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November 24, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-11-24

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The: Michigan Daily


ANN ARBOR;' MICHIGAN, I7RII).\, N\ VIiIO{1 24, 1905S.

No.5 2.

N 41 FORMATIONYS 'ill ii terra p)ti ass Of thl ers't'stsisfor
1vVTqFil FOR CHICAGO the .\Isroon s andi the result is initerest-

Varsity Puts in Hard Afternoon's
Practice-Kicking Work Was
,ji he tumb1 ee of uses left for tite tar-
, ii.} o lri ce is sea il siiisinisg
;li o e tls foachls st is inuaksing
ihsmn' ol selis ecepttiolly tardin t
ilt it tilt Ior tt icgo gaite.site
I thana tiesl: distt.T hIle tioils -
'"''ttas agatt feturtiei larsgely lie
'erels wsta'lsot tMingi lie ot
w5 Atuts.ttoits Imon kian iJohnn
andE(srl cornititidltn ot seemtoit thiler
i; i t I l s t.
liac Ystlils deits ed s'eversal tess
Is's sx 51 itbesprunstsg ito n latteIz

ieftonly is toithle size if the scitre a
sutbstitutte lbsaekfieldicai' oliu upii 11 c
twill settle Isargely _lliigsii's sisal ftir
lie still use his regularlie u excespt
Schltle, ss'lisse iplacee at left gsuarsd iill
lie fillediby l en it . Blowltwtill lie
at qutarter, IDennyirClad:lsaasleft htalf,
Itickl at righstlthalf sndilambsuttl tfull.
Michigan "Hubbies" Propose to
Mingle College Spirit With Con-
ugal Bliss--Elect Officers.

Pittsburg Orchestra 1o Open Choral
Union Series--Excellent Sym.
phony Program.
lie Putsh sittostcehestras sithsit;mttt
tigt. erestisin tres stl stits nali
festedin sto ighuslt's sconcert andslfrotut
tiessetit stsdlsassssros the I stitisss isitlus
thltshis h eretoufore ttteit leilits sit-
ists ere. Tetetand fit sesasitits
sits, fistiisepostiltIsurpase to
isy thte suprtemes excellence if tsesitise
ansitsv lie flit ist the lsea5stinttiskes
if Iss'usrcha sit ii ts il eots isseilfist
te srite if te\lais lssts 1 lslsne.

cui) tituats ts if'0,3-'() andi ws i al5ternssate
silthe sltNsiostiiteams sltalstYer
.FI.K. 1,egg, of lit'steawgeats d
suitm Coslons hiihschool.t1Ilie ttokiptrt
itt tile Hlstosits tsttw o i v ellstiwts
ttltt it in thedepatet ssi teamshe-
liats fist NNscosisitlastvisis

Famous Humorists Will Appear on
S. L. A. Course During Thanks-
giving Vacation.

\.Sa Ihn s its's si. T 'il estis- ( sConjugasl iliss, soiailenijoiymeni tund The prosgramil for tu''ilit is is follos:
isis is sscoch h snetsr 'vt fauel to tleeS psiit siltsgletd strssigeryr last (ts'erits'e, ''.)boo ,.... si"rius
so sttt1.iittlg silits tses lieshe 11issit]'tssstee )a e andel sotigitty Ss'ii t l}'iii NTU. ;, 1its INIsitso
s11~l g lits situ nIto ntits tinksiss lih t t is ii l ii list ts iorms s ocsseii llus........T luioes h
111 sta ill pro te any ex ep1ti to lie fisttt ii tey ssweeall buth legalt Andante.-iss'''llegroi con suits .
tc ll IleI s nots i bse1nssfstrced t an e lied hussianIss te thlesis stitt- Andstiiit'esatabiiile', cstilt's 1 cnz.
titlt ll an ne'tiltssVets-,suit een sgs, listhli thlu tit of whtisi te f'irsss'
si te N \ is sstc 'il uusin "m ,a d te pasits s ifei ati lit wousit s ay is t ie.
slits s weresdslissedespcits y orsi lastilte cash selan proeedith'caie''eSymphiciiiPeo iemu alst ofi iiphitie's
stlsa. Illos situ NN istos in, a s wl ndsit u tin.1 issrslrtzt-)ussssiisis sit
isthe onsilts p55eiti ia dei'sed orthe Th soi t i f tshecutb still its striesly HIvsit e n iefiroims this spitat I ties -
Ml situ' will is' sprungt'' rithe s it s ltt S"ls1 ti the sillife if te sisshsis (Fitre 1" 'siisel Ni.. tr sis
tit tme snxti'liusts ysiTs ipl ayi s wichiss ari edtu sitsii a ite uitesrsits Is5'twht i te''fstii 's Ifitist' 3 siissis frossiss ise
NAlonsiti rotege s ti~ h ald upon to itiusiiitlii i t uistcakdu t e n il resrithat isiiterret'ii'ttiitiitriiiitl '
tleta tuvaie.isesitie iiessthsdeenivsiemaym tilssot ietdeihsothers_______
'oilail s upon stichi '(isteitsous Mitwere s f use resosOls is-
tK )etitisgOt' keca sif tsegreatsslsaig isifoite fosrmatsioin isftilssnsiseliDEPARTMENT DEBATE
antilly isii'elersa's urterbck i iocet. Tse bil it suitccsess if itsr-e CONIES OFF TONIGHT
fak s 5155 s asi t hetitlis 55155 tsittis i diti smens sclubs stitlistth r uits sistiles
plays its it s Ii itilso n wts ing5555s ii sti t e s ''stt ii itth.ileats s i te hit pyttity iss
nfeiiclists whichisai he ales t of teilawtt'tietWebster and Alpha Nu Teams Will
stiotesCigists"'oldi sit.usollowi'tgte exampleis sitthese sit Start the Year'a lnter=Depart=
Nosis taN icsigiss iss suceddin cis qustonts of Irtie stieidie, pp _ment Contests.
si11n tsroughitt heis w'h'stlt e suss i tss 's'ss'ssisatses forist ss isissit sitd ts isimsch
isr wsiiius tilne' a'sill is's erigoal ioo sed squ stitn u a s sss itiho ishal isiuid Th itsIt iesr-depar5tmentis ts5 elis o' f
11e c s it' lrthavist- esel s m c 'th ireitsits' oi ngsis wsill its releitsed te yealr still Ile held itoniigih ts in tiRo im
as'as g"tushkickseis sso it t iiisteretsaistii sitesrwnd si. an e scis sitd Is")of te Iilaw b ildintg,. at 7:45. 'is
it i"stilts'fosuss 'salthouuhses'sssssl i t sits- lust's sits stllill llosume1t55 sitsist l ts e nit dsebate still ite fussthslut' pot'se' f seleet-
isesuream 5oite plasers as wit s utitlisfthgiddyis sis rbsts itses s"whos it g tsree'hosnssr sItI(, iftile six chosens
ticis15555 sporets if te isatil toits iti lt i os manlit puitilt tstiiisr" its itid as. anuasliey uso srepresentss NI ilgssl its te
hslisrses r. Wn ssthe seasi sson o eneds Ilyat cu nts o(f nsies usresenit asdtu bsit sseressiie'st d seiate's. 'Nit tiltsr'a's~te
a tnyone 1who 1would iasuit'setuisdet'ots sent it u s foIuunds that 5tirty bllesedi sill alists le chsi ens and'till t e r thi' rtet'
ngsti list 'Ni iilgIs s it (s Iigo i ut"ugh suita l ss1 te lits depatmenisi t n 1) its stomorrow n s i gh s ti.
t scedsiulseiiontaininsg ilthesĀ«11C se lcdinsithsits e'ate'gory.' fTse itusestilts T'hoiqsstionuts onsight sill lie: "R'e-
N 's~ritsiisis Neratska'It's lusts, ,' 's'st'vexed us'sassemblysis' as'sss .ss solvede Thasia itom tissioni be i venuusi
I(1110 Stsate stund u~sesss s it ous'ss hav- 5li AfNtiers astilt itudess hiadiisbets suggestsedi J powers ositxu ra ilrot ats"sil ta
myia singeittinsst reeordedsins5555tihem, tillssdeitu tut il eavtieissVexast is !ft sutste \NNcssersocsityescomposse(i Of
huh ld imsuits it u sl istseben bintdsr si tou ascommttie althsough5t te A Sms N I satintsatshdIG .
. fools. I ist tes r theis crtitbeii' hits ''-mule'of11 .Pslis' Society"iwasthe one hMalclm stillupsholdsithile ga'''tiv'e''itnd
co e t a ti s i sssian uo ' Ilssusussl-Iius'uist i slitsunits hThe l t b- the Aph u o ity tiamt comp sedi
list Pelter sltl s st'esitn s is'ta';cl ih ci .~stshat somtelssof ts it sisandu s iOfA 1) Per ), 1.K eg al( C. i.
]fl n T tl c r . oIells s 555'' 5555 555ve t l t i si llleto s sit 515an 1 og n i lii this sTiniitilte

atvett t 5 itclssstorisantutuicue hsysits s tefueltsisaltteteevices
speasking. IeHeahsssteen ill sees I sit Jerottlit K. Jerottiestececleisrated
c"it etts lee efr:o h uist, oSits seurd tnStte
i thst ev1r iheldla'sitholutitertst'd litstill appear on t'tietcturste in on
sholdgoealy n rdr o pocregodsut us ussith5Chatueliislt's ' 'ttl ttutis
seats. ()~~~it Jets r1,tli iayatsr nun s-wll wuttlt dotutithehusa
sourcels st tconsiderab ile sisaptttitit hush
CHICAGO'S HOPE OF to 11sui ts uduensswheoswsll he asayety
WINNING INCREASES tis tp ssistim. hue fshis'iuofth(.S.u1e,.s'A.
by Sauiel h11.'SRoberuts, scorsponditng
Maroons Working Desperately to secretsry it t hssausocsiatiotutu
Prevent rlichigan Winning Cham- "'he manatrgemten t ofthus' stssteti suts
pionship-D~epend on Eckie. regtrets rery mtsuchtut thes Jeroumse-
I tct's reit als coes d's ituig 'I'hiusulsgiu''
Pliciesgut, Nuts. 23-(iStuecuiusto 'i tli l-isunweek.' DIisesiis sr 1,tuhoweser. tes
tutunNI tutuy us is sutsa mstunsat suich ~s
t'll' itheachs'tda'siworkt on tilt
midwy t h eln mngsuetpesitudcocuthussgetsstogrha
suitsgo _ itslTatnksgiv itsgudaytinu
onluy shefeit.,5 ihitgansis lut uy tuting So
litin1ibl hteusc ltte ltiteltchsipiosthe
tusdefetedislNtSsitus itsite fits St Isis
usussushihsisnec they sdefeaithted iusnin
us i~tgt bhuta scoetirtouS17 tolii ny
hut shuts if thus sit-callet hueasistortess
binscat seoStlftrtututhusMaNIonicampti
St's"' 'sitmenthis sludsh tltItrIe are lhop- -
in . "ncs lutist Isis 5thlctuerilt
lutS "yet hosu)itttgdesiutely thutthI
luot thus NVssuussusuic unchtit (sit hh s "-ttiy sst
It is hts sI seStait suwitsShtI sitDt
Ia ruwsill "get' itite N'Ieligautgame.ss
C lcot"usitisonsissgraduaits itsptshvkngs
n s'' titS if lie sush ud hesi defat f s this Jetom Stats Is h1'14) l/wsfssss's 5
sestuiil histhusehhclius ofhissliestdy
hurtlii t scareh eit'u ss ihng asui ittsit I's t t 'snly avilabisis dhtse is's it', let"'
te ttorid flut Is it physich inthlut still eune.sus is r u tuon istSntil
is'in l tist;111 egint uuaetiue' i II- ou a d it'swsas s's' ss'sre o tke hn
I forsedsidlhenesso 'fw dys wlltlhunth c t' s cuseus' fs his itiiuis'r'y.
titdoubtedly laylit voc witthallshiphtytsical if 'uS a11.Jeromess'KisJeromeltsis t smalu
fciesiti ut uisuititufcsuuuid S iso traionasul rIMUsiss suits(usswes'uts
Issuve 1lut1ist litpicsfeet tstpe for hei i g r usvn lhus hishis cisui t h Iis tests
'''<ise.usI t illsth 'r uit tut titI'(ints' 'hts' stil
Spitsliti o(f C asisag , eae sof set's aoIthus asssssuas its i tus se lsssss' sill
thes itsituosnswill suit believe ssstil CPit un theis-pus r ts ha is'l. isssust'c
c''g''hahssbeens shsumbsitu (ext 'I'lisdasltschange's'this'tdsatteteveniiothis's sstiillto
lisht alFCusitI usiissg N lst, titus ue~ ffrig ossusisi isis iltlr(11n
(lutist it its suits iits nysbh t t ser cah ain ut h v en Ii t'i'I'ssuiii us
His un1recssdenstedsuc'ecss a5 N~ihiga it illi tts uSo ~r
Is, duit Sisthougs"huttso te ne srfuls I n its d,,u ofs the ith 5;s Ni e.
its til Iriontshichshe its be alilrmelluts hutsc o heICC11


N't% sissts isig siiss NliclYlehs A suss tttitslapjts'uinti sutite seteitity
noit osiris' vet t'eep Pcesss'ssi tush Clii of this seit's 111w'a5s very sioently tis-
('list itusut ssusuilt b5 ut the is' l chin its'e 1) stitgg'e'ssti thats diiv'ored
is~ihp ~neis yte its'h won.s NVit icilus hut allowuedi ts jositn. Thle stugges-
thus wosndsuerful diefes:ss '('osts lee- sulws inigntlytth re'jeted. Ni lers-
tush, s'itiiiis us it lutes ''vra of viil s taei fist tile chsiless
ilits ueis gsre'atest idiro l stars noth g thus titlmtititee ill which tile
ususs~htsss fuss alutistant Ali hgns"'n i '''"' of5 by--lusts wuas submiittedl
abitli ts dlefea t '"us is y saihti itens t reor tha 555u theisy his sceted55i
fotbll, a~ s Chictago' s defsie s thuh s tushmsits ex usfci ortit easus
t1,wek unitusuis to enablehuicista us ce ussta
t hutler us dlus us e liut sitn s(f "sl (flitsetiswr (sets ctedl by~ thus shcity,
us tussle lthen shutis downu ssuto one hulclisus' rspeet esings tutd ts te serituralsi
suimts "Can usNhis use1p 1 ceet s hinjunchhh tha ut Illahis missionils t -ill-
fromus ettin'g awa''y fuse kig ue s suit 'crease ands hltl i555 by honuorisuithses
heits' usaSkit"' sucesssfuli hussl kicks" stll offices ,\+os sus boausst of st.e
Milcisn its otues thinkis sit luts Coach re'tst number of ti siprogensy. P. '
Ysts suit thus pla yers see Stat so shire, 'nduss Iwis elcd psressient C I.P
Stil eteryoune still brhut as e sterMc ies' ticee-presient; J. I. NWood-
tile g'amse it a'n sui hNile everyones hutd was' 'testscrtary tush I. C. Smsith, tueas-
like ts see '(ichsuian go5Ssusi th us tl trut.
seson wtuti lucius" ss'orued on, this tsl lise msemberuss'allantusly offered lus
51155555555s sntimsentsius thatu thus usa sits llt homeu fuss te (irtus mseeting, shih wiull
hate donec wondeultly if they tell thus take' plac s ITitusdstay sight wisest te
c'ihmpiostt lhis by c dftelutsn Chicag'o. ss isete hf sand tsc "silet vosi" of
2 Bletides he kicing prate an tush ctihes soieuty awitl usalkc its initial appeacru
fhormautiasis whichl usd si su arepatite
sit yesterdai' w souts Cutc setsts scull hits novelsitey, wills te gaod bosok
te sersus'agansts te vasity fuss tutul this lute hind uS, stud iso oppousitious
shourt scrimmastge, luub ut sets coc ugalin flumtist es faculy is ael ciias its wasy.
siinigly remssarked ihtsS t utu wa s NNWitu te advtlas'ge' if becing ablc ts
lust tisste sit isd sias Chitas, a ls c ete tutiie itself buy useasis of St shild-
ite tenths stere lists sit goost hesase rocsithik fuss tuts hine esvcry sit'
thley failed ts scuols sui thes vas ci tutun this camut hill us e scouseof
'Tle Obri gamse tuhsmnsrusts us mserehy evres

itolullsaims have iiitul hi tusdiiin5155-
paa'lii fuss'thes'csohtesitushdprissea
intere'tsit' lusts'ifsesitcsets a s
sios fesesusilitscargsit d mmbes
oif thes uratorical a ssoitionl hil ed
misttedl suitshistic s .
Thma A.ssu Sums usisusLeassthe' V 'i-
sits tsam i5 i ll 'ffsuits en'00 law us
entereSite stu sirs es 55" iio94 lull
stas presidentss sitthus:Norsthern rut tsu-
1ihis.is atinuuof thus NWebste r ut'
ireparuedt fuse sollege at lNiimtsotst lIl
sui etsrecdte Iwsuepliasittmensti104.
'(liesusnswassuausmembeltistffthus Webister
soiey csipidehuatingS tuam intile spr1ing
if tugs5.
Geeor '(iA. eMalolm, 's6 hut, 07 hiaw'
hias takn(si tiet insterest itnscontest
workl st inte uivse'rsite, sesse'saItisses
uutaigusesrtush'''lasisebts.He wass a
uusnerstu'osf thes's'tsetus utSc its uthls
debaesaginst S~isets uu5'uin 0. Iss
yea lon atteedGeorge Wats
insgtouniversss'sitsy'sandlles thS~e debting
testis intswSssint ercoltlegiatse eontests
bothif whuishSissy testi.
Asbet1).iPea'rue, 'of tii, '09 lust, sell
suidthe hisjta Nut testi. Ste preptare('
us IPetwutsr,'(lists., auhere Sue wss
mebroh iehghsho eai eamstandulrepuresentesdithu sheoolsillfit
stsecosuitt at Saiginawsuv11i 1902. IsareĀ£
ledl te wisssniungWestier teamss its Shs


555hos t s 11t1i11 as ttt t'lil ut 0' is thssgeat- p 'tform h (ltthits tis its ,iittnnirbo'
nesst. Admi''tting Sits serstity is suitS is asi tslits'' soiimachi'ii ususis, thes'fsuh
stiltS and eertinsg 5e5se wich suego uu' e loingca-i u Is u fro ut I Pci'y isga-
115 tak tip51' 5 at5 Muctcessful sit isis C hc g> ic i i ta>idc u hi S i tl s
st ii I hit malttthsiiinktat ithte hi it( 51is happil15y'ast,'sys Dri.
u'cmusitiossOf Stsgg 'tusi Ystrevses'st 54 ouetsmisNiscolltwe tis eceusary
te uessuts if Sl isthe n Sal N iushilts-Chi- to siak np ~fist''(h. erome.'
cg gaes twouu t u itslo ivtse r- 'Ter s nsuitntd of strutser twlhout
versedi.'Notiiustisl itsyearsihiss Chi'go ubic it s r eadususIis'ly t sbo m
bostedsisu ofsnie 'u s 'gusdsimatuial si 'that thhusS uuususssitushnduifthees(sarebu
Yo'ssthassSs s udehiyesar, sutith lmosussst fewi'whoS e'njoyi'its favsur , th ee'sonut
sit eveni propo5siitinintshisslit', itis15tlutreal humouiru is s. ts 's' rrehirsis it
Slts alsitts unansuimuus5opiiion thaterssry' aviaries. iWN''asus' hapipyi, hsueer,
Stag'g's umacht ins'.st1wi it e' suits e uek in thu s'sessss ssionOfaitii llutsceel-
tie tiesvitor, asuits'sth te Sithhe o it-le 'tiltnS of Suisunsssu5stwriters sanssn(
tiueresul. thus Savtrit's iof thus'sisy, and Of tilesi'
Biy fuse is'Sggest Stitat fC hica'gou 's us sus's'eregen'uslsy giftdta
strensgithlis's ini I' keessit ' n tst sic (Nil%3551(5555 whit' (1 s11id theit. igh
uuuifes t''ic ints hu t. sssss y wildmit Pet'nu of Ithus'News I lutsor.
'tist t'Nersasi s by5 'll' tsh' 'reasti "'istsets urgedi tutif liheres lutst tesis
playreuutw intshessgasuit sasdfuse tsha u's'seitsnsrk swintheres'i'''gist iuavseseen
mtitlse, itiisstaitrsmSlsy dosubtsfs t uul whe usi e'm. K. Jer'omeu. Shut Shos'etsh
ini thus' aasuiso f ' Am einscolleg ot-si s itlts uunstoodhthue tmtus;his'
still canu Se foeusnd 'anywtheore' agreateraoss thetsht'(sty of S]is cs-isi
islauyer. tIs kicing nmskes te wnder-sts r itess its' liassusat'esdesdby Sbeingii
fli stussussf llirsc hbiergerupalsi tin- sus iselus f, aid expressinug illIissetsntis'
signtifiesance. HS icks sosuiasitaverage 'sgenu' ia h isspyyof life 'des'rived Ift-ttu
seerslgoasitout if eighlt 'attemsustfruits epeieces aiiwh ists's'e lutsthes' sas
te foty-yasrdllussnectsven at difult mont u losti'softhss'vashtmasjorty sit hits fel-
(Continued on page 3.) (Continued on page 2.)

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