THE MICHICAN DSAILY 1 BmuNGaYTURn UNFRAMED PICTURES TO. DIIRI[S ART STORE and have thema framed with Choice Mtouldings Only 'the Best French Glas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. Oh POOR CHICAGO W~le SHave Them Beaten tohevalita of stock and yrcson orHl t he 1lflfes, stoitil r''101flei, irimilri 0 Co)0. tfiattear S ti tot littl1)1er (oe aa rnt habe3atam b1y the lorge City Stores.. Reinforced Pore Rubber Bath Caps Si0c. Rubber Sponges 10e to $1.50 OUR HOT-WATER BAGS WE GUARANTEE FOR TWO YEARS - ATr- QUARRY'S Drug Store Ohio Central UInes DIRECT LINE TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars on all Trains Hlockillg Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will dodd Four Trains Yaily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Nighti Trains Union Depots in Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Micth. i i i , 1 / _ rY+ , i + ' j ' ( , II ' E ti , a Y - I E i ' - ' i I it Iv Even a Child Can See-- larger folk better applreittr-the nSUeriority of oar stork in laundering linen and all else that onaken for man's cotnf frt. "It's a wtay (to have." Shirt-, collars, cafes, etc., hare our best care as to washing, Siarc hing,- ironing and delivering-to -ay uosthing of fair pric- ing Varsity Laundry 117 S. Fourths Ave. Both Phones 928 Yea, gentlemen, theh graceful curved lines in my Waistcoats mean something- mean your exact fit.0 Exclusive patterns in Washableo, Flannels, Silks anod Worsteds. __ After Paying Your Tuition Fee The next most important thing, is to ayail yourself of an oppor- tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready to be seen. HATR TO liEN Henry and Kyer 709-711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. it CYot "o cc iak° i s.,-The Ann Arbor Savings Bank My representatives are now showing T U T T L E [ C apital soc.'50,0005. Sunpeida ~ , ae' two of my newest creaions-a two button Resou-ce,, atosse Double Breasted Veit and a four button Single SERVES HOT LUNCH- AT A Generral Banhing Buosins Tronsacted Breasted Vest. lost ask 9r W!it338S. TAT ST 9P!1' OnFICERn: Ch a. E. Iiscoch, Pto: or oro%3 .SAT T rom rrete ateie fr/s. : 1. JIit z. Casitier LINDISNSCH-MITT, APELL :.& CO. HAS..° RENTSCHLER'S Representative called ul Yoo can procure tram him a coupon entitling you io one dozen $4.50 Cabinet Photos at ensian, all f or $3.00. l~tTERU5IE3'fT 25,000 N or n hase liu ocirICfthe'tJol New iiogrphin T Eslalnr titIC(iPit 7.CTOnO. O.,DT, ov a oitnoyoth, e oinn Une'.aCit' atsCissioer 5of.Eductaio. 1 0 PA"D es.a n 1k 0 .Ills tdrao . . 0. E0 0. MEZRIAM CO. La MegaCOOT THE BEST5 The fluent clear Havana 5 ct. cigar is the market. -AT. MANN'S DRUG STORE En~och Dieterle 213 S. Main St. Embalmer and Funeral Director GEORGE BISCHIOFF Ambulace-Callt at'ended day or night. 210S. th Ave.t:IResidence same FLOWIST Phone 404. Ann Arhor. Chub.eCunt FlvW01an od Planr.ts ________________ CaiStbetween Huron and rilitr Ave. CoiSi Phone89 PAILEY & EDMUNDS Save a Walk Down Town I 5porttno zooaz Get your Watches and Jewelry 121 East Liberty Street. repaired at the Right Place Buy your U of IIPins where they keep a full line at the L ow es t prices. No 12-1 poor stock [dison Machines and Records in our store. : i No th in g changed for lo: ooking at Victor Machines and Records our goods or ge tt in g prices on repairs, etc. Alarm clocks OLD DISCS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE $1.00 and up Call at the right place. opposite Law Building. SCHoAEBERLE & SON J. F. SCIILEEID[, 40s th I t 4 W. Liberty St. Ann Arbor. Mieh UNIVERSITY NOTICES. 'Ihe smoiker to ble gcienby' the Ioiwa clab wili1>e teldl Priday even.ingsNov-s etber 24,inteadof of usthe elat',pre- PrtofessorJerioimorC. KniwItons iwill giealcueSnaly eci ctit'il the suctir"TheiCIrial of Jesus IFrust a U~lt yi et c Staitttftiit, of tihe ''Iirtit Elsh tLuterait chtuich at 7 :30 P. Itt. Piresideitt Pauli B. Dickey of thte Com- edfy citublhasisucied hisir st ecall for uottiteei c lfoi the ig00 troupfe. 'ilte iest mintgto"wilIf oceifr ii uday nidght at 7:30 it SatiaftCaswtell .'Aigeflltall. 'oil -stuets netthe Univ'ersity, Schlti iii ti/uici or highttctool, wcliiieuaifriot Souihstternt 71adagascar fire req~uestedl li toeti frioit ofiersceity halttifi 9 '0 thtis eveinhg, for the f/artifie of fourttig tte a ldagascar clib. PIN bi, CLASS GE'. The1 clasichaetfpiionipfi fSte season ofiq905 -xvliibfr'diceidedl Satturlay imtirn- in at 9:.30 us leery'tfil,hetweentheii selnior iiiljttnior en/aineer caes MIlCHIGAN UNION BIANQUET PICTURES Iio advertise andrifurthter thte ititerest uf ite NhicltigaUnIilt, baliftuetpiie' lures. ore itne-hlf liregttlar pice.Ciin. hundlrerdi more ready Fridaty tooin. Also 150 Nilichigan-Wiscutuilt gatme ficttres af fifty'cenettchl. Lyndiont, Photographer.f Expert Jewelr'yad Watch. Repatrs. Arinold's Jewelry Siore. Doni't foirget. Send htoime "Xltihgait Foiotball Sonit" today. 'Tcll centis. 52 Sec Reivelirler'sadoilntpage . ti pon You yet?I F. J. SCHUH1 nd an extra picture for use in the Michigan- SANITARY PLUMBING Gas dod Electric Students' Supplies. A SPECIALTY 1T3O RI '-Oni lsck ft iii cauitt J. P.SCHUH, 207 10. Washington S' fils, i lialt 1111111 lill vit ll e er gliroom.ll 5o6u E.1Jefferson. 0 D/. tn EIFUNERAL LO(ST-Feld lasstDerildli liltSotsris cii ii riisss ic 11 1 Ollifie30!1S. 4th Avre. phont St. ])ac icrdl attice.Fdrlaef 'iiuf'1 t ectdoe 3ltd S.iltIsAve. l'hone 314. reeisveresisisi I' chttlf . ,fff # AMBUILANCE ON CALL Sixtht stret.512 _ 'IINE LUN7 CHtES tffee. t.1)nowti R u1teri rId Ligars. A eom}til'e lie(1 l0 ciii,,.i/ rti'fles. WerarC'agens tir ll list i/ht&iii., t/'./nAv &'lco. and/3tB at1 cii s1' l ,alofur S'-'f/'s 5'y SHA HliEF'u Aectietiy,.l r iarif lbie il r.E. JO)LLY. State St. take place a sa n h nuitial p11ac i 11157 l ight',u"' airty culo f ice 3 D . A. A. J. RAIL.WA Y lilok st[11 o l case t se i l lVol t iii, I.Ilultfront 11i/ti , l ni/lt 1:15 lie 7iondiuav ftiiiis l n T ed y "m:tole I :lti 5p.m-,i .. :i a.1. i tour vpsi- t1 01 ly o 1 ).1 1 1. an'/lull .:1.) 0. /m. tot' ev'entintg. 51-52 ackso, iitedi/i'iiat a .h/ t luals froml iit o 21.,. nt. then 'uu':45a0. m. fOtne5r cai ulscae it Iby paing us" is i TiHE lHs'sEIONlCC LHLSTRA. PURE I SILK~ Adidrrss LI I).iBates. fmtnaftr,"CI St SouttitFoutrth vne hn,:BC]1, 1o6-; oe,23ii --- fBRIG~HTON l.C)S'--l' Eus~ lti astt atch l" 1 Flat Clasp Garters fosh, '\'silfioiovu'euteist ;5O.fA'.It.I ake yeur"eonrse"tos. M/ade ef one phec cascl. Phionte8391. 5fatUfCever Coturi prmsilkwat, mtal par t evily ni/el ed. Perfctlyfat,acomforabtlen utakin. Look - - for auo nga/terrclaspoandtbox. LOST-Delia Cliinis. BRewred f 1 retfurnsto Delta Cliionsue, 731 S. Sf515 tt eistened TradeMark. Renftsfcleroff 0ccers bar ail. SeeC hi'cSUS CO DER = Msr avonag4.t.71 ar0S. Pioneer Pbiladelpbia I BOugrodern Studets' latps at Deauf & Co.'s, 2f.1 A S. Mai street, $i.5a and $2.5o. Beni lamshin citoiy. tf' '5. PAIR I - /(11,1-11 r1 p l -,ca Eyes carefully fitted anld tested. GEORGE HALLER, Main Si. Firitg dfli/fl'fr ctinaialin/terc. Mis BenOl u,o6afk:. Jefferont, 1204-L..i-thi WE LEAVE ANN ARBOR 15th of November Call and get your Stephens Pleading and Keen's Cases on Pleading. We can save you money. Roberts' Cases on Extraordinary Legal Remedies Carried in Stock CALLAGHAN (A CO. LAW PUBLISHERS. Chiaa9o ANN AWSOIL BRANCH, Sta.te St. Oppn Law Bldg. GAS STUDY LAMPS $2.50 EACH 100 Candle Power ton 1-3 Cents per Hour. Save Eyesight, Money and tTrouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. Milk Chocolates PETER'S CAILT ER'S KLAUS' HERSHEY'S BT°NSDORP'S and other candies at E. E. CALIKINS Dr'uags 320 Sosth State Street ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING