Tilt MICHIGAN D)A'I ~' ~ ' THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G . 11 W~ild Enteredas seodclss nailer at the Amn C o. Published daily (Mondays ieeted) during ths.e llege year, at 117 East (Washington street. Bell phone 892. Home .p1hone 76. LeadingManaging Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS MERCHANT TAILORS EDITORS. Athletics ......Clarence. E. Eldridge Ne s.... ......Louis 1). Stikknev _____________________.............g. ChaletsE.Winstead 11sc................ A. I1. Ortmesyer . . . . . . . ........... Effie J.Armstrosng ED)ITORIAL. STAFF. The largest stock in lugh Alles Frasklin C. Parks the City of exclusive 1R. ClarOBrics. styles in Woolens for ASSOCIATES. Gentlemeo wear. Of Gerge A. Osbsosn IHarold C. Smith high-claos fabrics cod J. Earl Ogle, Jr. Geocge A. Btarnes Ferris N. Smith Dcank J, Clack special style for stu- Roertssl 1. Clascy Ilescy A. Msntgoerey deots. It.I4 Sssevesoss Waltcc Mstzesbasum Glen I)ncadley John F. Wacz Roy V.lbull Floyd 11. Janes SRATES: $2ass per year, occ itos if paid in advance. G. H. W ild CO. Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business r p Manager, 236 S. 12th Si.. Phone 849 L. ,V,:,_ 311 S. ytate St. - U ciias x Ms pctll HAVE YOU A SWEATER VEST? Do yen know- how (-oot- aiie they arc to w(eal when son don't scant to ha both- er--d ssith an oetrcoat? Made of mieet lamibs wool with buttons or with V shaped necks. In white, grey or hilat, $5.00 and $5.50 Sheehan & Co. Students' Bookstore Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Offie at residencee NilE. LibetySt Ace Arbor. Hears : 8to 11:30 a. c., 1lto3:3 and 7to 9 p.i . JOSEPH C. WATTS h"ilir tia- Fl .OYl) IIJOlNES(. CALECNDAR. Nov. 12(2 1 linicietcing of World's 'seek of Fcayecriat Newbercry tall. '(ov. 17--Regenls' meeting. Secootd anneal bianqueet of Michigan U'nion, (t gyminasiumsn. Novi8-NWisconisiii vs. Michiigaii, a1 Ferry field. .,UI) l1'l'l IFS SCOE.)FORTY 101INTS ON 0 11STA6TE (Coiinuiiict fromn precedling page.) IoricOhio. NWarire a in ~icolnenisee outi. Jone(is going ini atiqiuarte'r. liar- lowl made a tou1chbicliiik of 0 . . lis kik-ffandSt(sari ((((d((uttoilenlOios 2-yr edin., tieballbeinig returediifi i- tce yrds Oiofailed to gaOin anil Kirby)1punieditwIentyiveisoyiiris 1to1ao- low whlietu6iirneito 1tieicenter of itic fid.NlAftr1T111Flammond sseciiieight, Siiiar1tipantel to their i2-yardllhue. Taitaing m t iry utedlilbut Clock bloced te hll. Clack then carried thebal iftee.( tStuart six, aid wheii C lickfailedtI gin H-ammnd de1(0a lineiplacIkick 5fromiithe tiq-yacdollei. iTheI(((lture otoegai a snc theline(xt ta-Ie. Oio nite111011a trick and Act- era tkedl\ Nbur-y for aofis-- yad os. Warren droppedl hack for liplace-kick. Balogot eeii ive yacds ibhinthe ioalnieiintanct 15 yacids for a.i (liioiililiiswithtperfccit ec- ference by C(arrels. laitaitotd and Stuici. JioCiiruis lielid tle bliifor Ilnmn 's ol. Score, 34-0. 'Nonion replaced hiimbs and(11iEzpat- ock istted Bariow to quibutiithle qua(1rterbacik relased. 'tMichigant worked he 11al11back 1fro111the kick-eff, aided by Star, b-alld1 p111. Nckecitin maea biaifti to'kle of Kirby ona dlelayesd pass.lOhio lsig 1(1110yardil. 'Thev-eadsecte on a lke fitmblle, ithir ca-i faligeole al. ht lst 1that (1116 ive sore 1for a fortsardll a-s. 11(0y pouted10 toi tle 40 .1011lne. arrels thon got aroutndilrighti e(nd1fora 40-c ((i toll flor'a lto lliloil.tiii'Oitiii n ot e bengalet tclean ol im 1;n mnikd a o a ((0 i 1,itu Kanagt weni in plce .f H 110n '"sie endnthithii the (lbatll ot Ohio 3i-ar i ne,1(11 Sliat iii lii i ted1(1(01i - lhe.lieti p (tMichiIanlo. Oi '11(1(11. Curtis ........L T Bindxle,(Call.g I in t- tctN. il L,. G.... ... (1(sf 11 11. Ha-1 tua Sisi Fe.... ster1 Barlo,.... QI1.J es-cWarren11 ,Patrick-Ciarlci-..I.81(1111..-So T1. IHtuuuud-Rue- .Id..... . If. H.. ...iryv ((iou' '(dm-. . . F ..... . icoen mon. Referee SWabride. Lafayete. RMI)\'IWS'INS CR61SS under (le (ilsile iiifitheCr111' C ol cli., lod 1Rowe1,aain ame(1(1to1thle fonst ittifw1(1(1he1(co0eted01irst itte rize. Ciescue se~coiltime ub 1010 race1' (1(5sa follws:c Plae 1511(111 M\aloney, (irt, Ihsi scond1 lim( win nets, Rowe, firct, 21.22 ('Ia,seod 21.24 ltii, itirod, 22.0. 'Theorac e resoulcoulitself i1.61a1 c- cessilit of dlual aeellbetweenidifferciul one( of1 y'terda's l iii(etc ad tofih haIdto secre his11placelsd0(o11(10 themc (61:0 (ire soof (is0p1aclitftliieit frthe tape iei.igliiiitgafi('il ov fi rs16tlii'i 5 place, )nit tet -one lin-06 tleader 1116Isand b1(1sp(11 edto11their utmost1 '. 81(111 teniiyards 601(11mtofitist 1110v w1000ntootanidintok atd 1ran1 sotill witiniai couple11Iof(1ya(11s (f 11(e'1(111, IHardly h11te1 tpe1 eeIto(16 101iei wthe 1(111t Uivrras. 1R11(10ad Co stre in telad andifeach sarin'f(1111hi est ito pls(le othler. Rouw 1had1 a1little advaunag'ituidbrokt'iie(tap(1110irt, switi ('o1 11(1011atihi.a 1eels.IBotoen wsee' coml~tiietely 6xausteds'from te irooharl 'Iethiirid itt laewas -still unset0- almottesinnslilltaoultiitfionttbehiniltheo meth 11all theoway tip uste Unoiversity, a56ma1tti of iet. .1166 1( (11 wcii lie tiiveiite oileiniiaii of 6'. C. C. 'If to place(1100 i ((1( are the(1611111 ((10( thisyear6to1ain the11iroiC6's, ac ill thtin'(11e noen aoiuoo d thew1 (1(. 'ITo Rwwill be given01 alc0p111d'ithiiright lid haviing his i((liiiiengraved l th1e6 largo. Wright. Kay ,-;C16 (-ill)1 .6'oe rind Mloneyll wsill bothtreceive1 lOplifor ec- ond( a(1(11thu id1(places 11All16", i 111h ((-(16- wlliri vei (C.iC. C. ii fiii s. 0T06.hu therwai jstrigt(orth solie (iiof 1(1e golf lii lo i awfi l rim. Telinks'lplrNildIa-i tmbin bic lioiii lited xi rae hyla (1(01 11.1 1- to stairtlati 10 :3, ad a 10iii i itpat thetwo an 'on -l f1(1 101111 111 1pre- feingNtoIgo ithhCothNeI'l'bunh.'Il( o'hes we. 116 tated Ni ih sccl Benict anliiidIIhle Id ofst i yeJ rbut n t ih a d i ,itwis pice dfxtie55lu. 5T11(111 we1e1more compituio. il (6"lace cwere1not"cut and( drie bfoehandipo ll tllth C6'11(1111 II00 1) ll Ciiu i iiiln 1 had aniilgi Students' Room Furnising's JAPANESE UfIBRELLAS GiI o ' lue to iam', fr'ne the i'c'ilig .1 -o.ur roomui. 'T'e'ie'rchi'oioring at (-hrceiOic" des~ignii t an air of0eu1 30c, 50c, 75c. 90c U. OF M. BANNERS idnll s it anI dliB loc oriii I i x 75c, $1.00, $1.259. $1.50 $2.00, Etc. WA HR'S The Booksore thai's never Un- dersold and l off likea a coat.' COAT SHIRTS For marsing, afternoon or evening, they are alsays correat. The fancypatterns are made from original deaigna. FAST COLOR FABRICS $1.50 and up CLUETT, PEABOOY & CO. LAGS aAKssasEsRSaSIRSAND ticklling. 1). 1). IdKntp(hu l isscc I,.. A Sithli. . Pwrs Nis . ,lui; musi--J (A. 0Vor, 1J. 'C.lilers ,I ?. S Feterisoni. '. 1).lRe'inig"ton,'T' Sul uuu- oe nit.ucx wttit, iT, . P'Ili ek.a l PENNi6'l'Ttg i ii 1' 011(1(111 Ill I i iguatsterng-wlll 1(otinuetlc i ugiiini the Quaker stateO 1i111bheiteicuuiuio I Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 NUMBERS REMAINING 1Jerome K. Jerome Chas. Battetl Loomis - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Riis - _ Jan. its F. Hiopkinson Smith Lorado Taft . . = Jan. 3i Frederick Warde - - Mar. i2 Pres. Alderman r lar. __ SOUSA'S BAND . - Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers = May 2 Oratorical Contest ----- Open Number = - ----- Tickets for the Entire Couirse - $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office se from Student Sellers Beats reserved-50 Cen~ts Extra-at S. L. A. Box fficas, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phaot~@ 552 Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday egceptec WHAT THE CO-lOP HAS DONE Before the Co-Op opened, the stndents of thte University of Michigan were being citarged outrageously high prices. If the Co-Op were to close tomorrow, the old prices would pre- vail, In many cases they do still prevail, out- side of th~e Co-Op. Outr prices are very loss, even to non-muembhers. We buy Books, we sell Books. We sell Furnishings, Sta- tionery, Novelties, at prices consistently low. Join the Co=Op Don't Fool with yotur face. You cannot afford to take chances. Al- watys insast on W LI SS"TICK STATE SAVINGS BANK W.1 J.Boothi i iiiV. Shieehan Wmiu.SAnold lit. V. C. Vaughian Ja.11. WOade E F.Stills N. J.RKyr Johkaltcaret' Saul. Euu'iu Priof. 14 5. Carkuuet Frank I'. Gla-ziae- Chistian Slaetin ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.50 F..eiiy Gsa r'er..Seed u olcrCls are lt the}exta-ads' for'tineumoney. tius watch t'epaieingo apecialtiy. JL.Chapman, 206 S. Main St. THEFf'ARMENRS AND MinECHIANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital, $50,000, Surplus andi Prsfits, $65,e00 Doaes a GeneralBanukinig BusinesscantdPay 3 per cesnt intleest an Time and Savings Denposits. Safety IDeposit Boes ta rent at $2.06 and upwards R. 16 ssssrees. W. C. STEVE,vi'cePrs.- F. H. BaLSEs. Casii. B. A. W51L5,cAs Asst. . CHI AN CEfl~g ;S77 Niagara Falbs Rsufe ' Chicags Buffalo Boston New Ysrk 4.55 p. m., 9.30 p . lI. ITp. m. Lscals East--6051a.L111., elte1.10sa... *405tp- - Thsraugh TraissWest--.4, at . m~7.8 t. m.- 9. ISa. a., 33 p. en. 10.206 p. im. Locals West-024 alit., '0.20 M.,*140 P. m., *( 105psi. Conetionte'sa at Chicagafr tar LoLuis. Kalnsas City 011(1 (SicWest. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor BILLIARDS STIMPSON &c STIMPSON BILLIARDS