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November 16, 1905 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1905-11-16

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for Art aind Skill in Tailoringj MON[Y LOAN[D Student Room Decorations
A Fine Collection of
Call oil, On Watches. Diaons Jeweln
and a ifll1 (.0 glas Chattel Steins, SrmoklIg Sets, U. of M. Sotwverdrs Ino Pyro-
cuUR C H F IE L D &a C O1 r phN W o k, Pl oto , Posters, Photo
SAM O RCHFE D & C . W. J.LOVRIM Nets, Japanese eUmVtbrellas,
0 Arc. Opposite Cour liouse Dishes
The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City OCE ors c :3 tcc ll. ::W, 10 to 5 Now on dispay in our Baseinent Bazaar
106 EAST HURON! STREET Btuiies Stinctly Coiiiidentiai MIACK( 8Q CO.
Mo 4 Redvoed Rate ton aii Polnts for
FOR 1005-6 L AAIO
Editad bay Harry A. F'ish.," { 'I 7II 1y
i Tra.-sd Lee..'s Ann.o Arbor
-.i-of all the .'oIlt'' T h e ilt i r oicg No-ht . .. 11. .i mt~t. cnc71y.
11. s.ns co" I coord' Exclusive styles and extra values in lien's Suits and Over- C o h e ~ jcoci~Iat t~o~o ultp c
I t 11(1tt'oe. coats at the above Price is Our specialty. M AIN ST. 'J.Jccl PRRY. ass ' t . T. W11 t,
PRlICEf 00 CENTS nY MAILt nPsA1,Ape,
:t10 £lo '.1 >j in chco 1tledo, Ohio Ann Atoo, MieOl.
f)or1 01.1111 1P of Atheti toren 1e 1tttocc 135--'r home n foie sig
lt AII I)Pt .c Ahc'tt'NC1CO I\11,0 N,,ol'-1 1N .iI C', l RG(i'l7IF '0Ire 0 Ito ii~i m l rt - t'1011101t'. fotsli Tile0 FIRSTiga NATIONAL BANK" i
11 ~ 1I1 Of Ass Arbor, Mich.
JkeJit41oA1. Ill~ i1 0 1i \licht1to \\i.Ol - ol t 1'ai.0 o f 1, 'It 1" 1111 m lrcll ]]; 11 ll tacl. p rpul ncttu el o h \i-i i( nreiin o h vr 1 0,ttla 1.1 :i Tes IV C lt' o a le C V.tc
A1R1D1- -- gIin e II cd i Cgrs te m nal t1 ;t1101 1on .Inl st Iincr ori . cptttti, $10(1,000. Surplu and' ott i rtsi. $ttll
r)1J~ iO " I tltti1 n i ltit tto roti entusasc11100111O1CL0IN . n n 1 1 ,1 a t t i C, 11 a 1110. h
luor r to JA .K'. RlE D, 3i2 S. State 'vi ' fhc e~t t 011111 01 ost 1111100 ana ot a )11011 1 r 11 ti 01 c al 11 te eeni.. camin thit thi 711 t .jo ' ~ I u ii r
such___________________________ 10ft' tlt e ~i of 1 11t and 11t1 the11 foobal ea t tittd 1111 .S Laundry
tc~< th c 1its 111 T (i t proit. I 11 1. e l;, l b I-vr o tt I re;- -TIhomas Rtowe, Proprietor
PHOTOS FOR l tu11t1 pr11 ~o ha i.1 i lit Ooliltccd ll1d ,le 'Ill (11''ii 111111110 0 1d1alers cant1''0tlttt lit
C t11110326 N, Fitiij/ l ntent'e nl esetl I ln« nnic i \Io(ae fo tl Ace.
3 j -1 [0 -~ ''1J ' andil the0( cilub 11111.0 fatir 1011 tale' an1(1 til- the( entire ott'c~ prite weeNIIhn~> 2111n4
1 -oe' - Itt'tn Ilactmol'ittld toctcsut prCoyad cilclfLu
A ~ 3 4 Positions AI Ic nIc uy at an aseodeiinsatd 'il cuLOD M R I S i 1TD O et0. ieofcl troll'.l 1,r 0 the_____ef__t_____________pec_______ dtli
OLDo MO RI STUDI .1.ecl 'liill ou as it fo 1~___ 1__ NS__U__R__A __N __C __I,
Ito So. Mtatn St. Ann :Arbor It ; IS (OttlOt' 1 s t1h Ii.1 twetty-ie cns The INcr RACAE N CI AI t
n t o \ e sa et itier Ent of r 'tbic .1 I~t i lt . oit ralingt. It Il Geo. J. H aller 8n. C o,
HALF-TlONES \Ilc. llwlbs ()"1 0'oo ofI the pot oo''ltiotelf of whi tt ove Rou th- N D iL\ i~1
firt \crl; ilt clb la< etfor cad .ndlto oftheputer \ tc it's'old tto 'i Il t' b 1e 1' s old lob I
ZINC ET C HI NG S (t li l te hbot enn iaa.~ ' Ih v'i- t 000, 'ftt~ ocnr. srlogn 111cn~of00ttCtachlt , ept o -~tt
Lower in Priete i'X.111 -' '~. ~ P lTG A H
Ask A. M. SMITH LA M PS fo.1\tMltrA1mn ().11 1 P. 011,oi 0P
11 A n A b r S s i g a k H n SN o c o m b in a tio n in L a m p s . N o a d v a n c e in p r ic e ~t a e 10 ;9 53 1 8 I h e e o u t 5 T H E G D E A C C .
13 he [o [4 Roa Lamp We e he bet iuo Lap mad and for less0 moe than anylt othertt Ii C~ 21 ti -ncad' ft~fE Q
ANeOo 1 .., hous in thi market i (() t du tr.l)f Ee
13lX IN I iS~h DEA &. ..§ A Se2Itll
higa oto1 tc t ndpioTC tttO dS.otu of tc f fA A " A C S A
street. i tLI tC It lice tin i DET OI h E E AD
WADHAMS IN CO.SO FalFrisig tt L y ',o'ci'ttl
New tit0'. omig t doty Nw fll hirt Ne cke a r -o(lovSesn LesCEVANdiy1.5PM
\ Lavre DtTRIOIT, al - 10..30 . M.
Unerea to logoo sd o T heii'.o gett oait in the in y Ari Ctt LEVELg toiAN 5 A. TE M .~ o
t tt ~e'1c' ti etTo sr. As lc a ~ ffny oo' ag cnc tn tot iatis{. rr t Pau r -Pe ttuky Maltai rohd-
toll.. D HEA Fal Furishng foue tieccl.Sipassaa (11 oirgta toy t, ot tna So ti.
Nw A Hhnscmn, a M Nw alSrs Nek eaOlvs n Ariv L TRO MITas 5 . 30 A. M.
WhThoe- oo"le MAlUdrer h ags n ietsown~ fMnsadYugilr on c KINAl D C. DSIMR oN

Wheat Clever C114 The Newest Clothiers. Lv.DTTdays &Surdays 6.0 P.M.
Biscuit 12 DEND -Wednedyst aFridayc S.30 P.M.
111111' 2io.ctio A D 13 S. M A I N S T. Fou Trls PrNekComnitctJnettaih
ma of lto11 e, t ir t tery, D. 9.9 0. A . 3~ tS, O t . IC '.0 ItO l
u101 .0011 intttimoret s t th - 011 c.O t o r~ i 1e lit t 1.01 p.i t.
tunstheche ica elmens r- N ""--- -F-- - --- - "- -- - ---- ---- DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NAY. CO.
A~r (l~AN t R c~ O P N et Your Room
Wihs tc Awastaeit PORTRAITURE'Dcrain
tX'al(?-H nac~ Cae Bock,"
whlic eectdicrec. Q Ittplatce
f tbccad 10se Trlsruil, mei All Kid ofPoorpi PILLOWS, BANNERS,FIHE
Ichale1c wheato crar Mich0 Special gtetin iven to work
fairotttobetter tha reor' tatt. wok$o mtus WASTEPAPER BASKETS,
> COMPANY OD__________DARLING_________&___nALLEAUX_______
Niagara Fails. N. Y. -"- - -- - '------. Roth Phones. 224-226 S. State St

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