Thu MICIItOAN DAILY Hockifig Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCEILLENT TRAIN SE:RVICE You will find Four Trains Daily~ 'From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night 'Trains Union Depots in Toledo and Co- lumbus s. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. &PENDYOURVACATIOII ON THE, 6REAT LAKES l-RTiP ShID TROIT D CEVEAN D Aie EVLND .5.0A.M sstkRIGicsticscihailtitlcccd i~cic,,uiicst.,,duc cI LeSeEVELAND, eB daNB 'of 1 ily 10.15 P.M.~ Are EROp I - 5.30 Ai. M DAYTRISiCLnEAVayEAeND DrieETROITAND -OLE5.ELAND D rI scet onayLY andoutU T LaveDLEVELMNDye day.53. M. LurvDETRIT-day-Av-5.das0BA. M. Sionne scti w ith D. &uC.ST AMERAC for aoiSt. Paul,etoskeyeu Milwaukeel Chi- cagodt e orgCian Ba, alsoT.Mytwith llRil- DETROIT AND CLEVELAND V O On saeDeverynday. &SThe Big FourA.M is Dte TonyseSwtunidey.0Pot. conneTios inWekCmmncingneat6wth though trns to alintNot e resorts NoS.9.AdS isareatble.Ir AnsE. Askor ars AASIAtZgen&..trowiteMah L. W. LANDMAN, General Agent IL TOLEDO, QOHIO j COOK HOUSE Opposite Court House Square FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 Stesm Rest and Elevator Alt night service SUNDoAY DiNNosEAs A SPECIALTY S0c Each i THE BEST ARGUMENT We can offer for your / patronage is we Stand back of everything we Sell. It is always right if it comes from this Store. Give a ~ iFIrmoment's considera- tion to these figures. MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS AND~ RAINCOATS from $10, $12, $15, $18, $20, $25 and $30 REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL 200-202 Main St. ICORRE3CT DANCING TAUGHT Granger's School for Dancing. Ground Floor on Mlaynard St. w RECEN'TLY ENLARGED 25,000 Now \Yor !s and Phrases New aztce "cfte World New Biogrxapicalictusionars' 2330:30 Ilsraios G. I(t_.1 i:. r:!viuS 4, C-:.acs. cI CIO , ubshers, Spreigelcl, Brosso. GET :IF E S The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stcki$0,0005 Scrplu, , 001 t Rtesurces, 0'.St0.i0t A GeneralBanking Business Transacted OFrI(Iis Chas. E.Fli-tic-i Fres ;W. 1). Hlarriman, Vie-I'es. Ti. 1I1ritz.trashliir NEW... TAILORI'NG -N- -AN CLOTHING PAR[ORS 11$-120 L. Liberty St. New Dieterie Block. We sell direct to you at Wholesale Mill Prices. CALL n AND BE CONVINCED RANDALL PHOTO GRAPH ER BILLIlARDS AND BOJW L INO S. ROT IENSTEIN, 707 N.:,Univ. Asie. I N SU R ANC E Geo. J. Halter ft Co, Ti cii-sr ohos.i weariiiilcci,.atc5 REsA L ESTATE DEU~RI[S ART STORE wuiiCo Sictolil ss j Photographer RENTS CHLJIR 319 E. Huron UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Metinii'ofiiWiscollsul clili at 7:30 toiihial ii lpha Nairooi sit c nGise,,sits hal leciocitof cficirs anitu a lii i- iticitic ficrientrtiing Satirlays guetsc lI- (7G.Killeencirlusi assistait illith vitca l depar tmew fth le Uiversiiy Schciiil ofiNIMuic ildlassistatiAonidulictor ci the Clhor-al Uniii tisarngeduto jii Shldiii iallii Aniiliiclass In sightsig iug liii-tle h'cutft- hoi iicsecwhoiar nn bletoatitind hi iiisatroclase.i This class isill miticti lulivs ati cecii oicliick in riiciuuc1i. Schiool of Musc Graingeis icademyiiuofi l lltcitig is I()- riaed o'iSuMaynacidsictireetleblic- wsi ofi Stait sitreitsilicAs:cA-sidecleand-l a '-ci ls clb roiiiiis ciaeluildiing. 71cc illiinter is ini cittiiidaice idiurig alldac ingicites, Mr.lciiigeiiakaiigcg aire of ite Atechinig deiciciiient. 'T's-e cisc- sideicng lie ciiljesci ofidacliitiig aere quetedtocll ati -s imeiIiothiiecrithani asellc1iil houIrlss All clcassesii dncn iiiii oipein. Jiiiii tle C lias aiii tm The teiiiisdacts withillu firslesson.hh 1115S' --A lidy'siiiiiting casgoild watichi. Seth ,T'iioias itiaketlaick silk foib wiithi gicld bac. Ufiuulcc ileasc cliiat 3< maladsret- 'ctelepihioie 529 , forccreward.l4.1 Glasses cceiaiccd. Eyes carcefuilly flutedl aisiltested. G,'ORGE 11?ALIER, MaiSt. 1(1ST- 1 in, cubiles ancd peacls. Findirieiiurnito 302 5 ithi- ewaicd. 2 HIatmbcucgecs antd oilicc sandwichsiat the Night Lunichi Cafe. Openscday atid iighti;ucrdecs taketi by photie io78 L. 301 S. Stlate street, fcsi cooriothibof I Waguecs. tf C AIlEN, T'I-I CI,,O'lllhl-A. NI SIN[ t[ WAEAR, HOSTFI-R'Y 'NIl(11,t\71i-S FOi)RElNo ITheAtnniArborciPress (fciciii, isPar. kec & Snyer)c, prcites of t'le 'iicliti' ii Dlaily,'liii Alumictius.IlaiiiderYocsts gret o nuot liii a lill.hii- 'TAcl iiciS. C. A.lhandbooak, ec, ect- ie pinitec- tci thec stuiieiit bodyl i17 EU \Vashlu' To street. tf 'AlLEN, 'ITE-.CLOTI IIC-R, MAIN ALLEN, T'I, ILO 'I I R 75MAIN S''EL'i'. uooo AND) $i5.0 OVER- S''REET. BES'l' VAI,UEIS I N S;IllS ((lATS AI AT VI$20.00. - AND)OV\ERCOAT'lS. l~Iicet ei ry andic tilWa~utchi lRepairs. ciicc cit JecvciA) Storc.. If youciare aic ed ti a fiie hair of shoes oubb llecs call at Aprillis shoe siiice, 'a'lsliion stceet. cciiitf lii 1111- r iair te hsiial. 'Ile- 111111a0,,_ l'hlc ci-eturcil ldi ur rCecird. 42 Mlichigan pins, lobs aisd spoons. HALiUR's JrscyVLiSo, MaiSi. Sils pcessed, 25C;trouisecs, ioc. Fullec & O'Conaor. if Try Phelps' Perfectiinchiocolate putfs ad cipilsiat('usinug-'s pharmascy. Salii'fctcorctalorindg aattcilisfctol r\ prict-. Ecullec & O'Coorac . (Ill) P.!i - ilim street. tf I ildceilis geiine e I ci,tiicsss a Ctislliia'c. 'ALLEN, 'IUIE CLOTHIER, -MAI N SIERLL' 1(i'i UNTLI 1' L ,Oy1,5. If you a relilt iparticuiilr, gil icc li iilillilralih-r - 11111if you111aSI the11 ii colrie tillexae r 11-c & Coi.- lilliilA block. 111d-t11 Studenis' laisps altDeaiin-&Cc.'s, 21r4 S. Maisireet . So aindi$2.-;o. Best lampsiss acity. if uatchi, jeswelcy 11111 cc-cglalss repi- ing biy sillecd workmiienl. I IALFO's1'S JlsiiliSSillac , '1MainSc. IOnly tihe Best French Glas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. la .fVlea th i lst. } =AT. MANN'S D)RUG STOIRE 213 S. Main St. Campus B'1arber Shop 0. A. MOE, 705 N. Unisversity Ave. The Wise Ones know when they are 01n to a good Afe PaigYu Tito Fe - ~~~555~~ thing; that is why otir customers Afe PaigYu Tito Fe ray I C stand by ns. They have given ouor The next most important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- I ~ work a fair trial and we htave prov- tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select- en onr ability to do the best and' dwt h totcr o .o .M N vrtigi o -- ~~~~utmost careful latondry work in edwtthutotcrfoU.fM.MENEvyhigsnw S town. Let cus prove it to you. A ready to be seen. Upostal will do the business. TAILORS VI VrstyHATTERS TO niEN He nry and K e LanrvURIHR 709=711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. Q7). 117 S. Fourth Ave. Both Phones 928 WE LEAVE ANN ARBOR GAS STUDY15hoNvebrLAMPS Call and get your Stephens Pleading and Keen's Cases on Pleading. We can save you money. zrEtc. $ .0 E C Carried in Stock r100 Cadle Power tort1-3 Cents per Hour. CALLAGHAN $t CO. Save Eyesight, Mloney and ITroubte LAW PUBL1ISHERS. chiea,1 N R3o A O ANN ARBOR BRANCH, Steste St. Opp. Law Bldg.AN AR RGSCO ALWAYS AHEAD IN S'TYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORINGi