THE MICHIGAN DAILY Co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exlsie styles in Woolens for (Gentlenmen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special style for stu- dents. G. H. Wild Co.0 6~311 S. ytate St. A Book of U. of M. Views Over 0 le/s ois! steps sb oftrno(i ( Is 0/f 1/e sin-i si sssianns, r i, l 1 csi s ta/es San oel/hom05e, srtolhou fien(/5 s hoiv thein/555 what the(Cs lets los ls 50 CENTS z r- Sheehan & Co. Students' Bookstore Get Your Room Decorations PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET WASTEPAPER BASKETS, SOUVENIRS, ETC. at- DARLING & IIALLEAUX Both Phes. 224-226 S. State St TIHE 1MICIGA.N DAILY. +to siaoftithis kisnsl. 1>>ili the s! Enteredt as second class m'attnr at the Ania Aster Postofice. suitste lfeatusit- ofs thi' is t- i si ts t, - tiscipaio sit oisI e-itaisi 11-diti "1sIt contin >ibl parsitsitare a sisracet- the Ifsit- isiss osf iicits;-all. I'lstchsie Published daily (Macdays excepted) darisng tiChlleaernesd te contnltit ieir t tel- the college yeas, at sty East Washinsgton lss-uslissiitit st street. Bell phase 89z. IHame phose yi.lo stdnsN-111he .I(co-'rd lt chtetasidsd eatsdi. t i r r r r r r r r r r r r r x 0 ,, r Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW rBusiness Manager. WALTER R. HANS rEDITORS. rAthletiscs..- -......Claresee F. Eldridge rNews ..- - -..........Lois tD. Stickaey rEaxchange-......Charles E. Witstead r Music .............A. I-1. Ortameye rWoens- - - -n/h......ffe J. Armstrong r lEDITORIAL, STAFF. rthigh Attest Fraaklitt C. Parks r 12. Clare OBree. ASSOCIATES. rtGeorae A. Osborns Herald C. Smitsh f3. Earl Ogle, Jr. Ceorge A. Parses r Frris N. Swish (Frasnk 3. Clark tisobert it. Clancy Ilesry A. Msstgaomery lf I)CF Stevenson Walter Metenbaums C leats D Bradlley John 1F. Ware S eev V. tal Flayd lH. (asses fRATE~sSass.5oper year, ar $.as i paid is f advance.- Address:. WALTER R. HANS Business rManager, 236 S. 12th SL.. Phone 849 L. ,1-I CESI) XV.NOVI-isIi3FRi23, 1905. Editar Today-FRANK J. CLARK. CALENDAR. Ntiv.-23- sits cisffildassee it Granger''- Nov. 23---Mleetingsofiil)ets-eler Veeeisv RssomsiC.Litscrcsltystll. 4:15P(- m.- Ntiv. 24--Inter-dlepatss ntdIebelate lie- tweens AlpihastNit asnd Wiebster sit cieties, rosomssG, laswslbsildisigSp i. I Noss. 24 .--'tscgtse paly atlBarbourttegrit sit 4 ed'clk ltitt-sttr;rg hestras sitsChorail C ints iseries. jNtis. 25 issa chit)shmsoker. Ntis. 2;-Isnter-deyartmsesntsdebsateCdl itii v. Ttffe-iutstitsoc'ieey. Novi. 25-Atittttilibanquet Mtichtigan AlumisssA ssoncitionofnDteroit, Cel- listscraft cish. Deroit. Oblerlin s. s-Michtigani assFerry fieil. Not. 281 t ecesissis I-Thasnk-.s("iss e-c iessi- beginst Nut. 3o-Chicagnov. Michtigeassonussr- shall Fieldi, Chicago. Is is highly iunottise Itsat mansy studentestiwhitsishs ts gis tste Chiiago gaine hlie-bestsisisbse inoiprocusretit- ets-. Ii thisswere dsesseluy in tse sic sanisass mongtii liicestutsslethletm-selves,. it ,isild b lsisoccasiins (etrcstsgcatsta- lts luts these is srho reaso tos '- pose dthtis enutmlieiii -eat' assl ,) wa t ns- osts adequlate Inc cii V is-li t-i-s sotlers. 'liicunsdehanded sets-itsy oi settle-iionalstil-elper-.sist-pittedsits stdnsl ftese i tl-ccisketslt-vwhitchte-i sree rsghtfuslly esnt'sled.l Its slit set li-i leief''s cIya mr r~fb s wesss -ith he essoig populyisity nlflfootball. Is is in le lhshed ta(lie grea t idia- sitsn osedstissyets wil lead toso'ni chansige it the s-i-testsfvi -ci 5555set-i itatill puit a dtsiso .sll (suie -oper-s.- Ont- leastsse-ofte Uniit io antie thi-ssier is opn tsosrasicimprovie- mtiss.STe sisndignsii ens-wdingeastes ldsses atuth ue wiilsetttscrm li-icrseasi ts sytyhueleast, couldttisituis.-aoussed ansy- gret i siistitisit st ints-estindt-os au itiisitors. A greasitutualiofti5lto- isle miughtlisti-cbles-is iasts-idihisrtsh dostielen op~iensedl stite. its Net-i lgistit out,,, 'iiiw tois spell i~gih " s site 'Sjet 111e1,- ,; Il( forsi titgis, sic.,. eis t s-sr!"c i AnnsiArbor5. On tt a an i:' greetedi te crodssi ervesi ; ,i tie ors 15is ts pc~to. still pesesk'eel;~ is est sits- stalldsilst doissilist Sat- tiesy sebouiist salf oflthuseiorissit ites heaviedl a sigh ofeief.h'[listno ilgeiiii- cosie tutuIeits litsitilsecondistios i its R.' to he tutu isg ac, ut isg ltto sighct.tht t sthei wo ismay shte bee itantile iisr-of is ( ited's- list s\ctit.lihae beslts ,C isisted i bensubmsitedis Cals tets is Icro butsintess Ihi-i--e Ishis s-Ce. It is ol wor~t stoissibotouselves FROM OTHER COLLEGES. Pre-scset kiss- r-ntsiis-ofiithes-UCi- versity iioiflitA.libhs-ibests sisililsi bty lie. C.R. Parinsiof.Iii ilnsisis -Oits.. use Cecil 1-khoides scholasipis sit is1 out h. iUitesd Ststiss text year. Las-i year nisi candsiidastes ties'setttaiiiiiifromit sisneteenstsassse,, (rmsstitese hadssen s--s hld se-sromsthit ver ests orliesosstaisistellslarsipuss are The-Costhse Cesellsili ofIndan uivetttrsity issh issimdearisiti C' tstoi sssslsesaeha ist' lst-e i-itsitio~iti Iriom lt eermasns falserth. isiis tits- s is-iciiffiliaitlinigwitiiste lGe rmansso- tieties. Ii's-pet-iiitio wi lieprsne ts KailstrtNWilhliss tsroughs ts-e Cimsr- testismsassadss.s Ifsthes. if site 1ni s granitiedth e Goteste cliuissill bits-eslitit of itsindutuin Ihis cttiitoihave.ire.- tested si chartser. Professore Risbert 1. Fultion.ofiOhits We~isltenttsittist us, Otis sit Ciiuiaii eaer-is inte iseels seeksiigts esnroslltsa suit ectity intthlst'Cesstrsl COrstricis Leaigutevifsehichlseliesipresidenti. lie tlso still visit Stile situ Ilissesis. 'T'e -usrth e Ctgue. si Ci P ictn ii si is s ablish ed551 ci iii Ii- gMtu aic td iy h pl sgill bits aedils r ins eton--isss ii sesc- I3ct' al ll s i s offer-edl a5line 111ow unii i ver555 sity. miss.Utius''s5 ityif isyatiat "Astll slet heNe V CkAtleticstuh its i i-is" lisli r s its siame5 ti155e5 ini January.i- shorei thanl threeslit ri isu ndis eventy it-it m v ee ai nted at lisii - culbl 2; thedayof tle iir 'isVle ts-is bi'as-i- i ll' i culis u\vil t Pou' gh-si kepi aeI= st-a ised sitsfe l slto vautswhie n he tosesin ofthe-i 'onl ivsis prom-ii i ts-f his g a e xc-i isiss h goodi s ketballl eamithi sit -oesiclen Clld scidid s-il f r t e ta s sss 5tlIs is si-u T]1 _ ims of til' i ersit o Ilisn tis ae li tem laili c-ganzaio isiosi t- ii- - tere isisisl ice se of N iotal rps- t s isisss3,5472. 1s Auto Girl Poster A Souvenir of the Great Michigan-Wis- consin Game; the finest at the price offered on State Street., 10c each WAHR'S The Bookstore that's never Un- dersolt C. E. BARTHELL'Sj List of Late PublIcations Hiolt's Diseases of Children Gsler Practice of Medicine. Butler's iDiagnosis. Williams' Obstetrices.j Bryant's Operative Surgery.I Saholi's Diagnosis. Nancrede's Principles of Sur- gery. Oppenheim's Nervous Diseases. Lippincott's Medical D~iction- ary, 1905. Cunningham's Anatomy, 1905. Gray's Anatomy, 1905.. Rockwell's Dissectors Guide. Evans' Crown & Bridge,7th ed. Johnson's Principles and Prac. (ice of Filling Teeth. Black's Dental Anatomy. Burchard's Dental Pathology and Therapeutics. C. E. Barthell' 326 S. STATE ST. 'Telephone 761 A d rto s-Alxade tIilist ii C lr i 's basetalls cheueI a i--l n i l it-sp ialls- ad"IC ii n tsra)S m ot ii name s-isis leach i nsil ius. Cuss- Th st t nitersityl Cisligs itslsts Iissar c end avsinss ts( ) ts staisht Q ual s;infraigV ssisilissilhe sill t to 'sr it h ss alii cii itre t i ls-tt1itt Wsil is it C ndi ntsi r-i iniitiml sts i ll it o sis' Coth l ilt'sie hssesl s on sis ci.itssit-iild t P iladCelpshsis, 1)cehi i hensite.' huutrsiIsio 'Tilts l it- l ifcorns th ian ts sli ts ste ind sL listd Stenfordtii'l- M e s . I tis ist flene sut-s ys s t ie"lo s'' 'f thei-Caslifor- Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 NUMBERS REMAINING Jerome K. Jerome IChas. Battell Loomis .-Dec. 1 Jacob A. Rils . . Jan. 16 F. Hiopkinson Smith - ------------ Lorado Taft - . - Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12 Pres. Alderman f . . tar. -- SOUSA'S BAND - - Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers . May "2 Oratorical Contest Open Number Tickets for the Uaitfre Courase - $2.00 .May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or fronm Student Sellers Seats reaserved-SO Cen~ts .5. L. A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Pl~otse 532 Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec leaue sitscs-i rist-e- 's itCo itli f l~ ists ' isis01sits11 tiisi. NOTICE All mcmbers of the Co-operative Store holdintg tickets numtberedt from 1 to 200 arc eernestly requiested to rc- poet at the Co-op, or sct-d their 111mes and adresses with ticket numbers at once. Our first roll book was stolenl tie first week of thle ternt, an-d althought we have entdeavored to miake up the com- plete list we have been unab~le to do so. We need thte complete list at once, as we are greatly hsandicapped in mhsaking out our mailinig list of nlotices for the metitg to effect the Co-operative Organization. We s-ied your co-operationt. CO=oOP. Chapped Faces are were Ith slapped faces. They letst lougaT. Avoid chap- ped faces-ute WIL LIAMS' SHAVIINGK ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.50 tier Llarse Cisssare te test tmade ifir thus'moey. Fuse watch repairinsg a sspecialty. J. L. Chapman, 206 5. Main St. THlE FARMERIS AND MIECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURSON STREETS Captael, $50,000, Surplus end Profits, $65,000 Jutes a Geneeral Bashing Buasinsess and P5ay 3per cesn5tlitrest on Time asnd Savings Derposits. Safety iDepesit lBexes ta sent at J2.00 andaupwards R. NEMrs, Pres. VW. (.OSEESa, Vice-Pres. F. H. liosEet Cask. IS. A. WILLIAus Asst. !&E I!AN CETR 'The igara Falls Po o Chicago Buffalo Boston. New York Through Trains East-8Ella. m., :tie0p. m.. 4553 p.m., i.30 p. em. 11.05 p. m. LscaalsEast-tit6.05ci ., *11.10 a. in.. a4.55p.m.. *5.550 Through TrainsWest-2.0a asm~,,51yaaM., 9.15 a. nsue,'1 33 p. as. 1i.20p. us. Logals West-224l, *8.28 a. in., *'4.5 p. In., *6- p, 5m. (Ecepett Sundayeh.) Connections at Chicago tsr St Losis, Katnsas Cityad Slhe West. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor B&ILIJARDS STIMPSON & 5STIMPSON BILLIARDS