-~ SPA[DIfNG'S oFFICIA' AHLEITIC ALMANAC FOR 1906 diltef by JAMES E. SULLIVAN PRICE 10 CENTS A. t}. SIALDING C&BROS. see lYork ClitloO Phladelphia Ia ,.vr. itotao Cicinnat i Ivu ao~s City Qant Francisco tO 00 ittolorg Wastimgto l~ otMotrel. Cn. Lodoti, Eg. "dn m ilir c t free to a n y a d d re ss. TOBACCOS i tUSTON BROTHERS zsosto A .W. REED, 312 S. Stt CTE SAVINGS BANK ioh Jtm V. Sheehan N"Modd Dr. V.~ C. Vaugha * t. 'I ado 1E F. Milo ..1. Kyr Joh HEtoorr .o. Kott Prof. Ht . Cthart Frk . laer Chittiart inrl GIEORGE BISCHIOFF FLORIST 'hole. Cot Flowesanod Plat Chapin St betweon Hro ad 'ller Ave. Phoe 000 Oh POOR CHICAGO We Have: Them Beaten 7'It Ii 10101t of'Istcol. ad riceso our 1t t a o t t11~1(¢,. 1c11'm Slt'iO~exand P ub"orioo o riis ca r. - out be SBat.cz by tel Oarg1ce t'City Stotes. Renfored Pure Rubber HBalo Cape 50. Rubber Spogeefle to $1.50 OUR HOT-WATER HAGS WE GUARANTEE FOR TWO YEARS Drug Store Ping-Pong Photos 36 PHOTOS FOR25 OlD MORRIS STVDIO th a Sto. icSt. Ace Aritnr U, of Mv. BARBER SHOP Trojonowsvki State St. S EDDED WtAT ~ A CAMP COMPANMON Wian you go into camp or start ono a hantng, haling or any othr kind of a tri, the importaince of your fool spply shoatldr- -.v cosidratin- otheraisiaynao u ____= the appetite you are tre , to get. )hredded Whole Wheat Biscuit ZIOltld go along by all means. It in qoickly -;I easily prepared, and is splendidi in carn- ation with milk, cream, fraits, vegetalidles AAlots of othter things Yoo can preryare it ;a different way for every meal-a wel- or-n relief from monotony. It will dlo yau a - of goad, too. 411.It is made solely of whonle wheat berry, and contains noare r;a(gth and vigor and vitality than any oiir food, as whole wheat is compoted of sI he elements which enter inta the con- O lition of the human body - mutscles, << cab, banes, tissues as well as teat and I ergy. C. Write for "The vitlt 17eslianc Cof Book," free. 411 Trlecuit is a whoale 00 rhat cracker. Better for toast than breaad aI fite with batter and cheese. Compact 0'la easily carried. THE NATVRAL FOOD COMPANY Niagara Fals, N. Y. ___________ 'Ni~tMICHIGANT DA:LV "F 7ytong fellawos whao wa , oliege 131indoClothes Wotald ntll air the ratme. _ saits we keep for their The older man goniegs College iratnd Clothes tar toosextremne tar hiseagle ma ture af penratice. We keep each an his oilnI liarle piano' of individanito. Afew days.aoawe teeiaved same anita and overscoots awhich the taknet's pratduced att tbe Lito110 Int in ardor ta get this foll' college idoe in thett. They are very dalthiandt. extremte. Among; theta one igarmtent in fparticuilaisvetry n tieceal-a net glenatoat tha~t will otnly bhow111b0hous antd thle uaft te usto ta~tilorttis yea.11 I t is the ''Fraternity''in aiccuataeItictitcroe 101 of slich otahotnin this an vertiseenatl. This. is aimIntite deneripofoon of the garmtet: Doubtle bracsted an ioeitofroatnih very wide lape'Isanod eotlnartfnaeniatciialasothIto'coant tut foall otnd atmiple ad tarked bItn td until Iteyare sotfleit'le'thart the'y'll stay i potsitinwhen hanl rotlled or gult tantned 001. 'Iho' lacor 1tilt'cotl,oshbls'loost, yet delinlea the figurec slightly at t ho'atan011 i tishedi Ilthee5'ithlsiale ao at the topa of wlii 'iiate silk tr'iangles. his gives. to' 'oat as'ewhait theat' et t of n sartltt. 'Thete is one long inverted ple'at illahe tcantte--the Ahoutdersoan -?lbganod 1 'ott'. It is tnnde in all the smart mnaterials forit'a ter-fancp cloths i snrioots plaided effects pt'edominate in the assorttment. i .t _y . r- "_,_, it - I rrir I{ t. , I THEW- t a i t .i. t t - i Great Camt _y- F 7- r T L r ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Red'coe~d Res, to all Polnoe foer THANKSGIVING VACATION . T. eAlea eLeavoe ,Arem Arbor' GoitagNotrta 9:05ia. mo. and 4:3 p. m Gintg South 7:10 a. no.it1:33a. m. andfoiai p.i. .l. J1. K~IhBY. XV. T. WILLS, tk'1 ss. Agoort,0 Agent, 'oliedlo, toio An~n Arhor, Micha. Bel tonoae t1'5-2re Hotrne thone6018 TUTTL E SERVES HOT LUNCH AT oit Sito9?338 S. STATE ST. 9P' or or FINELUNrCHES Vo' earry tlio'l largt'at I to' of 'URIttCSH, 10001 I ' ' Itt .1 , ll' ti''lit t)Cigarettes anad ttomtotstic , , Imortedri tigar's. A ompttlte 111(() of tal sotao ktti1'art ies. 'Wto'are agents fore Ittastoo tt 'sitC., Lt Iasau ir&CotOtnd 3H 1J',..ailso foot'' st'tY'S &a SC1IAISOFEF'S tic hoc0oocoltate tioN-ilolNS. R. E. JOLLY. State St. Stable Wuerth i f FROM OTHER COLL.EGES. lil a leis '01i tia i it'featedci rice -a 1,heInationa1101 11) f wccla. i1 i nli llyitarras('111 lil il o ii te1100ill ah Cosmopo'Illlitan1 shltb cf Cootntill. The remov al()it'eodly of W\\ilialt Pen 1ro Llai ' to1hoeilcUnoiver sit '1" insi l f taill season10110 was 0'. '0 "-e tVof \'icc~sin 1eccootlor 27.,t28 and 20 !'ic0 cto astO ls dlas 3-ar atl t .110Nortwesit tter n i'rsip at fro h ricialcoleesan'll ker I 1ils to'nlthlt0 ceOtral1s't011001 tt ended. lake th1 eenanoe o. t'N.arl al d ti' " 1 <> - O: lt. (t' - . t' . it'llV 141 1 01111); ~c1111t 01 l ~ ly 1 ;i Proc',or of modrn fan Iccs 111 Sutoos pressed, arc, troutsrrs, toe. r I l 1 11'd .1111 to te l o t i i"ang'ta Futllr & O'Consnor. If , 111111' 1 of lAmric'a, still metott or101 .'1 11111in 110 c etilon tthh1t-y Se etisthllt'lt'r d111 n110 alCcd. if '1' t to. I LAMPS 'iiNo combination in Lamps==No advance in price. Thei'trfetitattuo Lt atop, " " " " .5a0. V Gla-s Luttoioaft'ornt tce too75 eoatch. We sell the beat Lamps made and fotr less money than ar y other house i " this market. 214 Soath DEIOAN 1, C CO.Ace Arbar Msaac St. O'.OC ~ ~~Michiganc I'111'.1175' VF .1 I N .si t1:1s hi C ntral Linesa 'I'll 17 '.t)i,'11IN71 1 'IIFI O i NI) IIV 1C11 Fl'S. 53 DIRECT LINE ito'-it.S 'Il TOLEDO to COLUMBUS it. ()I) plgt .4,i Parlor Coos on all Trains Mlichiga1 oo rl1118100to Fs let If FIRST NATIONAL BANK ()SC tovilttl~rI is. Ito ootrc at. ;; Of Ace Arbor, Blob. I'F. to1 I reo PreIt .'s a, 11500 Stale, V. 'Tie Antnt Arlor Pre's (fortmerly Par-1 4.5W. Cliason~, Casahier or & Sntyder),. 11r110ers ofth le Micilitga Ca10ta1.fla0l.000. Sattls adhPraofats.$00.00 aipy, TheocA~lmnus, Inlannder, Yoost's 'ceot hook on0100fotblatll, lt'e'I rolsotc, S. Eziroch Dieterle A. hlandblook, eke., etc., are printeor. thlea student body 117 17 Wasltirot Embalmer and Funeral Director on street. tf Ambuiance--Colas attended day or night. 2100S. 4h ltAv. IRtesidenace's aner 'lop Phlrps' Perfectiton chooctolate puoffs Phone ' 104. Ann Arhtir. rid chaips ata Cusinig's phlarrmatcy. f1cr. t 1 ifct~>tiltorottoat satatoyPURE ' S ILK. hires. Ftullet'&&O'Con01111r. ft1or1. i t-Ib 11117 1. i'(olliiI\ l.BRIGHTON .;'1RI,111'. 101?71' V FI~t178 IN\ SUIl'S Flat Clasp Garters 1 il I) F () tt Fl'S.I ) 3 mkeyour "couseas y. tarieof oneprc pure Osik sweh, metal parets hoavily nickeleod. Peftleliy tat, comifertakbre,adjustable. 1Took fIi lireil's gettuiroc oelvet kiass at olcr nameron carter clasp anad boa. Se'c Rtrt'ttioctltr's attoni 01 t . }. ii PIONEER r Makers SUSPENDER a Mihgnpis os n pon. 78Market t.Pionee 'liilo pio. tta tol 10Philadelphia ,.useniters II AI,ior's Ji-Eotrs' STORK.MPinorSt - PAIR ~ Save a Walk Down town CV c (Get youorWatches andolJewelry reptaired at thte Right Place Buayyour U. of 11. Pins where they khepl a1ftll $ 0 0 line at the L o weost prices. Nt a a k2d> poor stock ittE lours'tttre. to.. Noat h in g d W M Nchtargeod foar og % loaooking at our goodos oat'g' e t iI teies an ro' pairs, ett. Alaartt cltocks test Styles and Patterns in $1.00 and 1110 Call at thae tight place, otooate Law Bluilding. Leavy Tar Tans or JF hLE 30Stb Ible soesthorougxhly J' F. SCHUILDII, les, military heels and large M n y L a e 5 O an $600.On WatcoheslDiantonds tar othe~r I, $.00 nd $.00.peraonal prolperty. Watchtes and Jewe~lry repatred. Bargains in Watchesa & Dtamrondo ~C O O Office at restdencet331 E. Liberty S III 5. Main St ( Hours: Sto1130 She , 1to 3:30 andf7to 9 Pm n ALL 0BUSINESS CONIDEtNroTAL JOSEPH C. WATTS *. + h s e +i,*e r +e *i~a. epes*iaies.e+ i* a{es *HALF-TONES 1APf + and IN ( A F 4ei ZINC ETCHINGS I .; 1 I f' S ®J 't Q $3.50 = For MEN any See our Windows for the lat Waterproof Shoes. Hi Black Leathers, doul viscolized, balace tongu( eyelets for rawhide laces. Three different styles of highcut shoes at $4.00 WALK-wOVIER SIHOI R. J. HOFFSTEJ'TER, Mgr. a 4+i~as + Z+Frs + . i~t~t hd i ts~ st-4e * 4 i4 sttAAAsAAr~r r r~r'aeAAA . f .FS i f~taPANORAMIC ruuTuGIi A OF THE- A I LION 10 Inches Wide by 36 Inches La i~t For $2.00 SALEXANDER CA. CO'S STUDIO, ]man ing ang A. Blk., Cor. Hearoix ft 4th. ~ ., 4 Lower in Price Better in Quality Askc A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor SavngeBankh Block IIV ' t'''fi f 4 's' ' *'F * 'f' fi * 4 f 4 4 '4' 4 f 4 ' ' * fr°1a f f Yf~fHrf*tfIHff f4i44 i a f ' i'f }a a'f ' +r *taa a r*a a ai a a + ti f a ti is ra t :i+' S ++O + "tr rat a ., i3E APE NEVER UNJ)ERSOIJ'---GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STO?1i