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November 16, 1905 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1905-11-16

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Hockifig Valley Ry. We
c0 NTIN VS 5Irl acVX('ELh:NT / Magnets that attract ,
Four Trains Daily - Quality and Price T
From Toledo A
Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains The quality of our Suts anid Overcoats kEETw~ NLRE
Steeping Cars on Night Trains I is, we think, well enough known to require no comment, 25,000 New' Words and Phrases at
Now Gaetteer of the World
lUnion Depots in Toledo and co_ but do you know, that our prices are based on the closest Now Bioaraphical Dictionary vrTne,,t.IiD. Wholesale
iamb U5 possible margin of profit? 2300' OsyooPous. oust500 lllstnations.Pie
E. LAR, 3 K''"~' ~jj**~ ~ D Lao Ei~k itsts~~ isitrnrams SUITS & OVERCOATS
Camps Mriu ~ = ~ ~ s-.~ it asiba~ns $14 and $30.00
Detroit, Mich. 200-202 Main St. . 'F.REERAMCo
Pbial sk, $. Sprfilds s.0,0
~PENDYOUACATION T esn rorSving,200,
ti"l VEr fACO uranger's Sho for Dancing. (Ground rioor on Maynard St. A Detneral Bnking Business Transactoed
CGaIi00 Harsriman Chas. E. ;Hiscock. Pe.; eW. A0.A
l: E P~H rs.oVito ePres..: S~et, Casieirr K ~ A [
j f~ Photographer RF2NTSCHLER 319 E. Huron P HO0T oGR AP HER
oe t ,n tf, NPerdofBI LL IARDS
is C soeslor ubbers all1at prills shoneAND
UINIVSJIITY NTItS.store Washington streetI eod-tf NT(~
NOICS.T(Ii so otrihrr cl a enlf - ---4 j~ .
[CE__ ^^^s __________ S. ROTIENSTEIN, 707 N. Ulniv Ate,
] futtcn 5 Ci ALE'SJFWssiRYox'Sia, MansSt. _________________
AcN SAN esn t~rs ist Cihl;Ious, 73.1 S. StateThcoegjwlrs
Iw i tlsocur n-s I1 Co~ b r al t in I ii;; I li iss Retrt it hocleefs'eeI N S U R A NCB
MldWI64' SUMMER RESORTS --INEstablish4, 1858. FIREEstahtistsest sAM.
T t 1B11121 t tt111I tII \tT/ .. o t -t at is;hs p Geo. J. Hailer (ACo
IETWEN Had mit;;bis; s t:usScholo-Ir$r5sis;alno uy a195 We insure yosuronks, waring stiltrel
DTROIT -tLEVELAN D a 2:3o p mtie Vi. olh, A'1 sit - Is 'iti litigsesslt te ~~ adfrssture.
1 1Wwah prp' 1. nd he wo-tepas Mchitnesia T e fls at omeR E A L B S T A T E
Leant DETROIT, tiily .1030 P. M. Pi 'o7 lihteeti~ii; iO l s ae;~ a na is;1tsttrcae te e istngsshsgsrsssito.'Roms t-4 216S. SM a
Arrive CLE-VELAND .-. 5.30 A. M. no in: i etel w i iint ill sber- etaeipStdy Getspecaeon o T akgri
n lorh old t ti esxt It i; ay itsour. tsss~nitiitotu iijoisthslts imsstioslit- --'--____________________________
Leave CLEVtLAND, dily tot15 P.M. it oaso a siibtle. 4547 Fur the latest ideas isn ptotograplhy
AcioneIDETROIT - - 530A. M. 1111IO l I tGtS___ ____ ssse oAeaie C.Fettla>i~YseUra~uPceons
Co is ~g -i; isD. & C STEAMERS for c _to Aeade__o.___ne BinYORUFRMDPCTRST
Mi a , i, - Marqutte, Dultht, Mine- IatsiIsjsielry asid eye glass repair- hlocik. cod-tf
ac ansI; AtPastntoskey, Milosuiee, Cii. lh< ;t-iclists Iis;n;,te 1isss-lss t-ss tilet orARssSTORE
,. i etoinoBo i sila<ts sit. mroi 5- ttt'aferooYto~ TH H RMO ISORARTRA
DTI S I ncludii ingSn)b et51ils5ween. m i ts- -un;;s--te rt. fc ttiit tssithesum JIs nunnY STonei, MiainsSt. TIHE IA ItNI R H S R
an0on1-naisjuoothloo iti t .l________and Ihave them frassest
DETROIT AND CLEVELAND unitse hi o )1t;sllb. S tis isintit I n-large trvaithtttsinss for he Address L. D. Bates, manager, 8o8 with Choice Moldinss
DAILY ixtept Monday, JLYtSaod 00000T sit ttu;; as.accpted b t he lii ssein 5 ;'t t i sist i; s1'stV'e iary South Fourth avettue. Phones: Bell,
MACKI NAC DIVISION attil;isits sscimett stt maidestis;its ;sts tor, Sats trees t nt statte tofifJ;Home, 289-red. f Only the Best French Gls3 is
'ITueasd~ays & sT sd ys .30 .M. sin-st ficrin s iii i ls- l ace.-; iIs-ii;; - 11urn tsres-. lDstnot faill" Used.-
nYDTsiendays & thsrdys .00 PM. sttiisses i s y155et's ns 47 The Ann Arhor Press (formerly Par- 223 S. Main St.
'Weneosdays & Fidoys 9.30 AM. k er 1& Stnyder), printers of the Michigan
For Trips PerWool 'Comeningloost th The isl iul itin I5illis- es a 55else, 2e rosesao. DalTl lmns1iln1, Xot _____________________
is - s t tssnlnis essa-t sltte heisd s sinlistwer este; ilsinss F ns ntOlt
m, ilsN- tFu.finO'Cnnr. f reabokonoobal,_he-Tehni, S
5,; as i,~ d IaiisiO. itool slio.th llt xst ti- uoi <n .. C. A. hatndhook, etc., etc., are prstter- . W
coiss- t ..C55.,nni , nit. en I-i s;dics;piit s. iltrl' Phlpts' Perfeetionl chocolate puffs to thse studenst otly st17 ER Washin-L a .
DETROlT AND CLEVELAND NOV. CO. -sistlss'tCsligsphruc. ntet. The Rooest cear Havana s t ivarili
Ifss; r- - siotan cipsati Isristha ir on trettfthe market.
iiistngrpler; lut if yuwan-st the itt's+-Stisfac,-ory tailoring at 'satisfactory Students' lantps at Dean 1k Co.'s, 214 IMANN'.S DRUG STORE
cisse to Alexandetrr 1 Co, Ilfesssiis price-i.Fssier j= OConsnor, 6i9 E. Wi- S. Maist street, $.5o and $.yo. Best 213 S. Main St.
LOW RAIES SOUTH tblocek.eod-f ii;Biii streets. tf atnps itt city. tf ____________________
ltlSt-Uratteiitc sin. isteec tsn-e int you ge-t a 1905 tAlctigasetsiats? lasses repaired. C m sBarber Shon
VtA Ireturn; s;to s;; UF. Htuson;;; i;; 1cren Iis- Tie st colege souvsesir youseats siy. . Eyes carefully fitted attd tested. C a P-us -
rewanrd. 7-}4 j Siiteiboosk tnes soic for $[.5o. 45-51 GEORGE HALLER, Maist St. . A. MOE. 705 N. University Ate.
BIG FOUR-. The Wise Ones
40 s, know wlsen thtey are ott to a good After Paying Your Tuition Fee
OUTE thing; thtat is why our customers
r, Qe-.op -stanicl by us. Thtey have given ottr The next most important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor-
In -n -'mn- - iork a fir trial antd we have prov- tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select-
On sale every day The Big Por -'-- etnr bltod Ct etat ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. "Everything is now
s the unty line with Union Depot IAtw.Ltu poei oyu ready to be seen.

connections in Cincinnati, with -s postsal wilt do the bitsiness. TAILORS [
through trains In alt winter resorts. jfTATTERS I EN vienr n.K
No disagreeable transfer r V arsity Laundry FURNISHERS 7971N NVRIYAE
Safe connecion 115 7 S. Fourth Ave. Boh Phones 928 __________________________________
Ask your nearest agent or write
General Agent G SSTU YL MP OEO HO15h of Noveinnber
_______________________ Call and get your Stephens Pleading and Keen's Cases on Pleading.
_______________We can save you money.$.5 EA H
COOK HOUSE Roberts' Cases on Extraordinary Legal Remedies$2 0 EC
Ospsiste -Cnurt Hos;se Squarec Carried in Stock 100 Candle Power fr~l-3 Cents per Hour.,:,
Fl ST.ELASS IN ALL BRANCHES C L A H N 2% O. SaveEysgtMoe and (Trouble
$2.00 $2.50 $3.00CALGA coBysgiMne
Stea - sIIat and Elevatnr Alt smght service LAW PUBLI1SH1IORS, Cbilass~oAN AR O G S CO
SUNAY it a -o A SPECALTY 500Eack ANN ARBSOR. BRANCH, SBaste St. Opp. Law 1n1it.AN ARO GSC.

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