TIlEt MICI-IGAN DAILY Leading IMERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special style for stu- dents. Wild SG. H. Wild Co. i 311 S. ytate St. HAV E YOU A SWEATER VEST? TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY. Enterd asscondeclasmtlter tth e m Arber Postotier Published dail-y (Alonasexceited) durin the college yewr, at 117 Fst Wasthinigton street. Bell phoee$92-.IHeee shoen76. Managing Eitoir, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS EDITORS. Athletis ........Clarene E . Eldridge News.......... eIe uII . Sticktev RExchangs ...... Chalet E. Witead Musc.........A.It. Orteseyee Woen ........... EffeJ. Armctroeg IIITORIAt, STAFF. Iluls Allens Frasklin C. Pers R. Clars OBrie. ASSOCIATES. Georee A. Otsbn Ilaseld C. Smiths J. Earl IOgle, Is. Gerge A. Baress FeriscN. Smtiths IrakhJ.Clash Rcberst II. Clsncy lstspy A. Alestgeetesp ID. F. Stevesitns Walter Metzeenhautm GlenI) Ilradley JhnssF. Weis Io- V. 'Ibull Fboyd IT. Joess RATES: Sateo per yeas, tr $a.ee if paid is advance. Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager, 236 S. 12th Si., Phone 849 L. T UkliS. NION .ElPE I. 91 Edites Tody-D. F. STEVENSON. CALENDAR. Novs. t1-- 'fIssissg ofiii \Cscssin sib .. 1,01Ii vrsityrslrhasll, at 7. Novi. 15 -Ilisliricl recitalby lv Nberi I.sLocwoodl, Frieze hasll, 4:30 Pi. I. Noc. I7-Regents' nceetincg. Secoiisd aetillblatnqtuet of Micihigass 551011. at gymnasciunms. Nsiv.III-Wisconsisvs. Michigasn. ai j Cer'ry field. game. At Derlry i ie liithi-e sulihieach- essholi-ihesuwicd-hackia ort sidios- latformin fi rontoti he li sasu e re smallsitdigier thaithisbandilaslt form, .fis thele cir f lbshe crisg. lisi arransgementss 1iiusldiienabsleiseier- mu is essics ach telea derils. Iil its diion thi st-udentii-werersmassein-illia secionsiat. all le gmsiarendsmll thiceinigiand551siigiig couls notisislii i.s csc~oStagg clamsi- th fn Veas thatiii IPsisissplaiys-dIOilisthe I ilic- daecolg ceensold 1not coiunisi 16ah. I ii hiis s s s 1'ecsi arcriil 0sil a mancouesil laSitfsrssrssiiithe .\Msrsson "Amt thisslse marSioid il isiewer lbs Sisis Noirisiss col,"ssl siCongreuss-e mian li Landis. o ut htbd-hr Wesugettht hepstae l atisis-i si ugcussid i the. li-iisse oth .SichigsansClasioisi. Ilsh ipperactall Te Inlanderspecins conclrn isis the ig- in i of thu nisis-li wi -s, ike iii iul"'ar ll -iiissi. ThI i ly dbe this-ushius- 1 si- ofs-ishsIir s-s PORIA15.ONIF C 117k.m CNIIIN SIRIE,'S Tus Choisis- io n isseesisf iicncrs- Miclsh bsigiN is-u iiissi 24ithiis Pittsburgii orscheisi-.iscs-isimg ithiscs-is consider it ito Isioniloisi-s tris- ngieste s-si-i s-- leaderhis psis all old favritesi in Ann Arb-os-sishileis. liii. ablitiy asi aisisi sis lii 'oir s isy apeisitied.s ele-i issi , te slsss1 iis- i sis iiii sissis sisis ii-lisreis- l ccus- onDecmbe ilil h eardiiiiiiin 516sou"5recial.iteipro "ra t b lrgl ofiichard -S-russi.In AtIreen . ssIisii siis toinisgisitihs east iheresise issrade s oeIfI h si-iluicis who ss ials arcsdusei f r ih mss iiis iaisttoeiities cotysi thi i.isisear isiRaoul siesess cill hasii Siv stiaNlishedss lhisifamerinethr scsuntriy icissiseIis rgasrdedls-sI the grats is rli- ciiiviets o.is csl i issi iTheitwoirksilto if \es ented iheitie poplar El es ofirssserd i Te 1i-i-is-s aise sorltIsi ocasion I.-NB 111117 ST PEI5I SIIOS FO1117TI II 8 55171178 EVENTS (Coiscuiesclfroishprsceding psg.) W~iss- itshascstairsedisisnih is sing pannedi hn ingtipi ind,1.alishouglitsaccop tanc~ e i i u i-ssie u tlatter shsalf. of hisip he would: i rhis iisss trsisi i being lpresit atitheii-lg slisisIss - is ani intesrstinsg seaker andis arming kAseuandelr 11rummondssi , this grati Cii Wite to s I i ii .Arbor, si I I hs s uncs-i SI, is ikii fr ilsisi.ch- I i is i alect5 po m, ss Is leis - is a sua~sisll isissy s issi atrc ive sei-isisnd isi isittcc lil Arborsill he a15remembereids-i-sois.5-- lies His. Jolss 5. Ksri, 'l>Ii is of liate orte i e r. 'Mshr.es-s i s all5 istale ofIndiisiana sMssKrn sisllssiss i si-elr!Ls -asi-g- toai' lres-sus iss hisnd.iNv\ ibleacheslil iseedansiii\g\osso lissilbox suscastrsis 1;ea1sciiilIaliithrs-dollirs.A te-senisil of the ssisss-l sanisisg bises for;.oo 'is-is ybl eac ii h rs-i ost theis-- 55 li ilisl one dollar a scatsand s-isicsi 't Isiissnothing to e madeipingu h sss-lsii i s ni iii ilisto ui- issuae ilsis s-sIicsly hisrica ita Abr Iikwo IS~ImmC'sI. ~ccurS, \ ded cesntsyiscomposlrs iscluing i 1 iiisi is-is is i c, s isii-i ndsisiisissi . Tl Bach iwho iili us rspssesisisi iy li" liiids tuhei.lii atsia eisi C sinissans isinu ib-er of6 isius-s-Iisssss-ssss , FrmIiscli-stheI^ minorsvr iai,tit bei plsysdasniithliiiatsiafei\i iaris- i siill asoleis reinideriei d.-i Iamcu sisic --ici i i-si uh c isis1daSIis accordeit ni-s i cn laceisoniithe best- init ne i\s rile. ThesDetritsi papi-e, is blie bachloriosits-irissci sissndihatesAirsd isis s-is I .iiaid a life , toisi of thi De yoss knoiw how cosifort-- able they as-c to cc-ar- when Ikcert ysl NI{icliigsss sismsa ut lussssy you don't ccant to his both- iseuried1wiissregretthe issuiorgasizionhis 55-.d with Cli overcoat? Msade ofiIleschecerinig atSadysirl egaise.This offinecet lamsssb wool with Po iiliupport i-is thess ites cannot55 buttosinsir withs Vshaped Justle slalmsssuo hieIls-iistudeitissuy. I-iws e imtho csfascts; thast iiiyell- necs. In white, ;trey or lislls-sir-uelsssllstci bius-i ss- iito sld tocs-peole seresminsgleisi- issisihaely ccithi tis- cilege msui td $5.00 and $5.50 15n o itssptiniNoircrsocii1 c(ss adtoo hises discs countsieeslzensischasrge. lNI cii- -;a ch crig suldhalesbien si siegligi- midta tn ime diurs isnug lie seson Shaheetde&p layer shivedteescousrage- Students' Bookstore meat-stheiy-cdeservedl. Strencuou stempts ha esiessmaes-his teithiniesgs, lush at sino ulisice savelscy beic essth anIbu rI llysucsesusfusl. 'Ilis IDsily soessnts Get Your Roomc hli, ha MchgnWrnae akn inloyaessi lstyin ssis nincsdgthat thestu-l Decorations detwilceradsg;stfcory it gicvn hssthe opportunsity. 'Else followcinsg PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET sugsgestionis e .t5hereforifred : 5h5 ise issi theiseason1 oplensexstsifssiIeIshe WASTEPAPER BASKETS, .Sicligans Csion celect usslief cheserinig SOUJVENIRS, ETC. msteer. ulti.stillshoiusul posgsssioo st-izarfor tisse asidsbhisfull if eniergy sissd .5 s-s~~~ntusisimi.Hes-hoi-usld haesscullfihasrge DARiLING & £IAL..SE.AUXI ot ll hesscsheerisig asinsginsg lisussghi- sth Phones. 224-226 5. State s Sit this csai, botshsat51sts etins.asci Students' Rooms Furnishings ,JAPANESE UFIBRELLAS G-iineit- Ians from 5 ,5.5the ing tf nurroom 'T~eir i stielring ad uiu.5555555eriiie ci i mpasrt an air of5 rearm sChu uasdcaiey. Wecan s-i-shli th m i svrl ses.Ifromsthreeto t 30c, 50c, 75c. 90c U. OF M. BANNERS II cfng i s ud locki Leste es 1 ii-. 75c, $1.00, $.25, $1.50 $2.00, Etc. W A HR'S The Bookstore that's never Un- dersold C. E. BARTHELL'S List of Late Pblaions Hlti's Diseases of Children Osler Practice of Medicine. Butlers Diagnosis. Williams Obstetrices. Bryant's Operative Surgery. Sahi's Diagnosis. Nanrede's Principles of Sur- gery. Oppenheim's Nervous Diseases. Lippincot's Medical Diction ary, 1905. Cunningham's Anatomy, 1905. Gray's Anaiomy, 1905. R-ockwell's Dissectors Guide. Ekvans' Crown & Bridge,7th ed. Johnson's Principles and Prac- tice of Filling Teeth. Black's Dental Anatomy. Burchard's Dental Pathology and Therapeutics. C. E. Barthell 326 S. STATE ST. Telephone 761 The Only Soap that won't smart oT dry on the face. The only soap that makes shaving easy. WILLIAMS' SHATI? G ALARM CLOCKS M $1.00 to $1.50 Fr-..iy Gu~a-ante.~d Our Dollasr Cocssasrue thi set imad ftrhsresny. iss wathrepi-ing 5 tspecialy. J. L. Chapman, 206 . Main St. THE FARMER~S AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital, $5s,0s, Surplus and Psofit, $6,000 Ites. a Genieral Basking Businss and Pay 3her cet interest esnlistsad Sat-lgs hepsui Us.t Saety Depousit Bees to reens as T2el usd upwards . Kestr, Ps. W. . SEves, Vie-Pes. F. R. Bmsft. Case. . A. WILLAs Ast. %LCHI6AN cEInAL 16eNasgara Falls Rsute " Chicago Buffalo Bosston New York Ifhrsagl Trains East--818a. , sll.,2.0p. ne.. u.5esc us.,ee.:5510p. sm. li.t5p. um. Lals East--t6-esa.um, l.10a. ms, *4.05 p.ms.. 165555) I.us Through rains West S:u0its,,~ i.58am., 9.he a.tu m. . u.. 1t0~.20 .ts Locals West-274 a. is, 5775 a as., *1.40 p. m. *610 p, . s * (EreptlSiundsay.) Conriectiens at Chicagee.tess StLousi, KasssCity uand thee 'West W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second. Season 1906 NUMBERS REMAINING 4 Jerome K. Jerome IChas. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Riis - - - Jan. 16 F. Hlopkinson Smith - -____ Lorado Tuft _ Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12 Pres. Alderman r -liar. _-_ SOUSA'S BAND - - Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers - May 2 Oratorical Contest Open Number - - - Tickets for the Entire Cou~rse - $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or from Student Sellers Seats reserved-50 Cents Extra-at S. L. A. Box fiuc,lMtamn Corridor, University. Hall, beginning October,30 SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Pitioit 552 Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec WHAT THE CO-oOP HAS DONE -Before tile Co-Op opened, the stodents of thse University of Michigan were being charged otageously high prices. If the Co-Op were a ocose tomorrow, the old prices wonld pro- yaill In many cases they do still prevail, ot- side of the C:s-Op. Our prices are very lowc, ox-en to non-members. We buy Books, we ell Books. We sell Furnishings, Sta- tionery, Novelties, at prices consistently low. Join the Co=Op B ILLIARDS STIMPSON. & STIMPSON BILLIARDS