r i " '14E MICIHIGAN DAILY BRING YOUR UNFRAMED PieCTESs TO DITRIIS ART STORE and have them framed with Choice Mouldings Only the Best French Glas3 is Used. 223 S. Matn St. Buy a Chest Protector and avoid the cold winds at Ferry Field / .~iP~ V toi i II Even a Child Can See-- larger' folk better apprtieiat-tbe superiority of our work int launtdering linen and* all else that makes toertmon's' comfort. "It's a stay we itave." Shirt i collars, cffs, etc., have our best cace as to washing, starchilug, ironing and delivering-to say oothing of fair prile ing Varsity Laundry 117 S. Fourth Ave. Both Phones 929 I After Paying Your Tuition Fee The next moit important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready to be seen. HATTERS TO IIEN Henry and Kyer 709-711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. As well try to smoke a pipe "0 Without tobacco us to try to spend a confortabie evening at home without an "R & NY' Smoking jacketlor Lounging lobe. ? Util you hove enjoyed one of my House Coats or Lounging Robes yoo don't know what comftort rally means My rcprrscnleiivc can show you a tool just suited to your laste; colorings an~d fabritcs as quiet as youti'like or ia othoers as bright and warm as a July Mouitngo.lusst ask LINDENSCHM1TT, APFEL & Co.' I QUARRY I 71-11 Sells_______them ~ ~ The Ann Arbor Savings Bank T U T T L E Oapitalstack, $50,000. taurile.us, J200, ____________________________Resaorces, $2,200,00 " l RE HOT LUNCH AT A General Banking Business'Troaacted O h10 ent alor es w338 5. STATE ST. ow 4r ! OFFReSC ast l. E. littee, rt. P st W tt TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars on all Trains P oorpe -N S -"1E1 F. J. SCHUH1 319 13. H uronI SANITARY PLUMBING Gasa and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY I It \tt -11. t 7 n t trt> ii )\'t i cl 1?i''it 1v ja il ,.ft? ' ,,s . F. SCH'UH, 207 E. Wasltingion S' r i . f : ' i " _Y. 'TAA 1fl 111M A-tin FUNERAL Hockillg Valley Ry. ('0N'.',1. [ IES ITS E'XCEIU,L ENT TRAIN SE1RVICE1 You will find Pour Trains Daily", From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Utnion Depots is Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit,Mich. La Mega 'lite finest 'lear Havana 5 et. cigar in the market. -AT. MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 S. Main St. UEORGE BISCHTOFF FLORIST Choioe Cuat Flowae's arsd PIe...ts Chapin St between Huraon and 1t11her Avr. Phone580 Save a Walk Down Town Glet your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Buoyyour U. of t1. Pins where they keep a full line at the . L ow es t prices. No u"40 poor stock in our store. s - No th in g charged for 8 lobooking at our goods orgetting priees on repairs, etc. Alarm eloeks $1.00 and op Call at the right plaee. opposite Law Building. '/.. n - UNIVERSITY NOTICES. benIdtntl postoned j. "Th re wil e ll itlotint i 11 s uleeill of he irecorsof te :lic55'a t Addlelt' . 1) I. Barte'., otatagee, 808 Sout til ourcthli teitti . BPtotnas Bell, Office 2911S. 4th Ave. Phone I9S Residence 302 5. 5th Ave. Phone :114. AMBUTLAN~CE fiNCALL FINE LUNCHES ovt citry te targe.Oltne of 'lTRKISi, Domtsi"ie&C ImupoteiilCigars. A comptrte tine.tfiill iiikit artices. iWe see afens fori tutu IIi TfI'i C..it.IKMAN & CO.Oiadnti1 H. E. JOLLY. Steat. St. \leeting Q Qn(o p ineirilms in AW At the 1)()()k