsristiaunsartins LOST. Sigmsss Phi fr'tensityp' it. Libseratlcc- ssa'rsd if retusrnscd- 426 N. 1 sg'.lls sireet. 3-6 LOOMS. A Very cdesirablle roomisfor aninsatrue- Use esreuil (itel isc lsItosr. dolS U. Slasisost. dcc. Glaisses repairesd.CGsorge' Hloller. -\lainst sreet IONS. Siis lpresisd, 2 5c ;Itroussees. soc. Fuslle'r & O'Cssssssr. tf UsrtssssViests. 23 fur 20 cets.'I 'sitMiss vell's. 332 S. Sitsie stretl 21111 flosor. 4 sst'drss. tscwly fusrsnishsesd.707 Cutrcls street. Siltes. $3.50; sinlgle $200. F'urnsace lie-tatndgats, bills etc. 'Tsoiblocsses sss ss campusssiss. Phoneit 492-lllttck. 3-4 - --lls'si, tlist' lssllss°r. l'sissg's hfisi Witlseuk coats. Ioguser & Co. 45 tuisi slrs's'. 2-4-5 nw uu u w vWAAAAA W WWVWW W E P A Y Y O U T O COYYU C 11ryry' T Oyyrrg // Ir~ y V r OE vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv N What is the use of paying from 20 to 50 per cent, more for goods on State Street? GOODYEAR'S DRUG STOREI Has the largest stock of STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, such as all kinds of INSTRUMENTS, TOILET ARTICLES and every- thing usually found in a drug store in the city. 10. SOTHMAIN STREET 9 0 Alas ha i tle .I , h es fnvrthnnn alrn Always Ahead in Styles , A .4 .4 MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring