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November 16, 1905 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1905-11-16

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G. H. Wild
The largest stock in
the City of exclusive
styles in Woolens for
Gentlemen wear. Of
high-class fahrics and
special style for stu-
G. H. Wil1d Co.
311 S. ytate St.


'I-I iCi-IGA N DAt
THE 1M ICHiIGAN DAILY. s-i1c c.e~t (cit t Oc hlc ci 1v.soa
to re iCc ic' cthe csii 2time eissi cirlc'
Eterced as csed clssatte a t he 51rAnn Clii'. ii ccii tihieiicrdiri 11eOn hCli
Arbor Postucffice. . special rlio v* Stich ction NvcccdIlei
Publiished daily (Monday's excepted) durcintg .oi ciccilit adlditothec cccccccc t f ou
thecolletege year, ast7zip ast NWashincgton
streeti. Bell phoce 89 z. Hoe pchne 76. iliiii'i cc ccc A liicciii ciuptetiir
should -earcthe l iiloii and bluelcic 1
Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW leers ar <t t ergciri dccid ciioiroingcc
Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS andiiied;raltoh scatr iii- iof the oci ci. cTheteamccnedcs
EDITORGiS. aliliiheisupport cc\ c cligiethem, andci
Athrtics ........ClarencecE. Eldridgee ici' ciil Ix' dthciiand;icof.clicici clii
Dewc.............Louics 1). Stickiccy cu i'cccc.v'l

Lnrge sized barrel.
No. 4 gold pen, as large
as you'll find in most
$4.00 pens.
Smooth points and uni-
form feed make it what
it is
The Best Pen
for the money
Sheehan & Co.
Students' IBookstore
Get Vou~r R~oom

Exchane ........ Chares F.W icisic
Muisici............ A. i1. Ocrtmey
Woen.............tEffie J.. Arciccici
itucghcAllencFreanklini C.iac
Rt. Clare O'Brienc.
Georcge A. Osborn tHacold C. Smitth
J. Earii Ogle, Jr. iGeorg'ecA. Bareisc
icercis N. Scmciti iFrank J. Clark
Roer1.Ctancy tHenrcyA. Mcntgei
1). F.Stevonc Wal'cter Mtecbacia
Glennicc1i Brcacley Johnci F. 'Wurz
ticy V. icutl tFloydt11. Jones
RATES: $2.50 per pear, in $2.ice if paid
Address: WALTEARH. HANS' Busine!
Manager, 236 S. 12th Si.. Phune 849 L.
1<tortodacy--JuHN F. VtRZ.
Nocii.16--isloricicclrcitacl b11Profes(c
lcut c cccii.Srcooil f lMusic.,.::
Menri's i ccc icig at .illcin 1ci1
Rov WNO. licitilcicleai r
cclineeicig Soiciial clubii lc
; rc~cgcr's.
Nciv. i7Rergicits' meeincg
Secondicancitual bcanqucet of lMchigc
U'ciii.,cct gymanasiucms.
0111' clii1111)cmc'ting,.itRcciiiC. 4:3
19classridi iccititig.
Nciv. 18 \Oiccoctuuc vs. Michciganc,
Firy field.
Xciv.o Rio. I lericcrt L.. kcilet,
Chciacgo, ciii thei Osviyccic Ccci'
coursei ct Al. F. Chrich.r
Ncii. 23-4-M Cc'rlbtiarcicatc Cccccl-C
F-istChorcal t'nioci cert cc.
XNoc. 24--cIt-r-etmntit debalcccte b,
tccii e \talhccNuaciciilnd ciebster -(
ciccciiioomC, ccci buiclding, Stp. 1
Xccc. 2 -0 cciicl banqcucet Aliicigc
.01 iccicAsoiiicitioniofcDeAroit. Ft
ciii' rcilt clib, Dtritc.
Oblihnc v.cllihigccc ccci Frrv ief
No\- . .3s Cicic v. Atcici cci u 1cc

ead lyi(r nming, Ixtu. lmveet
yrCourtesy toi ourici itosanisical
octe moll fromiMison. andcletil ecviiry
Hall' appearcc' nci ci 1 yt 14+C arcpcc-i' ith
.' c cc cc 'ciclcc'~cc
)I1to:m t ictoy hefo00im
'Ilii'Sc'niorCoi un' icilisI an e a -
ty cfic'edfact.Aluchleacs cceii ccccccc-
ivicci. but moreirc ainscciitic beidccii.
ITeeic'cc't vsttus cithelii-nsttituttion iilli
thei'cuniiver iy isv et to ic icc' ti mi nediii'
iisex c poersc re cc to ibeidfined
We' lclbielev itait et ci ei cclectdc'lari
icapabcle cof fclllicccc ciii' hightrsim
M ccviiiseidicpion than.'liii'rc'alizcitionc cc
_ cocei of lclii' mcist c'r''ditalei' deals lta
chcs cit arvise mntice'studeniit body
dependsici onithem.cci TheiiDiily ccivbut
ceiiuggi'ticctocoffcrlIc. 1heccdliliirc-
ticions of teconcic'ccl cceccchclid tubtlicly,
cccasiin'cri'uty'halli, whili' ccv suet
mightcti t encitice l' iiitiiigi. cciid ccrei tii
ciiiutes iof evii'erycci''miee tgipulishedil.it
;or ii ccould c t clnidliio en clst ciece acid
30 viccicci c ii'c ticithceiystudentibcit . Thei
cc iudluc ofsccihci pubiiilcity 'i'icgnizied
Tlei mee tings oi cClciityCcunccc iil, fcr icc
ati itcanie. ccceopenctic thei'pubilic. W0ithoutcc
theConfci ideceiofltheiudeiniit cody ithe
Scenioir Councccil rcannotfutlfill itsi lic-
,an tioc. 'Ni beliiie thact tpublic'"cur cciii
wcciildi iinsri thi. confccidece.
at A;11011'. XVS FA 1IR11'S4

'.id it. She i iii ; il. tocdol her esic
ccccccvt. \VC haciyciex'cto'icncbutic
vCaepaing, and hetingor icctory.
Wei are going toclight t'cbest team i
i i t c cca stndii i'ic it ca lt- d le
Bet iiclai i s ici ga . f tucal
wil f ii ts n xtSatuday cc c'ii
lh ictory ovrcii i c W il
crn accgcc c rowd wittic We wri
Sur Oflc wiit;-.i' wllrech 1i
"it Saturdai y ('l 0 oning and ill1 li
i;' iR1COCT 'I ( I
il football'.i Ilani ofcc)iI icc ccci" iccfam
0y .1ccspecal ti de t hi w ek.Ileis
ci 'cciiiThe hon ofc ic i cccii at-
ic into s alii o th t Iecni c''it
iCctls ii al i a ig cvlc ;iR r i
(cihai coi cthei latter study. ci hccoaichi
:-le toocthe chi ga cacccrt i d
it on Naiii isvillewhih caaki
etersntme t icilitli ccii i ns id I
11cl. 11Ci Wsi <tvi arii lthe Vig i
full-ledg c ac h , icch ccli a
degre ofiiliii ciiccs, ainti t('1ccMilchciga
iac itin lcicicicicivdegreecc tocdefeat vihi l
team Whcciti cha'lichthifi ii- . i-ii
ioaaitc'c'l ccoa chiing. Itit ci cc w
co'leticc sc' cc h Ii Fl t Season.citi c~ci
i'l clv' 'ccciccc ciccil i ii io i ci i i
heaccr wtness tA cccii ct that allYc nth-

Banners and
for he
Wisconsin Game
heyour6cc displaty f clege cluors
ad yor ells
Bannrscivitcih ethecr(Od ngih
or lock lttc-, spciti
ictias at
75c, $1.00, $1.25, Etc.
Large ones, 1n1cc of higt da-a
bleiimciteical cwith mcothiepcce
int ticoccsicescat
25c and 50c.
The Bookstore that's never Un-
List of Lae PbIcations
HotsiDiseases of Children
Osler Practice of Meicine.
Butler's lDiagnosis.
Williams' Obstetrices.
Bryant's Operative Surgery.
Sahli's Diagnosis.
Nancrede's Principles of Sur-
Oppenheim's Nervous Diseases.
Lippincott's Medical Diction-
ary, 1905.
Cunningham's Anatomy, 1905.
(ray's Anaomy, 105.
Rockwell's Disectors (iuide.
Evans' Crown & Biage,7thee.
Johnson's Principles and Prac
tice of Filling Teeth.
Black's Dental Anatomy.
Blurchard's Dental Patholgy
anal Therapeutics.
C. E. Barthell
326 S. STATE ST.
Teerhne 761
A Fai' Face
dc'sfc'.o'' ot ('. ti eta T. DC: t
it fa:r ailad Oi 1 tttA2.v y-Im i-.
Alwy }tc ,

liilet a se io a i cii ''tud,
11111 lids l reis :
(duccilleg'ecsicill ccciii'togcethercrSat-
urdayi ian.ic ticmycci d twilb
sleeting d(iiithe two iitionsli Motci
repcresenctactivec' of clheNO vis. You cii
iocat n cciiccicthe lii y c iiosin
regardsi'cAiciganc. I feel ciyself as if
I wve'e'ctpin-g toc acfratenit'rccc'c' iccic c.
It cis't liccial'v vsuccessv,dbui ccc fair
11a1y acnii tra.iit-forwardi c'.ctreatmentdtha
makeslccuslrespect hleri. 'n l icitiacbout
how cweregardAll ii' iccc ccciiiChicacgi.
ccci civ' XC kiccic'thacciecare giins'gici toi
metgetemnEid wec areicccalciccd dccc
'cc'cins ccc'ciccgly NO's' reccls' look-
andc cc'sarec e~cviis ic cictig an hopig ito see

Inc tics'excitemeint cciiidccicionici-
dci i ihtdenttoth ibigmeScaturdiay, let ics
cnciiForge~t diii'conideitii oncii duecvi'fromci
usv toc our oiiut-cof-coiwncviiori. 'Thcc
buiness'v cciiiacnii tpeople' oflAttic:=arblor,

PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET ticsistudts ci nd cciii cicly toei
cii cccv cof thecrowdiiiiat Fe'rryc'ildi.caic
WASTEPAPER BASKETS , doi cicicictowa'crdi ccciingcutr vivitorsv
SOUVENIRS, ETC. lfeetccat home. T'osevcc ccwent (cccii
dccri to icsNiiiicc visin l tc icrieedcci
at- bic iy ciii grecat courcitesyshowcn
DARLING & JMALLE3AUJX thccii icthici cciccicof AMadisoni. OOe
Oath Phoses. 224-226 5. State St wouiild sviggcit t cciirionic whi ciancc

Thecc' gcr'ctd Fc's'cc'lc vp~ll
cciii cclm Calvec' -11cciii :viccic iiI i cc
N''ecicccvclcc. Ncccccccdccc 22. 1]O



'NO1'ivccccviiii giccasiaioodigliticig tecacmcWISHidoc10 :lii Vii hear hel c nd
wci iiththfinetlivsvlit ofCollegei'ricut ibe-1tcc icciiii'nightd.

Announcement of the
Students' Lecture Association
1905 Fifty-second ; Season 1906
-Jerome K. Jerome
Chas. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1
Jacob A. Riis - ._ Jan. 16
F. Hiopkinson Smith
LoradoTaft . . .Jan. 31
Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12
Pres. Alderman . .lar. -
SOUSA'S BAND = Mar. 30
Leland T. Powers = May 2
Oratorical Contest
Open Number _-
Tiickets for the Entire Cou~rse- $2.00
May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or teor Student Seller
Seats reserved-50 Cen~ts Extra-at S. L A. Box
ci., AVila Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30
SINGLE~ ADMIISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phonme-552
Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec

Harvard ill the Lead
T-he report of the Harvard Cooperative store for the year
is just out. Last year that store did ahost iess of $245,-
473.57. Afier selling goods at low prices all the year,
there is a halanice of $9,225.42 after all expenses have
heeni paid.
Harvard had 2,513 nmemzbers, who paid $i.oo membaer-
ship each, and TODAY, Noveniher 15, each nienmber re-
ceives his share of that $9c22542; or a cash dividlend of
necarly Four Dollars to each niember. Sonic of that
nioney conies to Michigan, to Harvard graduates. T~he
field at Michigan is at least as good as at Harvard.
Join the Co=Op

$1.00 to $1.50
hscIr Cckus aretlccbest madc
Chapman, 206 S. Main St.
Capital, $5i,000, Sarplus and Prafits, $65,000
Dcv a Gencral iBanincg Busincss and Fay
3 pc-crccint intcrcst on Tin,- and Savings
Iitepocits. Safety Decposit Boistrnt
act.0ad up wards
It. ides ta, Fees. W. C'. SCSTtrsc Vicr-Prer.
F. 1t. BEcLSR, Cashc. R. A. WnItLrAms Ars.
'ccc ?ripsra Foil s acs*
Chicago Buffalo Boston New York
!-Thraough Trains East -8i18a. mc., 2.40 p. ccc.,
4.---)c.1)-ci.,l.30 p. mc. 11.05 p. m.
LoasrEart-6a.a, .t10a. m.,t4.05 p..,
cciiti pi.
Through Trains West-2d.0e aci,, 7.5a.tin.,
9. Ica.tm.,c2.33ip.cm. 10.20p. im.
Lacals Wrst--221 .nm., 5vttcanm., *t.40p.
m., tic to p, .
* (tciiict Scundcca.)
Cosnectos ccv Chii'cge forS. Lotuis,
K~ansacs City ancd thcr West.
W. W. CASE. Agent. Ann Arheo-


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