PA,&DIN G' W ATHILETIC LIBRARY Nam. 247 O F FC'C I A L COLLEGIATE BASKFT BALL GUIDE FOR 1905-6 Edited by harr~y A. Fisher- it er till colt . SP L iN ltner . BR s. 'Fta I EN S B AIic t . Ii sSlD ev . 1'it ct (ihTORNk BROSCERS FL EOR-S 1 ui iiod 1r \ .V la a apia 1t Itlad" If:.rt 1 ad11 lte I e uy yr Jh a ite Pf' rotecS tr"t Sells the a;,aPing-Poewcng Photosirllle ve ~l 36 phoneS 809 25 Prte to o 1BABRSof atjnovk Stry te S t. - if PinPn Phoo "4 t4 aP itnt U, tt ofIBRBRSO Shredded'k Whole Wheat Islyteart ti 11 tutin fit itlliiit nt orts attt oth r ik, o cr a iti g t'r in a different waty for cvery tmeal-a wei- Ci~ reief front mntony. It will tin ynu lts ti gnod, tnti. Ql It is ntnde sttlely of lt1( whotle ttiaat berry, anti cottaIints mtttt ttftnt andt vignr and vitality titan anty W noti at whnle whteat it cnntitnset 51 aill ithe elemnents whtichi enter intn tite co-tt structinn ni thet hutmtan bntiy -- mttcstt, teed1 bnnes, tisattes at wail at teatan * fcty _5 l. Write for "Th Vla IZnstion i Co~ Anok,tt free. (11 Triscuit it a Itol IV 11lt at cracker. Better inr tnast titatt btteatd anti finte with btter antt ciattst. Cntmp~act anti casily carrieti. -RNt NATVRAL FOOD COMPANY ; " Niagara Falls,- N. Y. ________________ iE XT I C1-11GA N D A T] Y If ,1o uwid to knoir nhat thf, srf ortly (b-cj-o"wd 11101 WO( 11' it tttti ttst/ S/, d tis a matter of sptctalatiott amtotng temaon trilty tf ~ Iw ell titessedci torn as In jutst what cusstat "stitte thing ittitte character andl altlearantc of tourclothie i-tioftetn describtcd i as well It ean td "aristotcratic." C lT qitality of the fabric is, of course, aptarett tt thatos nlot lully expilaintheltirtmattifetisup~etrittrity vetts i cr 7 ready-for-sicear clothes. (lIf yttut i lets-ttur ctlthes tittr- t ottghly, intemsairla an s-e do; kttew of itelitle dtills, i niceties of Ittitt-tailocittyaltd i/tshionittg esthoticti it tacit garmet. (IYoni woii knotw thtat "quality"- is te sectet QUAITI'Y all thte way thtrotugh. (ITRUG WORTH--t, Merit will tell iii clothles as ttt tiesi. COLLEE ArEA Suits $15.00 to $30.00 Overcoats and Raincoats $7.50 to $25 STAEBLER & WUR I Clotliit, I \I IH LIA S\I 111l? ii 1 proj tct t tthou lt 111 11 ovei the Iotlitri." th ft itht the I I d ill tt it i ht cttit iu II lit ~ lc cs ofPreitdI 11 liii of cIli is ad1 i, 111 ih111I to_, he inihit'd1o 11111 ttttsion theilt1 li head ofi' t alll eoh rget icst liii of111 ii it i a d f -i 1. a ie tng is l Ca r l inl ddese sggsinlmthdio ht 1 k n hei l it-I-- 55 lig o fien ipiin 111 S Ii m-i it- Iallend insitel, for itbe e iet irl,, ued u ier' Week i itly ittI-It i coleelthetiA ar lit- littli ti.ltt-i clolsd is address by itt -- Itl li-i t he I 'tcc ui ctititis rethe grati t N e liii llt 111111 1111 ii nii T he p-i c ttoi o h itb r k- - i ()ill (Ii ilt i -'NNARBOR RIAILROAD AND -lSI'051111 IPLINES. tO Osoir-d Rtrs axSall Polent fo T'HANKSGIVI1NG VAC'AlION . I ., A I l . m ' 1 ). . TUT TLE Ilk I HOTLNC.H A' 1 1 t t V CHi;rets an I I. ilts. A -tiijlet c- k:tA tiBiaLLY Statet St ~ enirlLines ".I101 DO to COLUMBUS FiIRSTINATIONAL BANK at I ' tsl it 0,0 a stlmiratdtertl IDirecto' Amblt n c Cal at nded ayrniglht. Ii 11 7 " I p Sa L K h r' Id 1 'it m i ii tI ii Il- e A \ ?Wak }IWIIlown Vt t Ic 1d iJewelry - I ght Place I-o es ta or ~ ~ boo stiitock Money oneda I a itti it t k Ufl(( gi. _1111111 v ilig l t .. ii1s® I i~t 13 i tad' - i iSatI55 iiItiitl Money- Loane (PalItt 1I ti~l 'S itl " ^°\r^'1i' ^'\r^'1r^' r '\r 1r^' r Mr^'V ^' t 'V"Mt^'W"UMr "V 1Nw^'\e Mr^'V ^'\r'v^'U? LAMPS No combination in Lamps==No advance in price. o TheiBei 5tk enti ta mp- - - - - --pltdanh ht lud,( h$ .0 ITe Sitl125. Il(, N itIt, I-1.40l.t i We sell the best Lamps made and for less money than anty othler house in this market. 214 Snath DEAN & COAnn Arbor Matn St.CO.Michigan ii t-11 1-,,; II "g4v^ 'w o+L /1. s L r/ nr/\. ^+ ..s .v 1N / I L rM 1nr 1M i~ /1 v'R+ .v ..e .d'^.v .v 1 _.. .. 1 r Q t i y \ 4 e $3.50( For MEN and WOMEN See our Windows for the latest Styles and Pattern. Waterproof Shoes. Heavy Tar- as Black Leathers, double soles thorolIt'': viscolized, balace tongues, military heels andJI'J eyelets for rawhide laces. Three different styles of highcut shoes at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 WALK-OVER SHOIE co. R. J. HOFFSTETTER, Mgr. I I I S. Maze POR TRAIT URE SAll Kinds of;Photographic Special Attention given to wtork ~Work. for Amateurs. HIENNINU BLOCK, CUR. E. HURON & FOURTH AVE. A L )FT30 aNtiE' S and ZICETCHINGS LswertinPrice B Itrin sQnality AkAM.SMITH t1lAnn BrllIank locha 'WE ARE NEVERUDROD-ODYA'SDU.TR