'THE MICHIGAN D ILY SATHLETIC LIBRARY No. 247 O F F IC IAL COLLEGIATE BASKET BALL GUIDE FOR 1905-6 Edited by Bas-ry A. Fisher- Contains flew official role, to govern all cot- legiatetcontt~S. pictares of all the a n h esnsr coUllege F lor osale hi/ ril noe'oloot'o, eporf 'i 2 ow0l1 dealerndoio ilpot't at 01toresc. PRICE 10 CENTS BY MAIL Spalingl's (Catlogue of .lliietit "1Sports -shoo te offiil TImplements for oil Alieti Ectit Send yelournm or aotfreietcopyl. A. G. SPALDINGEi ea BROS. NoW YORK CHICAGOl DENVER SAN FRAcNCISOt H-USTON BROTHERS Sucessor5sto JA .W. REED, 312 S. State STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaoghao Jas. H. Wade E F. Mills N. J. Kyer John Haaorer Jno. Kocht Prof. H.S. Carhasrt Frank P. Glaier Chr istian Matin GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST \ ri , , If yiou wat tifto kntow 1what1the smartly dressed 1101 ((( 1( 0 0this 011 cidask Sit c',' 1 d Ii[ i'ih fn'S In - COLLEfsI II0Iti at, r of Sp cllalion aot he111)majority of 'wvell dressed m1e01 ac to jutst wha~t causes that "'siome- (hlibg' int the character anldialpearanlce of outr clothes -so oftens'described as 'well b-ed" alnd''aristocratic." (LIcll .4)quality of the fabric is, of cou~rse, aparett )11hat does " tot fully explai their tmanilfest su~periority iover e.tler ready-for-wear clothes. (LIf yott knel ou lr clthsthl or- -oughly, internately, as see doi; kntew of tile little details, 'niceties of hand-tailor in~g lnd falshioingtlegmblodied inl eachl garmlent. (1iYou woltd krow thlat ''qillity'' is tile secret -uQUALITY all the way tllrollgh. (LRUE WORTH1-T MVerit will tell itt clothes as ill tn~i. rt _ Suits $15.00 to $30.00 Overcoats and raincoats $7.50 to $25 3. I . _ I li r- k. {w .:; +fl IMF L THE'06- i . a.vi (i r: I, 1 . Cm tCowl C^'"t ,). y .-1 f J l 7 !LLEGE ', ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. PReduced Rates to all Polnats for THANKSGIVING VACATION . ' Tr almns Leave Apra Arbor- Going Norehli050 a. t. antI4:3t5 p. m. (Aiiiig Soatii7:20 a. i.1:35a. m. and 7:51p. m. J. l]ilX'. W.T. WILD,. Gto'l itass. Agent, Agent, rToildo, Oio Ann Arhor, Mich. lt.1epon 5135~t-21, lomeophone 198 TUTTLE SERVES HOT LUNCH AT Sri'p !w 338 S. STATE ST. w opSrW FINE .LUNCHES Veeycry Owilargae ,t ine of Tt'tittsHI, rltOi)511(1''l i ,,I 5. 0llTEll'lcCigarettes aond Domesctic ARImiportedl Cigars. A conmplete ine ftilt ',ioiing articles. We are agents foe li.oei'ar & (J0., L10NcsAN & Co0. and 3iB lPitlk., also for StlAt' 'S & SCIIAF'EE7'S R. E. JOLLY. Stats St. Ohio Central Lines DIRECT LINE TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars on all Trains .s FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Mints. E.C).Krone h 'ut . f.. Ilai SoultV. O' 5 S. .ClCrckstn, Cashiier 1Capital, $1000. Suit rlu1sand lProhits.$4,0 CTAEBD!UU) JIUEUYCI- lot hier choice Cust Flowes-aamd Plasnts Chapin St between Haroneaned lilles- Ave. Phone 809 Buy a Chest Protector and avoid the cold winds at Ferry Field QUARRY Sells them Ping-PongPhotos 3 6 PHOTOS FO0 5 OLD1 MORRIS STUDIO 550 So. Main Si. Ann Arbor U. of M. BARBER SHOP, Trojonowski State St. S .RADDEDWIIEA A. CAMP COMPANI ON When yout go itoscatmp, or start ott a hunting, hihing or any other kindl of atrip, the importance of your food supply shioldIre-\ c77 eive carful ~f 1 consideration- oVI therwise y o u V will be sorry f J the appetite yout are sore /, to get, Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit should go along by all means. It is qaickly and easily prepared, and is splenidi in com- bination with milk, cream, frolts, vegetab~les andi lots of other things You can prepare it io a different way for every meal-a wel- comr relief from monotony. ft will do you lots of good, ton. 41. It is made solely of ite whole wheat berry, and contains mor 'engtit and vigor and vitality than any tIter food, as whole wheat is composedl of il the elements which enter into the con- s'tuction of the human hody - muscles, I oels, bones, tissues as well as heat and engy. "411. Write for "The Vitlf hfesiiona ('aak Bo," free. aI Trincuit is a wvhole' wsheat cracker. Better f or toast than bread and fire with hotter and cheese. Compact and easily canried. THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY Niagara Fails. N. Y. i , I I i i I i ORANS 'trNIi0/tt 'l o iTt it s Heibet V. bWitnyol teiia Rl'rI tt tttW IT ((tO i itt' (0 tiecs, w s electecd jtlot' of itecitiy (Cton ttttIttinued frm, page to.) latoiweek. bir. SWh1imety Irian io thei itt ticame i l osense. Indepeindeitltii ckeit \vii it ono ve t he li ftcully e'metitr of thec board tof (Repiti~ictanima.cinei. tbhitiey cauglht tot olos tritico itic follitowing g ston te tovars itiytsbll nini7iti looo.) en~cxiin theconenus f oinin o fIeoto. hialsoxce ricA o Sheco0roity 'te o t ii t tt Iti oti team ~. . ISle evid tr iie d ior t'e rity32 'll c ar ticlelheat; Inlitsoftce.suchieltve.,Ihav ing pae oroyC.r,, o. it ' boil it tieitrtocoliitgiioi-, oo 45'an) c o it t . o evduc iflakonort i ii' t ity ico I o ac lo triiiag 0a dtrear * f acs llt gh repttion ii' of oorpir bt fyii ciii e toot) i e .iden i oilm r i ii i c hii lit1 coii 0 l coo vtI-td.r Cos . HG.ili . ofC lir'ae funiheditheo, dtil res Ifyu rwntparticblock. odo ifn it ilto feeadet istingi to sellthe ito tographer but ifyou want the bes 1--a sist too taken it.onnct'.ii Io w i i~ o.tith' ome totAexndr 'tC., Hening c xrdrintht.e urosd o ak hs c i a 1 1 1 t t THlE TAR.MONIC ORCHESTRA. Addtress tL. H. tso, maniager, 8o8 SoucithFourtho avenue. Phonies: Hell, iobh- ; H-onir, al-red. tf Try Pbelps' Perfecion chocolate puffs tail cips at Cushinog's ptharmacy. Satisfactory tailoring at satisfactory prices.tFutler & O'Cotnnor, 61g C. Wit- lioo street. if HIALLERi'S J:wMELRYiTOoi , MainoSi. Thei cottege jewvelers. The Ann Arbor Precss(formorty Par- ker & Snyder), prntters of the Mictiigan great bokoniott ttll lt, tihe'Iechtnic, S. C. A.thtaidtboot,,etc., etc.. arc prittr iotie sltudettt/ oditt117 EtJ bi on streetit Atarmlcktts0 tattI-L,Vt7"S 1-lit t. n 4 ). fl I V ' No combination 1n Lamps==No advance its price. Tie Perfec'tion Stodio tLamy,.. . . . . The iNo. 0 RoyaliLamp 75 Decoitiratid LampsiCt'omplettifrom $1.00 to $Sil0 each. ttlasst L ms f o m 10eti tcto 75e oeach. ' We sell the bent 'Camps Imade and f sr less money than asny other 2id~~cssth house isn thin market. A. rn DEANn&SCO.Michigan ±L1 CUL. I-I iclreth' Cl Is I I i I I ms's. zentlirle velvet kISS(°s a t Mtctigant i n ls, fItitt pont sO~tt. Ii LLiR'S JEWELRYto'STl'O, Minti St Fo $.- ttn'al ' h \iat ~ ) i _ ,1 'SOSc For MEN and WOMEN " .. See our Windows for the latest Styles and Patterns in Water-proof Shoes. Heavy Tar Tams or B3lack Leathers, 'double soles thor-oughly °{ J viscolized, balace tongues, military heels and large eyelets for rawhide laces. Three different styles of highcut shoes at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00. ;r ' Cinoch Dieterle Embalmer and Funeral Director Ambntance--Calls attended day or night. '215 S. 4thi Ave. IResideunce same P'honei4. An.Abru ctt.. PURE ILK~ BRIGHTON Flat Clasp Garters make onr "course"'eaty. Msttcof onfpioee pnrc silk ws-r, metial partts heavily nickeled. Pcercty ftat, comor'table, adjusttable. took for nameboungarter clasp and box. PIONEER ;": , SUSPENDER ' akr 718 Market St.Psonee Phitadetphia Snspeederl ___ PAIR Save a Walk Down Town (3tt yttutr Watches atid Jewelry. repaired at the Right Place lily i/SI' U. of 11. Pins teheic tlhey _ keep a foull prices. No r. '~ poor stock illoui'tore. ~Nothing char'gcd for 1s' loot/king at piesc on eepairet c. Alairmfooiks $51.00 and ulp Call at the right place. tpposite Law Building. J. . ShLE®E 40 ou.th Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other Iperoonal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonda w A r7_KLTnvTUI' cun d' n vv -- j'MN y 1zMUz~ t~ L: Office at residenoe 331 E. Liherty St R. J HO O3T TTE , M r. }Ill S. Main St Hloars: 8tolt1:30 a. m. 1to 3:30and 7to R.J H FSETE ,9g.A .nOf . eM. n'NII iiiiiitetc *..-..at. , iinon JOSEPH C. WATTS j --lA+A.w- 5.i< HA LF-TONES * PANORAMIC PHOTOGRAPH mod *r __ ~OF THE -i n ~:MICHIGANT-WIS OSN G M ZINC ETCHINGS i<10 inches Wide by 36 inches Long . Lower in Price '.,- ~ Betier in Quality For $2.00 +< Ask A. M. SMITH *ALEXANDER (ft CO'S STUIO,01 Henning Bik., Cor. Huron ft 4th. +1 n nbrSvnsTai le +4~i.++-~ -~~11 Ann Arbors Savings Bankfaflack ... WrE ARE NEVER UTNIJERSOL4D---COOD YEAR'S DRUG STORL4