THE MICHIGAN DAILY GCo. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive tyles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special style for stu- dents. fy G. H. Wild Co. S 311 S. ytalto St. HAVE YOU SWEATER VEST? lDe you knotw how co(mtfort- sibie they are to wecar wvhen you don't want to bet both- or-d with an ovetrcoat?' Made of finest latmbs stool with tattons or with V shaped teceks.. 1sswhite, 'grey'or $5.00 and $5.50 THE MICHIGAN DAILY.' tEntassecod clstmsttat tsheAn ArborPastoffioe. Pubishd diy (Mondsys excepted) (tursng te oottege yenr, at 117 East Wahngton street. Sell phone 892. IHome phoe76t. Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS EiDITORES, Athletics-........Ctarnoe E. Etdridge Nes............Louis 1). Stickeys Exchtasnge...s ... Ctharles E. Wintetad Muhsic .........A. II. Oroceyer Womnn .......... ies J. Arsronsg E DITOISIAL STAFF. toots Atten Franktin C. Parts: R.. Ctaro OBrisn. ASSOCIATES. Gorge A. Osborn tHarotd C. Smitth J. Eart Ogte, Jr. sGeorge A. Sarnos Ferris N. Smitts Frnok 3. Ctark Rotbert I. Ctasncy Itenry A. Monntgnoey t). F'. Stevessns Water Metzenbausm Glen D tBIradtey JothntFt Wurz tee V. bttl 5Ftoydt t. Jonso RATES' $2.50 per year, or $.0a if paid in advance Address: WALTER R. HANS Business Manager, 236S. 12th St., Phone 849 L. \\ lltiltAV. NUtVIltlltO. 59005 Editor Today-FRANK J. CLARK. CAL.ENDAR. Not'. it-Histosricali recital iby Alber ILoctktwood, Fritzc tal, 4:30 t.-111t Not.t 7 -Regettts'nmeetitng. Seetond atttttal bsanquet of Michtigatt CUttitt, at gymsnasiusms. Nov.t8' s-Wiscosins vs. Michigan, at Ft-try fied. Nov.-t--ittter-tietttrtntsert 1dtettateite- tsv'ens .\lsstsNtt1satttlNVets-tersot cl'tt., rottt, It ivttiiling. 85.pttt. 'heisetudet t odVlylbie strry to leatitefthecitidtt t Cattaitt tt tiet'itststtt tf the \Vi'os.ssteattt. ltery- 3 itire anssilItisse ttit wottidi ie etter tos fee' thast steshattttl t agtnst th ie fttt stmztit of te Cttrdilst, rthter' thatn agin t- eakhenedl t esttt. iii restSer. apart ttfroth te etissscesittest, sitl.\Mich- igan ment'tstwilleatrit wit rt'gret of ass accsiesit tithc iel ii preimaturcly ettd tise mteit of 1 iitissecrtws to htavse tie ofi totttnsrowdi ten s.e Dalytswotuld hasrdlyt ativocate free-fo-st huttter- ts.ttail norganizastiontoftst kytt-.s -.ttts~ wh ote tmtottoshonutttttitio ttkeepllttige activts'or coleige itsest asnuikepthsie timntrt inri tmemes'-otf te tieof -.Iltttins-t totutof i. ttiit, oud edte a sers'ice-sitctw ttiicholdertste grtitusse of te n tiersit. 5 ttur ttiitsttfrisst, enr ss tior it ti inettea o try n_ t tpil' ttttfrtsststs'dent. celei ettttt.ichigan lottithtrit rytitdri-t ith hti m' isetf t pu ebl ise ssiat'eiterlit' ttd Oasth t st \ e snestttm s'tttt e it ine poutwitthetttlttge which iestet ltttt . on the subjeitt were ttt uibishtf r)uins'ts itsr Criistexprttt(tiftttyeatts stussgi hardlyttttstttrie tsetk \\'isie has5' Oher ttottutcorspossndent'cs ttti tiotns Io -the 555ct- tat n'55i si tittha si tttited Colltir's ivistd 'sits bortsit sntti er'. Skitne of Si tt tctat tit itt'Profttssi wit it \i ci dealtot susnseotheL ttto-S See p ilpi g t- t tiletss' et'te titt't- ifr. ttoritntitstreportedto havitte tfound ltstlesttti tsacitt' o1t at trihl d cd veil'buttt stiith'r i mingts upt se tttis emits' twoiiescststsen thetiteamt tuniverssits ofChicaotoestttt e trontis fos thritudeni ts'ho rsucoenlledsto work. s tt posesiedolutis"h'letictahiite.tIotlin iri te in of nt the siyt iidt'r uberotTi hett S Worl Tii 5 D5 tetsProttftssoriut'roliewsisieti be sieobingteitori of rie ttp'ercsliss t rtsi soriatSthetAl-dwaititni estttotn sf weita, fotetiemer ttif the tlettticsss st-rdHi tttticntoss wiesotn "Rsseeorttmin Atttretisinthetitttt'entltWenst Hi arttefes's mailytiiththetqtssi'nsoft fotibltlttit sttctsant tseturettsandtiitn suritiiits ite ittt taesiiwrhaot mttanyt itiite gard to stttt eanstingtesta"ote-n' byrtttessriigo r ofte stake3ss the sand si tt, alithgh.stsstestdensts ahsetssrictr egs' suthoittie t hav itse liatssttle titit this svery thing for yt'tr. Ittn summingtts upl "totle seedeirefrms.t he isats: ''Amastteur st t tuss t i tt' upon aSn acaeicMie si:t;. ittltiitts'retet' ttttn sois i tgt'attidetaring'tittotts't t t ittstt' t sontse ttt tti it' ttdtsmoney bitaS- ing tteir' atieticsknitli it sbn t - dole.tsh. itt' ett t stt ist tott iltsttt tile amte urs't5 sttustn fttt I rs ofsen St ttt r- tit' teasttn bon la EdeS.Ssituntts in gSit standng. T thi end et}' sple eli: 'gs'n its lesistsst s's' i'nlt t ire it tr in tth re iden tesre i esets tpr i t's' pat.ip tin in 31 roleis'itts' t hes ra isdto itose 'fuiiacadem (2)is5 nsr allnuctiisttsidstncn stssIa.n5 mewts e le tsstn si ts'-seuf the it 'ii disen' 5tho hateconituns'sh. b se~v tn ad itheif ctass workt iss ) i Suh lgslaitiinastfthiiy cots - eas55 i ty enfoced, itd itft s i t er isetoitce m ortio emgtltl emt(tii to 55aril their wit-tiroiihst--sits all Sv-cs s~ it wolst lea tiiti i- tthie'' na fide stlistt si isis no 5 itii t t ers seycoc i _ s te ts'. ct om highischot rcol egti t e .iiss s tntsn 5earn stitty tutring'. :\ ittthe case n stan ; the requiremC t''etnt-s vrit ng al ipont eeit i andit' t s' its tie lirt' tsttn s it.' its. n rse its t ii s np tis tltndemocratic 55'55'nar oft sits- sp r ifl tsegodteis ueiss t ~cl- st SnI s l ev s t ess' tti t he. ii elt legislatioi. ofthes woif dsi sits''matsenits tinS la whchmmnhei tt 5Sf iit thet n3-it in lit cetisin \\sisig t iss)it rii ('55 iS it hure th itt arpiotprac'tice 5 o's' n ve c stt lt-stts'' ifs sse .-ssss5i f hc n bs016 i9itoot matn - s s aichoolss ofs is tile & I. is t th is daig er t ha st te cnee steen 'itin erphtographeiry ? liealttize -tin advattt'tn istag s lks isgisstt f stita its T,.cs-A l isnd ts' es' ati 5st htis . -Sit-S sIe ssy achsi evdit's'io fr r istsephtosgap hndiris sma'dni itnhar- acteri n dssstpsesonal - iy na.lifetstuds-) t ic tillmeithing' ofthiti issproifethivs pirnit'n ALLEN. THE CLOTHIlER, MAIN STREETI. YOUNG'S HIATlS-NONE, BIETTER MADE. Banners and Megaphiones for the Wisconsin Game HELP THE TEAM TO WIN by ysosr ds-play of college cslor ansi eatrnyols. basnnerns wth icues'Old Enlish or btock letsers, special values .at 75c, $1.00, $1.25, Etc. rl'E(iAPHONES Larsge oesitmade of liht dra- tlemaesalt,1.woith mouthpiece: its twotsies at 25c and 50c. WAHR'S The Bookstore that's never Un- dersold lTI-ti.bisttsollr for all 'round srtst',.fit asdffhnistS A RROW QUARiTERi SIZES OFiii sihti Cis SE~' 15e.)f, ('Of/2; 2 or 25c CET~tI itI'ABODYiiC& C. isigetmae s o olrtd Sit He that Loves a roy cheek and a soft, smooth face uses nothing but the old reliableO WILLIAMS' SHAING STATE SAVINGS, BANK WJ. Both tk2sss. V. Seea Wmiii. oldSrs s It. '. C. Va lists J.:1. Wa'de 5:.s-'.tossss5 \. .. Ver s Johns11laarr .11.tssssaets PrfIS. carhssst Frak 5. Glaier -Christian SMarti ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.50 Fu.lly Gsaa-at.0ad Ou loartoCoceksoare Oe bs imade las- tetoeny. Fin~e watepr~aiing' aSpeialty. J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St. THlE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital, $5,00, Surplus ad Profits, $6,000 3 per eent intresten Tints and Savings lDe rastis. Saety ODeposit Bases 1torest at t-.00 andnupwards Ri. RaerY, Pes. W. 0. STEasoNS, Vice-Pros. F. H. SaLoon. Cask. H. A. WILLIaMs Asst. IAICHIGAN CENTRAL "'hYa.m igana Falls Rof' Chicago Buffalo Boston New York ;Through Trains Eact--0.18 a. in., 2.40 p. ms.. 4.55s p.. 9.30p.nm.1.05p. m. Locals lEasi t--6.0ens., 011.100a. m.,WO4.05p.., -*8.36 p. Its. Through TraisWest-2.0 a.m~o. i,258 a. ms, ti18a. mi., 2ta3S p. sen 10.20 p. me. Locals Woof-2i a.m., *8.28 a. mn., nI.40p, mt., *6 10p, m o (Except siussm.) Con'e'tions at Chicgo fist St. Lois Kaisssty ansithse West. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor Ii. s on ofnrc mst pin tathleites o 3 * ihi-a' nerss itufrsissen iscnstin. i 3 Students' Bookstoreinuetfenst.Oicuiis Olne reformt wshichls tobeens oeeed * on .sforiaisg tune is to lustte totsn row-is sis ckt hirsplasce. 'iteey teeth /[ j antolrIshes andfurishschi of the ] 1neyr [Loane og ouewihbrsdsredi~. tt J th u Ciersti. s moe flas'rantssbreachs On Watches. Oiamsonds or other ha lit comse so light. CNisentihie Dhito personal property. Ssts'surooters wuere goinitsdownueso tshue Watetieb and Jewelry repaired. sationssSoturdinis ighs itsnulies of Bargains in Watches & Diamonds y ,ntough ~sss ndauu cigarette fiendo tice ot retsetee Isis E. Liberty St amsiusedth lemstelive 'ss liiab s'ngshatsoand AntisArbor. ianduteS-s fromitheinoroiosites, esecialhly por:8o1 .34 sen1 In:0sis'rto frmthsie girls. it is a shaisne, nwhesn ALL5. 05055055 COrIDENAnL n. licisigs s ntdenstsaseetryinig so estabs- JOSEPH C. 'WATTS lisuea epsstaot frs onr~stsmanlsiihetreat- Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second' Season 1906 NUMBERS REMAINING Jerome K. Jerome IChas. Batel Loomis - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Riiafs - = Jan. 16 F. Hiopkinson Smith Lorado Taft - - - Jan. 3t Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12 Pros. Alderman .. f'lar. - SOUSA'S BAND - = Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers - May 2 Oratorical Contest Open Number - - -__- Tickets for the Enitire Course -' $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or from Student Sellers Beats reserved-SO Cernts Extra-rat S. L. A. Box fft iz :, ,Slain Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 'SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Plwn.'o552 Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec ,' Harvard in I-the Lead The report of the Harvard Co-operative store for the year is julst out. Last year that store did ahusilsess of $245,- 473.57. After selling gocds at tow prices all the year, there is a halance of $9,225.42 after all expenses hsave heen paid. Harvard had 2,513 members, who paid $1.oo member- ship each, and TODAY, November 15, each member re- ceives his share of that $9, 225.42; or a cash dividend of. nlearly FourADollars to each memher. Sonic of thlat mtonsey comes to 'Michigan, to Harvard gradnates. Tile field at Michigan is at least as good as at Harvardt. Join the Co=Op D ouglas Shoes GymesShoes WAH'Rj=The Shoeman 218 So. Main St.