The Mcigan Daily Vol- X\T1 THINK V, lichigan Authori Story of Badge' vere Injury=-Scr Varsity Yesterdi III shire of 11he11mum 11,1100.111 l cert of Glee Clubs a Feature-- siiaeGvn A oilett hchI ftlei 1111111111 hos1t0 1 11Details Are Perfected. ay. cl1 erin001' 11 nd1\-ic wiio1111oo l111 o ult svrdoooeSllati it, uh she.I. 101001.'10011 1 11 100111 110.011110 11 01113ly 1p11'v' the1 01 13001 "(,]let- 0 1ver 111' . . ' ttl lia o. 11110111 0111 S>110101, 1t1e1e f111 011 ort< III,-t'' .-1 cncti tece1011 111111 111 1o11111reee ' S' v~~ tc il hrhile01 and111 111111A. nll aborate1111 0 1101w1illbeosoer011d at 1f n elo 1 a pa-tca . Iti al -a irdi n 1 111 1111hall11(1es tay tl t11it t 111111b 11'" 'tit la se rvedl l1 by'l t01 e Ada1111111t ll ca 1f 111 ciet si re al u I \rtel o n int ll ltlesst 111111111 llcm t Icalthe op~nl hltc11cl l t te110111 c1 omt atny of111Ann1 Arbo11. sto ie 110 ds 11 1 lay fo rtee111nches. an co tins 1111a plc.- 11 it ilt1'1 t han ' Our modern0 gran11 1 1101111113' 'al1 lir, 00 d a1111t 11111111th1e11 I ll 1) 111 l 111r.11il the1111 bas111 e111 et l~tof WIterman g11t11 a11 11111 ttre1nt11er, 0 11 1111 li c o "- o f ttltlll 1 11 111 '~1this ie ,'" o l ser1wet m e it 1 a itlt titttit l t ut stt vt it , t oo- ll be1ts1e1to1y1s11ht1its1a111 I'llt it is ;t talsc1a I11c0tm1c t ac1l111sW 1 11111 I 111 .1tatjlltt 1 011 theei l. Ioc:t 1ma eil e fe tr1111' or t e v nt n Iv s1abea111t 1111111 11il1 lme otilt 1 tndittlittoedts oIttdlicteiltet tlt n~d reO'e i 1 ,11I few introdnctorv remark,, declarmI to le1h chcl 1r11e11i l11f111111 Ilrcl tu cl t t 1 re oatO 111 i sil letls w sen 0 alplls o ta u h a ctt.'' i''0lt'l'tllt tt e ttott be e- ltl 1 ,11 1 1 Ile1111 to all111 111 ,1( 1 t 11111 1111 itt11111s. o tt int1ce nI thertd tis fItlth ocas t nig t th t \\ ill, Yost s relly h ldin down the estcrl in:1 cltlrs so riefand1hat,1n ge eral astwll a;1the [';tlllc0ce111 thiotle e1r itt' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ in Tthey will1 (11 sleet at1(1111'"11111 t foar1111 l ot't'clock 0111' 11111 11 l 11111 )L L ttl 1111'toi toI 'tltott1 tt 10 .I 1110 his Playing in the ic i t tamIt he11111d 11111s000 tt'itowas theld tb 111111fhe tn n otgltwho1a110 ti the newspaper111111repIttsiarts 11i 1111 aoterth t ti was 11111ltit. had 11111110.11 111 11 I 11101 oti it Ito r i 11° ofpro i ttnc t. tin1111 Van- the sc°l:tso I 1e 11has 11n t ttted 11p1to 1h11 11111 littorte 11n11it tt rumore ithtt 1 itItnot make go1d.11 1ctt~ing cltt 1111m11it 1ma ittave11been 1111 iiItt that I 0 ie nii o ld'1be3 the11 ea111 t wtatit f"'- hnI to1111''t'Iftis wett theil. ''. 0 1 ' i t i ft vl a d h d v 1 1- o o .1}( ) v y r . C ( a1 1 P s tt . s no t l e~ttg t . i n g %M V;n ebo till is11interfere t id 1Nt 1 t ofth ttcrbs tnd lot-113111 otts ))} the vlallity't rolt m o r yest 1 11 tr taf- 11111111111 Ii w o aso It 1 0101 h 1111111ceItore111111 t akentotttiw ityh l~TtlI~tm 11otogotWee tosani'chlten tv t tik Ftt out otf th s11111 tima111eo lon <.1 iot ClLolltu100110thilhOficeio W' clte, o woot s 11111 bltortttgtett i103111 p: 1100 Oytonit eekFsow's'ttnt t haotit 131101111 auloldatrih ed. I t______e __n is o t ahof Ill l etattly otto Prfeso %venlttt~ t ll' tilortrait o ttain ted tr. T o Bach wenttill 01 vie11 oti1 ibt. 11111cy0 Ileilt1of 1 1De to tit tt (111111e 111111ft ogai an rg tl sye te to th u ierit y he'1Tts il Iteameto f tho ther1111 11111 o le11s be _hun _in _th librry RAW th 11ote tt liv100''itittci~~ttt 't" humored i ll'11t.11 01111 it li anls1l faculty.11M1I11111 1101 11111ytng in1113' idayil wiset0s' il tto 1 i1n0' h11111 vit ito thet aud1 i-t tailoses when wht~ttir lttd1113111 '1o1111 011111iIIntlyt 11111 thios11may''b1111verll t looked11illthe itce11101010111111 ole Garrels and Rowe Will Receive Medals at Michigan Union Banquet. olstoloti Dolls oo Wo Slao Itt Ceam be'patroizet Itot whoill'inS ..\tcbaI130 lack110 Co.will' furnih can1le sicksI Ittne1 fea1itu'ofthprgatatwl espeial11('8''ll Itrst hoewhti1l'ave8 1etsith1111101 rto w1 H bet t he. JoinA. 1.10e. clts. IThree00 010001sical oovoeions wil tt-1 to ll(l vc1.111 wto 13 it 1013'et 01uitthe e1111 '11 i io''ie as al o ick 11111101Ittbe hed at1 3'crst haldl t1is11 fternitto o tton it oltttttt lt'''ltoy i'leo 13Dly is ittltoeceipt ofI a tirectory Iolte1904 l111cl1110wichItowas 1p11110 JOHIN G0. I S 1111011 tttowt , isp t aohort tto.The I irel~Octory otttltattttoneosvof tI Itvrio11110mtotohets Otto of ite feotuotes o011e ihoi'otgantt tttt I f 1"heIPittbug(o'iztI~t '' t 1111011t0100 t hel IIIo t i 'atotgo'tto'o withithirto esett Lniitn tanqut tttmtotow i liieitthIt.prt.- 1tw i tl' ''0ll hepee tal~'tto'0 i I ttio drs. lh e t tiil.adese. ieo'o f Ite cltstcoordittg settion of mtdatstos10Johnnyt0 IGotrroe1101 tedal onorIVwas a1111011111t iteop111101 ' 101lo itrletth.e odiscus0 140 foot V to bhe okeltoe, teo'w110'oachingfot- atnd Flttyd Rowe, byth Pit ttsburtg"Atl1-to 1011 1n' tf'o't' b1111 a1 tll ltl 1Io 1 1 ItIas hseae 1113111 tt ota- of neootrace, records lat sp n. l0'1t" ii ii I k't't"'tret.oto nt he varslit. o tdtttitt..t ot r o:ok I f 5 oor the 103o'I Ia t 'enytl on lege, I'nd tttory Il yde Pottleosotn,choirmn tof itealoot m-010mI, 1 tte111111 etw1ih Cita131o10 orto-title evet.tat'txott.hLitiattuniversoty.