THE 1MICHfGAN DAIL _ for Art arnd Skill ii Iiloring~ MONEY LOAN[D Student Room Decorations A Fine Collection of Call, on~ i'50 - XI ate s, D. lassons. Jewelr aniloll Iih1is ls Chattel Stein~s, Smoking Sets, V. of M. souvenirs ini Pyro- sod el Ossslssssli.graephic Work, Pictuires, Posters, Photo SAM BURCRFIEL D I& co. N.J OV I rets, Japanese Vfbelas, 04thAve poieCut os Dishes The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City OFFICE toErso 8:0t 1 9: g Now on display in or Basement Bazaar 106 EAST" HURONY STREET' Biess~ Stictily Confidential M A CK (/. Co ~ AL DTI G QIRR #Qaiy ANN ARBOR RAILROAD SINJILIRRj r"Allen's for Qult"AND STEAMSHIP LINES. No. 247 5 j(I * A Redsaned Rates to all Pints for BASKET BALL GUIDE VATHANKSIING FOR 190B-6 A , ALLENVCTIN. Edited by Harry,,A. Fisher f i- N Trn,, sIr A:~ Arbor, flon awons new tflts iruls to o er:alclitr i sL av n r o loeoams andthreseams rers Exclusive styles and extra values in lmen's Suits and Over- The Clothier Bors5 Ssu tot ..( ao 555 l proitman :1 .m P~RCE 00 CE~rNT BY MAIL coats at the above Price is our specialty.M I T s5 iI s iAes 5salini55 tstsioiisuei oJ I ar se l u -ssi tsl p sn Oio Anss Asbt iso, ht. l~ fill t'i ti Isoploeerls fcr , ret.B lph n 1):r A. G. SPALDING/ta SBROS.FISNAOALBN Na Ysssss CHsCAGOI)ENVER SAN 1 555'COC Pia o an of1ice desk fo talc cheaiiip lii orteIset st FIRST NAIOA BANKahy'ieAn ro Pesfrm Pr * i ~i ~oilf Coni toi Alexandero & Co., tlrssiu s ler r Ssnydser), pirissiers sit the Miciigis .n Jin 01 re. IAn n o , . BI L AR -bock. cod-st Dary isi'hle Ailumnssus, Issiander, 'lost's 5 V ialostsso Bll ALLj i K) I AXIO~NIC sjRCHEBS'TRA.S.V.CalonGs H "JT1 BROTHERS isiss1B.ol Iiii'sJiclyosMssS.gross book ois fsotill th 'ecisisc, S. oti, 10lt0011 s ulus ands loIto tll 4!iT T r , Alrs , ) Bates, msasnsger, S T e college jesselers. C'. A. hsasnsbosok, etc., etc., are punssees successors to JA .W. REEl), 312 S. State Southl I"sssrtis avenue. Pussies: Bell, I Estishiesl 145, los use stusdeist hosl 117 L Waslss wa nd io06-j 11louse, 2189 ie. f --ton street. ItR ~ ~ L lrd' Ping-Pong Photos I-5 i'I' :etri pin. ili inpse- __.chms oe roreo ~- PHOTOS FOR Fo -- o ra-p- lullso5 us lisoc; ; IIsitiad recse I eSs-usurcler oenfceiifhL lch ac sal h. ols3G N Ae o-( t.s~i~ aic hom rew rd :-.48 ssos l' i utiosesrSie Nesw P'hones 457 htell 'lsioe4SslL 4 Positions dl lvur ",)I prcieon fuir IIalos s iog lu- etc '\1 il' on casu ('1 Oir neii. S i's OLD MORRIS STUDIO 1y5 to SO. Matn St. " Ann Arbor 45ttn I utrst01 5 iff \is gutiissit 121 a sI N S i N C t<, is -. - lets siosssls ss ss ~~ 5a __ - - Geo. J. Halter ft. Co. 0. o " B R E H P If sous are its nceedt of a fie palir of vii tit- hooksls. -iurs's etssofsu $1_ 5 -7r Iflum~ "ou Alusests elociusx at IIAppit'Srats aitt sss sitoes or risubers casll at Aprilis shoe Alr -l~~ at FIe.~RS Mains a-trntm Trojonowski State St. store, Washtintsons street. eodsI ii Try Phelps' Perfectiitu citocostei puf street I t - anE 1. 1.51 Al uspisur ~ ~ an ch estesa, u os ssu ipts at Ciistiss s Isi.armacusy.- if fSU ar o a' srtiut o to an Sutsure- tstsu sit s sais l('stldte's geun veve Iiss a h[ pc u fyuw n h et 5asatrc tioig a aifcoy C s~, sod usm t irA-exandor &~ Cut., IHennsinsg prices Fustier & O'Coinnosr, 619 1. Wit- - - K___ NI Z IN C ET17CIIN G S bokcod-ttf hli-sit treet. If Michi-ga inesss, fitbs andu suaoions. Lower in Price ii' it'a~s eus; uisS Better in Quality I ( ST Golds surnits a" hug s ass- andi Ask A. M. SMITH L A P S sult -sits 5usu Cutlesi (1 r. CPEoDYOURVuCA' No combination in Lamps==No advance in price. AIsLe8),~iiCloer ~ H RA AE li Ann Arbor Svings Bank Block 1, Ia elnttd amp NC iisplated, wsti Whrt lst u i s. $15S0, r~ 'l-u sie sug ises u T h r o a Lum p 200 .. . , .5 No I blck not We cantasu IaFtssssIeoe's les moe thnayte sell" thet beste Lmp maean o AND house in this market. ___ _ __ Bt OX/ INoth DEAN & CO. Anns~ am 1 p Jwlr an Watc Repasiirs II S. ROT; 'ENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ase. 'r''eAwrs. r s..tnnsoaX.e ^ ^^^""oa ^^"a(Atods e byStre ee4Rv 1odgtlft WADHAMS %4,-0 CO. c rSuits, Overcoats and Cravenettes MICHIGAN SUMMER RESORTS. +i tSilte "Newest anptodt 'tye TINJI "1"AR71, 00 { I= itst ti su ieo DETROIT oCLEVELAND i b f^New Fall Hats and Caps Leave DETROIT, daily .1030 P. M. 1M ® p The grats vit nuh at Arrive CLEVELAND --530 A. M. Sh ED ED': ~ Fall Furnishings fcrpiL :,cs rc ott INNEeN w tisss comin in da ily. Ntes faIt Shirts, Neckwear, (iloves and Arrve DETROIT - - 530 A. M. - ''iosr ssio enjoy to the Stil I-0 { Underwear. tO latgest ansI snoest showing iif blen's allo Younge li s Concedsring sith Dt tOC. SEAMERS on exsn t1he~ sports as'. , rrea- Maosrs Asckitiansyaca ms are IsllSst~l t "boo," Marqsette, Duluth, Min- } l Troser. Aso hru vaiet () Facy est. A arg asortnen of apofts, St. Paul, Petoskey, Miwaukee, Cht- sions of oustoor litg realise . utC ssa'H0511Ootivlyuiu sisstlsl lSte importacroftpep Sui Gae-tcg iGoganBy lowt l al foodss. Tis appetitr is heess SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS suuols siu~t thgsssiii 5et ands stse needi fofod sDut T0 RIPS (incltuding Suvday) between sapaitisasutreogtisess ssI lt. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND DILY except Monday, JULY ad010 ShrA DdH A M S C O . LvTLEI0, Mondayst -asrdays 0.tM. Wheat Clever Clolesr The Newest Clothiers. *Tuesdayv & Thursdays 4.00 P.M. I aWdnesdays A Frtdays 0.30 AM. Bici 1 2 21 A ND 1 23 S. MfA I N S T. ForTisPrWe CmncgJueIt made ofS t o etie seat b e, &eus A. ssss and S- 55n at 55 eT lust N wihcnan orestr oglin st- a9np o l~tntd7aplE tug and upbuildisng peoperties Adre 5 su 80IIAtssusisfoelluss [l '.ssssIottsMi . thal ats ohe soosi at It et - DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NA.CO qtuired for strength, -ee y s ostsseoil,bt ansdtissues. 15I i always tielyhbecassit can LE X A ND1E R & C O M P A N 1Getour (om wt tb milk, creamt, truit, vg- tables, -'ts. f[ Attnys takei itous sad pretp tts"'Td PORTRAITURE Decorations wholh sende ftraa. , thei l PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET wolbe dhsate rcwih tise l Kinds of'Photographic Special Attention giventowr WATP ERBST, e bolter than brea ar toat!Wr.getowk WATPERBST, It is"comated eily Amateurs. SOUVENIRS, ETC. Citeese.- THE -at. NATURAL FOOD 1HENNINO BLOCK, COR. E. HURON & FOURTH AVE. DRIG&1ALEU COMPANY*' AZIG&MLEU Niagara Fells. N. Y. - --- -_,-"Both Phoaes. 224226 S. Stat St WE ARE 'NEVER UND-ERSOLD---GOODlYEARS DRUG STOEL