7 THEIN MICHIGAN DAILY BR ING YOR UsFRAMitPit r17eS WIURILS ART STORE andihaenthem framedi with Choice Moculdings Only the Best French (ilas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. dBuy a 1 ., - :, .# .d , Y : . ,1 ,\ / ^r Y \ Qe G The Wise Ones kitowt when thien ire oii to a good liii it:I i thtist wliiiir ti-omsers td byili its Thent lose given otur woirk a fai trial ai we have prov- tin(liii aliitylvto dli Itle best and iiitosicareful I iiiidry work in to sit. Let ns pr- ire it to vost. A potl will (10 i lie tisiness. Varsity Laundry 117 S. Fourth Ave. Both Phones 928 5 ,0 The distinction that comes from .- being a correctly dressed man is yours' --by asking for my mark. And that does not mean being extravagan -my/ creations are reasonably priced. 1AVI C/f Y1A mo TA 'D C'aIICW1J3I..k- 1 asxoa I Chest Protector and avoid the cold winds at Ferry Field QUARRY After Paying Your Tuition Fee The next most important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select- ed with the utmost tare for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready to be seen. HT r(TO fIEN Henry and Kyer 709711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. I 1 i "MACKINETTES" TOP COATS Reasonably priced at my representatives I Sells them Ohio Central Lines DIRECT LINE TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars on all Trains rw~vP-r P-r~r-~ The Ann Arbor Savings Bank tiesources, $2.00,000 SERVES HOT LUNCH AT A Grneral BtaskingtBusinss Transsacted sat st at338S. STATE S. ge sa t)Fiet ChIas. E. Hiscock, Prrs; W. D iterisma _cc. Pies.:t ii. Jli ise. iCashier I i O lf;Iydaork judge for yourself hy asking INDENSCIIMITT, APFEL & Co. - I Photographer RENTSCHLER 319 1E. Huron! -oI Hockillg Valley Ry. G,.) I t il lN lT.S ITS l: i.\cil, 1, 1,NT Yiotuiiill ind Four Trains Daily~ From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Uioin Depots is Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. La .Mega (At innieid from prececintg page.) 01r okethe all tsofianirisfeus e itots orto Sae t ii. ien fromttl spedi i ati h le Wotlseriies l r ileit ii ci ticamiie idowni. The tdr ginetic ihre il ineti buckselad iii it tr q ndi" s revetietifrome is itmthe iititter ido in o h title tif stiaclebyMalow.iiOnyaRsells Wiral ttn y vthrowIntlbahtkttonet toar goesi it1wio\Vrttitwho fae ill c1 fritisff-sciilce p ligseht iik fot Itheitr it-yairiclile ut mael ine tic to itt kid afive. W i etutfit ledi ner takes aitetrtecthatice efromti he ;,-0r lin atist a dropnutkick, btiails. Baltotw catigit i it ilite six-yardl linie. Si e wias setie sererail Biadgers anit wsas isurricedlbitktchree yardls aali- moisitiactiss tlie feirta safcet efore hielip trrieisci. arrieis 111u1ted ot intl lFindlaty carcriedtitibacitten toytards. The whiisii tlebewsth iite tuuall iteits- sessionitof the Biatigers ini ihe center ofi the fildt. Theeline-tip Curtis... .. . .L .. . .. .Bertke Schlte.......L.G. ....,IlDoovani Schuitzc ... . . . . . . . ..... Idetnp Graliamis. ... . it . .. .... elbtach Rhiiiseiii . . T. ....lDerinig l-l. 11iamisouti . I; . .. . .. . ush Nitrceoss (Capt. Bala w.ies .. Q0BIi. .... Ilknecr Weehs. Click. .. 1. :1.....Vcttiietz listigtia1....F . ....... Rotte Toeeiidtitsis-Lonigman (2). Gottis frtmitit uhiiditln-it''. 11,11111o1ti1d(21) Referee-'Lietut. I lachet. West Posit. t l; t c t tl c3 The fitnest et or lacana 5 ct. cigar in I 5 ,th hll-iitg titer. tiupice -Ltici. Crttmier. WestPosit -bhe smuatket.issul iii stra f ut :'y rdsl arut ndei i lleatdi linesmtan--Stitl, Ilii s.11 At MANN',S DRUG STORE Efloch Dieterle \Ni Iiis' lit cudt, hut lie ftutibletd antiofthlvles-35 minutes. 213 5. Msin St. Embalmer and Funeral Director t ndRsetlitdoes utlso.ti.Mecitec utrcoel ~;ieles GEORGE BISCHOFF Ambulancr--Calls at rnder Say or aight. za>afut titeit toidrtcpt kick at Fuller & O'Connor. tf 210 s. i40t Avtet:Rusidentee sanits l:ed falthis tilge frtimitthe 35- _ I"LORsJ IST P hoer404. Ann Arbttr. ,n clie. tilzertatd Tutm hauve each Studuents' lamsps at Dean & Co.'s, 21.I Choice Cust Flnoer s aid pl~at. _____had___four____chanc____siiandtiihonoite s utlIit cace evetn. S. Malts street, $t.5o anid $2.5o. Bee Chapin St brtseens Huron anS tiller Ave. tcreL cks outiandMelmter fuim- lanmpsits citey.t Phone£r 9 5pl5, J liraeu ftalls ot t i. Bush P j AILEY & EDMUNDS made tilt as onsi ita fakle piun tundteent Glasses repaired. SaveaWalk DownTown ml o itnssFilauy failedto iigaiti. Eyes carefutily fitted atid trited. por tnO GOO I liimadettitet.titethesc i ithlayhbya GEORGE HALLER, Maits St. Gettyiuc Watches and Jewelry_________ re~paired at the Right Place 121 East Liberty Street. fi~ hog right ttitle. Melznter -_______ ilay yorUpoajn~n i iite nd reis sticnt httotietdistback. ile; tlliehigateissiatis are bintg clesed where they keep 1.a foll_______s___________________tore____ tff 15 yardis audtsc outtitas$t.5e. 'ithe lastchtatnce 3-ott sill line at the L o w e s tistoliltd lit iiiciiisctilti. Findilay ltokhavttcso get otie. 4;515 prices. No o ra; poor stock ten ithrottughitcentier.bitscouldsitite t in out store. ta.s V Nott h i n g E D j I ittity- fitti Batrtot. LOST-Deita Cihi pits.Reward ior charged for af . loooking at or gootdsorc g e t t i n g hongrahsndeeors 1 itt itit moiitrettoiplay. Scheitirn etutrtito Delta Chi hoste, 733 S. State prtices sin repasir . c.Altrmcis locks tlesttittitoutliectause ef hstatnkle- ~$1511 and uit Call at the eight place. Complete Line 's1ha.TeBdestemthe Wcjwlraneygasrpi- opposftc Law Buoilding. SCHIAEBERLE & SON ctt-c t titli to lit tnything. Find- ittg hy skilled svorkmen. JF . SCIHtITDE, 340 South~ 114 W. Liberty St. Ass Arbor, Mirh Sae tet lay gtis ittrottgis left tackhle. Meiz- HALtLER'S JEWELRY SmTORE, Main St. t. e _ :t 1. d I r F. J. SCHUHI SANITARY 'PLUMING jGas and Electric Students' Supplies I A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St' 0, . Martinl DIRECTOR Office 209 S. 4th Are. Photne :18. Residence 302 S 5th Are. Photne 114 AMIBULANICE ON CALL FINE LVNyCHES tWe carry the lurge t litn of 'ctsniitlt, 1)uM VSr11- &I I tlotTtttCigarettes ttnd Doetitcet & Imtiedi Cigars. A soutup cii litne ot all sitialit artitlrs. W5~ are agents. for WUTiair & tto., LISKMAN & iCt. aitdl;10 t'Pt'5,. also fute STACY'S & SCttAtcts fttr chiocoate BON-BONS. R. L3. JOLLY. Stat. St. D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWA Y toe introit,thouorly tromt 6:ttla. en. itl 11 p alt tiensItit15 p. it., .:45a.i. toe Ypsi- ,t I titony. l:tit p. It. andit':la it. t. For .1cslLitiltedtat 5:t51ta. eM. ILtcals fcit 6:15attn.tto t m.ithenttti 45a . n .titi PURE SILK BRIGHTON -Flat Clasp Garters msakryoar"ousrsr"reasy. Made ofone pirce pursilk awrb, metal peels heavily nicelediru Peretly flat, cosmfertable, adjustahie. toak far ntamer aagartrclaspad beoa. PIONEER . of-- SUSPENDER -'Ya~e 718 Market t. ' Piose Philadelphia ,aseiatee Z5¢ A PAIR Milk Chocolates PETER'S CAILT ER'S KLAUS' HERSHEY'S BFNSDQRPCS and other candies at E. E.e CALKINS 320 Souath Stat. Street FWE LEAVE ANN ARBOR 15th of November Call and get your Stephens Pleading and Keen's Cases on Pleading. We can save you money. Roberts' Cases on Extraordinary Legal Remedies Carried in Stock CALLAGHMAN (A co.l LAW PUBLISHERs, Chlaagfo ANN AR BOR BRANCH, Stam..to St. Opp. Law Bid$. GAS STUDY LAMPS $2.50 EACH t00 Candle Power for 1-3 Cents per Hour. Save Eyesight, Money and (Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY- THING IN TAq.ORiN(I