Tilt;MICHIIGANDf ~rTL [or Art aod Skill in Iailoring MON[Y LOANED Student Room Decorations Call n Ot W Unas.A Fine Collection of CallDonGlassan.he, tili v anit a i t e )iiI stens, smoking Sets, V. of M. souvenirs in Pyro- eit i 1 seicurity, graphic 'Workd, Pictures, Posters, Photo SAM BURCHFIELD & CO.. ClocksesJp , eChafing Ls 10i4th Ave. iiiiiiosi) Cit H)usDishes The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City ,i im i to Nwo i8lyi orBsmetBza 106 EAST HURONK STREET Buitness OSiritliyCnfidientiai M ACK ea COO SPA LD IN G'Q ANN ARBOR RAILROAD SAHLETIC LIBRARYS "Allen's for Quality" AND S EAMHIP LINES. No. 247 ' i Rednand Rates to aii Pirits for OFFIIAL OLLGIAT /1THANKSGIVING BASKET BALL GUIDE ALY FOR 190-6A L F N VACATION Edited Iby Harr-y A. FIslnsr Tran- Le-u Ara e-ber I~t-ce cntestisiiiiiiiis ofii lteun'olegiT a C o h i r.(iit. Nirh9.t) iiiii iand ki p m. trm~s nit hiesOisiiiecinords Exclusive styles and extra values in lien's Suits and Over- T e C o h e iiiisiiii.i i tiiiaii1ti i Pedr-i 0 CNrT BY MAIL Coats at the above Price is our speciaty ANS. i i i5 t i PRIE tutCE T YI L p3tM AIiii. Cie r iit,,.t;;e lAiiii rtMti.tto trl ht fiici ptrni ite fiiir ii)) Athtic F r-c i ellhhart -lS r H r< r ~ k A. G. SPALDINO ea SBROS. FIRST NTONLBANK Ntn ]itOK Cnii-As;Otins eN V SAs]+nane Isco NATIONALsohmre h fcly onllpsese t ompoia ctl ti 'ae op iiiir> i fcot Ciiittpsssceo o iii~iittiiii tl Of Ann Aror, Mich. FROM OTHER COLLEtESsteini of sprviio. wichtiriBoaststf itembters of titte i H . ''i'"Prs. i i -, iii 'tittit l'. BI L A D 0 FO OHRCLLGS te rfrtr-sor htici eannappoied twhenty ntonaities. Sonic f the con o.Sxx Climsn, Cai sier Bdisr i ;il ~.R i ii ( ii t.tttt f Hiswill thavei'Cit tries re~resetedl are: Ateria, lt;- ai tal iinno : [uand H d . 4o1I"" Successtrn in JA .W. REED, 32 S. State lhnt Ottnl ii())))tist 'eai. t' m t )egates fron t t0 itdfbatingiuninso Coiiony, ('ifa, Joan,India Auits)aliai, R w 'C L u r agtis ]"tel a e gwi lIettt rt e ipresentedt of te ictub is mon i~ut cie thundrited . 326 Fi ft A A PHOTOS FOR S tanodJmiore1;1(ithitti tiiirtnu liu t'' cos t-iiia gr a ttal tudeate.; willt ic-_he__ 3 6 .$ 4 Positions aat i ] Est1tet~a, i'iiii n; of'- pl fiteld i luaich'ott i'fX geiis.io tti _________________________ OLD MORRIS STUDIO ette, 1 te 'iandtit mrc o Tda mtit)ir ii) Itit Art 1 1n S. SM atn St. Ann Arbor tt Ittn ti-tttnii le i ( I ( litvit itlh t It 'it--' ui titl t ttrIe't tIcntl Jaltlsit t h itithw ,l la uo7thle- IN S IU ifA NCE t. o , B R E S O trg.o l c i'r ite i of ttirttu i ie game iof last Satiuriat-,'t'hetiethsi> Ge a le . Trojono-utski State St avad 0,gu - --ni- t.eItitsitdo tand tKanas, , ande tte t i ittt--titi-iieS.n or et EA L ET 10tA T E tit rumored oil good ___________thatliarbrilliant_________m___ ii' ttt~tt floettieatrntinterscholastic seaies.c(ttiAlasn. IA L F-T O 0 N ES d5 nd esiti'stiiia till nout) tnet ,t al't ii)tnft ig tc-ith'i iffhe- - - - -___ ag in n1 t i t tiillitit f l tii) 'te itetrtte weitt f katias Is 180. Jantc's:A. tetfot lit if),ha just and -iugacit3y -es-ti n b lt01311.3s m i n guuuuittg Co o lor adoi 17(),(ft ou ndttuis. Set-i-ti tittitiietta t tick. t'tii tiu e ife i . N 1 A L .. ZIN C ETC IN G $ fon the- cimtsumnifor t scc'ese' u inics is tueefoeicn s tnideren i - Ti o wnI u ant Counit- t'' Len. Iu-lis r years %61 no ithe tolr td e i t tth monandsrcs pr etU ied Sle unn at )n- Lower in Price ____ ____ ____ ____ __)P H OTO GR A PH ER Belen in Quality Alr lcsatHLERS Main Ask A. M. SMITH L A M P S sret ck a il 5K~S PE URVACATIGN 1 AnArbor savings Bank Bleoik No combination in Lamps--No advance ini price' t11flARIiONiC f0tCIIS'iff :. NTEIRA AE { TtuI Ln- tiscifitiLamp, tAn i niacetedwith Oghul Sateeach 1.50-ul o l 'Gia Peretonustaii lot)p,250 -it, f ptNE i BILLeIARt0tyai aaupi.75 Adress L. 1)BDates, mnge, 88PrPA ttnora-tLanps 5'nin etsiul X1i.i00tOto X4.5O eact. tfub .1;flo ictt,28) red. f -tupiiii BILL ARD S tiGlss Lamps frints t o Wile each.r/ E AND We el the best Lamps made and for less money than any other t 1 Y { ! /'Ghouse in this m.arket. lfSI ER's JoeguR oes="i, Moba St f K t~X Ji i~ 24 Soth DA ~ OAce Arbor lieencolege jges. ine, j, f Mate St. DEA -+Mihign E sthihd1$. uly L d i y"tY S. ROPiENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. AAe. ' f5 ug~vgd -5'"t-sWO.tl:g~o y -. WADHAM S C. /\Outt'magniicent display of C Ac , A PI s -- Suits, Overcoats and Cravenettes M/CH/GA O MMlfR RESORTS. tffAll the Newest nand u-to-idat Styles Ii ti:' , ti' "5 t i t o icee tue ine inn iii DETROIToLEVELAfND New Fal Hats and Caps Leant DETOIT, doty 1030 P.M. The gret t vetyotinuthe Cty Arrive CLEVELAND --530 A.NI. ~SIEDDEDW EA Fali Furnishings r.f.,'1 t I ui il ALWAYS IN SEA.SON Leant CLEELAND, aly 101 5 P. M. New thinigs coming to daity New fll Shirts, Neckwear, Mloves and Arrte DETROT - - 530 A. . hose ushIo enoy to thle fllii Underwear. The argest and fnest showtng of Meto's and Yong hI o ciii(tiii- 1"viih'itD. A C. STEMES tr smunthCle sports ant enea ' 'Trousers. Also a fn earieryof fans yvests A lare asotmt t 0f Mcta "o, aaoDt1,Me lin Ifoudo ieraizey ygapsi, 01 PastPetosky. Mi)wuko h 5- )ifis) m ia u eusctSuit Cases at Cogos autGeorginety a tit 1 ti mportalnceli o f propr' 'rt t-iLtt t ritistiMihlign:' ue li 1s. rod.Theaptin e of propSEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS ailtuthe needfo efo us tkeo: lDOYTRCIPS (icflingSofay hetoeen sty andstrensgtuenoifIl' DETROIT AND LEVELAND W~~AI~ ~ ~ ~DILY ecept Manday, JLY sit AUUST Shredded _ WAD A MS C O v.TLEAC W oeLTLDO, MoofodyA &DV~dysWo eTedays & 0turfs a y s 009PM Wheat Clever Clo4. The Newest Clothiers. LDTIoe it i& SThirsfysO P. *Weinsiays & Fiays 930 B s u t12 1 A OM . M A or Tisrp .errW ek*omnig un Biscit 11 A D 12 5. AIN ST. ~ orrlpser~ektleuilIit rit preisly ils slise reqire-- I 5iioii.iicr,iiiu iii tO ':IiihS1 51 . y u nenL or te tnreaso lauitis-. it ul~ l t t nii ut-inniid uwhih co~n inne isaenghee , n- in1 t t o r L11ttiitnii ), t'. tg anti philditicpopenies Adex 9 IN1L f f13 l rih stun ny cherniod.lewnitse DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NA. CO. quiredi for srungh, rnery muce on n isus t e 1'LEiXANDER & COMPANY Get Your [Zoom pareadsinrihnredoas wai s - scull wit, -eafas talsetc. cram~ways t h~s ee lubtyaaopepelaei-PO T A UR Decorations it hreaoituse Triscuit lie AlKn sO ht 1 wshle whueat craser, mhile) is AlKnsoPotgAphi Speciai Attention given to work WASTEPAPER BASKETS, fa nlinte sonbheait orois).Wok Itiscopact and easilycarrieitdr. for Amateurs.SOVNREC QWr" Tcastedt Tiscit"'ndtutu)R , TC t-beene'at- THE NATURAL FOOD IHENNINO BLOCK, COR. E. HURON/& FOURTH AVE. DARLING & 11ALLEAUX I COMPANY - - Niaara Fails. N. Y. - --- - Both Phnes. 224-226 S. State St WE ARE NEVEYR UNDERSO4D --GOOD YE AR'S DRUG STOBL