tHE micdkidANkDAILV Co. Leading M~ERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special style for stu- dents. !G. H. Wild Co. A 31 s. ,ytatns t. A Book of U. of M. Views Oers'50) paeso ' sperb phot/enrsea vingss f fte ('reei/es ad bsilfings. /lcrierial desined l/and ph 5(51(5/(over, makes an cx1e(l5 0 socer eIe'.Mail oveot/se, or toa Y/cr frien/s and s/novth/em whstst h( e I, (ff5 faa/ks lie. PIBCE 50 CENTS at Sheehan & Co. Students' Bookstore Money Loaned IOn Watches, Diamonds or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watchs & Diamonds affice at residence 331 E. Liety St Ass Aror. ALLBSNEiSeSsCOFIDENTIAL JOSEPH C. WATTS THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Tier Daily recerntly coegratulated "Si" Perkins as not seing reasted by seer Entered. as secnd class ematter at the Ace Virulcent friend freasemVW'sconesin. Siscer Arbor Postoffiee. thene "Sc" lees cnfessrd iteat lieless - -..- - -- ----- - --- beets paid foe his atleticj serveices righet PR F S ID I," NT PANKF'R Published dsily (Mondays exsepted) during the college year, at say East Wasinigtsn street. Bell phsne se2. HBe phone 76. Managing Edhior, CLYDE L DEW Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS EDITORS. Athletics ...............Clarence E. Eldridge News ................... Lssis D. Stichney Exchage ..............Charles E. Winstead Musie .................... A.. B. Ortmeeyer Womenec................Efie J.Aestreeg EDITORIAL STAFF. Huagh Alles, Feanhlin C. Parhs R. Clare O'Bries. ASSOCIATES. Geoege A. Dshorn Harold C. Swish J. Earl Ogle, Je. Geoege A. Basses Ferris N. Snith Feach J. Clark Eohert H. Classy Henry A. Montgaosery a. F. Stesenson Walter Metzeshaums Clenn a Bradley Johec F. Woez toy V. Loll Floyd HI. Jsones RATES: $Sass per year. at Snas if paid is advance. Address: WALTER R. SANS' Business Manager. 236 S. 1tih St.. Phone 849 L. FRIDIAY, NOVEMBER 24, 190;. Eductortday-ROY V. LULL. CALENDAR. Nov. 24-Inlter-epeartment debate be- twseene Alphca Net and Webster so- cieties, races G, law building, 8 p.mte. Ness. 24--Leaguselparty at Baribouet gym aet 4o'clsock. Pittsbserg Orchsestra ass Clearal Unioansseries. Neev. 2.5-eoweaclebsmeaker. Nsov. 2j-Inser-dlepartmnst debeate, Adel- pisvss. ieffersestieusocsaely. Neev. 25-Annuial ibanquet Micbiganc Alusmeei Associatiaoe cf Detroit, Fel- lasscratft clusb, Detrcit. Obeerlins vs. Msichsigate cieFerry field. Nesv. 25 ( esenintg) 'liteaksgis'esg re- cess ibegisns. Ness. 30--Clicaga s's. Micheig'sateonMar- shaell fseld, Chicago. It msightieleewelllte suede tier suti- stneeLofels'riclein isac Detrcit paper meet -Neil Sssosss'deaetde icket sipeceelateor. le e gost sf tier traiee tie rnsiteg eel tier N\\'iscostsiss gaees lieewseshailed lby ac icket1broeec' holsewore anassethletic e-assciatn ite 'stelwantedetleesell sit asicbetleer thereedlliars. ''oeet ougbt see lee res tscell colresge," said ther big ex-caletailn, ''etee if youlewererite att easerneeschleeelyeoulwsceled le." Its vies' cf lice feeltheal all teetickets to lice 'T'haneksgiv'ieng gaeetchlaveeebere scoldicate aec etecs'altlts eteendfifitendollarsatnd loyal stuedentsanasclumniele are ceutcell cf tierchtateceelf swienessintelche cntest, ws-iile unscruplouias grafters reep a lear- sce sellutaf at ecluiesvely college sportL Seeows's criticismeeesas timcely eetd perti- seet. aloneg. Ye Cos NVth'i exlet I It is scud thast "Scaeireeei" Joredate hssublscriedsitle a lress eagenccy etediis goilng oipaiper Ihis hosewsithcnteices flatterineg ande otherwsise, whsiichite has draswtnedown-s. Well, every hitle sit eihelpsso shlere's anetere. JERi).\E-i.E\\IS RECITAL gOCCURS NEX!,T WEEK s (Cotntieeed fromcepage aole.) icov-ecoutryeni. It is trite ticet tie elemneet ci ecaggeraticn is it sosme de- gree ate essenstial ef leis humoarous sent- teig, bet while iteis is almoest tie anly goalies' eef.\Americanc humoer, it is ntea pecutlier to tieletter, butel elises freoms tietaturel eserloesseelebueyeant sipirits, whice weeasesciaewsithe cll leeumoer. let .1 el. Jr retee's case it is deere eelsareset itt 'Theree Mies ill es Boaeei' wh icehiiem- t ietlyeeatnareetive eel high siriits, eane caetaitns far less al tihat eteerumae ity aeedileesgeiteg ephiloeejvlseey teeneslyo Ilees oeter leeueceressbookes. ''.11. Jceroeee hales lee tqite asec- cessful a drametteistlnste rlieouls noevelist ees lieias beenea humolerist. Prseelly, le' is esernelftiekieneliest steenewheo iheve echeved seuccess inemoerne letters, stee freeshae'haedsaoseeriediearcreer. Circle. schlmciastelr ov cleeinceiealaecter, Jeeuerteee- is1, lieses inteutnlefore le'fountd Isis peeblic eviih'Ile Thoeht ls)' Its 551 lee sieerteed lie Ideli.ter ndeditcedit ill eetsritieeswstllsMsl. iRobertl iBeerefoc leve years. antelits 893 lee foedeelclTa' leesy, whiichle ahleodctedi far feu ee rscse sefare decidlineg tleevisoes teesmslf teetie 1freer steldeemocrecneteesl1lifeeel tie welter ofhosak Chaeis Beeti eel ceo ies etericane humoree ist,swleesis traveling seils Mr. Jroeate.iscyrilIknroswnte toeAnnAd ro audsieces, eas lee hIs e vetraltteseels cearre ed ntshle.. .A.c lres e seesettaied a neeatinalris leputonby heis cotributeiones teeuse CetuerySaetee- eday Eveseing Posi, NessYo'teSti unsesande othlereiodissiceals. Baolhsauthosrs s-ill recite ecsivssely fromteeir sealnsesrks. Tl'e follosesieeg is theprograme: Mrl. Jeroe ShoultdsiWomsene lee -reitiflee-- ser' sense.lTies. Itt SwallacsSereet-. serriceise [Vivcs. Uncer Podiger Cars-ee 1-lesonging- fTher'.eree ciee rra /lsel. rMr. Leeomli- TiePooar Wets Mead-Tfe Festr- VBetl- r d Catboat.e tPe's Rae-etc iee stsiEevator-lose Chercftl Jese -else ci. S Tie Cusheer-Ilve leen 1Tiisesg. 'le Moterileof Ltle Maeeeanetd Lit- tle Maude~/el'esel's lleteeresr. IMr. Jeroe- S Maceicnits rmany-ev Tee' fees sees t ii f1erci. Stacies \'nowere. Their First Plaey-Peaul Kcs'er. dietoers 1lsiht, I. I-PaFees--cs'se nituesetle hites rsi"t5lessee slpesienlt. 'it'. Parer ihestese ebeseeen-o elh less soessecties eia-se''fessrsel teeyogee5st 1o recueraete set sis jutniors lc is yer.eelsci eases-isheel orerdcsi s tegivi e 111)erettis wrkseete-eeland h eswilleleeithi lit cass eol194 andetis nowesess- tbe eel tie'h ~ e tes rilawceassIliecvesoserose thetr-sesginaetos o sf tics Michigane IUneione isises endsi s tweeireeriectred presisrent, etdst tee rotbabsi l oe oresser seeinseg it to reaizateioneethanceasetsothereemaeee se callege. ifIe is also presiside eloftier mutsical eclebsseed seas far ctwo sears presideent of tie glee cleeb. N~o steps leave yet beene takcen to fil tke vacancry ilee eke ieigate L'eione bocardi.1 teegie Allele, literary v sire-peas- idient,.will-etis pre sident dursinsg tie ' ItiN'SIORI' At tiemeaetineg eeltie - ses cres of seedy vlln, a cirillanss hallt. a somt et ofsine'stuenlts wsele te tee sect 5as eenseadvisory'shoards ofleel roltesi weithe instruectiones toee5stabl5ish 'inels e-s ipenenet Co-is stees. Ovs-e' 175 stuetes sere-ins ettrssIei.s 'fle r'seeteselts'cseessistileg sotJohneesG. i'sleecea. W.V. ( '..\erritt, ii. C. Steie- so. . . T'ier-'.C. it. Howsees,'sci.l Maiegnss\('. J. I/tess. I--C. St. Jesiss 'nsaoeret s''stuen5t, esisfe edll stmee- Sattrdy evenineg teeselect a.e e'si ew. $.:zooFtiii ONE. CX.(1 Weillie isiH e e etnhs aepitedsal - e lee pis ls tih sthe sanon t Oioiss dsc- tenenrt t'eam a'd~ileast (I ssilsess.011oes feet wh cicle eis to eecseive'$50oe.(tistie tcem withe hime wei leebsee rry Jams, quarstceerak te dsesI esitli, iPensees s i lst v er'lfutsssllbak ntier Allestersireen. Auto Girl Post~ A Souvenir of the Great Michigan-Wia- consin Game; the finest. at the price offered o-ne State Street. 1lQc each The Bookstore that's never Un dersold If role are lee seed of a fiearl of sheoes ar riebbers rail at Aiprill's sitar store, Weasinegtoen street. eods-tf Seeits pressed, 25c; trousers, tar. Feuller $ O'Conneor. if Sge-c lReesceer asdelnsell er4. H'H'a oeffer. tf Watche, jewvelry asd eye glass repair' itng by skilled sorkens. HALER'S Jasvutsv STORL Maine St. Alarem clocks at street. HALLER'S, Males RPs'eeesrer ffer'cs baregai.-sll-Seetel' ees d e lln ie'4. tf 13est lictucr eeof Yt-. \''.5 let Retsrieeroferes becrgcine. Sec his Ieesetsell Sonsg''" jell bookes ansteel sc advs. o asssae 4. if storers. 'l'cencests. - Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 NUMBERS REMAINING Jerome K. Jerome 1Chas. Battell Loomis - : Dec. I Jacob A. Riis - - = Jan. i6 F. Hopkinson Smith Lorado Taft - = Jan. 3i1 Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12 Pres. Alderman r lar. __ SOUSA'S BAND - - Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers . May 2 Oratorical Contest Open Number - - Tickets for the Entire Cou~rse - $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or from Siudent Sellers Seats reserved-SO Cenmts Extra-at S. L. A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University Hail, beginning October 30 SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phone 52 Offlice Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec Anyone Can Buy at the Co-Op. A professor inquired y sterdeir, if the Co-Dee sosldtee ion-memersce, and we had thought that he surely knew that lsong agc. Anyone can buy at the Co-Op and at the most reasonable prices in town. Theasnt reasonable, because consistently low, this year, next year. and all the time. We have our policy and stand by it, noir would we inacreace prices if every other stoe on State otreet cloned to-morrow. And the Co-Op has the best goods, for instances: DREKA SEAL AND CREST STATIONARY The quality of this Engraving is known in every College and Ft'a- ternity in the country to be the beat. The prices leave been consistent with the quality. However, we are able to give special prices on this line, because of our connection with other colleges. AT THE CO-OP YOU WILL FIND A. FULL STOCK, READY FOR INSTANT DELIVERY As you pass look ai our WindowDisplay oi COLGATE'S Wares. GO-OP THE STORE OF THE STUDENTS You are Not Fair t'o your face unless you s' p- ply it wtith the creamy, hael- itng lather of WILLIAMS' SHAING., STATE SAVINGS BANK W~. J. Booeth Jnos. V. Sheehlan NVsn. Arsnld tI,. V'C. Vaessdest tees. If. Wae 1, vI I. !]ills N. J. K yer Johlesiner is.7 Reedsch teeo. ESi -. Cari e 51 Freanke P. Glieer Chrstias 31a'stee ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.50 )F'saiiy Gaar-aestood (o he neets let sel. etse~rseteeseey. lies aat'he pairises SJ. L. Chapman, 206,5. Main St. THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital, $50,000, Surplusand Profits, $65,010 Dies a GeneatllBankling Business and Foy 3 perrtentinterestn Timeaned Savich Drenoshes. Saetyesysposit Bnxsc to rens at $2.00 cud opwareds R. RaspyFePes. W. a. ScEVES, Vice-.s-F P. H1. tlroSa. Cashe. 15. et. ILLIAMs As: t \ jVCHWGANCIN ' Decrcopra ati asaten* Chicago Buffalo Boson New Ye, Throgh TrainsaEaest-818a.m., 2.40 p. ? 4.55p.Di 9.3 cc . m 1.05iep. m. LoassEase 6.53 c c., *cull0sa.m., *e.5 phe- - *8.36 p.II ThroghTrainsaWeot-2.n7ase,, 7.58 . " 5.18 a. in., :533 p. sn. 10.20p. m Loalas, a5528 a.m., ate e-P M. *0p, . c *(t+oet SneeMs.t Concstions at Cheic'ago lee St. LoI, KlanssC(icy anedrice West. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor -- " . D ouglas Shoes Gym Shoes WAHR=The Shoeman 218 So. Main St.