tP IdICHIGAN t AiL _ co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special style for stu- dents. Gw. H. Wild Co. 311 S. ytate St. Mottoes and Passepartout Pictures We have just received a fine lot of mottoes handsomely printed in colors and mounted on glass. In additin there are several water colors, Gibson and Chrity heads and bits of scenery, mounted with glass front and passepartott edges. Come in and see them. Pi GE 25 and 75 CENTS of Sheehan & Co. Students' Bookstore Get Your Room Decorations PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET WASTEPAPER BASKETS, SOUVENIRS, ETC. a. DARLING & IIALLEAUX oh Phones. 224-226 S. State St ITI- E MYICHiIGAN D A ILY.I of tiesefiles should return the papers ns rd ss sed clas sate rci the Ass Abhr Pstsffice. Publishsed daily (Mndays escepted) dernis ths college yar, ait 17ast Washigon set. Bell phe 892~. Hes pheso76. Managing Editor CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. ANS EnITrORS- Athltics..- -......ClancesoE Eldidgo News- - --..........Leeis D. Sikey Eselsesge-.... .Cianet E. Wisetad Music..............A. H1. O tesyr Woe ...........-Effie JArsroneg EDITORIAL STAFF. legk Altos Fraki C. Park, R. Clans O'Brien ASSOCIATES. Gierge A. Ohrs Harld C. Sih J. Earl Ogle, Jr. George A. asnes, Perrs N. Smith Frank J. Clark lRsbert H. Clasy Hensry A. Mntgmery D. . ISeesona Waltn Mtetam CGen D Bradley Jesn F. Wre Roey V. Lll Flyd H. Jenes RATES:t$Be5t pee year, o Szoasi paid is adance. Address: WALTER R. ANS Business Manager.286IS. 12th S~. Phone 849 L. SATUlRDAl Y. NOVEMBER 25, 905. cc torToday -Waltereleteaun. CALENDAR. Nov. 25-Intter-department debate, Adl phl vs. Jefferseniare society. Nov. 25-Annu~al atqt Micligat Almi Associaions of Deroi, Fel- Ioncraft clth, Detroit. Oberlint vs. Miligatn ottFCoryfiel. No. 2;-Dr. S. 111. Zwetter at New- erry hltll 7 p. It. No. 26--D~r. Zweveter speaks to toe at MM iila all, 6:30 . tll. Special emsic by tatle qtte. Ne. 25 (eveintg)--Thakgivig re cess b Iegins. Nov. 30-Chicago vs. Michig-enott Mar- shall field, Chicago. )tily otd ltttceot at Dyter ay Mt 12:45 tttact. Tiec last ftotball gateecott Ferry field thiti yeatr twill ie played today. This is tie last tcpportutiy ftrtmaty sttdets to see t'- team n actiotn. Everyone shouldtrnt out tt gie te tmettate n- thuiatttticcovation t 11teir ltrewell ap- pettae cott tiethe e gonttts. Marvttte ntteent-. are perplexei whether tt ctttte a Thtttnksgiitg ditter at ho r te Chicagoe gatee. It was utt- kittti tf tie S. I4 A. maagemenett to tnceae tiperelexiy iy pttitegott tne of thei r 1ttiers ith lis same sea- Whitie it tas always bett the policy .f Thec Daily to allow sttdetts and othters to tse the iles of college papers itt the Daily offce itt Rotote C, it sold ie tttetoodthat atyoteetmakitgese ats thtey fouttthiete. Of late soteepleo- pie taebieett rathter careless intshlis regttrd, bttweethitnk a tere mnetiote of the matter shottld correct all "sins of omtission" ittthe fututte.. The nearried mstcleb! May their bteards grosw lottg attd their childrene be as the stars of heaentt! This noble or-; ganizatione has ottr heart-fell good will. The steokers of today retoitedtoner of the old ones ttf Hamlet, with Hamolet left 0111. Michigant six litters ? Eckersall fottr litters? STATE STEEET SIGNS STOLEN HY STUDENTS A neneher of the Stats street neer- citats have cotmplained of late of the htabit of somee of tie stttentts wvho, htottewartd bottteti medtownto twne, tolt it 1up011thtettselves itl relieve thtese sltres tof thesir sigtns. Theyvtdecltteethat iklepttttatnia attd thttt somee of the st tettts fintd it ttbsoltttely bteyonttthieir colt trtol to keeplthleir itciitg fittgers off of antythrin itt thte litte of a sigtt, frtott stttttiplaeardstsoIlarttge, gilt-letteretd tf- fa1irs. Dtte tf thte tmercitantts reteanrtedlthtat lie tidt no1 tmitttiif smtall tinigs swere tale ttrtttrittteti, btt thti it rettuiretd atstretcht ttf htis tability tt appereciate itumo11r tht wttsqitie bevttdetimie to see laly fttttill thtt fact thtat scoll sttttetthttt ptilferedi tis store sigtt it ortier to atitrntthie wttlls ttf tiertotote. IDutrtitg tire lest tteekca nuett re of sttchtdetpretdatittts ihave ttakett place, wttnrdttg tip wtiethte tisaippear- attce of a lttrge signt owntetd by R. E. Jttlly. Nttrartlly, thte tisiteteser of itutchtes ittstrotleati his gttttd ihtutor ttncresdc by titis tccuttrnrce.,tttti it hats offered tt rewttrtiofttf etndollttrs tor tile tascertainnet otf thte tnditvidultrti th tile itciitg intgers. Mir. Jttlly tttakes tis offer, 1111ot ectlselhe letves tis signe motre, butibiectttte itslot-es thte sigte- tetltitte less. YALE CDACHES IAR I IUNDLING. Stricttortders hte- eencttgivent by tilt Yttle coachtes ltat to play-er shtottltiittr- tile wile altteloppoent sto11111wtiting tt tackle. Thle decree seas called fttrtht iy Ite senlsatioteal lep tof Qurarterbtack IHuttchtinsott, wvho jutmpted ive feet itt Saitrdtay's gatmte, elttdintg tile Prittcetott ettts. 'If Cata~t~in Coottey ha~d tckletd Hutcinosotn httrtduitnttheat lettp,"sttitd ttott Macit, thte Yale traineer, lee teight lease itrokett Hutciitsoirs ceck." ADE CALLS CHICAGO'S BLUFF. It is said tht George Ade, thse ettt- oitest, itmselif aPtrdueetmant, witttessed tie Chticagtt-Illintots gatte. He sat na aCictago teat wo tlted tmidwtty ttttil Ate ielley sot sore. "I'llbert you," he said, terneiteg to ite Chitago advtcate, that Chicago wostI teal Micignsate y t- itte intthie teet ft-c TICMiRE C Itii liiiS5AT OtlDS StITB is N'SCiiEiS Cotnsiteleil l-feir.L ittstd eeotpte beslteenthie seter icturiee cmttttitees ttntd Phroograprenett setler, It htts beer thie ctstomt it in t:' psl orteec class to tlace its elntrs.ct wit i ngtie phiotographter, ill retutrn for whichtiett class gels its big framte'd Ipitrec free, also free prints for tr Miciigareelsiart anti free sittings fttrtll ttemercs tf te class wtether they orterary pitres or not. Thist year M. Rettschler les trokete in1o ties ield indepedentvatd orgat- iced it syste of sttlicitatiottttnter Eet- est Hallirda, a snort las, givig a bte- lee rate tanse itwottldigie to lie classes, andtr tyintg to secure patroage frone all the departmenst.its is, of course,tot ibottttdto futrtise tmottnted pictures fr ties class on free sittings ftr the satee. R. C. SrCMillarr. cttirtmatn tf te ltw commtttete,mnethlie folotitg stie mettlatst ightt: -We cotsite tis tctiotn tf Renteshler tttfairtio1tie cits tatttito iis cmettleitttrs. wre thave- aartdtetd ottr ctra-ct Itto ttandal ttttd tieIs ithlave gisell teirs to Alexttndee. antdtittoes't semltrigte for Rettshtere to invattde teirontraetcts. Etttttlliitttt Alexatttdeccan ttny tffortetotgistbi ttoctntet icittes to teelasses lecsts thtey get liewhttte cttss. We wttcttd't tat-c any cltss pitet tee ettsrit le's systemetatttd atnyonte twhtttclttt affordto 11get -t tdttettpicitres tkec wottdtbeiceptcitt o th ie csitur andttth ie ?stceicgtrertitt. I sppotseitt sill wtekou1ttt thosccee s-iotcgetthir pictltture ttai enb Retche otttr gel intothtelcslass Iicue unllcess teyttmake . iD. Etgle, ttticldcittir tttcttt- tressetimitsef intthelic e ettr it: "We htatvettt' cest cteaare or cntraect yet. uttt stttter tie cirumtano ces I tdott see hl oco mmitttlee cn ivt-cit tocenettsclie. ErtmatC. Whtite, cittan ofthe rslit erary cmttrlee, sets idigantorttelc matttter. VtWc gttvetll lie plctt tcgetttite a ftit showc tntdlwe rdon'ct I csde tatc cs- httte rscesitetfirtctietetro mecc Rentsclter. 1Tihsope tt Iall te setior, will iave their pitres 11 le t thlie ctts phostogrphers. Its -tttlyfirctitIt Mr. Retschlierstti ottte subjet: it ista bturitess Ipropsr~titionthtc-tltus.I mttate this tlarrge t-s-ewsit St. Hi tday ctnttlie takes te colecting off myet httttts. I at-c grrees it all out1. lTere tree ta lot of free sitings andttttreicie 110 cmtocey ill tat, atttthe lt piIctulrce costs tt lot, anttlI igredncouldsctit nuck- mtttrethis wtay. lerishing tebititicls' pictttec tecars ta itostt us, a to lN~l sell mtorectateseene or eigttof tettt I anticipattetatthlie ttoesotlttprt b taly mreetseit stme opostonr, intctt tmtrtepiredtifirrtt. 'Te tw-hoteThinI is purely andtctimpttlly.-at tttile-.-.tic -' Watch, jewlry- adeys glass repiair irng by skilled workmlen. - HAIU's Jtrwrrv fvOrr. Mait St Auto Girl Poster r A Souvenir of the Great Michigan-Wis- consin Game; the finest at the price offered on State Street. 10c each The Bookstore that's never Un- dersold C. E. BARTHELL'S List of Late PublIcations Holt's D~iseases of Children Osler Practice of Medicine. Butler's Dtngnosis. Williams' Obstetrices. Bryant's Operative Surgery. Sahli's iaignosis. Nancrede's Principles of Sur- gery. Oppenhseim's Nervous Diseases. Lippincot's Medical Diction- ary1 1905. Cunningham's Anatomy, 1905. Gray's Anatomy, 1905. Rockwell's Dissectors Guide. Evans' Crown & Bridge,7th ed. Johnson's Principles ani Prac- tice of Filling Teeth. Black's Dental Anatomy. Burchard's Dental Pathology and Therapeutics. C. E. Barthell 326 5. STATE ST. Telephoes761 it is reported teat tire Chricago teart Retrtsclrelee offers slopped talking. adtv. crc cage 4. brains. See cI-l tf Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 tFifty-second Season 1906 NUMBERS REMAINING Jerome K. Jerome Chas. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Rils - - Jan. 16 F. Hopknson Smith= _ ___ Lorndo Taft = _ = Jan. ai Frederick Warde - . Mar. 12 Pres. Alderman r iar. _-- SOUSA'S BAND - Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers - May 2 Oratorical Contest Open Number___ Tickets for the Euntire Coturse - $2.00 May be otined at S. L. A. Office oirons Student Selleen Seats reserved-50 Cenits Extra-at S. L. A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University Hll, beginning October 30 SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phone 52 Office Hourst 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec STATIONERY On Sunday, more Stationery is used in Ann Arbor. then on any week day. On Saturday, therefore, we sell a greet deai of it. We hae every style in common use, and some very uncommon, distinctive styles as well. We sell good Box Stationery from 11 to 35 cents, of the well known *'Autocrat Linen" and- Pitanffi1 Linen" Standards. W e sell de- pertinent pasper and writing tablets and envelopes. DREKA STATIONERY is here for every Sorority snd Fraterinity in the University at prices varying from lit cents for one color, to '11 cents for crests beautiftully illuminated in color. Buy Yours TODAY so that you wilt not riun short tomorrow At the Co-Op. Men who Shave run big risks in using any-- thing but the best shaving soap. That's the popular WILLIAMS'S'C ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.50 Fstiy 6G-san,.atoced OD i ret,lirIttetiaresire 1c-osstmartse foe thre moey. Ptinewtcreain aespeialty. J. L. Chapman, 206 5. Main St. THlE FARMERiS AND MESCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital. $550,0 Srplus and Profito, $65,001 Dues aGeneraletBankitng Business and Pay 3 per cent iterestsus Time and Savings Deposits. Saetsy Deposit Buses Is rent Ias $:.00 and upwards H. KnmPe, Pines. Wt. C. STEenes, Vices-Pes P. H. HEsSER. Cash. H. A. WILLaIASssst \!Lc1ui"AN CENT'~l 'a '~nrr ad 0t Chitago Buffalo Bosto New York Through Trains, 2.ds p. m, is)5 p. im., 9.30p. te 111 50p. m Locals East-.05i am., *11.10 am., *4.f5 pItt. e8.3i p.m Through Trains west-Iot7a m~,,7.50 a.m. 9.18a. im., 2./l3lp. rs1020p. m. Locals Wet-t24. m.,a828 a in., 01.601p mn., *61tsp, . *b(ExceptSunedayst Consections at Chicago lee tLest, Kcansas City end te West. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor BILLIARDS STIMPSON & STIMPSON BILLIARD