The MVchigan Daily VOL. XVI. FOOTBALL TEAM MUST IMPROVE, SAYS YOST had Work Ahead For Varsity-Chi= sago Spies at Wisconsin Game- Team in Good Shape. Wisconsin hat a great team atd one tt it tat anthotor to defeat. Te itplay edgooodlfootbaltl'ait itts, adte tottchdowntm'rch dtrect from -f n tle eond half tros a a piece of twork as I ever saw. before Thanksivtittgf we are to deet Chitcgo"ays 14. U Yost. IToeit all camie ott of tie gatte itt goo sha pe except Weeks attt Scutlte, bthou~f tswhott will le all rigtI for Chi- cgo CptattitsNorcrott esatedtwith- oitt anytijtry to it ktee atttlit itt 'ott codtitiot. Coach Yottwsill D ettot yesterday andtte en'et were let ff ithtlltanttty practice last ight. Tey metreliwet toisthe gyttitttnd tk a sood ruttlown antdttttwere aloweti to Work peptaritg for Ciagt willhe '-i today i ertestctastt tirelizes it thatit isgttttg to ie o easy tisitg to 1ep ce t all's toe frotttwitttitgte gae Et-CtttaitnSeik IMaxtwel attd lonetf Cicago swere its attendahicee tttttsletge of Mlichigtts's play. As Itlwys happetsswhiett I ctttme tt Michigattt stnidMaxswel, "' iitl tot learttathin ltsg. Tetiotly py I' go wi se ttwsat ite ote ittwict Grahaist itait ieaiwtt itcialose, anasynse citusd tll casily where tattwsa going." Jesse I. Mtteson, fttttlli exet of thClhectgttAmerican, piset ichd- igs team. "I httse eett 1onotting ChIicago 'all the titte," he said, "le- case Iftotgtiteyhtatta chassce, bhtt ater seettg Mkichigans ply I ae c tttgecd tsrminsisi. I1doitt see oss ChIicagio catn eat Micigas. Rckerall is great an ttay sette ottotte or two trottikicks, butttthey till ot tffec te CUTRTAILED )JESTS. Thte last stissber of te Itltttter cot- tois att itgetitts sttttorigitttl rier eery stdiesltr alumnutss wto po- estes a setse of humor. It is etitliled Ctrtiledt Jests"a'tttl "liot he om- liont tttotf tett jokeste oiltf wict asleettoittled ttt the prtntittg. Te soeitre-isis supplies tie witisti ittdsumost 1laugalae etttitt fttt etctjest wiltl recette a ptte of tto dtllrs. Ay- site tttay ensompete wseteher he s t Stt- 'stttor ntt tatll itswetsmuttttb le Initatter l'teomttpettittttioncoet No-- ttt er 28. '1 Ie ruze wsi le awaredtt D eeer te8. leeris itt spportuitttfor tty rigti sttttettntt ersirslst roo etttftra 'cen 1y' atsitgIt estendittuise itfgray iattter. 'The fttttn istlut iotttill swil, Bruti httmor ithit s relittidciattilge'ttuitte sill statt titees catte. M-Iicigttt isii-tttakers sith pese step forwasirs ' \VlMMT\Gxf;INSTRUCTOR FOR 1'I11l GRLS 'Te regetts t tir tteettt" last St- iurtiay apiittedMstsC It. (eorge of 11tii hliArbor as sieitistrctottr ii -sitittg st it ehor gytmna sittms. Mrs. it-urge is aitetert swittmter tutu ihts soil experience ini treaitngSie taught hrere years at Batille Creek Satitarintti situ totik pairt in ain exiibitioti there last ,trittg whlichlt stracted snich attetiiotn. {=iris whte witst to thir switmtintg let- itinstittst htantdlin their namtoii Dr." lirooks ittitter. Titey must litter i gtymnaasiutm ticket, atid a heart trot luttg examsinationt hefore they cats register ini classes. No extra fee is chargedl. i ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'FUESD AY, \()\E1,'hIiER21, 1()0-5. NO. 49. '111_ R"O t 'CHS 'slAY JORDAN'S FRENZIED ATHL.ETICS UO tL OA (.wn; to ie tunexplaitablte delay lt he(l i o iaagemtent itl setinitg RECEIVEDW ITH CONTEMPT ( lltceforte Cird astgae fhy udnt enretheiielsig t .e Michigan's Athletic Authorities Decline to Take Him Seriously-=Inaccuracies csetey itott sale this after- in Article Are Too Apparent. n________________________nd i Til lne-hrateed "eposture" of Itidit Staritt da. i lt e litsi t([anis upport t f or s' ituthre uet ws ad Msischgans thiltictt fair s itl tollitrs' ifterw rd sad: 'A l i s iwhoi hsie posile, iltitttI I stn id utI l Weshekly ly EdardS.Joitdsn, last erhut sitts- 'y Ystthit ilitit-lkeana tirk. Itefolloitigt-ss''stsiisee\Ie. matin~gsed'itors-oitthe Caria, h urenttoii le counutdasles .Nl . its lacedist HestonttnitheDtri CUnivtesttysof ii\scontsindtily, Iessita tAre lti II l'sist'-s grecuat lt'e &Clevelin tt abotlin asidec lisstmadi tsitpeasrant-' bt itfte pilt slinthencos iiior asigt"hlets'e at g'''p yliandtuhelt twent bacti o litsterss anti 's.t Jordt hougtits tl at icle sreaingt s follows: le;c wt sme r o re En n- 5ticl iswould 5reae uase sation, hetare iii illtiiis of itc\l igtt s sucsscess Ics'ss s stsi hei-wa s sempiloydsss a mitake,e foris thtise iroinsenti i till - itse matybuit't t if I ith stcomes spoitte' oni the ti oit strei t c ars.ii ts i eiscafi st ichleligaitstreat the a-osis note of simple honty.isstcistthesa w ttkman o isbirr huhie tilandsass uti wthtlconsteti s holsig tht it t t ue t f lhtnry J.iillult i te 111-s oys t nlilt, deatm ti fiii he evident unittt nesssc- andtsifalsiy ae st at e stcisminallaw er.1 suitsccss its ofiDtroiss it. 11a, oii tiiis i ctt usnworts hy ofhiseiosus alttin. if 'sicig''sitis lrl' l ue to th st- iw s ws-t i d.-il Ii-wss o omcl n Cs its li iidt ient t ssens tin oif a-ustiusllo ati of te lmn.'I iiisie is 1101( . tho Is iwitht iractinsit" sict''e ss mthue pIi s te o e baiii s eato itrat'ethe i o ryts it i usime ian s ti e sui e tere, a ri end otiI f the counutry, ste pulishesi o f tih' les- in methssulisf'it Yost. htti a listsus tolid sit-hei hIsdiii sisits ,n ts e issdicaslihvstss nut advanceusheesii tsoallhnut seemss iissinteirpriteitiaittsis'esionotsIr-itn we h a gautedsl Iits cl litters, tilthoisigih iith e tilts ediionsuit ll Killitlea' sstemesntI cieill('prftut haiit lege writ ws inssi-tse in three stias no o e(t tuntuits' last ofusc' wick. lie'"-vtie.ts .'sit llilets frankily stateil asitu elintiendedsios l eavis hi ht lut ist ii Its this article Jordan haIss coinlsednthits he ad istArlit, I-stu the isansisd soits setrvice hiimsselIf Its' reetsing ssln etoustil ies slitetil-i cstollege ati Iits own exspenisse II5i e litson ui slid t'e captincy -ofi tut hsises!se-t ciluito sc"-is-iregard i t-setsch sters-et-citt"g IIl iii russa ItstIc isist uit isnd is poitutssedt itttt s 'st, thisreIis its id, 's'shue hisstn, testile flist itn 'u i tlst 'sitsr eass poitsinsti tetonusint ofsthei tilts- Tom iuttammondsiands tlterss whoshsaie sito. itst1 iisisasussace t ihgn isreurn foistllis sit i se. Te alumn made hemlsesslves is osusussesultiutrioghibecaus e itsecould ip isecsis offtithei pr eailedsuponim is stsminthrug ts-seirtnectio'sittetis Michigallti h iltics -rsty ecords FotunaelfortiheItthessosnitCoa 's Yost promsised to 'shlile lie lust siatie a u mbssles if stile- sipea se Io Isis s sutm i bn fcole w s sc r ,1tCoachinglsss i 5'it s a 5 suiests thstcsutldieaisly lie tmaste siub- s fis tuseutsstbut te llustsrationssgives liiiliiei n u ei mens st, sidTu lso e jects fort- libel stilts, shotutldlt estouts te i sl i te lestdecl lrtitniof tos -par- tttssttt-s diditsme'dsltsieator otrk ilthests attaced icitrei it s usiete e mastl telet tiiatio ttthsii iue .s10ia11 il un itmay iitests shdeparitmets a-isi lef1 colle-ge. i sui case his lie itsoushitsany trios make."ist 's e eiii ofithe seaslie heiatctu te to isbsitatiaute hisi sta etic s . uConsdre;- s pace -' 5is ten levtsed tois, os sit ionin si iDItroit Iclthing hluses. .''oostball us tll isuscui spsit i n isthin siltits" huow Villietestonss s i nd u cisedsIt -w s oi ts Is i s uts si-wis emploisyed ceisges if use'ssidle Westsihuts almost issto 'so ichisss i i ca b wsitn ttuussi iats''goidi sasissyto asuitine lteussouse. isassedi sut sif existence," hue article lie- Willie' is st'i iis it11) 1,1 thes' fislsiwit" Jotiesnlist pets- thle' chargs"es ltil't ad" gn.AfteressontisnuuuinInthlissvests it wards :IGegorsiy wsis elytedi openily asita- som ule gth, 'sr. Jutdshuts shi s lst e- 'ss"W i ti t spromisse o i d s itcollee,s' iento is cigan it fist balssisu aoinsse, n shlets tsokCsashY's unthefoslsieslowig sus tutu lwen tt i CnuAlsiss ice-it rees t hecsts'sitJose 'saddiscsis,11 plasuitscame the ibackbonsue if te A'siseis ithe fslt i ngit st ais neruc ''Fieldhinug 1hiYost, Nichigans sfoo-ta.swskotwIctsisousoutthe li'iIhescuty sienitwshosslitknowuseblut Isisl coach, ha s hdauique reesci'sl-Midlte \'s'ct, ntuhsit uduenssat Amusathleticsareaf iseocondesuithem-t. '('lstslie' Birdsehais ben eels a silens lit ibor sitI sitssertaislewitsshipls A Onltyisse 'I sis proessreverchad lists effective compuilemsent. Yosth ahis citumsutscial use suits tutm ciiiiitel sitmisle this hiareihootoii iiquesions te e i citi st-it, patliy throsughishits utility, patly if his posulsityi theist'ghithe vesetltsh tandingsi''fiia'halfbacku.l lie 1barteli - slstho ghs hiss lersonsits ysr buit msostly if itaits 'slit su it (,iic igtl ns' u ardseii cultds tracsitusmu ftrsuit e fcultan ltisisgish 1its itsta Ite stal taid w s ass shl ss uss concse'ive hle ile--sitf selling s n vr rg itd in t i\, usu's-- Iis imporsu tanst factoe inth iie campaign s foe cigas nsamsedh sutes thes'adieds it'acIh iss-sites'pou laritu'y wstlls thi s ts sitts. tist mti al.ush Yest cciibeen ua cuss I Ilst' - it ' Yst. 1litsstn tushd itDsit' Profestsor' I. N. Scttu ofiithusdat men mopolussitan cutacit lie kIosisie wihere mtutu fuegss's, anoithis's'Cilifiafus' allssu were )(if rhtric's remarkedi t hat iiushes wsusldi hes erittlilies, suit cusshits sss o n itcoe-su ts' v-t ethi,-ios'silthe h em-I e . i ' I is'e'"'ars us' fussiestohis excehts' Jute 'sMaddocksi frsit cistho uussus if tuhm i s sey tess' Youi ust a e isnowns-ss s -'Willie' hi usisuass 5 e't'"utt thisef'sit'm u'-u s'b icas useoacd uits'delss'sencys. lutis four ear s of vitlio ust coacuhuuing __________ -_ Maddoc__ 'isisk tessllsutrfalreasastl besforee hut- isnciii h is higants it nntingu''for theist, haingstu beetn siadm s itt t srsuatue 's'sley-an' intii 97,i, fuss Nebis i 'its fiswoti-st-it il siich'i-ans whenlists ii realut's le fuse Kassin '99,g fuss'Iel-suitaSinsforsd neisse finsihedutaucouu'rse its e'isutit'ss-s'at us sf00. lie wstshurtsouswits, tush le Clioutscitliege', fromus whic-shis'etupisfestsed testi, lut honsest sa1isfaceitont slush not to i hiat-i'g-t'iiittat-i h]ICss tatsemet of c-tiu e t the colleges. issur e n -u nstuhits' lessofessore Scutt wa subliished itsa iii- N'sesheyanuttea estssrce epuutauso rceivseetuagosnespapter. All studsentss isuhu- payt. 'ho payr s iti: pearectdstntd -iiitlions mmediitlelty brasmut liii1isuis ant diisappleasedts h sinsssfews dasysuaresaintd___________________________ tsav suitstutuhits repsutalts tNers kat intshle gt'eatt-'iis altig"me stwit is.asit sas, antu lits1--eft LelasuitStantotu ithit site- admusieatiosutsof this'liehere usowst, liii siilwishth isppitsiots ofiresidheist f I 5555555 to the.isvuuesity ite amiitt flited im Isithtill gue'-ulsing',adta l)it new iistilaphcr itdematntld isi t- sctislse resignats itsn. iUnerstslest of Itscslty entuecessus priuctsedi by pity- es andicomittstithe p'fsiuttutsorw s cmu- The asum lusthien maktsues a vittul chag s-s's'sittueri'sy a"isit sProesfessor I 'sius-us'sand tshsieioasit f cnsitrlby luatisgththRaip h Ro fst s u sket its hit universitsutuhsi esnotoriety tsriuh autanediade it impsssussii ts heepshhts isis's-c t'teringthtithse uldssigo lto soeohrclege, thin luaiestwaied uits il h'esugiantthlete atskedtpemuisint to isun cmeeior husie ChicgosAthletic clisisnuts 'sYsuet. 'suitefsedc'it, ikinow- us'g ihtus i iu estisoutlfitoianyway. This usn sit us n f acoference rue a ldiPos ,immedutitu iatelsydeclredn - eili i 'iticom is-efuse sny uiverity." h'issfollhinetg iiste ef-ieence to IToms '''sh "ichiganss lusts Eiti tilethu suistrt ion Iofuatusms whimslieditaSlie tutu he miightiparticipise ii cllege plat's'dsuse year's suitthus' Mibchgnmtsuad, made a ihi itsnthus'a iv gess by te comedy-u -chu, 'tnsd Ottseletedt catauin f this'eamiastspsieit'. -i-ict al ely sritsce'gusts testwa5siekognizedby a5 Stou frui't tl, Motasa rfes- 1sionaltpla esumuthitstasi-siA n sews- pape disat ts tu dult hutoh- cao sunrlit-afer wausrdrelest to 'suMiciganstheiss iis til iit s her I slug eftllege wasinesy thur 5 u s l ea ntheii' ''sts-sis -- eaugsestnd aslutsrsuioaGr lh i1cst"'ubeu.isBasrry lutise susuusuitiiasuitsitural osr stut- 's-sunt o ea s talit-t eu' m it hla's lPsts sushi Is thes mitsmiestmstusinut- calltled fuss lie in thuse viwh e artile is thes fohllo sumniferent-iis o liToHam- msid 's-e sterelsdsueatorslasy a thu dor N i chigathe ismus i t flgansset uf r hslytlg that luss cmetsoheirut atnionlust d Musicihiigan-isittisseguilty ori the i sthsdaurd iss nes'.famusss f ii tndi theii prlsesmnsmitsitiofshr trm igthlt sholiuasthetics its hit juioricm kee uphiss stuksausthus i'syde'Patrk hiut ischoosuits 1uCh'ica'go. his'wasselecedt sumstainofthis'earust st he' edof his sophomresyer'anvest-'sin'ter'edsihs junisor' Isarisnipoorsaning.i u"Beisre tie sea- "o pndhis thsdeaeld ctneligitle' it stills wi siller hgh schoolsss. Hammondustus lft shooil asmith ie fis- lin au t"sutummitsjoinsedithei Niciigaus sud The soy tuglst ettrancerit isis-.rf I1, M.i's esith le Msich- itg sla-wifaculyv iiisd Ha tmtudits "us hi S'uusrCesius Ihe player'sa ti 1st wa~s stisuSits iiheis ork and wstoluts uta tecotuhruser i utist exa'msiatilon. Proif. A'. ('N-he houghlli, suits-in-tw sit Pnresidet iAnge-l,'shl,' snownemonltitg th ss'tussntssas 'Andmsy Mtaci,' reoms- mended ititii'li'ititiuti tamond 'Ttorsm N.i. 'humttlic, a fris-mdshof Yostl and lusirestxam'ssinedu 1iHammondssuutits nglish anmmmi ' rms it itshsiry sfts-u'ieh dut ess Ii ANsssArborsefus re ws-'seks. His footballubil sitiy haskt imistsitc'ht- ien-rerCttrles Birduins ished takesn 'tusd harutmget wills imakisgoutrigh offers fuserte sries of ariossial- ltes, isscling Bfrushs of Minnetsotat, (Continued on page .) :: sstiitiftitu in. OtIIf bHf 5555:': Toum IRDhh. THREE MICHIGAN ATHLETES ATTACKED BY JORDAN.