I ANIfiLIC LIBRARY No. 24'7 O F FIC I AL COLLEGIATE BASKET BALL GUIDE FOR 1905-6 Edited by Harr"y A. Fisher- Ctah c 'tts tlttial rutel esPt 'oera all cal- tdrir"l ta1 tp tatt I et ltt't a. PRICE a0 CENTS BY MAIL Sp tlt !' I ttph cttel fthle tiS ts a. A. .SPALIDING ft. BROS. TO BA CC OS8 HULSTON BROTHERS Sucesors t IA .W.,REED) 312 a. State STATE SAVINGS BANK 44' J. Btooth Jntt. V. Sheehtaa Wtm. Artnold Dr. V. C. Vaaghatt Jate. 1i. 'PadetE F. AIMSli N. .J. Kier Jhnaltaaer . tt.Itoch IProf. H . .Carhtart Frank lP. Glazier Chrstiaa Iartin GEORGE BISCHIOFF FLORIST iChOlce. Cast Flowes an~d PIrects Cheapin St between Haroesandt tiller Ave.C Phase 804 I LARGEr CURLEYl BEAUTIES' Chrysanthemums , ! THE MICHIGAN IAIL Y If ?/t tant t tortto t i wh t te sma'rtllyiadatsaed 1ar 1 ~ttey ' Itisc asttrttlt (ta/e S /ttt it '" Il' - Itt'/ CO III. e REISTE a ae5 LIt is a niattrr of sp--ctlation amaong the majority of well dressed meat as to just whtat cauases that "some- hinag" intahle character and appearantce of oaaacdollies so oftena described as 'utell laced and 'atristocratic." QLTle qutality of the fabric is, of course, aplparenlt, bait that does out fully explaintahieir umanifest superiority over other ready-for-.wear clothes. (flf yoatktnetw our clotlaes thor- otaglty, aternately, as wee do, kuew of tihe little details, niceties of lland-tailor ilng ad fashlionilng emtbodied in each garumenat. (L ou wouald ktnow tlhat 'quality' is thae secret -QUI.AITXV all the wvay through. QTRI WORTH - Merit will tell ini clothtes as in Gtlelt.Cant Suits $15.00 to $30.00 Overcoats and Raincoats $7.50 to $25 , a. I t^ LEI f j, L *GE l 1 STAEBLER & WUER Leadingr ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Reducessd Rates to all Pot rats for THANKSGIVING V ACATION . T atIse Lav.o es Arbor GotdetNeerttthttttot. tt. tntdt4::f. 1.n Golf] Pase. -ttt, ttt A ent , Si TUTTLE SERVES HOT LUNCH AT asr rr3381 S. STATE ST. aw W? V FINE LVN4CHE;S t~I c15 aryttthe a e tl in o I,, 'AItl'l lI' Iost i R t tilated ig rs.A1ou)5It5 R. C. JOLLY. State St. Ohio Cep-trdI Lines DIRECT LINE TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars at all Traina FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ot Anna Arbor, Mich. t a'. It.. itne. 'esa. la r oltt'ttPtae, '. Caplital, $100,00.ttt. Peept acd'tttt t s. 5$10,00 Erioch Dieter-le Embalmer and Funeral D~irector Amnbtlance -Calls attended day ar sight. lIS.:' Al4It A ve. Ieitrc san Ithoeett4114. AatntAerbet. FROM OTHER COLLEGES. ttt hltettttt ptttati ta i Na ,rtmatilt 'itt'sid t:tWe a ttprI u Teat'Vilt't in stut'Irttttaritt. 11Of11ur-III ITheyaettshowtCn'('ttem-ee hcatdinitc hat' hatndsi bearing the 'ttl -olit i ft s lite t to litb etct tan a iNit.. Itetli; ittt the N esttretelle.ttttritare still r)i le'. 01111111 M I(WI., 111'1 Wordte, hattl bt'et'tti ce11v11 tha k lp i)t it,dit t t. ayshcptl i tshittw.he u itee n It. r ( i d. Bo11.Nth itric rbr ndIkite.O kly a I 11 i Fnr FiTDOi'V/ln0 i p 1 ', a b a ii ror es ..stasue itrouce by resden I"' 0 ale haj t IAl QUARRY'S N otnuwt ilfCoIirlitl tet itictPUREi SILK Alr A ctt ck's aie t ia ilIIAIIJ Ilti n tt'l p SATURDAY s ,,..w- isasr, ~ v~sa,. ,a,.,',.eses~~9.. ,ec,t, _____oL A M PS i' BRf IHI TON Ncombination in Lamps-No advance lit price. ' 'i.e'ici~erc'Iti itccl Fa ls atr P ing-rong Phtos TeBerln 'tiadttampee ikettit. it hieshd e c~$1.50. ittlett~t'iiNil litc' 1, 1.Cliptt t"tttit't y ak yutacuee ay bl~Ia et n ~ 'A PHOTOS FOR eNt5i~ttLete.sat tk h dp t ieteIcly mt e. OR.25 C ThehNo 1l's te e ttg l etrtr.rtit t atte , « .51 4o 1Paaitlciana litedtlinto I+intttiiell Irtetet1 for1nte'oIaartr cltp'andbox- ra)Cteateti Iaaait'ts ttt'tl e tt t.0toT4t."t0teacth.I' c ti cla, c11I t OLD MORRIS STVDIO Gas Laip r m p tI eahst.eed 'rla~z 11u a int St Ass Arbor We sell the best Lamp made and for less money thaln ay other . ___________________house in this market. I Jttare~trttt' i itlli. I N'ltit i PINEEI E i Of M, BARBS lSHOP 214 Seth fEAT&~Ass Arbor l lejolee elr'.Ca U(J i . H lllli'a 1P F Main St.JDEANi&i CO. Michigan .< h76 Makt eS. e a. t.,ased sS s.Philadelphia ,al ees I rojonowski State St. A - A PAR IDQCin ro $ Save a Walk Down Town * (~eel.yuta Watches adi Jewelry at i ' v etaire. at thet Right Place i______$_3_5_ $ ,0 iy yur U. alofIfLlin, Dlln ttewhere tey Itreeia fl $3.50PMN o M Nad O E prices. No d~ poor stock vchiliged lir a htek tt at Whena youegopato aleemi, or eeouoWndws thgLtetodsnie atr t'c t1ng eant oa a hutianetfshling Secu id w or th LtstS ye and Patterns in pices tn repai, .Alttlenttt's oranaityer ditkaof a trip, '"''.eIaterpr-oof Shoes. Heavy Tar Tanis or $100'ndup11 Call at tlt ri'ht phlw', the iaaaitaattacee tf tetttfeed oppsite Law IBildig. _ uplyshul rB lack Leathers, double soles thorougihly 3.4[SCISout[, h consderaion-viscolized, balace tongues, military heels and large ote ieyoueyelets for rawhide Laces. M nyLae th peieThree different styles of highcut shoes at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00.OnWtheiaodtroh' personal tproerty. to gtI Wathee and Jewelry rai'red. Shredded Whole Wheat W[ 7ALK-OVER SHOE CO.OBarg'ins in Watels A liaaa,,aat O~ffie at residenctee 3It E. Lilety t' Biscuit R. J. HOFFSTETTER, Mgr. 111 S. Main St AenntseArborI. 'eit lihould ge alng by all means. Ilis qaicky' d 9 p. n. atteil'ty prepared, and is slenid in ear- Ala. sltNiase c 'thlte aeon. intlelct with milk, cream, fris,vergeabletst - JOSEPH C. WATTS and1 lot f oterheeings Yea can prepare i- in different way fee every meal-a we- I - eot of peed. taa. 41. heis rnade soely of he twhole wheat berry, andt eentains rnore strlegpth and vigor and vitality than any othere lead, as whole wheat is cornposed ef all the elements whichehntere into Itae ean- stucton of taharnuan bedy -- rntseles, teethbobes, tissues as welt as heat anti eergpy.,41. Write fee "TheVital qustiaon CaoklBook," free. (11 Trlscuit is a whale waticaeare. Better for toast than brerald aad fite with batter and eheese. Cornpaet ail rasily tarried. THEL NATVRAL FOOD COMPANY Niagara Falls. N. Y. ALEbXANDER & COMPANY ' PORTRAITURE All-Kinds of;Photographic Special Attention given to work Work. for Amateurs. HENNING BLOCK, COR. E. HURONJ& FOURTH AVE. H A LF-TON E S and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower to Price Belier in Quallty Ask A. M. SMITHi 11 Asno Arbor Savings Bank Block WE ARE NWEV1 UN1DERSOI4D---GOODYgAR'S DRUG STlORL