THE MICHIGAN DAILY ilockifig Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will bud Four Trains Daily" From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Ulnion Depots in Toledo and Co- lumbus S E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martins Detroit, Mich. &PENDYOURVACATIQr4 ON THE TRE~AT LAKES' 11f. o ,..T? IgI~t H "CP A SM EP~5P5 TIMNE TABLE DETROITOsCLEVELAN D Leave DETROIT, daily " 10.30 P. M. Arrive CLEVELAND " 5.30 A. M. mai'cnnegcctiosuwithtall Railrods fo oits East and Suuh. Leave CLEVELAND, daily 10.15 P. M. Arrive DETROIT - -" 5.30 A. M. Ccncecting wilh . a C. STEAMERS for Makinac, "oo," Marquette Dulth, Mne. aplis, t Paul. Petoskey, Mlake, Chi- cago cd Gegan Bay, al-c with cit Rail- rocstfl intus in Michigan cd the Wet. DRY TRIPS (inlding Sunday) between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND DAILY evept Mnday, EULY and AlST MACKINAC DIVISION e.YLR, Mondys &ulturdys.3A.M. *Tuesdays & Thursdays 4.00 P.M. L.DEROT.Mtfldays &Sturdays 6.e0 P.M. "Wednesdays & Frdays 9.30 AM. Per Trips Per Wek*ommcenciJne tglaethI YTuh rcuueo cticuuumade t MACINIA ISLTS mcil th iietuuaoite Normhad wet, ad ..S. & A. ad Soiue t ST. SOIAC. Senduc Stiupforltiuunetnd Pamphlet. Ad,uA.A.SCIAIT,..&.Tt.Dtit,Mih DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NA. CO. LOW RATES SOUTH VIA BIG FOUR Onsale every day. The Big Four isteonly line with Union Depot connections in Cincinnati, with through trains to all winter resorts. No disagreeable trasfer Safe connection Ask your nearest agent or write L. W. LANDMAN, General Agent TOLEDO, OHIO J COOK HOUSE OppositeCovary Reuse Square FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES $2.00 $2.30 $3.00 Steam Rest sod Elevator All, night service SUND~AY DIvNERSn A S~wA-seaY S0c Each Va msrRlp incko~s.. m I I I ' ' r F I Magnets that attract A PATRONAGE ARE A/Quality and Price Tfhe quality of our Suits anid Overcoats is, we think, well enough known to require no comment, but do you know, that our prices are based on the closest possible margin of profit? REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL 200-202 Main St. If 25,000 ND! WE- 31 1HiALo Net Cacto. ZCcc I u® 251i00eflc dttCSu'3iLtt,.1Ititucn ucuuptnuuebtciuc,. ttiuteubutto,. ANenea Digakene Bus insTaascrd Orrucerois Chasf. . Haisuch. Preu I I), Rariussue;t-iCoPrsbi oro .uti.Cahe Sell DIRECT To YOU at Wholesale Prices SUITS & OVERCOATS $14 and $30.00 - 4 3 / u f~*~ f ,M u4' _ +r FM te CORRECT DANCING TAUGHT Granger's School for Dancing. Ground Floor on liaynard St. M i Photographer RENTSCHLaER 319 13. Huron iltstrilllieitmadt-e cocerntitig subljects toil the irepairatioin itforaticics, cride UNIVERSITY NOTICES. oilier imatterc ci geiteralinuteres tc- cerintg the cntecs tr ill icetiresetedl. it bits wihllld cniimtiportcan tmeet- R~iEENTS iECIDE tcg toain iiritiitiC, U. H.. at 4:15. , .kU.\lNSl' NEW IHOSPITAL, Parks.___ Theiicgilcriiceetitng of the YI. W. C. Plie utuver-ity regetson- tSturdtay A~. ihasbent permanntiulychatntged frotndolecidledl liiitofutrntishi the groutntdltil Thluirsdayi eveiing toiTuesdaytty ivlist'whichi ltcitildl aconttagiotus cdisettse tics- o'eliteS. 'ptal, attd thereftire tie $S,ooituxvottedl Allsrtaiters . at thce Michigatn Untion for itby Anni Arbior citizensc will tot dittiershioldi call ati Rom II, U. H-.,lie assessed. The pinject was ituedi Wedntesdacy afternoonct froici 4 to 5 :3c, ilowntion the grttittd thai such a ios- to- receire mtetmblerushipitickets. ptlnteair the oilierutitversityIhospitlals P lieIhtndblltou itrnamiteinitipromtiises t mi tighittiltirmcttther patiencts. lie til exciitig tite us thirty hotve already tilarcstall Reytiolds, Petitsyc thalf who entcredl. Namtes iftill whit wish t a eetdcatiifih asiyta plty must lie tpostedl ly six ocltickawseeli alli itevetylcc icr this year, bttwsas forced tic resigit \Vtitctln dy ct-etning. tbecause the cciin cfthe law faculty re- All1 Jewsih l iiinItcollege tire rt- qutdtl miert ini Nichols ittll. abcve fused htim admciittnce to that depart- Etiriiell, ion 'Wedntesda~y citIcitr o'clockc menwlli tlipoahility get hack in forthepupos o coopratngin hethegamtiesoconi. Goiveritcr Petnnypacker, t tetina toecentifor ai Rssiatitrgiitef chairmaictiof the hoard of trustees, tcck uciittialottit-it cifu aRisstst elefthe case titder cotisideration cnd tics D~id you get a tpo5 Mieltigatietsitit? The Ibestcllege soulvenir youcanciiciy. At the hookltoires ttcw fcr $T.5o. =45-51 LOST-Gcld thttntiing case wctchi andi fch, Wattant mcvetmet;0. A. 1t. cit case.Utiotte 839Lc. TS Utieever Cut. ROOMS-Two fite, lcrge suites, twro bilocks north cf campus. Grate, large dlouble deuks, hiardtwcod fiocrs, hctth, scceai heat atid phtoner. 102 S. 'Twelfthi street. 44-50 Eupert jewelry cond Watch Repairs. Arnold's Jewclry Store. Suitu presued, 25c; trousters, Toe. Fuller & O'Connor. tf Students' lamps at Dean & Co.'s, 214t S. Main street, $1.5o and $2.5o. Best lamps in city. of Glasses repaired. Eyes carefully fitted and tested. GEORGE HALLER, Main St. RANDALL PHOTOGRAPH ER BILLIARDS AND BOWLING S. ROTI'ENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. AAe. Geo. J. Hiailer 8". Co, Wrtuinsueryoiurlbookiuwearingcpprei anidfuriniture. R E AL E ST AT E Rooms 0-4 216 S. SMtint. BRtsNuuYOitUUNFAMsED PtICT~URTO~ W[RI[S ARiI STORE cud licve thtem craumed with Choice Mouldings Only the Best French Olns3 is Used. 223 S. Matn St. Thec Imeetitng if the '07 lit class, post- poinId frotot last Fridlay, n-ill lie held todayltistofouro'clock iEi oi C,Utti- versity ha~ll. Sec-eral ittitorcta tatters still liehbroughit tip ciii all metrnobeirs of t-e class arc reqti edrittolie tiresent. (male, Presitdenct. All studtentis Nyitt tre it it y wittiter- estedilit tile oratoiricail coontests art- urged to steel ini roctm 24, University call, this e-veniing at crc-cito'cltck. Suoggest- ncsw reqitested the atuthorities to allosr Revoldls to niatricuotate itimediately. Firiong doote for chitia painters. Miss B~enoOliel, 5o6 F. Jeffersoon, 0204-L. t-tt lOST-A., ladys greeto pocketbook cotiiniogive dtollars, at the Wiscoon- sitt-Michigani gatoo, totider the crest ettd of the south tbleachoers. Finder please retutrnt to H. F. Gardoter, 313 14110 street, atnd receive rewardl. 49 0005 Michigantensians are being closed Laq 4 ega cut at $t.50. The@ last chatnce you will haveto mt on. The finest ucirur IlaaaS5ct. cigar is haet e n.45-51 the market. =AT- LOST-Delta Chi pin. Reward for!- MANN'S DRUG STORE retttrn to Delta Chi house, 733 S.- State 213 S. Main 51. Watch, jewelry and eye glass rep air- -_________________ ing by skilled workmen. Campus Barber Shop HALLE'S JEWEtLRv STORE, Main St.( 0. A. MOD), 705 N. University Are. Y~ Y n _ ,,, 3' ia"+ O j1 . 'i ; . "4.u 0 0 r ,, Q" v oQ v ThYe Wise Ones iI know whten they are on to a good tlttog; th~at i5 why our custonmers staud by us. They have given otur work a fair trial antd we have prov- etu our ahility to do thte best an~d utmost careful latundry work in to vn. Let us prove it to you. A postal will do thse husinesg. Varsity Laundry 117 S. Fourth Ave. Both Phones 928 After Paying Your Tuition Fee The next moat important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select- ed wit-h the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready 'to be seen. TAILQRS II HATTERS TO liEN H nyadK e FURNIHERS709.711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. M- WE LEAVE ANN ARBOR GASUY MS 15th of November Call and get your Stephens Pleading an d Keen~s Cases on Pleading. We can save you n ioney. Roberts' Cases on Extraordinary Legal Remedies $205.011Cridi tc 0 adePwrfr'- et eACH CALLAGHAN eft CO* Save Eyesight,? Money and (Trouble LAW PUBLIS18HERS, ChiXngoAN ARO GSCO ANN ARBOR BRANCH, Stat. St. Opp. Law Bldg.AN ARO GSCO ..._ M ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARD., THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING~