[or Art and Skill in Jdilorinfl Call on~ SAM BR HFIELD &C The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HUVRON STREET Ttit MICHIGAN DAILY M1ON[Y LOAN[P Student Room Decorations A Fine Collection of tOn Wat ce.iao ntos.h ehry and all Ilt-htClas Chattel steins, Smoking Sets, U. of M. SouVernirs Ina Pyro- and tool atet (Inii ' ra~phlc Work, Pictures, Posters, Photo W. J. LOUIRIM Nets, Japanese Umbrellas, Clacks, Chaflng 104 4th AveOt (pp, sitlour051t. Hose'Dishes T'wo doors outh of tnowoY.PM.IC.A. 0FI HOUtRttlS; 8:30to 11:30; 11,0 5;~ Now on display in our Basement Bazaar Business Strictly Confidential M A CK Ce~i-1 COo PA LDING' AITHL[TIC LIBRARlY . No. 247 O FFtI C IAL COLLEGIATE 4 BASKET BALL GUIDE FOR 19OB-6 Editted by Harry A th. 0 l> otets ict s of all the vtec teas dtS it sea1 srons rt rds. Exclusive styles and extra values tonfLen's Sutts anid Over- dealer tnd dtpaololet stores,> coats at the above Price is our specialty. PRICE O10 CENTS nY MAILSdn~ aaloteo tdtiesot hl, th i al . ll> m n fral l athletic 0>1 .11>1>> to Se(10youn ame t t' o / I / m). A. G. SPALDINO fe& BROS. NEW YORKtCClAGO 1DENVER h5'AI 1055( >I O k l 1fi))',;Il(001? OF snc >1a dlceec tatall speculators \VI1 tN'I NG 1 NCRE P SO:,S Scul to ics 1for 1> th e m ea BILLIARD andtaready .;cvcrl 1 cal pers r B( ILL IA D ol1 l from page cl>.ohl. H USTON BROTH ERS tl adhsto hltescu" Suaccesaoro to JA .W. ROEEDt, 312 S5 State > >> 1>bokI> . I- ok1> 1PN11 ..TIRNPI1 Ping-Po'ng o g Photos SX gol; it o>>>>> ltrils inpird ''1> 11(la> 1>1 >>icltStrt 36 PHOTOS FOR 25 ei; ; 0 lcn an t1l> poox ht }licko- pro c ht smeof he oI 4 Positions Cn1 xlshypeet Issoil to o pte ofw ola h OLD MORRIS STUDIO atlesttwlv pins, ell( I osble i >1 Il. ayItatth pose 16 So. PMattnSt. Ann Ar-boor I< 11>0011or-. -hclwn. om fraveySc ft>>- to ur U. of M/ BARBER SHOP <C, ih-(cia rligfaoie u an etussi. !lt f 1 a ' chn s mtn t Th frs macpae etrTrojonio-ki State St. >1>1(1 01>1111ddsare ikey t 1Welh ad W ller> reultdIi H A L F-T________Edrop__to__thre___to__o__e__porssikly to or c i- te; ore1 byPP sor o to Ao1l(,'lwfore NtEeSbig' > a >. 'I>is ls 1> > 1'llisis te1 > mtc ad <;tlea0 ;ar ed rejectel teol thus>> farI>> boot hoc preliminaryooo Seri ZINC ETC H I N G S I t > 1st1of C0 oi>> ith1the> >1>> 10 Sfoold inl cc- sill le ffair, ac- ill If 11> hl>y1 Ti s .il Lower in Price Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH BOWLING S. ROTT ENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ape. i-c- IREDDED WRE ALWAYS IN SE~ASON C 0i tofotdor lofe realie t impktnceootro c! >0>1tlte oeedf for foodt>hato saipfyantI strengthoetoi l' . Shredded Whole Wheat )Biscuit preciselp fills thtese rqie coot,>-,forc tereas oo tt t i matde ofltheentire et berry, ing ando] uphuilding propete thanttanytothoerlfood. QItco- tins thet cheoical eeet e quired toe stcengteery muscole, bone and linses.1.i alocapstimoly betcsose it cnb preared i hndeds of ways- owitho oilk,crecamt, frolts, ee tables, etc. Qk Alwaps take it wittoyou, and prepaceitacod leg to thte mny r ecipes i h 1>ital Question Cok Book, twhicht we settdtfre. QInplc othreaod ose Triscuit, the twholnoh eat crack er, wic i foir hettee thattbheadod os It iscomopactoandeasilyp rid Q Tryp"ToastedTrtiscuit 'oand THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY Niagara Falls, N.Y. 1 f20 o a1ticket . PoMay ono mc boos is- I Umleo df laonoioooSosire toot-I> No combination in Lamps==No advance in price. Tb; oBerlin tudntoooLam1,00 Nikoel a 1 tedlwth Wh(ite Shadtoe, eactt$1t5o. cThe tPefection tudoito tLamp, 2.00. 'lew N. 0 RoyaltLamop '.75. The>'No> 0:: o o~~ 1.40. We soelrl e et amsmae n fr Ies onythan any other 214 SuhD A S O Ann Arbor Main St. Michigtin NY WADHTAI' Ou~r tttogttllenl dispolay of -> Suits, Overcoats Don'>0 toal t> o e tturfir>' line ol yp vNew Pall Hal Fall Furt o Nra' 0>00s c -nine in olaoly. New Underwear. Thle largest and finesI Trousers. Also a finn variety of fay r Suit Cases at k' SEE OUR SHO ANN ARBOR RAILROAD "Allen's for Quality" AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Rsd-cosd Rats. to ait Potnt for THANKSIVING ,L L ENVACATION ... Tratins Lseav-es Ann. Arbor- The Clothier Gong Noth 9:05 ai. and 4:36 . i.t . . 1 sllY . T. WILLS, MAIN ST. tGet'l Pass Aget, Agent, Tooolo, (hlon Ann Arbor, Mih. ItellIptone Ito - trIott po n ote 119 0 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ino fle climittuoorio- -.r 1>1y1-2. 3 plays Of Ann Arbor, Milc. ol ce., tl ne ot of> enlot-col otoiroos. odyI,> allowinglo p erfe1c>-oly eton >>>g>>-~iio >ill . I.l ttne , Ptets. IarisnoSole, V. S. (. Clarksonr, Castier I rp elo;2, Slont O ;l. ,10 ay , c lapta. f10 .000. Srls attd trofits. $0000 5: 1.'Iroco . Ga~ts 7; 61 --sm r 7 P7,A-l--It 409. t~aer,>o , erRowe's Laundry 2, Snil>oTSl~i, 5:;,It.Spitzer 5; 4. Thomas Rowe, Proprietor Unoillio>>.1: 15, Siter. 5. II(,CilotrIt;32 5, ilh A e 17, Sal-. l> . 0 ; 1 8, ln s, SlOr , 36N ifhA e 22, h~art"r o;.. 23,I 1\(Poller4; 4 P W l-hI SLIR N o; 2p5,>m110 , >>boot. ;b27, PPWol, 0-tat- CCIso T ot so tttoto To: 211, Ilefel o Scin~ * 0,it.Geo. J. Hallert- $f CO SI-Ibrog. h; 301, 11I1-S P ;2, Htog . (Weitsor-e-yourtb okls, Ottearing 01>1>0re1 atdritutre ---- REALI, ETATE >Try Phoelps' Petrfetion ococolate putfs Ineo totno ch1i1>5t lCushinugs ploartmacy See Reoltihel' tad on 1>0> 1 fi4 k A NT D A L ffe. Ii ~ ) i Satoisfatoryt-p alorng t satsfactory P prices. Foller& 0'Contnor 619 I;. Wi--- 111111 sre.tMin t [spEND OURVCTO II totERo JcWrt IIY SfOI-cotlo- . AATO Thle college jewelers. oN THE -GREAT LAKES I ltallishteo 1858. --ta i II iloetl's genuine vevet tisses a ol f0 'e-.- Sec>-.lxiogt l a opae .. I COn jy~ Miehinon plos, fobtanod tpoon. AR C g ir6 IlI oceRon JgWItvfSTOE, Mtain t Sb +. dp~ _______ __f___ 0 a 4S CO. v151j S ' fJ/ACKD *'C ISLAND and Cravenettes IICIGoY UMMER? RESORTS. All 1t1e Newest sod tp-ct> darn Styles TIME TABLE DETROIT CLEVELAND s and Caps Leave DETOIT, daily 10.30 P. M. Arrie CLEVELAND- - 5.30 A. M. Tfhe greatest ariety i ina tiy mating og eooctioooosith ll> i> >1> for Ionts Ibs~ton>Sio o iishings Leave CLEVELAND, daily 10.5 P. M. Arrive DETOIT - - - .30 A. M. 1211 Shirts, Neckwear, (Gloves and Contrectng w>it c. O.rSEMEROfor Showing of Mnos and Young Men's Makna,Soo," Mrquette, Dotth Minne- apott, St Pan, Potsky, Mwakee Chi- 6ny ests. A large assortmeont of 100otood tergattBay t,lwit tll Rai- rods foo -t < itsltMihigan anotheotlcWest. >W WINDOWS tDAY TRPS (including Snday beteen DETROIT AND CLEVELAND DIL except Monday.lJULY and AUGUOT QS oo MACKINAC DIVISION nTedays A Thursdays 4.00 P.M. Clothers. Wednesdays A Frdys 9.30 AM. S . A IN $ T FouTps Per Wek Comening une 1th 1,1. S , Thenoh cnnntction -oat Mnoteet LNoeDws witholan tt rento rintot oto ndtOWott, and D.t.S. A& . atndoo Lne tiooSOT.tGNoCE,. S-td ta£r to ~trtede amphett. Addan A . H N'r ,. ..T. ., ltrtasnioh. DETOIT AND CLEVELAND NA. CO. RAPH Get Your Room i WIIIV--_ t _ _Decorations Clever Cv WADHAl The Newest 1 21 AND 12 3 i~ai~aPANORAMIC PHOTOGI i~~a OF THE - MfI C HIGAN-wWI SCONS i~a'+a10 Inches Wide by 36 inches L -in °*a For $2.00 ALEXANDER CA . CO'S STUDIO, Hemeilnj nei nnnA~ nnnnn~inninn~nni~nnnnnnnonnr~~tnnrnnnnno~~~~n..on.n..n~sn Longy # 81k., Co0. Huro,> ft 4th. PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET WASTEPAPER BASKETS, SOUVENIRS. ETC. at- DARLING & IIALOLEAUX Both Phones, 224-226 S. Sate St WE ARE NEVER UNJJRSO4D ---GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STO~dk